ursday, September 25, iOJl. - 1 T W IV 111 II V N L.MU Vacuum Bottles Keep Contents Hot or Cold Jse it to put Hnby'H Food in at nights. Splendid Value, 75c EMULSIFIED COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO A shampoo that gives the hnir tone .and vigor and easily .cleanses the scalp. Jtegulnr price 50c. ', Special, 25c. ORMES LIMITED THE REX ALL STORE. XW.WX T fTTTTTTTB i Phones 82 and 200. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle October 7, 17, 28 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway October 3, 13, 24 t 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For lutedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Line. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4U 8-rcet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rug?, b.. For Quality and Food Value Select ELECTRIC BREAD The Acme of Sweet Perfection! TJi Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Hox. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Phone 109.' Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Office Hours: 0 a. hi. to 0 p.m. CjQeii Evenings by Special Appointment 4- PRINCE RUPERT TIDE O 'o t j Thursday, 'September 25. HiRh t 11:34 a.m. 17.8 Low 23:32 p.m. 18.7 ! 5jI3 a.m. i7:32 a.m. 7.8 Friday, September 26 HMi 12:10 p.m. 18.7 1'Ow it.i50 a.m. 5.1 16:17 p.m. 0.4 Saturday, September 27 1S:4'3 ji.m. 10:8 HiKli 0;I4 .a.m. 10.7 12:i'3 juii. 10.8 'w 0:33 a.m. i.2 18:55 pan.' 1.0 Sunday, September 28 "lull ,.05 a.m. 20.0 J3;15 pan. 20.8 t'ow ..w 7ht 41,1)1, 3.7 41;pi pan. 3.7 Monday, 3optember 29 "iRh US 3 a.m. 21.2 13J48 pail. 21.0 J'Ow ...... ;7:i2 a.ui. 3.1 4o.:00 p.iii. 2.7 Tuesday, September 30 "teh 2:11 aan. 21.3 14:22 paii. p.m. 22.1 3.5 2.3 ft ft, ft. ft. ii il "Savage" Electric Washers' 'Hoover" Suction ' iioaners ai "Monarch" Malleable if Ranges " Ijl "HotDoInt" Electrical Goods "Valspar" Varnish and Enamals "Martln-Senour" 100 Paint "Sanola' Bathroom Ware "Kyanlze" Floor Enamel "Sunoco" Motor Oils i . COPPER PRICES CONTINUE LOW Review of Situation Given In Qranby News Indicates Possibility of Improvement For some time past, the durrrs have been expecting a rise in euptr prices, and have attempted several .things iu their own hehair to effect, this end, the most important movement being llw curtailment on the part or a number of big copper . companies of production, and which went jnto operation sonic months npo, nays the Oranby News. While question Ihe activities of the Copper and Jlrass Research Association, especially in connection with its advertising. It js felt that these differences of opinion aniDng copper producers .is responsible for much of the linstability characterizing the J copper situation, and which is lol evidenced in any other major 'industry. Most copper producers North and South America are (of Jirembers of Mip Copper and Hrass Association. I Necessity of Co-operation Following the close of the war the industry fell Ihe necessity of co-operation acutely. Mergers and integration of copper producers were in Ihe air and some developed. Notable examples were the Copper Kxoort Association. the Kennecoll-L'tah and the Chili-Anaconda m'ergers, the Calumet and Jlecla consolidation and the absorption of Chinn by Hay. The Depart ment of Justice hail to do with Ihe disentegration of Copper Export Association, because one of its duties is lo prevent collusion in price movements under power conferred by the Anti-Trust Law; but why Ihe most impoverished industry of all in the (Country should have been dating the leading copper com' panics Into a number of compact groups, iiKe mat wincn is now lakinsr place among Ihe railroads, or from a world revival In Ihe buying or metal, of from a combination of both, is at present in Ihe lap of the fro.ls. And they say nothing. WILL NOT ACCEPT MIRACLES SAYS DEAN Conflict Between Scence and Re ligion Discussed by St. Paul's Preacher. LONDON, Sepl. 25. "The con flict between science and religion is still far from being reconciled," said Very Ilev. V. 11. Iukc, the "gloomy Dean of St. 'Paul's" in his presidential address al the fionferenco of Modem Church men, Oxford. "It is an ope'n sore," continued Dean Inge, "that poisons the spirilunl life or the civilized world. It is difficult for a man o accept orthodox GhrUlianily,, s it is presented by the churches, without treachery to his sci entific conscience. ' "The injur)' thus inflicted upon religion ran hardly be mevas. ured. The result is thai intellectual honesty is largely drained out of the church, and public opinion within It; doc not re flect either the best k!nowJedg; or lb morif candid temper of the community. ..-',. "The question of miracles is 'for many the meaning of the pro- conflict he'wei religion and science." DINNER GiVEN FOR VISITING ROTARIAN District Governor Frank C. Rlggs of Portland Is Guest of Honor at Event this undoubtedly has Jutd some ' bearing on the fact that Conner ,'as' n'nl a little dinner was has been selling for a while back flven in Hie dining room of thei at 18 l-4c to 13 3Jc, it has not 'Intel Prince lluperf in order to proved lo be Ihe remeilv thai Kive ! . G. Higgs, governor of was bought. this Holary International district, oppcp buying both jn the an opportunity lo nieef the exe-United Stales and abroad has culivp and chairmen of commit - been small in volume lately, with ,ePS' of ,no ,oca' cluh. I)r- W. T, -rr j 1 tie producers holding the metal K''rffin P re hied ami there were around 13 5-8 and 13 3.4c, while a'so Present S. il). Johnstone, the market for modern tonnage George Hnrie, 1Y O. Dawson, covering the next two months is George Hryanf, lh-'F. Pullen, 13 1-2 to 13 5-8 for domestic ile- George Munro, J.- W. Nicholls. liveries, with Hie possibility of J,,,in Hyhhavn. V, K. Williams, the above prices being shaded for "r- irant and Tlios. McClymont. cloe. by shipment. The large '''"p whole field of Holary ac-buyers are inclined to hold off livi,y was canvassed in Ihe dis-and await developments, it being cssion which followed the din-tio secret that large slocks are wr- Tonight the district govern al present in transit and at the nor w'" address the members of refineries, which naturally must ",e c'u'' al a luncheon In the St. have an effect on the market, the ReP's ce- ' demand being insufficient lo ab- sorb Hip output' from, Ihe mines Q 1 MAPIFOH RFSinNl and refineries. This knowledge nl. f . Jl or output, which the producers FROM BOARD OF TRADE of copper have been publishing ...... .... .....K re- HulUj Renrets Expressed rent y been he cause of argu- MeeUn..- Held Yesterday mo it and d iv.ded opinion, re J Afternoon fulling in Hie suppression of, output ami sales figures heretofore disseminated by the copper interests ; and there is now a for pre-emptions arc to be addressed to the Land Com mlssloner of the Land Recording Division, in which the land applied for Is situated, and are made on printed forms, copies of which can .be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and improvements made to value of $10 per acre, lndudlne I clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of Aacant ajid unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural tiurposes; minimum price or .flrst-cjass (arable) land is H per acre, and second-class (grazing) land $2.50 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial Kites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leaned, tlie conditions Including payment of stum page. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acres, may be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence, and improvement conditions are fulfilled and land lias been surveyed, LEASES For grazing And industrial purposes areas not exceeding 640 acres muy be leased by. one person or a company. GRAZING 9 Under the Grazing Act the Province is divided into grazing districts and -Ota range Administered under a Grazing Commissioner. . Annual grazing permits are Issued based on numbers ranged, priority being iven to established owners. Stock-owners may form associations for range management. Free, or partly free, pennlts are available for, settlers, campers and travellers, up to ten bead. at At a meeting of Jlio council of the Hoard of Trade held in Hie fknlirf Aflllt'l Vow I ,,.! n r qflannnnn disposition in certain quarters to tl)P reiralion of "S. J. Macleod as president .of Ihe Jocal hoard was accepled with regret. Several members spoke of the loss the board would sustain and S. K. Campbell, mauasrc of the Jlauk of Commerce, rjnpahsie.d the loss Mr. Macleod' removal wouhj be ,(o Ihe banking frater nily of the city. He was a ma mm of LAND ilCT AMENDMENTS j PRE-EMPTIONS I Vacant, unreserved, surveyed ! Crown lands muy be pre-empted by I Itrltlsh subjects over 18 years of age, I and by uliens on declurlnK Intention to become British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, and Improvement for agricultural purposes. Full Information concerning regulations regarding pre-emptions is given in Bulletin No. 1, Land Series, "How to l're-empt Land," poples of which can be obtained free of charge by addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria, B.C., or to any Government Agent. Records will be. granted covering ; only land suitable for agricultural i purposes, and which is not Umber- land, i.e., carrying over 8,000 board Silipled out Wine people are still am, Bnoo feet per acre east of that womlerinfr. J'roducers are really looking for higher prices with Ihe ndjustini'iit oT reparations matters, and they feel that a lonf? period of sustained improvement is about to commence. Whether this continual uncer tainly in connection with copper will have the effect of consoli Jiunce. Applications "- i i who had played llie game fairly. in the profession iu which he was engaged. The formal resigna tion follows: "Dear Sirs: "Owing tn my removal from the city I Xind that it is necessary lo hand you herewith my resignation an president 1 of your ijoard. Prospects in the city and district appear to be bright and I regret veryk much havinsr In sever my connection wit h the' work at Ihe present lime. "I would like to thank the different members and the' secretary for lh loyal support they have given me during my term as president and may say that I always found them very willing In devtde their time and attention lo any matter brought before I hem, , "With best wishes for the future of your city and the present and future interests uf I lie lioard of Trade. I remain "Ilespecl fully Yours, S. J. Macleod." WHITE BEAR FROM PRINCESS ROYAL ISD. INTERESTS VICTORIA Is Kept at Beacon Hill Park But Is Property of Province VICTOHIA, Sept, 25. vThc itlle while bear (Ursus Ker- nodeii which was recently cap- lured al Princess Iloynl Island !juI now is a captive at Heacon till Park Ihe properly of the jrovince of Hntisli (.olumbia is receiving a great deal of atlen- ion here. A new bear house js o be creeled for its ,ac.com)noda- ion and meanwhile suggestions ire being made for its care. Visitors to Ihe park all pose is near experts who know ex- iclly what little Ursus ought to iave...Soine of them suggest bet- er shelter, Jrgelling that on 'rjiicess Hoyal Island il had no heller and it rains a great deal here. Others think jt ought Jo le feu noney, hut lucre is no loney lo he obtained on Princess loyal. Most of the women would ike lo fondle it and think it a shamfe lo confine She pretty little chap to a small space. Discussions rage here as to whether the Ursus Kermodei is eally a different species of bear or just a freak. It js pointed wl that there have never been more Uiuns about a dozen of Ihe while bears taken or shot and hat so far as known they are confined to Princess Royal and dribble Islands with perhaps a few of the surrounding islands. 1'he specimen here is a valuable one. and many offers lo pur- hasr it have been received IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY DRILLING IN THE WEST EDMONTON, Sept. 25. Drill- ng for oil under the direction of the Imperial Oil Go, is nroceed- ng In several parts of the pro vince and good progress Is be- ng mtole. At fioalspur. west of Edmonton on Ihe C.X.R. coal ranch, the fourth Imperial well for the season is hejng drilled and (ho crn1 has uovv reached a depth of close to 1,200 feet. At Illce Greek, forty miles west flf Nanlon, Ihe. Imperial is ttrlling a new well and the bit CANADIAN SERVICE PAGE FIVE BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1925. Has produc-ed Minerals as follows; Placer Oold, $70,002,20: ; Lode Gobi, jp 1 1 n -534,055; Silver,, $03,532155; Lead, $58,132,001; Copper, $170,040,D08; Zinc, $27,-004,750; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,408,257; Goal and Coke, 250,008,113; litfihfing Stone, UriCk, Cemeiil, etc., $30,', 15,23V; making its Mineral Production to the 'end ol 1023 show an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those or any .other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the Hrilisli Umpire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are siblatikiul l.v . j v.w.Ti(, ijuv-ji jii wjici me seciiriiy oi wiiicli guaranteed by Grown Grants. ' , Full information together with Mining Reports and Maps, may bo obtained gratis is addressing is by THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. A Thousand Miles of Scenic Splendor on your way to EUROPE YOUR triD to Europe on the popular "A" ships of the CUNARD-CANADIAN Line has a magnificent becin-nine with the three days spent on the glorious St Lawrence River, from Montreal to the Atlantic. Every mile holds a treasure of beauty to delight the eye; just as the ships themselves' provide every luxury and -comfort in transatlantic travel. The "AN DAN I A," "ANTONIA" and "AUSONIA" are a trio of modern and mighty one-cibin ships that have been the happy homes of thousands of delighted travellers since they were launched. The "CARMANIA and "CARONIA," the largest pair of Cabin Class steamships in the world, sail from Quebec, thus giving an opportunity to visit this picturesque and historical city and also enjoy the St. Lawreuce Route. For rates and sailing dates, see the Cunard Aent in your town, or write to The Cunard Steam Ship Co., Limited .622 Hastings St., W. . VANCOUVER, D.C iV s said to be down some 100 feet.! The new Imperial well lo be drilled a mile and a half north i of the lingers well, some thirty! miles north of Ihe inlernational j border, is expected to be spudded in al any time now. The derrick has been comjplelcd and the machinery for the rotary drill transferred from Coulls has been erected. The deep lest at liic No. 4 well of the Iloyalile Company, near Hlack Diamond at Okotoks, has attained a" depth of over 3,-500 feet ami is now in a very io-teresling stage of the work. Considerable difficulty is being met with because of Ihe depth and the work is necessarily being proceeded with very slowly. TIMBER SALE X 6489. There will be ottered for Sale at Tubllc Auction, at noon on the till day or October, IVil, lu the orrice or the Furest luuifi'r at Duma Lake, B.C., the Decline X 4Mt. to rut JO, (too tlea, on an area United on the south Miore or KrancoU Lake, at Llppincott Bay, Itanire 4, jna;t District.. Two ( years will be allowed ror removal or Umber. "I'rovlde.d that any one unable to attend the Auction In person may submit a ?aled lender to be opened ut the hour or miction and treated a one bid." Further particular or the Chler Fores-i-r, Victoria. n.C, or District Forester, I'rlnce llupert, B.C. NOTICE. notice la hereby y'ven that application will be made to the Legislative Assembly or the Province or British Columbia at the neit session thereof, for an Act tnaklnir iuuvisiuii ur ins vesting or Kellers. I pro M-rty or the Presbyterian Church In Can ada, the Methodist church and the Con areiraiional Clmrclies or Canada, In the United Church of Canada; for the lioldlnr. itse and admlQlstratlun of the property or ronfrrefratloiia cmerlnn the union or the ' id churches to torm the United Church u t.anada, and ror the holding: or the property or ronrrexatiun votinv nut to concur therein; ror the trusts relating- to neral and conrreKatlonal property) and a-eiierall.v ror the carrying r the ald union into effect. Dated at Victoria. British Columbia, una viii uaj m oriMrimirr, A. II. 1VY4. CLE&HIIIUE t STllAITH, 1ib l.anirley street. Victoria. B.C. uu ucuau oi me applicants. WW I0SS5 1 arm eauhj For the straight figure A lightly boned corset with the top two inches abqve the waist line in front. It has a medium high back and curved elastic section under the bust. Medium length skirt with elasticscctions in front and rear. Four hooks and eyes and three sets hose supporters. Made of pink figured batiste. Sizes 22 to 34. H. S. Wallace Co., Limited. LAND ACT. Caialar Land District. rtcrordlnc district of prince ruipert. and situate In Allin Lake, about one hair mile due west or Atllu Townstte. TAKK NOT1CK that Paul I.. F.Kgert. or Atlln, in the Province or British Columbia, occupation Jeweller, Intends lo apply tot permission to purchase the followtnir described land: CouuiienctruT at a post planted at the Muth point or the small Island known as Second Island In Atlln Lake, situated an above; thenre northwest and on a room! till Island rnllowlnir the shore line to the plane or .cwuimencruient; and cuntaluliiR tttn acre, more or less. Sept. 3rd, 1891. PAUL LOUI3 ECOERT,