Saturday, Juno 28, 1021. SAND SETS AND SAND PAILS T,"n Sjieeinl 55c 2.V Sprial . 30c Special 20c "0r Special . BlueRibbon Tea ? Good house-keepers are careful to specify BLUE RIBBON when ordering TEA. They do this because they know they will get the best tea in the market at the lowest price that the best can be sold for. There is no tea in Canada so good or economical as BLUE RIBBON. Ti Special Prices For a Few Days Only. WAKE THE CHILDREN HAPPY AT SMALL COST. if.. ,i:t ."I.. l Sail Boats Special . S f n- . , SICrl . , Special 10c . 25c 35c . 60c SI .15 M otor Boats 2.50- Hpc i ll .... $1.85 l..0 .... $1.15 GARDEN TOOLS H'lr Special illc Special . . . . 55c . . . . 30c 20c 35c eMaeMvs.JM Sr. r Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Ten-ace, B.C. NfW open In:- service under mjiniigcmc nl of Mrs. M. H."eii. Ideal pi, ire I" ("Ih miI your -ti m hut hoidas. Iteas-ounhlfl 'rules, (inod lumie conking. Comfortable rooms. Fishing. Matting, Balhing hi LikcNe Lake and Slreanis. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace T-AlXI Motors '4fi(rMliiig Taxi and Laiu'eh Service lieleeu Termet m l l.ndg lauding, ussiiring jni; t of quirk, comfortable. tr,p. av opcrHliug tiixi service to all parts of the valley. Krtr reservations and rale, apply to "LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, 11 TERRACE, B.C. 4W k i - - R cups per pound m. &lJ00J coef 4B" I jresn in ine jvajoojo Vacuum tin a NABO VACUUM PACKED COFFEE KI1LV, UUUbLAI. C CO. tl U. 48i Local and Personal ' " - - B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Maynera, Undertaker. Pboue 361. tf July 1. Dance at the Rink at 9.30 p.m. 153 Yvt'H Lcvritie is mailing on the Prince Huperl tonight for Van couver. Mr.' Adam Macklc Is Bailing ontKltl on I lie Prince lluiert for v ancuuvcr. For cjualily and preparation gel Huulera' Coal. Phone Green G22 or Blue 515. tf Special Month Knd Sule. Sweep ing reductions in all departments ill Till' l'iirtiitiit'f ulni'i Ifl'' - illi iloycr returned hy the Prince Huperl yesterday after, noon from a trip to Vancouver. William (iil(llil(iinl returned hy Hie euturo yesterday after noon from a business trip to Vancouver. Prince Ituperl September l lo 13. Inhibition Kxbibilor please call at ollice for prize-liouks now. 1 1 Mi Sum l'ryen and Miss lltith Pryee called on Hie Princess Beatrice thin morning fr Vancouver. Mr. II. S. Hum oailed ou the Princes 1 leu I rice liHlay for the south. Mr. Hum Is lo join her in a few days. Dinner set. U7 and 52 piece at discount prices. Draperies and rarcpls at special price-, a! lilr Furniture Store. 15 Qlieu of Prince llunerl an invited to attend a luncheon lit Commander lloe, nl SI. Ilejri Cafe. Monday, al 1 o'clock. Tic ket l to he oliluinf.1 at the time of the luncheon. Mr. and Mr. Uoiula Vau liaw returned In Die eilv on las iiisrlii train from Terraec and left for (heir home in MasM'M They have een on a honeymoon inp followfiiK their .recent jnar nae. ' I'ourin? of ceineul for Ihe foundation of the new Preshy- erian Churrh ou Fourth Avenue Kasl ha jusl ctnmiencsl and Arrliiterl A. A. Cox report that 4(od pn?res is heinp made on the projeot. .Mot or hip Dellinshaiu. (UinL l.en Williams, arrived in port al lit unlock this mornfmr from Ketchikan and is uu 1 mil i n liem's of mild cured salmon al Ihe lloyal Fih Co.'s dock, fur transshipment Kal. Mr. and Mrs. Itexinald Iteau- inoiit and family and Mrs. Leys, Mrs; He uuniottl s inolher. are sailhig' on the Prince lluiierl for Vancouver where Mr. Ileaumuiil will assume hi new ilulic as iiiauaser of Ihe C.ii.M.M. eonstul steamer. Clarence Woodruff tif Ihe slrlT of llryaul A Co. ha ef( the em ploy of that firm and went south lllis inorninir ou the steamer Venture. le is making one or two call on his way to Vancou ver. He was one of the popular young men here and his friends will regrel his leaving. July 1 Football final, 3.30 p.m. G.W.V.A. vs. S.O.E. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from I p.m. until 0.30 p.m. and on oilier weekdays nl 2, 4 and C. 45 p.m. The last boat home each day will ljave Ihe Salt Lakes lloal sharp al 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parlies specially arranged for. Launches, rowboals and canoes for sale and hire. Prince Huperl Hoal house. Dr. Mariel's Female Pill H.t. tuiaUd lUtur thouundt eiululhIf eniurr, eomctlnv csum, building1 up and tnwth.nlnf organ., rII.Yinr DKLAYKD, and PAINtUL MKNSTKUATION. NERVOUSNESS, llACKACHK. DIZZINESS, etc nudanjrroudrua-f. Soldantyln &ald lllng-CoverTlN BOX with our tlgnatur. Dnigci.u viwh.r,or dirwt by mail, vlaln Mckaic ti 00 KckKWskw lUiJf C... II E. tcaat Su. TwoaU, Caa. Cln.l.i aaiUa WML THI DAILY NITWB. PATJR THREE r How good is ypur best recipe if you havel to bake it in an unreliable range? For more than 70 years Happy Thought Ranges have given Canadian women (more than 300,000 of them) unequalled .satisfaction. They are wonderful bakers, easier to use, easier to keep s pick and span, more economical and have many Jabor saving attachments that you will appreciate. Inspect one this week without any obl'-ation on your part. SOLD BY KA1EN HARDWARE Co. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. - FURNACES - 37 July 1 Baseball Ocean Falls vs. Rupert, 1 and 6.30 p.m. l&J .inin? room and lied room furniture at prices that cannot lie iieaten at Tile Furniture Sale. 152 effective July I. the charm for ladies' haUxutlinv school irirls xeepled wilUhe advanced lo 7Jc M ince Hupttrt Jlarher.s Asocia- ion. .-. I53 Mis Irene Watherlieail of Ihe loeal school Jtearhin;,' staff is sailinp on Monday night for Vancouver where slie will gpend the summer holiday. T - Donald Hoss.Justruclor of the local manual training school, and Mrs. Hoss are sailing touilit for Vancouver where Ihey will spend the summer varaliou. 4- Mrs. J. K. llussell and on of AnyiiX sailed hy Hie Princess Healrice this moriiiug for Van couver enrmite lu Winnipeg on a two mouths' holiday visit. - - - Mi Holier! a Dill, school leacher nl Oeorg'ctown, arrived in Hie oily last uipht and will ail tonight on the Prince Huperl for Vancouver where she will spend the summer vacation. - - Hev. G. II. Hloor, Fpiscopal pastor or Philadelphia, is a visitor in Ihe city registered at Ihe Prince Huperl Hotel. He arrived from the llast on lal niphl s train and will proceed from here lo Vancouver. Mr. Hloor expresses keen delij:ht with the mountain scenerv between here and Jasper and has heen particularly impressed with Ihe wild life. If Kasterners knew more of it. there would lie larger numl.eis visit tin part of Hritish Columbia he says. Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morning worship al 11 o 'lock Subject: "(iod und Man together in council." Sunday school at 12.30. tXi'iiitig service al 7.30. Subject : "The Inner Meaning of Loyally." Preacher. Hev. II. It. (iraut, D.D. Lutheran Church SI. Paul's Kngllsh Lutheran ' Church. Metropole Hall. Third Avenue. Hev. P. K. Haisler. H.D. pastor. Sunday sei-viees---tun iday school al 5):15 n.'nt. Morning niiiii .11 ii (i chick. ternion lople: "Divine F.nthusiasin." Kvening service at, 7.30. Sermon topic: "(Sod's JlesJ fiift lo Man." Baptist Church Morning worship at II o'clock. 'Combination service Church niiil dni.l.kt. . .. I. . .1 ... a.. ,i .1 ...... 'uuiij niffi lueiuer the church al school and the school at Churclu Classes for all ages.- Kvening service at 7.30. SllllliW'l "lliinlnlt... .. I I. ....j. . , uiiu teatii-: iug." Preachew4HeV,I. J, Smithi son. voinmunioir at close ol evening svice. . ' SCHOOL CLOSES AT OONA RIVER Entertainment Is Given by Pupils! of School under H. V. Grayston OONA HIVKll, June 28, The xehool cloxin? took place here mil Thursday when a concert -wasj Biven hy the children under thel direction of their leacher, II. V. (Jraylou. The honor roll were preeuled and al the cloxc David I Hadland in a horl address I thanked the teacher on hehalf. of the community for tlie good work I he had done. The honor rolls I went to Atrid Maria Hanson for proficiency, to Axel siixteii HaiiHon for regularity and punctuality! and (o Lillian Hadland for de portment. The following was the pro gram of the entertainment: O Canada Class. The Three Dilly Ooal8 Gr. 1. "lied in Summer," Vcruard Fomiiii. "The Mermamd," class. "I.itlle llateese,M Astrid Han son. "The Wind and the Sun," Wind; Axel tsun; Chris tian Man. "Heart of Oak" Class. "How I he Dear's tail, cle." Selma Hadland. I ItPHiliii" Yum Carol Lillian Hadland. The Walker of the snow," Dapncy Norherg. "Canadian Dat Song," Class. I " FroiJs al School," Alfred. 'The Daffodils," Anna Had-I land. John Peel," Class. "Alice and the White Uueen," Marpuerile 1'ossum. "The (ireeu Cirass," Class. "The King." PAINTING AND WIRING OF FAIRHALL FINISHED! Exhibition Board Is Now Planning to Further Improve Interior of Structure L. O. I.arsen has finished hir contract for the painting of lhr Fair ltuildiug and the structurr on Acropolis Hill now presents ,very pleasing outward appear. .mice. The Fair Hoard's huildinp committee is now studying out plans for further improvement of the interior. The rewiring of the building hy the city lias been fin-iushed and an efficient and safe system has been installed replacing the old and dangerous one. The Fair Hoard intends lo do work this year which will make the building a decided asset U Ihe city. "She isn't a friend of yours, is she" "No." "Then she couldn't have said such a mean thing about you."--I.e Petit Parisien. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 'lender will be received by the undersigned up lo 12 noon. July I In. for Ihe suiidv and delivery of approximately one hundred and forty thousand flel U.M. hemlock or allernutivelv fir lim ber, al Delkalla slough. Massell, Queen Charlotte Islands. Speei- ficalions and hill of ouauliiies may be seen, at the oflice of Ihe district engineer. Prince Huperl, H.G., Posl Ollice. Mussel t and Post Ollice. Port Clements, H.C.. Lowest or any tender nol necessarily accepted. H. M. TAYLOIl. . District Hngiueer. Prince Huperl, 11.11. ADVANC1 NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE Auclion Sale will be held at Oraham Avenue. Section 2. below Stork's residence. Thursday. July 3. Prince Huperl Exrhangc. Auctioneers. 18 TORONTO II i Ia In Centre of ShODDina H 191 and Business District H W ROOMS m M EUROPEAN PLAN 15 I. WINN1TT tHOMOH.MAM .Ol- I DGDENS CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN . ALWAYS THE SAME Kl iM ogden's WW LIVERPOOL zlb.TIN YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnic. 'hpoe "ltupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in Ihe pantry are always handy. Slock a supply on jour bual that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of Ihe Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Free Delivery in Prince Rupert. "Cascade" Beer stands up to every test or purity the lest of the chemist the test of the food expert the test of the connoisseur At the Government ff Ti . .V It Liquor ator. r IllPnPPt With fit it ft Uoa VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Control Board or by the Government oX Iirltiih ColuiaWft'