Have Your Kodak Ready! Here, al picture making hcud-ipiarlcrs, we're read In satisfy vniir photographic wants. You waul lo ne Ihf talent Model Kodak; nu want the latent pi-'ie making information; you atil developing anil printing ' rdialily righL We're IT, illy drop in I , t KODAK ALBUMS M lie Kod , l.o. hold at Kodak Catalogue I'lieo ENLARGING Un5urpased anywhere. Kodak prices prevail here also. May 8 to 17 is Congoleum Week Genuine, Guaranteed Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs At Bargain Prices. Ill ' ' -ll -link i-mjp -: ii i "1 -V' mi tug jii-! f Gold I H '': ling v OH Willi .it lug in "ii. .n nig price. Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. W Avenue. $2-95 Women's New White Canvas Strap Pumps and Oxfords Phone 123 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS" llae Armed, Jr., hard vr mag material at modrrad' price. EXTRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phone Green S5. Family Shoe Store $3-40 Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. A pure tonic beverage "Purity from first to last" is the slogan of Cascade brewing even the bottles arc sterilized. Every-thing notsiblc is done at Ii. C's model brewery to give you the best beer thai Canada's choicest barley and hops can produce. INSIST on "Cascade" the better beer at the Government Vendor s. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED BeerwitknataPetr Th, '3Vertliiement Is not published or dlsrlsj""! I h IJ(Iuor Control Uoura or by the Ooveruinen' ;l I' md !urum I I- Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners, Undertaker. Pbuu 351- tf Cut 1-lower. I'ol I'lauU, Mm. McCarthy, (lie Mortal. Kmad hloek. If The Ladies' Auxiliary of SL Andrew Society will hold u Uaaar on Nov. i. - . '. Ilairdiesslng. Marcel Waving, Aliiioiiieat (Clasmic l'ackj. Miss A. itorvik. Ify ainioliiliiieiit. I'll one lod tf Mall Vidi-ek stales Unit yes- h'rday'M aiiln uiali was , nol Taxi 25. The riiinor to that ef fect was untrue. . ft We m'II Laminated Material aNo Mr Veneer. Consult u he- tore buying finishing for your house. All.ert & McCalfery, Ltd. TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 2M ROOMS 100 im Privlta Blh BUROPKAM I'LAN I WINN11T THOMPSON. MAN'S. OIK, KHIIKKMMKKKnmnfMMMKKKKMI tr i hp mi'hooi ixjaiii has pur- Ii.if.iil f,o ion of Tclkwa coal fi-iin the Prince Ilupet-I IWd (S. al I . jwr Ion, An account rr '(iOG.irj overiug Hie order wan pas-ed al night's meet ing. Mis A trues Donaldson, seerc- l,i ry of Municipal Chapter, I.O It. I., applied lal uighl lo Hit school board fur Ihr usual per mission to hold a demonstration mi I.mpirc lay, May 23, for children. Permission was graiilcd on moiioii of Trash Casey and Orinr. The list of unemployed al I In prown-ial lalior bureau i de creasing not mi murh on aeenun! of men being arlually placed but because Ihey are leaving on Ilieir own iiitliatne. liMlay tlicrp an' aboui Chi- lob ieltir rexiMeral Mining. loKzinc aiKf pole eullinir ohtiiiM 'mhi absorb a number nf t lif.f. Tin' school board aulliontel Hie M'l'n-lary ImhI uihl lo Kel in ii .'- on iiiark board lor var- .-I ihhii wn irii wvr. rrincipai Hrady having n-pcirle.l thai Ihey would nol bo iHTen'ary unlit at- NT thf holidays. Hepair to i roiiMMiince In lorln Mreef rhnol were onlertMl. WA.N THh. Any roiiplc roiili'inplaliiig marriage within (he next few weekx ran ohlaiu llHl.i)(l eali; wfibliu rins; inarriape luriu-i' ami marriage rern-inoni.il free, lor particular, urile P.O. Ilox 811, Prime Itupert, II.U. All eorreMiinleiie trealiil - In aboiui repl mid coii-liili-iiee. If . I'l-riiii-Mon wa gixrn tin iilililir ilcparliitenl of Hie rily by Ihc .M'hool boiinl lnl nluhl to run a li'lcplioiu cable line across Hie uorlli portion of Hay tkive Ciri'lc from Fourth Avenue lo Silh Ammiiit on llin val side 'of I In- circle. The permission i conditional on the imdertakiuK thai the line will he reiuncd If 1 1 f hoard slniiibl 4mhai'k on any ilcxi'lopmeiil of that porUou of Ilic K''"Uiids. was pointed out. however. Ilial such would probably nol be proposed for "suiiie lilite as (lie ground was very unsuitable for such work. ANNOUNCEMENTS iyro Chili I'layKround (oneeil. Weslholuie Theatre, Tuesday, May JII. - Women of Moosehearl l.i'Kion Whist Urive and Dance. May 20. Around Kaicn Island by launch Oil RAIrtJju flock, Sunday iroin Jiuiieri .Mai ne v barf. hone 131. . MAY 17. . Valhalla Social, Met- ropole llullj'aiidiii.-ivhui and their frii'iidi eleoine. (ienlle-meit I J6o, ladies 50c. Union Hleaiucr Venture, Capl. Jolmslonei suullibouiid In Vaiifouvef iroin Xaas liner pol ls wax here al3IO.I5 lo II o'clock I liin iiioinmgS Mrs. Joseph. Harvey i sailing tomorrow -nijthl by I lie steamer I'rinee . Hcnrse on an cxleiideii holiday I rip which will lake hei UK fai' Mulh us Portland, Ore- ffun. (J...ll. steamer Prince John. Ij.ijiI. .Veil McLean, is due Ihi afternoon from Vancouver and tin; Oiicen Charlulle Islands. I'he vessel will return eouli early next week. The ipjcstiou of disposing: of erlaiu materials lyfnr.' around I lie lloolh Memorial School such at hardware, inoiililin, vuniisli. ele. was left lo Hie lloolh School ommillee al las) iiIl-IiI's school board ineeliiiir. I'luiiibiny fixtures in die for mer domestic ffience annex wert nrilered sold In W. I.on'will by Ihe school hoard last uiht. Mr I.onw ill's hid was 55 11 l.elounii mi's, 53. 15, and Sinilh A. MalicH's, 15. . Odrie J. luincan. sou of Mr ami -Mrs. T. C Duncan, formerly of this rily, was fifili in the lis oof those passhiK lliird year art find science examinations al Me University of H.C.. Ilus year. Hi had first class honors. .Voliee.is hereby jmen pcial geuerul iiieclin? members of the Prince thai of the Unpen (eiicral Hospital Association will be held in the, City Hall on Wed nesday next, May It, al H p.m HUhIh-s: Itevisiou of hye-law.. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorsre Wilson ami son b'Tl mi last night's train for 'IVrrarev Mrs. Wilson will spend sin lime al I tie I.anfear MTOiCJI farm recovering from ' refill illness and Mr. IWil son wilf be hack on Sunday even in?. II. i-iriuaii Sinp. son of ll-v i'.. II. Sin?, formerly of this elly was (he winner of Hie heifer (Huh scholarship in connection with Hie University of U.C. ex iiminalioii results which have Just been puljlhhed. He wias in ins uiini year. The' usual monthly payroll and accounts lotallitc,' ? 1 130.72 were passed for payment by Ihe school hoard lal nilit. It was mi aisled Dial more economy mi?hl I berved in connection with Ihe consumption of electric li?ht (il the lloolh School. A large uuinher of new pupil- heiiijr expected hi Hie IUkIi School afler the summer vaca tion, Principal Hrady reported lo Ihe school board last iiihl thai il would probably bo :reessary lo eiiiik-e an addiliona) leachei in i ue ran on account or eon- Cesled firsl year claes. Mr Himly slated thai furllicr infor- maliou would he given later so no acliou wiis laken by tin hoanl. Permission was ciu-n by Ihn school board last uiuhl for llio domestic science, classes lo hold an exhibit' of wink and sale ol home cookiu? in lli 'ho on May :t(l. Thi proceeds will towards Ihe fund for furnishina the school ilinliiir room which now slands at $2115. The hoard look no notion on a reipiesl thai ?20 be uranled towards eoverin Ihe exiiense of ii'ImiKiuel that il it proposed lo hold -in honor of Ihe reHHiur donidslie science class this year.- - Principal Hrady reiorled lo Hie school board last nljdit thai Ihe IIIkIi School pupils were on Ihe eve of writing Iheir L niver wily examinations. On nxiuest or Ihe hducallou Deiiarlmeul, I wo lisls of names were sent in -one contalninjr those that were recommended from Iheir Kcncral work throughout llie year and Ihe other those who were nol so recommended, Oul of a class of 21 prospective lualriculauls all hnl three were being recommended this year. Trustee tlasey ipieslloned the value of such a system hut Truster. Williams upprut'ud of ll. PkUn TTTRBH. 06DENS GUINEA GOLD CARD OF THANKS The trustees of the Hldley Home I hank most warmly all who. so generously gave Iheir services and gifts towards mak ing Ihe Haxuar such a success. Lfl'fiU iM m th.iil..lh.r..l', X'CnMtMCrti.r- VYONOS UNtSt JlVtO-tlirm. inning nmmt ffllld and Extra Fine A FAVOURITE CIGARETTE IN ENGLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS - P. S. Ilonney. dislricl forester, eft last ni?ht for Hums Lake on leparl menial business. Mrs. N. Daglcish and daughler ! ranees, are leaving on Ibis evening's train euroutc to Durham, Kugland, where Ihey will visit several months al Mr Dagleish's former home. tl.N.ll. steamer Prince (ieorge Capl. Harry Nedden, from Van couver and way purls, is report ed lo arrive on lime at 3 o'clock Ibis afternoon. The train from the easl is due on lime al I ..'JO and Ihe train for the Hast will leave at 8.15. Miss Mslher Xaden, daughter if (Ieorge ll .Nadeu, formerly of I'rinee Ituperl and now of Vie- 'orta. has received her degree as bachelor of applied science in nursing according lo the re sults of the University of H.C. examinations which have just been published. Accompanying Charles K. Tis- dall. provincial grand master iif llu Masonic Lodge, lo Smithers last uighl were . 11. Muuro, ills Iriel deputy grand masler, Archie Uaillie. f. . Johnson, (i. P. linker, ll. W. Cameron, W. 1 iollison, Dr. J. A. West, K. Un- wiu and It. !'. Mc.Naughlon. The local men expect lo he hack to morrow evening. For every occasion A BOX OF Purdy Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome Delight in a Heautifiil llox. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. J. W. Potter had an account for 2.3l2.28 before the .school board last night. .No acliou. was taken. C.P.Il. steamer Princess Ileal-rice, Capt. Thomas CIHTe, arrived at 12.15 from Vancouver and wayports and will return soulh at three o'clock this afternoon. Archde acou (I. A. Itix is ex. peeled hack from Vancouver on the Prince (ieorge this afternoon, lie has been altendinif ex ecutive meetings of the provincial Anglican synod and also of llie theological college. A local party of disciples of! . I uaaK alloii leU this arternoou for Khtada expecting lo return on Monday morning. They went in George Hryant's llarta, the, party comprising George Hryanl, Hen Self. W, O. J ullon. W. 1' Willlscrofl, Jack Harnsley and l)i. Tassie. WE CASH CHEQUES. Let Us SUPPLY YOUR SPRING WANTS In Poultry Netting Fly Cloth Qarbage Cans Garbage Palls Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Spades Weeders ' Trowels Grass Shears Sickles Scythes Spading Forks Garden Seeds Kaien Hardware Co 608 Third Ave. Tel. 3.