f agi roan. fJZ TB DAILY T Friday, July 18, 19?, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui Money CLAD TO "bEE. TOO RE JObT bAT- 1 THOOCHT I wOZ. ICK - TO ,'bAY "HELLO" AND TOO DOCTOR m TIME - (bOT tEND UP As OOCTOR.THERE'S UOOK XOOOT THE A REAL. INNAUtD IIS MX ROOK Orders HO-WPiTAL SI vV II On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vaoalion visit to the Old Land early? For Ticket.), Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insuranoe and Steamship Agenoy. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT dentist. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Houra, 9 te 6. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Per Special Appointments. - ML S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit .. .. 75o Phone 774. 820 Third Avenue P.O. I3ox 88. Prince llupert, 1J.C. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Coal, From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box SS. I I iL- I -11 r I in me inciter oox I MAKES PROTEST Edilor Daily News. As a taxpayer, I wish to protest against the Swimming Club being allowed to commercialize the 'Sail Lake for Ihe special privilege of the Prince llupert Hoal. House. The Sail Lakes are being' kepi up by the collections and dona-lions of Ihe public, - oily and provincial government, and therefore is Ihe properly of Ihe public. In advertising Ihe hid Timers picnic, which is to be held on July 20. it is staled that lite public will be carried free from the Prince Hupert Boat House, butJIiat a charge of 25c and r0c ill he made before Ihe citizens' will be allowed to enter their; own grounds. The oflicials of Ihe Swimminsr Club pulled olf a stunt last year iniilai lo the one Ihey are try ing to pull olT at Ihe present time. lhe general public know from past experience that the Prince llupert Hoal House are iibl in business for their health, so it is natural to suppose Iha't a large portion of the entrance fees are being handed over lo them for transiHirline the public to the lakes. On July I L JfIloWiik- . , V'-vn (who I understand is presi denl of the swiinining club 1 "was poken lo over Ihe phone, anil was told f hat Ihe launches Joy Hird and Dixie Hupert. were prepared to co-operate in whatever arrangements were being made in regard lo Ihe transporting of the public lo the Salt Lakes on luly 20, Mr. Hoddie staled that ar rangements were as yet in complete, but luilLas soon as they were, we would be inforin- d. Mr., ftoddie has failed to com municate wiln us since, and ap parently has no intention of doing so. We have been operating a re gular passenger service from Cow Hay HVJUhe Salt Lakes, and Ihe olllcial of the swimming cluh are well aware of Ihe fact so why Ihe apparent discrimina lion against us, and In favor of Ihe Prince llupert Hoal House l'hanking you, I remain, II. L. NF.WCOMH. COMPLAIN OF INDIAN METHOD OF FISHING Flagrant violations of the flame Act by Indians occupied a great deal of the time at Ihe board of trade meet ins: on Mon- liday night, incidents being dis closed that called for very seri ous consideration and Ihe de. manil lor drastic aciinn says me Interior News. Among others it was pointed out that the In dians had depleted Ihe stock of fish at Johnson Lake, near Har-rrlt. by netting, while oilier members related the general FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon V M o rrmicr ) 5356 French dresses of the fne cotton materials almost aluvys have a little soft fulness below the shoulder and i the neck in back, and vf course .. are invariably trimmed with hand- The French live a wsy tot using just a little fulness at the neck and shoulders of their fine lingerie dresses which has a softening effect and mates a thin material look very much prettier than when it is cut in a plainer fashion. It if an excellent war to handle the cotton voiles, fine cotton crepes, handkerchief linen and silk or cotton Georgettes. In thrs; materials the threads draw easily for the handwork that is used so much this Summer. White crepe de Chine is very fashionable and it is possible, though not particularly easy, to pull the threads in it. flowing into rivers and lakes, still others lelllng of Indians and others shooting deer close lo the railway. Tlie discussion worked in with pluns lb have Ihe Game Conservation Hoard hold meetings in this district, and il is the intention to use every ef fort lo have a stop put to the practice. SEVEN BOATS SELL FISH AT EXCHANGE Halihut sales this morning from seven boats amount ed to 61.000 notinds. details of which follows: Lincoln. 21.000. at 11.10 and lion, n- in njnu'jai ioijihi acifio Fisherfe. -, vffi n Sherman, 3)qYt, VftiTJ andfi.iiO lo Cold Slorge. VETERANS WON FOOTBALL GAME Beat Sons of England by Four to Two In Match Last Night In Ihe second football game of the Stuart Sliielit series between the Ci.W.V.A. and Ihe Sons of Kngland, played on Ihe Acropolis Hill grounds last night, the Vets won by a score of 4 goals lo 2. For Ihe soldiers W. Mitchell and Norwood both scored two goals while Geo. Howe scored both points .for Ihe Sons. The Sons of England were handicapped by the absence pf Dick Lambe at full , back and only played ten men, throughout Ihe game. The following teams were fielded: Sons of England Dick Howe and Shenlpn, goal; Dick Howe, full hack; Hales, Kelsey and P. Cameron, half backs; Geo. Hill, I). Mathieson, P. Tinker, Dickens and (Jen. Howe, forwards. (J.W.V.A. Knox, goal; Lord anil Harlon, full iiaeks; Find ley. Murray and A. . Hunter, half backs; llobcrtstuf, .Russell, Norwood, YV. Mitchell and .1. Johnson, forwards. T. Jones rcfereed the game and Hob Warrior and icled as linenieiyj -Th"? rCarmr. rn,.o C.to.i. Ill nnt.' nl i 1 nriil '"" " '-" " I. Sims hill mil and ann wie ) ejs vKeii, uirwn had most oftflifplay in Ihe first hair, (he ftnrward having no trouble in gflling through the opposing ni'Jence. a penally awarded IhF soldiers from fl. Shenlon, vlifgh was taken by W. Murray was saved by Dick Howe in goal for he Sons. Shortly ifler W. Mitchell scored Ihe firsl goal for Ihe Vets and on a nice centre from .1. .lolfnson was successful in gelling another tally Ihe Sons then broke through anil (Jeorge Howe with a long high sho beat Knox, wTin fell down as he tried to save. From Ihe centre Ihe Vet forwards got away and Norwood got a close in shot giving the goal keeper no chance. At half tide the score was 3-1 in favor of the (J.WA.A In Ihe second half the Sons of England changed their line-Up pulling Dick Howe at full back and Sbenlon in goal. The Sons had most of Ihe play in Ihe second half but in litis several good chances of scoring wen1 missed. The play centered in the midfield for a while. The Vet forward line eventually gnl busy and Norwood again scored with a close in shot. From the cenlro Ihe Sons got away and Oeo. Howe scored the second tally for ills. -side. The final score was 4-2 in favor of Ihe O.W.V.A. aTT IV, 1.1. .u ....... I 7.50 lo Cold Storage. - SnniT I ht i Point May, 8,500, at 13 amljt Y. I t ,nj iir jiijjui J inn v.j Hose Spit, 13,000, al 13.10 and 8.10 to Royal Fish Co. Commissioner Dryan of the Alberta provincial MACDONALD'S Elite Cud For those Smokers who tike their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALtfS Fine Cut Yzb. tin80 For this year's shoot at Hisley new and smaller targets will be used, the bull's eye at the 200 lynrd distance having been re- police force'dueed froth eight lo six incites habils of Ihe Indians in seltingjwas in Ihe city last evening andund the bulls-eye a al tiels at the moulh of all creeks went south o nlhe sleainer. yard range from 20 the aim lo 18 111- ,z Lb 15 u O l2 iNT u Fiaturi Smvicc. Inc. Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea thnn BOc (J WANTED WANTED Immediately. Smart girl for general work In hotel. Wages $ 10 a month and board. Permanent place for suitable girl. Send particulars. H. Carvalh, fJrandview Hotel, South Hazelton, JI.C. WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phono 652. WANTED. Experienced sleno- grapher. Apply in writing staling experience lo Cold Storage. t70 WANTED TO RENT Small fur nished shack. Apply A. Peterson, general delivery. WANTED. Experienced book keeper. Apply Canadian Steam Laundry. tf AGENTS WANTED OLD firm of men'a clothing manufacturers will now sell their entire output direct to consumer through appointed representatives in . each district Your full time will yield you an assured Income but if you' are employed during the day your spare time will bring you profitable returns. Experience not necessary. We leach you bow. Our proposition is for yoill Free samples. Write today and gel exclusive territory. Dept. liO, Wilson-llradshaw Co., Hox 1015, Montreal. e 1 1 1 i" 1 ii hi hi 1 1 ' BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Otlicc, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf LOST LOST. Pocket book between Oirand Trunk Wharf and Third Avenue. Finder please n turn lo Daily News ollice. FOUND FOUND. An LO.U. Owner can have same at Daily News ollice by 'proving ownership and paying ibr this advertisement, l.f FOUND gold walch chain. Apply Dally News offxe. If MISCELLANEOUS FOR DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, phone 427. dies, i nese new targets art1 expected to reduce materially Hie number of ties which have been such a notable feature of lite past Hisley meetings. Tyrus Raymond Cobb, deter mined o set a record for senr lug zoo or more nits a season is.olT to a flying start lo achieve litis goal before the curtain drops on the. 1924 season. The famous (leorgia Peach .is starl ilig the final half of lite, pentiunl race wilh 101 hits to his cieilil. the best perfqiurance. to dale In the major leagues. Cobb's consistent hitting has placed him third in the list of American lea gue batters, wilh an average of .3 411. Jantieson, of Cleveland, is still out in front with .30, while Hoone, of Hoslon, Is second with .351. Kaho Itulli is apparently 'having a bant lime kerping up ' among the leaders, hut he is monopolizing the spotlight in Shilling homers. Ken Williams, SI. Iitiis, was unable In gel. the ball out of Ihe lot and is nurs ing his 14. Eddie Collins, While Sox captain,, conlliuiiSs to-blnte lite Irnll for the' ba'sev'sleaiers with 19. Goods. CitlBriitinrihuiewrv4. 7'St FOR SALE OR SALE. Sixteen room rooming house and store; all furnished. Full sized basment with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building Is right in front of the Dry Dock, 92V, Ambrose Avenue. If FOR SALE. Pleasure launch. 32 fool, 8 h.p. Palmer engine, in first class condition. Also 28 foot f rolli1l$fl(ljoat with new C h.p. Yale engine. Make an offer.. Must he sold by July I, N. M. McLean, Cow Hay. If FOR SALE. Waterfront lots. ftne and Iwo acres, surveyed; good nrichAragKj Jap Inlet. Porcher Island; Apply Hnx I Hi fially News Olllce. FOR SALE. Quantity of used lumber, frames and sashes. Apply Filer's Planing Mill. Cow Hay. 161 FOR SALE. Piano, in splendid condition. Will give terms. Apply Hox lt5 Daily News office. 1C9 FOR SALE. Pleasure bnal Echo length 28 feel, beam 5 feel. C. L. Heindel, Cold Storage. If FOR SALE. New smd used Machinery, Boats and Engines. Northern Exchange. tf PIANO for Sale.- Phone Oreeu 700. 167 FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR RENT FOR HUNT. Two large aparl- ntenls down town near Post Onicc-, , Apply Stork's Hard- war.,.,. If . "II 'Hi . 1. FOR RENT. ThrW: large house keeping rooms')1 furnished complete. 218 Second Avenue. TO RENT. Furnished house keeping suite. Apply 410 Sixth Ave. East or phono Hluo 217 FOR RENT.palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts. Houses for rent also, tf I'OH RENT Four room, modern, healed aparlmcnls. Apply Smith & Malletl, Ltd. tf THREE ROOMED HOUSE lo reol on Summit Avenue. Phone Red 623. 170 MODERN Four Roomed Flat for renl. Westenhaver Hros. EXCHANGE WILL TRADE ICO acres farm,. well Improved, in Hie rain bell of Alberta for an island that is granted and Improved. Write C. A. Garvin, Princo George, H.CL , FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex chantre New and Secondhand QEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 640. AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQ8, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. phones illack 136 and Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort bay or Night Stand! BOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Moeker Block, Across from Empregs Hotel. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fit days, closes at 3.45 p.m, From the East Mondays, Thursdays and SaU urdays, I p.m. To Vancouver-Mondays, mall doses al 10 PX Tuesdays, Mail closes at 4 P.M. Thursdays . 10 P.M. Saturdays , A.M. Saturdays 10 PM. C.P.R. June 14. 21 and 23. From Vancouver- Sundays P. M. Mondays 3 P M. Wednesdays .. 3 I' M. Fridays jv.M. j Fridays - 3 I' M. C.P.R. June 9, 16. 20. 27 ani 30. To Anvox, Alice Arm Wednesdays 9 P.M. Sundays 7 PM. From Anyox, Alice Arm- Tuesdays ,. PM. Thursdays P,M To Stewart and Premier- Sundays ., ...mjnX ." PX Fridays .i.:;.' A' From Stewart and Premier- Saturdays P S I Tuesdays .x. P. To Port Simpson Sundays 7 P. Thursdays HsswiO Pi From Port Simpson Tuxsilavs PJL Saturdays A.M. To Alaska Polnta-B- June 9. 10. 20, 27 ;nd 30. From Alaska Points- June 14. 31 and To Queen Charlotteilaland Polntil June 7 and 21. From Queen CharldU Poind June 5 and 19. To Naae River Points and Port ' Simpson 1 s Tlmrsdays I.;t0 ? From Naae liver Points Saturdays . BOX COLLECTION ; .PwM Graham A Atlin Ave.. -2.15 1st AVc.A Eighth St. S.iQ Mb Ave. & Fullim St. 2.25 81 h Ave; & Thompson si. 2.30 I HUi Ave. i Blierbroo1c.T Ave 35 1 1 hi Ave. & Conrad f. ZV40 Oth Ave, it Hays. Covo Ave. ... ,.15 Olh Ave. & Hays Cove Circle TJO 81 Ii Ave. ACollon SL." 2.55 51 h Ave. & McHrfilf St. ILOO Pro. Gov. Illdgs 3.5 lrov. Gov. Wharf iCjl ' 1" G.T.P. Wharf 3 15 2nd Ave. & 2nd St. ... 3.20 3rd Ave. & Fulton St. 3 25 trd Ave. A 6H1 St. 3,28 Higl i PRINCE RUPERT TIDE! AM P,M. 8.1? d.! 8.1) 8.5M D.0M 9.5 9.10 .If 9.W J.'S 9.'J ' . - ... Friday, Juy,-,18 1 z.i'i .H.m. 1 5 :20. p,iii. Low 8:52 a.m, 21:15 fllMt o3 fl 20,4 ' 0.2 " 4.7" 1 Saturday, July 19 Hliflt .. .. riMio W. 215" I6:031MT Low 11:3 4 w.mv lllgh HIkIi l-ow 21 :57, .Jj-tn. Sunday. y, Jul? July 20 20 3:5? lm. 10:15 p.m. 10:17 itfT J22t43'p..j , July-21 l:ill,jii,Mi. 17:28, J J :0 1 a.iti, . 23:32 p.m. ?fl.l 5.1 1I.S I 5. 18.7 A- " 18.8 " 3.9