te rf Waiti Lang 4 nce Eve {ARTNESS embie imple n it irdl ay of lally cool ) OF OURS to vou ional pre 41 a M. Wilkie of Otta va, is presented to Queen Mother Elizabeth achers given in tare grounds of Londo Canterbury ng in line in ord sstaff, Vancouver; are Mrs. E Marion Haired Senorita Cracks Male MONTREAL «? cious red-head temporary duties in consular A slight viva has assumed Montreal's corps, a traditionally male stronghold Senorita Isabel A. Figueredo Y Vallejo has become Cuban con- William who has a month As Cuban consul, Miss Figuere- do will sign consular invoices issue Cuban import permits and advise Canadians on the brands of Cuban cigars, which she claims are the best in the world A Doetor in Social Sciences and a Bachelor of Arts graduate of the University of Havana, she turned to a consular career be- cauSe she lives to travel and live in different places I want to change often as possible, because you learn new things wherever you * Miss Figueredo said in an interview. In two years she has represented Cuba in Puerto-Rico, St. Louis, Mo., Detroit, Norfolk, Va., and New York She is proud her family patriotic record Her rand father, Perucho Fifueredo, is the author of Cuba’s national an- them, the Bayemesa, and het father was one of the leaders of Cuba's indepen- lence sul-general, replacing Espinoza Y Dominguez returned to Havana for places as £0 of truggie for from Spal: Diplomatk tracting women, t careers are at more Cuban Our delegate Nations is a have at lea all more and she said United and We CONSUIS Oo the woman women world haat MRS Hosts lo ‘ ) Bul ¢ <¢ odye Prince R IOOF over upest Oddfello were hosts to th: Terrace Saturday at which combined lodges Third Degree, on lodge time conferred Brother the the Dexte Ceremony was followed bv a presentation to Brother Gree who has been transferred to Te! race, Refreshments and ‘cards finished an enjoyabi. evening vatot at the tel fool Vithdraw a t not wor houted ignant Democrat Adds to And Downs of Elevator Boy Coe ators have more than their jam-packed Conrad Hilton, the in en already-filled “jevator last t the insistence of the operator dlessly acation { lugaqaqe the, D Ba. 15 Or Gladsto ashion as 7° Discount ° hereyc, you a9 Suppl Y vou with n, Neg he Twin Sets, eS luggage we nes Footwear 2 cet ees ey —_ 1 -~ as? ata i's historic Lambeth Palace, Beh nd the Queen, making the forma! introductions Bernice McDonald Jackson, Toronto; Edna Vancouver; Elizabeth ‘CP PHOTO) Domain Surprise Shower For Bride-Elect Mrs. Wm. Wasyk and Mrs Henry Butt were joint hostesses at a surprise shower held at the former's home on Tuesday even- ing for Miss Mellaine Brechin, whose marriage to Bill McIntyre takes place August 7 During the evening games were played, winners being Mrs. | M. Lemon, Mrs. J. Mussallem and Mrs. J. McGregor A daintily decorated hamper laden with gifts was presented to Miss Brechin Those present, including the ;}guest of honor, were Mrs. C Brechin,. mother of the bride- to-be; Mrs, Wim, Wasyk, Mrs. H Butt, Mrs. J Dbideattene’ Mrs. G Harvey, Mrs. A. Slater, Mrs. V Dodd, Mrs, A. Hinton, Mrs. J McGregor, Mrs. W. Polowsky Mrs. M. Lemon, Mrs. Irving, Mrs W. D. McAra, Mrs. W. Pobureny and the Misses Rose Pobureny and Donna Macarthur Those sending gifts but unable to attend were Mrs. H. A. Dodd and Miss Marian Shenton Bungalow To Be Given Away At Exhibition TORONTO.Some jucky per son housing dian problem at the Cana- National Exhibition this year. It’s a brand new bunga’ow of contemporary design to be given away the last night of the Bie Fair Howevet Giveaway other visiters to the Bonealow won't L: disappointed. They may new gatage, a new car, or one of the many attractive nishings, Mrs. Kate Aitken ector of women’s activiites, announced r win a fur- dir has This vear’s smart five-roomed bungalow has Len designed to house an averafe-'ycome Cana dian family of four. Visitors will meet the Browns, Canada’s bi- get family at work and play in the Giveaway Bungalow Built with an eye te comfort as well as economy, the bunga- low features a number of spac2- Saving built-ins plus a moveable dividing partition in the child- ren’s bedroom that converts it into a large playroom by | night } Sid | Recipe’ | With green peppers in plentiful | Supply in the stores at present, jand canned salmon handy as jour pantry shelves, today’s re- | cipe for Salmon-Peppers Pacific |is right in season. This filling is an appetizing biend of canned salmon, corn and sharp cheese, and can be used as a filling in aS many ways as your versatile imagination can invent! 4 tbsps. flour 4 tbsps. butter 1% cups milk % cup sharp cheese 1 tsp. salt Dash onion or garlic salt 2 cups (1 lb.) canned salmon 2 cups whole kernel corn 6 large green peppers ‘4 tsp. pepper Blend butter and flour and cook | provement costs. lightly in a saucepan. and stir until melted. Season. then add flaked salmon and corn | Cut | which have been drained tops from peppers, remove seeds and parboil for 3 minutes. Drain | Fill| — with salmon mixture and bake in | hot oven (400°F.) about 20 min-| and place in baking dish utes. May be baked in ramekins instead of ppers. Serves 6 , FISHING TACKLE Pionning a fishing trip? See us for your needs. See our window display UU | Town and District Ts will ‘find the answer to the| any | day | |}and two separate bedrooms by | } | i | Was accompanied by Add milk | » and stir until thick and smooth | Add cheese cut into small pieces | ili aati BENDIX~Home Laundry 7 FOR WORK.-FREE WASH-DAYS Deluxe $349.95 1F-YOU CAN AFFORD A WASHER — YO! CAN AFFORD A BENDIX McRAE BROS. | Prince Rupert Daily News | Friday, July 25, 1952 YOU'LL MAKE A HIT IN THE Arrow “Par” WITH POPULAR WIDESPREAD COLLARI City Police Head Leaves To Take Up New Interior Post Sergeant FE. A. (Art) Wales, head of the city detchment RCMP here for the past year and a half, left last night for Cranbrook, He is travelling by boat to Vancouver and will go by train from there. ‘ eal FATAL HIGHWAYS er ! TORONTO CP)—A total of 331 Seems everybody likes the Ar- row Par with perfect-fitting widespread collar! Par is com- fortable, modern — smart-look- att. Wales will ta the C1 brook Ross ( 1 its! Mi placing 8: persons were killed on Ontario ing with all your suits! Mitoga coming to Prince Rupert hithways during the first six cut for that body tapered fit : mnths of this vear h and Sanforized, of course Mr. P. L. Picot. reoresent2 han in the corresponding period (shrinkage less than 1%). Come of 1951 Seventy-eight killed in June glone. readers " of the Automatic Electric Sale Corporation at Mansfield, Ohio, paid a social cal] yesterday on |Eric Janes, superintendent of | telephones here. Mr. Picot’s firm were in for your Arrow PAR today! 4 TINTS. & NICKERSON are distrib 1tors fo produ { Automatic Electric Company, the . a ‘Tie f . firm ‘that will instal ‘the new e A. . ee a oue- MEN’S CLOTHING telephone system here if a by- /OMERS — Yesterday's adver- . law now being prepared is en- ‘Sement in the Daily News| Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 345 quoted Miracle Whip 16 oz. at 29c. This should have read 8 o7. at 29c. (1t)' dorsed by citizens R. M. Jacks, sales representa- tive, of Dallas, Texas, made a |§ tour of the city today while on | his way to Skagway, Alaska. on | the Princess Kathleen. Mr. Jacks 20 friends FOR ARROW SHIRTS | . 2 ” | | The Rev. Canon Basil Prockter of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, re- turned yesterday from Victoria where he spent four weeks as | Navy chaplain at Royal Roads | Naval College. While in Victoria. |Rev. Prockter represented the | Prince Rupert diocese at the in- duction of Dean P. R. Beattie at Christ Church Cathedral, July 115, Rev. Prockter returned via | Vanderhoof where he spent the | week-end assisting in church | services LADIES’ CREPE SLIPS Sizes 32 to 40 Req. to $4.95 NOW ONLY $2.99 SWELL TAILORED | SELECTIVE BUYERS | WINNIPEG (CP) Charles |Hignett, regional supervisor |Central Mortgage and Housing | Corporation, said house buyers | here are becoming more selective | They are especially careful of | houses in districts with local im- M io PERFECT FITTING ELECTROLUX SALES AND SERVICE Phone: Green 960; Evenings, Blue 970. Box 1626 For genuine parts and service phone or write above cer. ria = You'll welcome CALVERT HOUSE ° : : Just for its smoothness, light body and delightful bouquet. Here’s a whisky you'll really enjoy! at RS I Nig. 5 Be ae ak e You'll welcome CALVERT HOUSE again because its outstanding quality brings you rare value. . . it’s the best buy in fine Canadian Whisky! na Wiehe ns ae * * . . Canatianh . - CALVERT DISTILLERS LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT, THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA nN ase i a gti: ee arial iiet aeetteia