prince Rupert Fish, Meat and Poultry Market pho 671 i-drr nnm m nlilllll KUWAlHbHl IN NEW YORK Floyd Johnson Knocks Out Quln-tin Romero In Seventh Round But Is Not Satisfied OllK. .May IU. Moy.i W, aW((. , L) MU1IWCst. of Iowa. heayveiphl. . I knock-nil orr Oiiintln a cri.riTV IIDiMCCC r i n l,e eeu-nth round of a 5hVt.Nl I JArANtOL nil bout. II wn n furious j v iml He. the litwun s Mrtoiis axi lells nillinp "i" ii s rin-e In n mass of pulp, uiiorkoiit blow was a hard the Jaw. When Uic reap parent ly collided to nine. sounded and Ihn Chilean . . t 'I'l.M I .1 ii annouucemeiit ut particular Jiieresl to fishing Interests here luaile Itnlay lo I lie effect I ha' A Inilliu.d of the local customs '' lee has been Hppoiuleil an """l-ihul iiispeclnr of wvkIiI.s H'i'l iiinimires under llm federal ,l(,l'iirlmenl or Tnuhi nud '""-li.eire .r ,- im. IC '''iirn have ngiluled for such an "''Mai in ttci 1,, ..,,, where '" are Involved. "'He Mr, Oiilland's duties lll be Hurl ledln i lv wllli re.liccl l" H'o rUh business ill .such a Ware as Prince Hunert. his su- made by Ihe flyers iti'-.i i" ii i"ti. -i"'- ., . , r I.-,.., 'houuhl he had I t y Hie 1 II. f,iiou followrd ami VI -i r.-.l.l. t ....rliaMns -I,...'. 1..IM I't.l..' t it. . ..i I....I 1 ,nnl.e I lie police suowueu ' i:::iU and permlUed Ihe an-b declnrn llial Ihe e-' had coinpleleil Ihe cunt of r.::d lhal Johnson had deliver-"1 a Iran knockout. NEWOFFiCIAL IS APPOINTED . J. Qalland Ln h InsDectOr of Weights and Measures Of Importance to. Fishing Interests paralions expert report 'fviMon will exlend w hcrcver.Hldlcy FORMER IRISH MINISTERS vi'iulil ,....1 . ',.,, iiiiolhc FORM NEW PARTY IN DAIL DI III.IN. May 10. -I Mc- Oralh, former mfnlsler or coiu- merce and Daniel McCaiiy. tor-, liter Kovernnfeul whip in the Dail. who resigned their posts during Ihe recent army crisis, announce (he rormallon of a new group who-... policy will be ctunpleln independence, lerriloiial unity and economic progress. ASKING RFFERENDUM REPARATIONS REPORT HF.Ill.lN. May live commillee Socialist pally INFLUENZA RAMPANT LONDON, May 10. - Dyaths from InfliH'um in Knulan.l and Wales for Ihe fii"t 'larler or I g.OOL Ihe year numbered Furlher sale of articles from the Home bainar nns rcainci t Kj IreceipN ''" . ir.....i..-l..iM 11m lli..ii .Allifrioil m Crossing to Asia " i,,h. - l.e Hid l.unlr- xW.ere lie re- i prorations are for Ihe lonpest inaiiM-n .nun n- i. ". rinrlif i.f Ihe journey, rrn 1..... r..... II... ii.i.lnii ilnmls' TOKIO. May In. Seveuiy persons are believed lo have perished ns a resull or Hie ciipMiinj; of the molorlioal K i nun Maril near been neeioin; on .m- linosa. One hundred persons Ih'-in were altoanl and Ihirly t Iheni nl were rescucu. 10. I he execu-of Ihe Herman veslerday volcd 20, bringing u.e toiai ileal Ii. Dei-eaited was about III ears ... m and landing nl l-arama- "t "' " Hillilrcn res.dmg in lo- .hor. 1-lan.l in Ihe Kurile Sn.up.' The dii.iuee is KJH miles. There ton In. i ...... ...ii i.m l.v .lnt.j..iie ile-I , wlm ill remain in the 'NOMINATIONS MADE iieiuhborhood uniil I lie iljers are LOST THEIR L1YES WRECKED M0T0RB0AT LIBERAL CONVENTION IN PITY OF VICTORIA;' Drake and nr. .Meu.oume 'a.or (f scwarU .., ,,,, were muninaled by the Liberal .. . .. ,.:..,.,..,., 1M... convention here as candidates jo1(ti ma(Je u inillib,,. rr ,)ie ror Ihe eily al Ihe romliiK pro- c, , rv,. .coll!,i,Pr viueinl eb-cllon. John " ,llal.,nff a ,,.,i wilh Ihe bank."! minister or who is yi,.w.irl 1p w ))f or Ihe members, relires ,,,,! (ut ic K1ixi.rnmpn, w H and the fonrlh member was a ... ... .. ,..1IlUll., Ass(. I Ilev. Joshua Hindi- iConservalive. ,.iai,IMi W(H nrrallBri, ia, Jlr. dure. , llobb should iro (o Montreal to be I " tin llitil vtlimi lit,. iinf.itlln- MESOPOTAMIA TROUBLE li" I"k Place. The government npimiTP uiiiir nraTiic anxious io snow me Hankers KtoULI J lTlAIIrUCrllllj: Association that it LONDON. May in. One huu-dre.l lowiiopeople'aiid six nalive soldiers were killed in u serious al Kirkuk on May I, according lo colonial olllce advices. The disturbance was I In resull of an altercation between soldiers and shopkeepers. ALBERTA LIQUOR LAW organization possible. 10 wished that avert failure if Major II. M. Taylor, district engineer tor the provincial department of public works, is on an inspection trip lo (he Ourcn Charlotte Islands accompauyiiiK Hon. T. D. l'allullo. miuisler or lands and member Tor Prince lluperl. Th Latest In Restaurant. i BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service, PRINCE RUPERT private Boxes for Party Use. Take Her to The Boston' Northern and Central' British Columbia's Newspaper NO. III. I'JUXUti lUJPKIlTv B.P-. HATLUUJAV, MAY 10, 1024. VMtrr'f Circulation ISIS lrt tUa 343 PRICE FIVE CENT3. MM AND U.S. AVIATORS MAKE PROGRESS SCOTTISH HOME RULE PLAN IS APPROVED BY THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT Frenchman Takes Two Hops and Americans One in Long Flight; No Word of Commander Martin UAMiKOK. Siam. Mav Ut. iirresful jump on 1A AViri Elf A MO lo Ti-kio from Paris was made today by l.ieul. I' tfULUllIjL LTnlllJ I-ri'iM li aviator, i.ravuig iiaiigoou, -wiicui-r nc nuo nuwu L('tiH.i j f'U'i d.i. Ihe fl.u-r remlted Haugkok lliis after- i;i III 1K1 . M I". -Three I is I Slates army aviators j i , rii ill I '.In. ..r. iff lljirlior A f I ii l.laiul nl nine tiVlork 1 : xlil after a journey of .Vlll milt' frtim Alku. The trip was Distinguished Officer ! Irn hours anil Ion minutes in fair wealher willi head RUMANIA BEING THREATENED BY RUSSIAN ARMY wind. Army Was Formerly In Bul- J Martin Not Found SAN FltANClStiO, May 10. ! Word '"" received in llie Lieut. Tonkin and Serjeant ') r ll'' '""H1 ",i,",ly al Chip-i:......r Irft here today in au "lrfl'1. Surrey, England, or Ueut. army piano en route i.orlh lo Frank S. F.vans. O.H.T:.. Man-li r.,r Major Mnrlin. the O.S.O., H.A. I.II..HK) miaior in Hip round Hint The laic Licul. Col. Evans was world flishl. fat''1 "r cll' fro,n ,v,n- OjUIHjVA. May III. No infor- " Fi,r 0 ,,c wa ln! In Il.e whereabouts ofpartnership with James Hacon In lit MmV I'll lIM.ti-n- Malar VI.tMIii llm iiii.ilii urliivtliR mall fi It !: DIED RECENTLY : In British ness In Prince Rupert h business known as. ne lllit mrlare Uiaiiriiahi eomiiMiider. has been found Oie I'rlnee imperi Msii .Market, i j-ion m elreely aratr t,y r.alKuard ruller AIoii- H" ' I" Old Country and usMii-tuinln fron- qttjW. w1ijfh returned to Dulch rldislnl early in Ihe tireat War., rnlrull"!! -d llU-Un ar,r for fue, HCCOrdilltt U p 'm mau a" acini-,, uiakei n .las. "Mlde'vhifij uar IhtU lu ridly ..mrrlitHit In Ihe Pacific nulh of which he failed lo rrcorr. Aflerl (he Alaska penln.ula and in Ihe m-m i.e. ... Ilrrinx Sea north of the penliu hr Uhited Slales for recruliiiS yjUr''r' el IIU il ut il an viuvip. MEMORIAL WINDOW FOR. NCW CHURCH GIVEN BY SCOTS It was; finally derided at lasl nfk'hts meeting oT llie SI. Andrew's Soeie.Iy In place, a memorial window r t llie new Presbyterian Clijirch building. A visitor al ihe meeting was William Mackenzie, secretary"! the Cale.lon-lan and St. Andrew's Soricly at Vancouver. Mr. Mackenzie, who will In in fit- cilyjfyr some lime on business, whs sfivcii a lirarly welcome and. In r 'plying, complimented Ihe localg society on its excellent iuartei. Vice-President William Held irt'Td- in the ah. ienrf ofi'rrsidenl I). C. Sluart. 1 ; WOULD LIMIT POPULATION Minister of Health Refuses quest of H. Q. Wells and ; Others ' LONDON. May 10 Premier King says he Re. m Aghast at News of Home Bank Condition ELECTION TO BE JUNE 20 VICTORIA, May 10 Friday, June 20, was flsed by the government yesterday as ths date or the general elections. .Nominations will be made on May 30. Announcement was made by Premier Oliver this afternoon following dissolution of the legislature which took place at noon. GREAT RECEPTION FOR BRITISH SHIPS FROM NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND. May Hi. - The Hritish Special service squadron on a cruise around the Kmpire is here today nnd was (liven a tremendous reception. COMB INTO FORCER Gomnmnt Appr6m KDMONTON. May 10.-- Alber ta's liipior law went Into effect today. Vendor's stores are opened In Kdmoulon and Calgary and olher cities and lowus under under a ..,1 lo hold shortly - to ask the gover , ,"fi"',,,;;,":)llo;;f 1 ;r mVi S S replnuee or rejecliou or ll.u te- similar lo (hat in use in olumbia. PERMANENT BONUS TO OTTAWA, May 10. In the House ol ('ominous (he Prime Miuisler announced that legish. lion would be introduced lo make permanent Ihe cost of living bonus lo permanently disabled veterans. Principal of Scottish Home Rule Supported by Liberals itliiimlier liarllaliienl nf I tM members wlillii' Si-iilliunl ennlioiies DISABLED VETERANS! I"'!' present represenliitiou in llie House of Conimons, until a gen eral uevoiuiioii scneme is instituted ior Hie uiuieu Kingdom. Libcruls supported the measure whicli had been moved by (I. Huehniiuii,. Labor member Tor (llasgow. Hucl.aiiaii claimed that Ihe Scots favored Hie scheme almost unanimously in order to relieve the congestion of business in Ihe House of Commons. Opposition that Scottish Home Utile was not n proper subject tor a private member's bill and was an iin- peakurs ruatenUcd'pcrial uul not a loeul matlor- 'Sijc Italians Hanged Yesterday Following Three Years of Legal Battle: One Man Confessed Crime AMITK, La., May 10. With the forces of thtf state troops giiunJinir Hie ilieeU, a ninnler case, which aroused interna- l.inulatioii iional interest, culminated in an appeal from Premier Mussolini of population is of vilal iimn.rl- hunsclf lo President. Loulidge, terminated here ve.slerday after- aiice, according to a petition 1 noon by the hanging or six men involved. All were Italians, who j which II. O. Wells, the aulhor, three years a?o shot aud killed a reslauraiitcur numed Calmes. and lro(iy Jewsnii, .ahor mem- One of Ihe six, Hoy l.eona, alter three years, confessed that he her or parliament, and other, was the man who fired the fatal shot hill the governor of the memliT of Hon. Mrs. Jtrrlram slate declared that the statement of Leona, instead of Hussell's hirlh control committee ing his conipuiiious, convicted each one of them. nreenied to to I he in in sler of. Ihe crime for wiiicn uie men a lienlth veslerduv. 'naid thv itupreine penally yes- Tangipahoa., parish, jiefore, Ihe, rusioves were arrcsiea, went to the home of a wealthy Italian resident of New Orleans which il was believed might be a rcfugu jror the bandils. The house was ;enudy but there was every indi- O'lTANVA, Alaj in.. pn'mier Mackenzie King appeared be- calioii il had been deserlcl hur- fore (tin Hnjul (Jommissiou investigating the Home Hank IhisViedly. Nearby, in au automobile, morning and told of a iil made to him by J. F. M. Stewart, uvy found Ihe bodies of CipoUa director or Hie bank, three days before the failure. . Iliaelo and another Italian named I viil look place between eleven o'clock a"ud midiiighl and in ad dilioii lo the premier there were present Ministers llobb, Graham aud Low. The Home Hunk, Mr. Slewart said, had been advised by Sir Thomas While lo appeal lo Ihe - - overnmenl and Ihe Hunkers' Association Ihe premier lold the VP TOIIIA. May In. Premier , ,,, .-;,. n...! Oliver. J .h Clearihue. Samuel H, I i earner, mis mys.ery neer was solved and Hoy l.eona after ii is confession, saM he and his com panions knew iiolhiug or that affair. Six Arrested ! 11 11. S. '.. - . . - . dogs followed a trail into a thicket and there the posse arrested jJoseph Oi'-'lio aud Itoy Leona,' Hrooklyn. N.Y., Joseph Hocchio aud Andrea Lemanlia, of Chicago, and Nalale Deamore and Joseph Mini, of New Orleans. The olher Italians were arrested ns possible suspects later bul were The six prisoners protested their innocence, declaring they were on a camping trip, mil nil were convicted of murder. An resulleil in a retrial ami a sec I ....... I. .11.... ,. I.:..l. II... I.l.,l,n Koinan Catholic Church, in Xew .... ... iii.. i . i .:, i.i ii... i i. The deputation asked that llie lenlay was commiueu siiortiy unwiif, io isu mm uc doctor at maternity and weltare after midnishl. May 8. 121. Dal- miht perform his "Kasler centres he permit led lo Kive. las Calmes, a restaurant opera-duties." Leona, in his confes-hirth control information to those lor, was aroused by a noise al h. In Ihe priest, said he Hred desirinjr it. .the rear or his home and upon U"" 'hoi which killed Calmes. Hon. John Wheatley rerused Investigation was shot down by a Father Carra lold him he could Ihe icpiest and said where such man dimly discernible in the not hope ror rorpiveness rrom his advice was warranted on mrdical darkness. The bandits, who Maker if he did not make a pub-pn.un.M. patients should be re- had pone to Independence to rob He confession and clear his five ferre.1 tn oriiaie ..r hoi. the bank. Warded their automo- companions. Leona agreed lo do n-. pitals. bile and fled. The aulliorilies so anu on r.asier juououj in wtj immedialely sumiiHjue.1 bloi"l- presence of the superintendent or hounds at Crystal Springs, Miss Ihe (Means parish prison, where and telephoned the New Orleans Hie men had been held Tor safe iK,lice. ieepiny. Father Carra aud news- I.u.llii.. ul .- llrl..:irw on men ii.viditru a wuicssiuii J i it a tip from Amite, the seat of.a"a 8,S" CANADIANS IN FIRST GAME OF SERIES DRAW tttewurl revealed the j.enlous condition or the bank and ,jj ('.jovauni, who had been shot Football Players- Given Great pres-ed lor a government ueposit to save u irom lauure.. tneji,, jealb apparenlly a rew hours Welcome by 20,000 Specta- Who Watched Match SIDNKY. May 10. The all stars Canadian football team played a ' scoreless draw in the first game ' nun mv U.00.1..0U.H.S i,oc Qf Auslralian ,our wUl lo.M.we.i a uipuway o u oi i.iu.-- Melro,,0is ,,.am of tlis cil PLACK WINNER the " The pen.lenee and found Ihe deserted Jay favrei, u.e Canadians whoj car of the bandits. In the machine , . ...!,.... i,v - weiv pistols, and a large quantity ;,. -.,," . wilnesse.l ll." ot ammuuiliou and dynamite. The naicjl( AT NEWMARKET Lord Roseberry's Horse Carried off Thousand Guinea Stake NKWMAIIKKT, May 10. Plack, owned by Lord lloseberry, at !-lit l una ti cr m i t il s.jiii llm appeal lo l ie slate supreme courl ., . ... . ,. . the thousand guinea stakes', in n i : I..-..I i second classic of Ihe season run imiu 1,1,11 . it. t urn wiiivu mtj ..ifiiit.. ijfg today court susluined. Then counseli' , m i. m.i ..i i , , . , , Aga Khan s .Mum az Malia r six fur Ihe condemned men appealed ' , ,v , , e, , ,. ... . ,i i to tivc, came second, and br io u.e I'unienie iouri oi uic ... , ,, ,. , . ... , Ldward Hu on s Slraighl Lace ,, i : i i ii i Uned Sates wheh In March re-. , ,. ,,. , l.,., . .. fused to review Ihe case bcwiusc '. of a lack ol jurisdiclion. , , , Legal Battle ,ia,f a vwh Separate.l the Throughout Ihe three years of second and Ihird horses. Icpal battle the men were sup- ,a.. nlieil with amtile funds bv Haliaii' - X and Ilaliaii-Anierican organiza-r lions and individuals llirougliout POuu tax (he country and Governor Par ker received thousands of letters, j telegrams and resolutions pro- iiivttiiv i .... in i.. n... n ,. ..t a v:n : .. ... , .. !.. i.i 4. iiw.u"..., .iij iv, in wiv iiu.i?v in uuiiiiovus n iiiiuiu lesuiiK aKa.usi uie, couvicuoii i. Adamsoii, secretary of slalo for Scolland, on behalf, or the gov-'innoecnt men and asking tor i.i'iinieiil. imurmeil the nrineiidn of a Krnlllsli licmie rule liill!.l,.n,..n.v : which provides for Ihe establishment in Scotland of u single It had breirr established that only one, and at Ihe most, two men, had fired at Calmes and for three years 'efforts vvfrei made to determine tire guilty nian. He would not admit his guilt nor. would any of his companions dis.j close his identity, If they knew it. The Saturday before Easter Leona reutieste.l the Rev. Father llayniuud Carra. of til. PalrltjJi's T - All persons liable to pay Ihe Poll Tax and who have nut done so are hereby notified thai If it is not paid on or before the ls day of June action will be slarle.l against Ihem lo reoover Ihe same. This Tax must be paid at Ihe Cily Hall in the sumo manner as other taxes. Hy Order of the Council. E. F. JONES, Cfty Solicitor. i