THl 1UILT HKWfiL Saturday. May I 0 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui Money i OoCKf. T I HOW kin AvN-Y I 1 TMHT nr.c. I AH! THtt lt hi GltL3 Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange." Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. 1 For Tickets, Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybbavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY, Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now sliowing- Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Oardcn and Field Seeds, Onion Pels and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous Ed son Coal in any quantities Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. PapadopuliV New and Secondhand Furniture STORE Wc buy. well and exchange all kinds of new and secondhand gooils. 839 Third Avenue. Phone C46. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm' to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Healed Hot and Cold Water Rales by Day or Month P.O. Box 76. Phone 659. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerton Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 te . Phone Cte. Open Evenings Only Per Special Appointments. DI A VCUETl DT A MO FAR 15 YFARS WAS l l to the swimming elnh; 1 Lit I UlluU I LrillJ ' ;for improvements on the lake and 1U Bt UKAWN UFi , zzrZa, iEieu There I m no otlwr remedy lti DDirre New Site is Found by School Board for Structure Proposed on Borden Street The school hoard derided last night lo ohtniu plans frumj Architect Cox for the playshed k it is proposed to erect In connection with Itonlen Street and King Edward srliools. Mr. Cox'sl terms -are six per cent of cost for a first set of plans and- three. Ier cent for a second. The estimated cost of each playshed is $2,000, such sums having been set nut in the eslimales. plans from an expert. Criticism would then he less apt lo follow. In connection willi the site of the Itonlen Street shed which was protested against by property owners there. Trustee Parker an nounced lhal a new site had been found to llm west side of the Itor- den Street steps.' The ground was very suitable and a shed erected there would not interfere with the view of I lie residences. If was decided lo ask permission of the council lo use. the site, and also to request the city to survey it. The residents petitioning against the site originally se lected will be so notified. YEARLY BONUS FOR , SCHOOL SPORTS IS TO BE ELIMINATED There was lengthy discussion at last night's school board meet ing on a recent decision to elim inate a yearly bonus of SIKO paid Miss Mercer for the supervision of girls sports at Month Memorial School. Ml members were in favor nf dispensing with such a bonus. but question arose to the actual nnioiinl of. Miss Me.reer's bonus. Secretary Vance's interpretation was lhal the bonus was really 50. Miss Mercer being entitled to the balance of the $180 by virtue of her experience and rating in (he salary schedule. It appeared that the latter had not been properly recorded Ihus leading In confusion.' Trustees Parker and Orme accepted Mr Vance's view that a reduction nf 50 only should be made. Trus lees Caey and Itoeheslcr, how ever, were of the opinion that the original intention nf a $180 re. duel ion should be carried nut and moved accordingly. An amend ment was offered by Trustees Williams and Orme that the mat. ter tie investigated and reported by a committee. The amendment carried on the. casting vole of the chairman and Trustees Par ker, Itochesler and Bur-dock ItltKHl Kitten that ran pnssibl) rive surh relief tu all sufferers fruit Miriiia, sail rheum- ami all oilier tlleavs i.f tlw Uikm for thA reason that this bkl ami well tried remedy iw right lo the ju-at of the trouble and completely and ier-manently drives these dleaes il of the aysteni by rlean.lnr the blood ami maklnir It pure and rich. Mr. F. V. II. Srhiilti, Ont. writes:- "Hating been troubled ui enema ror fifteen years, durlnr whlrti time I tried everything I rould think of. Including doctors, but without retunjr TRAP SHOOTING SEASON Meetings Will be Held This Summer Every Friday Evening Work Done on Range The opening shoot of the Prince lUipert Gun Cluh' IDit trap shooting season was held last night on the park Avenue range. There will he meeting from iiiw(iu eve.-y Friday even ing. In mlilition to the shooting, those who turned out last night did considerable work in improving the range. Scores were as follow the possible 25: II. Xiekerson . C. W. Kirkendall. .. H. F. Mcl.eod ........ J. W. Scott J. Keefe Dr. Doherty Dr. Kenny IMPROVEMENTS BEING out of 20 18 18 17 1G 15 tl Good Work There Preparatory to Opening of Swimming Season Considerable improvements are being made to the walks al Salt Lake by Ihe public works depart ment of the provincial government. The walk is being widen ed in many place and rail are being constructed at dangerou points so lhal children may not fall off ami hurl themselves. f At the hay, the walk is being moved (o run alongside Ihe nar row entrance lo the first kike cessible for those' who wish lo rum iiu:o LOWER TODAY Eleven American Boats Sold 144,000 Pounds and Seven Canadians, 45,000 Pounds Fish arrivals ami sales today anything to do me much good I finally de-Kyr,. as follows: ciuru ii lake nurawK mono timers, aid I was certainly surprised to rind that two weeks after I had started lo lake. II I was relieved of my trouble. That was nine months ago, and I nave not had sign of It since. I surely wlh to thank yu for this wonderful medicine ami Trustee Casey voted nyainsl strongly recommend It lo anyone suffer Mr Cnx hniror triton II, n -nrk of ,n lrnm ln Mm trouble as I Ml" .. . ... ,. , B.B.B. Is manufactured only by The t. ifiaiii in' jtiuns. lie nisi suggested that the plan of the (tooth School playshed could he Mllhurn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont were named to the committee, followed and then suggested that .Trustee Casey refusing to acl. o local man such as T. llossl Mackay, might prepare the plans r i rt i'ni:.. ci 1 1. i it. n J I H.'tiri' tiiiuui! iril illtlb iiiiTj safest way Would he tin obtain i American Pioneer, 21,11110. at 'J.Hc and 5c; Itoald Amundsen, 211,000 at t(l. to und 5c; Manner, 5.000 at til.Cc and 5c;. Flattery, C.500, at 1 ().('. biid rc; ami J. P. Todd, at 10.0c and 5c, to I lie Canadian Fish A Odd Storage Co. Washington, 17. 000 at 10.5c and 5c to I lie I ! It Fisheries Canadian (So. Anna .1. 16,000 at 0.3c and 5c: Juicier, I3.0nn at and -:, ami i-asieni lll.ic and 5c, Point, to lb,' :,000 at Pacific Fisheries, Augusta.- 18,000 at 12.1c lo the Allin Fisheries. and 5c, to the lloyal Fisli tin. Canadian i.'i.i...- r. turn .,1 u r.i, r.. hie II, 5,000 al X.Hr- ai)d 5e, ami Kouyusu, 5,51)0 al 8.G0 and 5c, lu the Alliu Fisheries. Ilraiil, 2.500 at 8.Kc and 5c; Hanaro, 1.500 at. 8.0c and 5c, and Agnes 11., a, .o) al 8.0c ami .10, In the Itnolli Fisheries Canadian liu, , .-:A I.iviugstnue, 18,000 at 8.7c and 5c; In the Canadian Fish A. Odd Slnntgn Cm. Salmon Itohin. 1,000 re'd Kings, al Seminole. 2,i'00 rls mid 00 whites, at 12c and 3c and Tap low. t.000 reds at 12c, to llm Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Cm. Karl, tioo reds, at 12.1c to the Hoyal Fish Co. MADE AT SALT LAKE stork ACKNOWLEDGES Provincial Government Doing YALUE OF PHOTOGRAPH Says All Ministers Received Thelr's and Comment Favorably on It It. V.. Itenson received 1 tin fo lowinz letter .from Fred Slork Slork last night: "I beg to thank you for the photograph of tin? walrrfmnl and the proposed' location for elevalor, which has Just come to hand. This is splendid inforina liou and is of the very best as distance at Ihis lime as it clearly shows Ihe whole waterfront and It is understood thai sorireld'-monslrales Hie convenience 10 elr-iipifii' U lo he ilntie nlmitr I lir trackaze and wharfage ror me lake side in order In make it ac. elevalor. Each minister has received one of I bent ami they all walk lhal way. all with e view lo comment on Ihe excellence of a general improvement of the this illustration. properly so that when it is given! "Allow me to lliiink yoii for over to Ihe city it will be valua- Ihe kind thought and your valu-ble and in Ihe meanlim' will able assistance in this matter serve Ihe people who live here. Iwhich I trust will result in corri-The work it is understood is in'plele Williams adililion In the $750 lo be given A letter of acknowledgment MACDONALD'S Rite Cut For those Smokers who like thetr tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACOOrULtfSBftcCut Yz Lb. I5 2L Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrartlMmont Titken fnr Lmmm than SOe? WANTED WANTED Hi'pi sciitative want ed to cover (irand Trunk line east of Prince Ituperl for High Class Chocolate and Confectionery House on commission. Apply Itox IH2, Daily .News. II0 TKNDKIIS WANTED for the work only in connection with Ihe slaininir of the roof or HieSftl Cove school. Tender eloe at five o'clock Friday next. D. Vance, Secretary. 1 0'J WANTED. Oirl or woman to work, in house. Mrs. J. O. Williamson. 251 Fifth Avenue West. 1'hone tlrecn 338. IIP WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Ilupcrt Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone C52. WANTED. Oirl for general housework. Apply Mrs. (ieorge Utile, Terrace. ll.C. WANTED. U'nnled lo buy a small house In city. Terms easy, llox 181 Dally News. WANTED. Woman wnnls work hy day or week. Write Itov 183. Daily News. till WAIT11ESS Wanted perl Hotel. TAXI Prince BOARD AND ROOM ItOAttD anJ llo-om al Ihe Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Office. 8.10 Second Aven. Phono 1 37. If LOST LOST. Ladies diamond ring of particular value to owner. 50 reward gladly paid. Heliirn fn Daily News ofllre. If FOUND FOUND.--An I.O.F. Owner car have same al Daily News ollice hy proving ownership and paying lor this aiherlisement. t.f Taxi 87 Phone. (Call George or Oust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Dy or Night Stand: Grotto Cigar Store, Third Ave. was also received from Hon Thomas H. Lowe minister of Trade ami Commerce. lehersIrom "flyers RECEIVED IN RUPERT Major Nlartln Wrote to J. Q. Steen from Kanatak on April 21 Lieut. Blssell Heard from A business letter has been re ceived b .I. O. Sleen of tills cily from Major Marl in. missing conimHrnler of Ihe F.H. round Ihe-vvoild (light. II was dated at Kanatak, Alaska, on April 21. .larvis Mr Lend, collector of cus toms. Is In receipt of a teller from Lieut. Claylon llissell, ad lvance officer of Ihe flight, writ- leu ill I hi I Hi Harbor on Anril 22. Al. that lime, the machines rmu inamled liv Lieut. Nelson. Lieut Smijh mid Lieul, W aim were ul Dutch Harbor. John While, of Ahynx, charged with Ihefl of u trunk, appeared befere .lodge. Young In llm County Court this morning ami adjoiiriiameut was made in order to allow accused In nhlain Icounsel before circling. FOR SALE FOIt SALE. Five roomed house on Second Avenue. Iluildiiigon uoverninent wnari useti as a news stand. Nine 10. aero lor, one I -acre lot at Terrace. Prince Oeorge, lots 10 and II, block Mi; lots 10 and It, block 110; lots 28 and 2i. block 117; lot C, blool .151. Apply A. C. Utllo. Second Avenue. 93 FOIt SALE Uunch "Star" zlifl. Ford engine converted In marine service. Atwater Kent fgnilion. All controls brought lo steering bulkhead. Electric light and searchlight. A speedy boat at bargain prle. Apply caretaker. Prince It ti pert Yaebl Club, or phone 8 OH SALE. Sixteen ronio rooming house mid store; all furnished. Full silts. I bu"tnrnl with new hot air furnace. I'riee 7, Terms arranged. This building i right in front or the Dry Dock. !?'. Ambrose Avenue. if Vdli SALE.- 25-10 h.p., Sterling engine; lloscli ignition; complete to and including coop-ling. 1750.00 30 fool cruiser, 20 h.p. Just ' overhauled. loilct, galley. 11,000. M. M. Stephens. tf Foil SALE.--A I Terrace. Lot 15. consisting of 10 acres, block 1711, one mile and a half from station, church, store, nl oftlee, hotel and school. Price 150 cash. Apply A. C. Little. tf FOR SALE. Ivory Wicker llahy Huygy and Ivory Crib, two- hole Florence cooker with oven, frtill sealers. Wauled small wicker buggy. PImhi Mine CI 2. . tf LOOOIXO OUTFIT for sale and gnshoat 33 feel long in pood mndilion. Can lie seen at the Aeroplane Ark, Seal Cove. fl If III SALE. Amateur nboln printing outfit complete with tanks, trays and printer. Write llox 181. Daily News. Ill FOIl SALE. New ami used Machinery, lloals and Engines .Northern Exchange. If HESTAIHIANT for Sale or l.eae Apply Itox ITS J 'ally News or fire. II. FOR flENT FOIl ItENT. Furnished housr. keeping rooms, 410 Sixth Ave Last. Phone nine 217. tf FOIl HKNT Four room, modern, healed apartments. Apply Smith A Mallet I. Ltd. tf 10 II I' NT. 5-roonieil iilln Mill, rawvlh MISCELLANEOUS WAl.WVnicillT FIELDS. ' let I'olilai.i ' ror 111 at ion 01 oilfield. Iln- Sttei-el, Vuill'x V, BEAUTY PARLOR. Complete U.-:. Parlor. Dnbn.' s llninlresslng. I!n up. Skin and s .1, Violet Hay. Pne.-- U . v MRS. LOviE. IliMim f.. Siiph. V Itenny Allen Co fv u r AUCTION SALES. Goods liaughl f i t Exchanw I H. H. HEMMINGS, AucUoncaf. Furniture end r 7. rinrd Ave Phones Muck 3ft n 1 i.4 112. insurance fred h. stephens .Son -Hoard InsuruM K- lien Fi,. J Seemul Fi"", I flVrll tt'l' furnirri ltrHly Ml' bath and range David I0VoVVhTV- a'Tr 'i if?" nays t;o n o T I c 1, N?lJblt VValtr PrUclll it CMflW IIS. of lb, ,f , ft Orff t ill '' trlMi t 'A Ikr al.i. . MIMMr r I .ill- In lb .rfrnr .' ;;- 1. at Cniv- Nutmi. H tit f aiwl Oan -.1 t v r-rMfKMtl itr built Mlr at Tirre. .i A4 lakr VuUav Umi ,!t lOialnas uf lh t.l ' t4 Art aHl I Ox1 Mir ' VVnrk al M tttttt M iu 11 er ap(tf.Til ,,f Hi taid nr : 1 tnr uf v. i-tron ir - ' nndrs. iMSni uus ism nar r - w II -i ' VlllUIlT I.f i ii J: liMMIr.n ...... ,. Hum iipiiiNh-k. .It'-' CANCELLATION CF SttSC Keller It hrrrlir the lamu n LAND ACT. Nolle et Inlanllon t LanS. ApsM, In fkwna IjumI liintriit. K IrKt o Coait. ami niuii Ulatil. , Tak X'.Urr that Clarr.r . ami ittn Mriiit. nf i'rii ktaiMi iHniimiK-o arnit I- trifci in arti) ' iirri.ii' the rnthtwtns itrrild u Nnr at a h1 plinlrd al it lay al Iti rail rtvl f uiiitxn' aluittl Inih- tnilii Ihr loami: Uurr rnlliwln llm nur tin a l Ititti '"' llw Ilsnl In th plarr ff n"-ami nmlalniita ,M n . ' V.. K. IUIXTKM JVII Sam set"111 ' Crr W Vll.i.lvl ' ., . . N OTI0E. Triuli-rn wlll he rrflvr laiwl tin tu ii tn M..ti1a ' " liil fur tlw riilhiulni liititi llfiiiliiik fn.lOU F.ll M. V in" U wn n.r. rim hiv.m, w Hi inodern'f J.sim k.h.m. J" m living uarlers. Hras, FOIl HUNT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home coin-forts. - if TO HKNT. -Ilooin I'liona lllne tot. v etcnhaerj,oo r.n vi. "io l and If hoard loan III TO II EXT- llonin for rent. Phone niue 002. mo Dr. Mirtel'i Female Pilli ilara tMltUd natnr thou.tndi raMtUttkatf cnturr. nmcllrii uum, buiklinr up anS , AINIVL MKMhTKUATION. NICKl VOU8NEB. BACKACHE, WZZINS, at, adanmooidraa-a. Sotdanlyln BaalMllllnaa-Cor.r TIN UOX with our ala-natura. Drat aliu !!'.'' t1?" br mail, i lain jiarCi.t It 00 I.lknUiw U4, c. . f t. fiMl It, Imvlt.C. Clrtalaraa.Uaa mwl. u t" IIHMl llllllim It. W . I . ,llll F I' M. i" ". "!! s ' Hum. o'- - is' IvDr ft,,., I 4 I.f 491' Srtparats l.liU will h !r'p,',1,1, te rk r Odar. Trmlfn-r . -"i i - eariiMt oa i nrtl iirtiviTr.rii" 1 l J T " -'iff"' tU riirHt-lE ' PRINCE RUPERT TIDE8 Sunday, May 11 High . . 0:01 p.m. 10:10 Low Il:l 'i a in 12:5? p.m Monday, May 12 High 7:38 Uii. ,20:51 p.m. Low 1 :20 fl in i:i:5U Q.Uh (ft ' 111 lll.l .. n iu IO ' " 0 0.'