May 10. IM. LIFE BURDENED BY DYSPEPSIA Health and Happiness Came With "hniii-a-mes" Made From Fruit Juices and Tonics Kruit a tiM" th wonderful or. icio i""'"' from ""' l'"e t -.:-, iMufM. lif prune, I1 u tt yrralest means of doing il ,j.t tin country ul ours bi y,:. Un" i Itrinrlnr health sad htindrjM of .ttr ib ! fx-uple ,).iju(tci with chronic (.'ouiiiution, II ,oiiie ami Dyspepsia. Mr Kank Hall f V crate. Out., -(, 1 t nntimedAlw of "Fruit a -irt "iti Hryan the treatment. My JJ,.,iit;..a Iniprotrd Immediately. Pxpmrriwl tolfilif bur.lfn Jcf mvination. II dealer or wn by Frultathes, Umilrd, Ottawa, Out. tat More Wheat (i wtti Hread, Cakes. Paslrtc. baked FiveRoses Flour The World's Best 11 niiiuii I Tl tT. ft I! nnii t n n n ar- nun-1 -obi vim Wei Wash , I -! Services, one of t .a exactly fill your -h dy need I t ie u (or particulars. Canadian Seam Laundry Phone t. Sterling Furnace COAL t $10.00 per ton. TlBi It 1 trrjr tuprrlftr timf 11 n' 1 pimii imi fire iih . Iree frn -linkrr. i tiw diri vmi f the lirte.1 " it riant, in oh ray if wi im entirely Mllfilry TERLINQ STOVE COAL, " ' rfi In rki At $12.S0 per ton. " a! - . At" nu for the run"" Udvsmith-wellinqton and TELKWA COALS. ffinre Pupert Coal Co. niii notti ctntral. Phont IS LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage . lhone 6S. UrtK. Warehousing, md l)Ulfl...ll rr, - luuiniK, leoin r Molor 8ervlce. Cfltt 1 Q. n ., huiiu una urarei. w opeclalli In Piano and -Milium Moving. M. S. SING TAILOR, CLEANING AND PRESSING Mmnn 771. K?" Third Avcnun Lsundry Office I'.O. Jinx HH. I'rlncn fiupert, H.C. IIiiIiImiI landing during thin week hate been given somewhat of 11 el back owing lo the very by !: feel beam ami. ha a irui- Mormy wealher experienced on the northern fihiug groiuhK Tin wealher ha been micIi Hint lillle opportunity lia offercil fur remunerative fishing, h far a quantity lia cii roiti'-rn a). Mmiiali llni.c txtiilit furltiiwiip imiih In bring in i-alclicw Iihvc rwiifil Kotiil price. for Ihrtr fili. rVw fif llu- lursf AnifHi'tiit m-Ikhiikth hmf put in mi poiiruiice wliilt liiimliiiii urrivaU Iihvp tint (fin uji lo 1 Li uvrmrt1 in nuiiil.i'i A of liitlli Uifl Amcriean fClMMii'rM ami lioaU of llu hoinf lliri liavf I'ul in nn appcarnwi' whilr Cniiailian arrivuU hava nol l.cco up 10 llif aTiic in iiuiuiMT. A niinilir of Imlli Hip Aimriran rriNiiir ami lioaW of Hif lininn llfl liavr l(fin fnrrwl into .hcl- ml anrlioniiff to await lifllrr wiaHior r.nililioii. 'Hi horl-11 a r in liiililiui lniulinir ha aiixsl an tnrrr'ac in rui of fernl on lln Fili Kxrhanic over "If nppnrt unify to look lir nvi-r. I lie lioal rwattiiri '7 fncl Ioiik Hiop prcvailiiic lal wffk. OriMn a few ilay. .Motnlay iilil 4'.anailiHii boal nrriwi) in porl Willi a total of ;iO..'0(i pouiiiN nf halitail prirt jiiniiiiiK lo I ir and 7r for firt ami yfHvintl rla ralrhf ni-KTiiHy wliirli i appniximaldy ihno enli iimrt for firl rla fiti llian wax ofTi-rrvl Ih wwk pr-iiMily (in liM-day thru Arnrrii'an and pikIiI Canadian . liiMincr tinitiplit in OS.StMl Hi. rH-pjf a higii a I'.fH? for dri nlao fioli, an iniTiaf ol Ctnadian n-rfliil tS.rc. Two Amrriran and four ('.Miiadiun lioaU arriis on lin'.Uy with a loial of t5,r.o0 miuwI. tin dial liny Aiiifriraii rwrivd a .cut lr for f irtt rlaAM fth mIiiIc iliinadlaii flit rla fih wa Irmly amtind I Sr. Sorooil Ih iaiMlingK Jiihiin up ?c pr ixiiind for Caiiadian and '.ie pT P"iind for AiiicrM-aii durins (lie uNk. The t'.anadiatt Fih V Odd SUttHff tit. took Hip nlir laml- 1 n s (hi Tliurilay. anioimting to ? 1.50(1 at Ifir and fr for American aixl artttind 5e ami i?c. for Canadian fUli. YpflPntay priri, Imik a Sr ilrop wlin tliro American and fit (Mtnadiaii ImiuU landed a lolal of ill.mio hmimI of ha'lil.iil. Radio Lost Men " I'lie Ciitiadian Kili V Cold insr radio of 5,000 mil, sim derive a cpeod of 10 knoN per hour from a 50 h.p. Vjiliinz. ton-IXep full ilojod I'naiiie (2 cylinder, I eyele). Till enjr'ne i reported lo ke very eronnnii- kal on mule oil fuel of which il only eonuiilP two gallon per hour at u co .f approximately '4 per iralliiu. There i ;n- eoiiihUNlalloii on the lioal for Irti men and he earriex a crew of! Iw. The lioal in iiuiii ,,f fjP lielow I he water line and r.-d ir aloe, ie ilceJc ,.j mn.i nf leak. A wiri'le.,. leleplinnr nri-paraluit i part of her equip, men!. The rrafl wan hui'.t af Hi u r. 1 1 in Hay in Hie jrovernment liop ami wan denigmsl hy J, Wintlow. (iiarinc achile.l. The new erafl appear particularly Hiiiialde fur the long cniie el will tw ealleil iiwm to perform in northern water. Ucr interior i not yet quit finished hut ImiuM e ready for nnmmiioii ' Decides to Buy Engine flirl! The Capl. Khorl malri- inonial idea i enlirely off. While the ukrpper did have eriou in- I en I ion in thi regard, a oul- hncd in lh(M column' lal week. oomelliinc hax Imppeiusl whicl: lwi eile him o change hi mind. He prohahly came lo l' c roarluioo that n new engine Ixdwren Diem when the former would ervp him letler. At ony rate he i now negotiating w'lli a loral firm of enaiuero lo sive five rent mvw Ut wwk. iindlliini a price on a new 20-30 h.o. eusine and li;t emphalirally laled that no female neeil ap ply It the l.ii.ii on malHmor.y tent. e reprel to dah the liopA of many fair dameN to Hie srr.Hind no to . peal- in uci a heart le manner lnil ft i oiiriderm a duly ill Hie inler- c! of many woo may be preparing a lriiue:iux. Fresh Herring Bait at Captain's Cove and Jap Inlet. Itepair work f licing carried out on the Prince Huperl Yacht Club lioal. New pile are being driven and Mall put in lo lake care of Hie incrcaMng member- IHp. Nortonlon In Port The laleM power boat to arrive In port from Vancouver i Storage lit.' trnwli-r .lame (iir-:ihc Norton ion, kippertil by Capl. rullier. which arrived in jtorl on Monday InM willi 25.000 pound of halibut, report ei dial Hie American rliooncr Iladio. Capl. AilgeUen, had lost two men uhiln fiMiing on Ihe northern fllilnp hank. No detail niv known a to Ihe name of Ihe drowned men or juM how Ihe fatality happen. e.1. New Forestry BoaX The new forrMry rruier "H.C. Forclcr," tijtj. F. K. Milchel!. put into port on Sal unlay In! ami wn much admlrcil by nan: I '.I I Tiligley, Ihe Norlouiou made liorl on WedncMlay nigh! after an uneventful trip up the coal Thi craft will engage in Hie al oion parking buine on Ihe wel roal. Her dimension are 55 fool long by a 1.1 fool beam and he derive n useful lurn of ieed from a :i h.p. Coil) en glue. The Norloniiin i now al Ihe dry dock for neceary en gine repair work before proceed iug out on her eaon' work. Fish Business During the week 2l0.700 lb. ral men and olher who look Hie of halibut ha been marketed nn More cups per pound Veal (food coffee fresh in the Nabob z5 Vacuum Tin ca a ca t3 NABOB VACUUM PACKED COFFEE Knir, notjctAt fatu, up. 41.' kevtJt TH1 DAJLT IIWH. 7 (he Fih 7'xchange. Canadians were hiftli at 15.5c and 6e and low nl 12c and 5c. Americana were high nl 17."C and 8c, and low al I Ic and fir. Arrival were: Canadian Hippo, Cape Spencer, Oihhon, While l.ily, Lillian M.t Westerner, II. A It., f)li Hill, Kaien, Tlielma, I. l)orreen, Tilly H Caygeon, Amre, W. A I., Mab, Tallow, Overlile, Mar-galice. Hjs.T., Itennell, Fanny F., Mary M., Chrilopher, Cape Spear, Naulllil. Viola, Ileveille, W.T., Salma and Tomlie. American rclic. Volunteer. Venn, Welern, I'eliean, II") al, Laning, Waliab, Sherman. - New rieat Uniform The old depi.ed hard bat. commonly known a Ihe "Chrlx-lie-liir,'" i cvidenlly coming in to il own again JimUihx from (he Marl ling Myle now being adopted by Mome, riaulical along the walerfronl, II would eem lo be a new fa Mi imi imported from distant land. To ee a fiMierinan in a hard hat, one of lhoe anemic looking thing con- i.ling of a .and creen like brim and a ronumptive crown, wearing hiali IkmiIh and jerey of the name hue and wielding a two. handed cigarette. i a Mghl fur ore eye. Thi remarkable heanlgear e'in lo work fine on fine day but in a high wind il appear to keep (he wearer lniy rhaMng after il. and if ha been uggeted thai a bit of le- ulalion elastic a uei on a child Mraw bal Mound under Hie chin and around Ihe Adam apple of the throat would be an improvement of a permanent nalure. In high boot circle ;thc wearer of I lie new headgear have been dubbed the "dili pan' or Ihe Mtnple reaon that when lifted off Ihe bead and turned upide down the hard bat make a wonderfully' convenient dih for waMiing up in or uing for other domellc purpoc. So nifly doe the new 'ilih pan" brigade IihiV when lined up on parade thai il i quite on the card thi new, form of head lre will be adopted a the re gulalion uniform for all mem tier of the fleel, of coure. plu Ihe claMic lunt." ' The Canadian Kcbnoner Mala mule, Capl. Nick Carter. ha been undergoing ome minor repair work while" in port during Hie week. The Malamulc lefl for Hie high pol on Wcd- iHday. Jimmy Thouia. with Ihe power Imal Viner, i up Ihe Skeena river buying almon. The launch Dixie llupcrt. Cap!. (eorge Newcouib, wa over lt Mellakalla early in the week with a- hu.ine parly aboard. - The lio foo! Dominion fisher- ic eruier, reccnlly launched nt Ihe Dry Dock, I at Ihe Mip un dergoing Hie finishing louche. The interior cleclrical work ha been cnmpleteil by Hay l.ove and Ihe engine wen1 ,gjvcn a try oul on iiiurMiay ami yeieriay. Work i now being ruhed on Ihe ceond cruicr, of Ihe same, type, which ha the engine in-Mulled, - The barge (Jriff,' which sank nl Ihe Sleawrt wharf in March while loaded wilh ore. i now on the dry dock 'undergoing repair. v -Joy Bird Out The launch Joy llird, Capl, Jack Cook, wa oul to Mission Point. Mellakalla, on Tuesday evening lo lake supplies -olT Ihe harge in low of Hie power hoat Wake both of which gol stranded on Hie roc; while unloading lumber al .Mellakalla. Afler 'unloading school supplies the Idle had receded so far thai both Ihe scow and the Wake were unable lo move. It is probable ie boat and scow will have In remain stranded al Mission I'nint for a week, or nt leal until Hie tide become hlgli enough lo tloal them off. The , power lioal Zorra, Hlapl. Hoy Hrown, left port recently for Ihe north presumably on a pros pecting Irlp. .- -Held Up Sales Yells of ".Who is holding up Ihe parade?" and "Where. Is Jim?" resounded along Ihe walerfronl from Ihe. Fish l'.x change on Thursday morning, whiln every lelephone In reach wa pul -into commission u try and locale the missing Jim, Frank was careering madly up and down Hie Mil re floor like a polar bear wild a lighted oil Brings Strength and Vigor When Mother Most Needs It W HAT jov there is in the home when baby arrives. What a relief after months of anxiety. Now the mother looks forward to returning strength and vigor. , But oftentimes this is slow in coming and the weeks drag on until the strain brings depression and discouragement. So many mothers have written to us about the great benefit they have obtained by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food under these conditions that we cannot refrain from passing along the good words. Since prevention is always the better way it is wise to use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food during the expectant period as well as after baby comes. By so doing the blood is kept rich, the nerves steady and the general health is stove for a tail, while Ihe super-1 intenilent wa despatching run-i ner hither and Ihilher lo Iry: and locale their missing chief.! Hoat skipper were eilher quietly i making up for lost beauty sleep or giving voice lo the assert ion that unless' Ihe sales parade commenced prelly soon .they, mlgbl jul as well cart their fish( up town and sell il for garden fertilizer. JuM as things look-! eif their blackest some bright wit suggested telephoning Hie! heauly parlors up town. No! sooner had Ihe suggestion beciu voice! than a well known men's beaulp parlor was runs up. Surcj enough Ihe missing Jim Wa; located in Ihe midst of inhaling Ihe fumes of a shave and sham poo, upon lieing acquainted with the fact thai he wa sorely nee. led at the F.xchnugc, Jim started from Ihe chair like a harpooncit whale and with towel in hand rushed to (he scene of action. II is said Ihe manner In which Jim gol rid of Ihe shav ing sohp on his face en route, by licking off what he rould't gather on the lowel, would have made a movie comedy look like Ihe funeral of Napoleon. Ilow- ver. Ihe missing chief made the distance lo Ihe waterfront in re cord lime and arrived at Ihe moment the arriving was good. Fresh Herring Bait at Captain's Cove and Jap Inlet. Cap!. Jack Wells, who reccnlly purchased the halibut schooner Knox from J. Julius, has been busy completely refilling her this week ami left for the high spots on Thursday, Hill Wrnl hall has reccnlly filled a canopy nn his launch. No fur arrivals have been reported during Ihe week. The, Canadian schooner Jon llaker,, Cap!. Itloutlel, arrived in purl over lat week end and ro purled having struck dirty weather, his calch being light ns a consequence. Afler doing necessary repair work ho skip per lefl port again on Monday In Iry his luck. The Canadian schooner Fanny (Continued on page six) kept at high water mark all through this trying time. Then after baby's advent you quickly Eick up strength and know the joy of ealthful motherhood. Mrs. H. McClure, Norwood, Ont writes: "After my baby was born I was terribly weak and run down, with a weak, painful feeling across my back. I had heard so much of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food that I decided to try it, and before very long. I began to feel stronger. Three boxes proved enough to make me quite strong and well again. I also used Dr. Chase's Ointment, for a rash which broke out on the baby and it worked wonderfully the rash disappearing completely in a short time." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 60 cents a box of 60 pills, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince Gtorge Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE mid intermedfate points each Thursday and Sumlav nt 1 1.00 p.m. , FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART ... . . ? 'Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN ror VANCOUVER via Queen Charlotte islands, .May 10th, 2tth. PASSENGfcR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Ut Prince Rupert t.U pjn. ror PRIMCE GEORGE. EDMO.nth.n, wn MPEG, til point Eastern CtnH, Coiled Sute. AQENCY ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINKS. City Tltltt Offk. B2S IWr At. Prlnct Rvptrl. Phon 2 BO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY BX. Coast Service! S ail ings from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouvr( Victoria and Seattle, , May 2, 13, 23 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Junaau and Skagway, May 9, 19, 30 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedalo, Swaniort Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell' River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship. Line. Full information irom W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sillloti From Prloce Rupert. Pee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Pellt, M4 Swuuon Bty, Tuttday, PJt. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.ft Bay,' an Swmton Bay, Saturday No'. For ANVOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wlltt liland,. BuMay PJi. For PORT SIMPSON an Naaa Rltoe Oanatrlta, Friday A-M. (11 toil Avtou. t. Bant.lty, Aftnt Prlnct Ruptrt. .C - If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have Hardwood, Fir and Cedar Boat. Lumber. If you ore tired of KnUomine and l'apcr, try Fir Veneer Panelling. If you ore thinking of building a house, we. have any lumber you require, also Sash, Doors, Glass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay Phona