rridnyjMarth 14, 102V The Hall-Mark I Irjll of Value ri Ih name. Sunlight on Soap is the x llall-Mark of Value. Sunlight means absolute purity, for it is all soap, through and through. This means value for every ounce of it. Only, the finest natural cleansing oils are used in the manufacture of Sunlight Soap. The nam. SunlLjjIit on iop meant LaaKkTjRk. bolui value. Kvery piniclc of HHHbW. every tablet W purt o.p. Trier "JVJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJV It i.o Ileinf ( map, it VJk economical. Buy 5unlif,ht today. aBLm IMM from our worthwhile rlhw-hjle ,,.... J fled yfrurdood taste J to your imrflS- It r-1 lvtt Brother, limited Toronto BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS THE HOUSE OF QUALITY COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sail from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VJCTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points , Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX . Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. v S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 1 March 12, 20 ' PASSENCtR TRAIN, DAILY EXCERT SUNDAY. Iive ITInce lliirt . p.m. for MINCE 0EW10K. MiMONTON, WIN Ml-KO, all poind Ea.tern Canaila. I.'miml Slatea, AOENCY ALL OCIAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltjrjcitt Office, 871 Third Aie rrlnte. Rupert. Phone 160. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert rs nnlkirrt'O MARV For VAncouvtr, Victoria and Seattle, ' March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 to , 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butadal, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i 'alH, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van- couvar. avary Saturday at 1 P'"1, Agency for all 8tamshlp Llnea. v. Full information from " M, W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Stlllnii from rrlnre fnirert. Santon Bay, Tuttday, r.M. Ocean fMl. r VANOOUVM. VI0TOBI. roe VANOOUVia. VICTORIA, Alert . n Saaon Bay, Salueday Noon, for ANV0X. ALICE ARM, STEWART. Welet ltl.r.d. Sunday for PORT SIMPSON and Nail RHee Cannarl.t. Frlli " II fudrAnu,. 4. Barn.l.y, As.nt. mnc. nupert. .C BOY'S BAD COLD TURNED TO BRONCHITIS The frequency with which bronrhlll ilrvelnpe Into iif iimnla It appreciated by fery fe.w ruoilicr. The danger of pneu- oionli la, proualily. well understood too. but how many mothers take Into conald- ertllon that a nerlected attack of bron- rliltla frequently lead to thl danreroui dlHeate. We would advlne all tnotlu-ri to rlre tlielr children lir. Woud'a Norway 1'lne Syrup the flrM moment they thow any tyinptoioi of a fold or rouifli, a hy dolne thla they may tave Umiii from an attark of lironrliiua or pneumonia. Mr. Kattrenre Quirk, Saiidwlrti, Out.. write;: "My little boy. nit yeart old, had a bail cold whlili turned to bruiidiltl. tried evrrjthlnr I- thourht would Im 11 for It, but did not hltn Ittltlriit any belter. 1 wa lold to try fir. Wood'a Norway I'lue Syrup, and after irtvlnar JiIiii iko ixnuca n jrot womierrui feller, rannot pralne It enouKh." I'rlee 35r a bottle; lartre faintly tlze S0r; put tip by the T. Mllburn to, Urn- Ited, Toronto. Ont. MANY PUPILS ABSENT ACCOUNT OF MEASLES Attendance at Public Schools Af- I fected by Recent Epldemlc-i Average of 200 at Home McaIc again interfered willi 'lie allcmlanrc nl (lie public school (luring Ihe inonlli of February according to Supcriu- leinJ"iil II. .S. Hum's report for Hie month e ubmiltcd to tin school lioanl last night. For llirec weeks absentees averaged a total of 200 anil the percentage of aMendanre for the month wus low al 82.70. Principal llraily reported Hint Hie epidemic lia nol hei'ii notieeil at- the High Srhool. There hail lieeti only one nnlil ease anions the pupil I hero. Supcriiilendfiil Hum's al lendanee n-purl for February wa a? follows: liooth School.. Ilonlen .Street.. Seal Coe '.. To. als . Hoys Girl ill 1 28 58 181 131 ro !5U 18 318 332 C80 ICAPT. BRODHURST IS i BACK IN TOWN AGAIN It Taking Cannery Tender From Victoria to Masse tt For Langara Fishing Co. After an absence from the cily of fifteen month. Cap!. Norman Hrodhur.-t is in town again, lie arrived eslerday afternoon from Victoria on board (he CO-fuot ga boat Waterfall No. 2 which he is Inking lo Massed lo be ucd by (lie I.augara Fishing Co. as a can nery tender. Tonight he expects to proceed to the Islands where he will remain until Ihe end of May. Johnnie Kask. formerly of Prince llupert, is also on board the Waterfall going lo the can ticry where he will remain for the summer. Capl. ami Mrs. Ilrndhursl now reside al llrenlwood Hay, on Saanieh Ann near Victoria, where jthcy conduct a pleasure resort. , , , W. .1. Jefferson, manager of the Soiiierville Cannery, passed through on Ihe steamer Camo-sint this afleriionii hound north after spending Ihe wilder al hi home in Vancouver. Ihe payroll for Hie month of February totalling an.fiO.l.tHi and various acconul were passed for payment by the school hoard last night. ANNOUNCEMENTS Methodist Faster Sale. Tea, sewing, home cooking. lied Cros llul, April 5. lloyal Purple Faster Hataar and Sale, of Homo Cooking, April 8. Hill no Chapter. I.O.D.F,. Amateur Theatricals, April II. 4 Oiiccu Mary Chapter I.O.D.F.. Dalfodil Hall, Faster Monday, ir Concert for Anglican Church al Empress Theatre, April 28, by Symphony Orchestra. Tickets 50c. Minstrel Troupe. First' show May 1. , Itldley Homo Haiaar, May I. THE DAILY NEWS paqb TnnEi. U'.mu...,.. m Local and Personal j U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayiiers, IM: Undei laker Pttoue tf Olof If au-oii returned from Smilherx on last night's train. Dominion Constable A. J. Wal- kinson relurncd to I'orl Simpson on Hie Cainosun today. We buy, sell and axchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. tf .Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Kattwood of Dit'hy l-liinil, failed thi morning on the l'riitcc Oeorgc for Victoria. If you have any foot troubles call on Family Shoe Store on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday See our other advertisements. 03 Kolicrl lllance, chief eiiKinee for Hie Caiiii'liun l'i-li & CnM Slotaae Oi., mailed for Victoria on Ihe Prince 'George this morn In?. Dale Pill, manager of the Pre mier Mine,, wa a pafeiifcrcr .!- inx Ihi'iHiah front Stewart- lo Vancouver on the Prince (Jeorjfc lliii morning. It. S. Smilli, chief accountant al Ihe Pacific .Mi IN. relumed l Ocean Fall on Hie Prince (SeotTe Hii" morning after liuv iiiff xpeut a few, day vNitiiir in Ihe cily. K. It. Sliver, U.S. custom of ficer, arrived from Ilyder on Ihe Prince (Scor?e llii- inoruing aii In registered al Hie Prince llu nerl hotel, lie N pointr out on in, extended vacation Irip. - Tlie otlicer and crew of the Canadian Scottirh and S Prince dluperl will give a dance Friday eveninjr, De l.uxe Hall Duncint' cotnmeuce D.30 p.tn fienlj'.SOc. I.adie Jree. Proceei lo (ieneral Hopilal. t - - Ihe PrellerTan I.adie' Aid will hold a Shamrock Tea, home cooking (able ami, misccllaneou ale at the home tif .Mrs. Geo, llorie. Fotirlh Ave. 'el, to morrow. Saturday, .March 15, from 3 In C p.m. Everybody welcome. - I.. F. .Mawhinney, who lia been aitnnl purer on IJ..YII. steamer for the pal couple of year, N making hi lat voyage on lite Prince George llii week. He i going lo Victoria for a Hi ice month vacation ordered by physicians. "i Tlie Iwo bidder's having len-dered within 32c of each other on school supplies for Ihe year which Iitisine amount to approximately .C00, .-Hie school hoard last uighl decided lo split lite otiler between W. V. Wrath-all and Mcltne Ilros. . .. J. Hrady, principal of the High School, reported to tlo chool obanl liMt nighUlhal King I'.ilwaril School wa badly in need of a new flag. The secretary was instructed lo obtain Ihe flat from tln department of education which supplies them free of charge. An account from A. A. Cox, architect, for 1750, balance claimed in connection with plans and specifications prepared by him for reconstruction of tic Hoolh Memorial School, was re ceived by the school board lasl night. A committee consisting of Trtislee Williams, Onue and Itochesler was delegated lo take the matter up with .Mr. Cox with a view' to reaching a setllemcn't. Passengers sailing from here for Ihe south on the Prince George this morning Included II. .1. Ilyder, Mrs. Segul. T. W. Armstrong, Mr. Walker, J. Ko- aki, Charles Kiihlmoier, V. II. ile Long. J. C. Macdonald. I.. It. Toile'r, K, G. T. Hayes, K. G. I.akovicli, .1. H. McVely, Mrs. A. 1'. Chisholiu, .Miss Huth Chi. holm, .Mr. and Mr. J. A. Hates, .Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. (llllespie and family, L. A. Palmer, K, Havies, Mrs. M. K. Johnson and son, C. Parkvold, Mc. and Mrs", P. Hanson, Mr. t.awler and Mr. nnd Mrs, Sutler; It. S, .Smith for Ocean Falls; H. Hlunce, Seattle; II J. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. J W Eastwood, Vtvloria, Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited Mr. Segul of the SI. Hegis cafe staff was a passenger for Vancouver on Ihe Prince (ieorge litis morning. She i on a three week' Holiday irip. No rlli In iu ml from Vancouver and way ports to the Xaas lliver. Union-steamer Camosun, Capl. J. A. Findlay, wa in port from I lo 2.30 this afternoon. - Mr. II. O. Crewe will commence Children' Dancing Class ul 'the Gibson Htiihling; Second Avenue, next Clapp Hlock, al 2.30 ' p.m. tomorrow, Saturday. J. A. Hates, editor o flhe Fra- ser Valley llecord, .Mission, and-Mrs. Hale, passed, through Hie city today enroule south after a-Irip lo Edmonton. They arrived on last night's train ami sailed' for Nancouvcr (ieorge. on lite Prince Cs W. Totirlelotle, assistant mauauer for lite Pacific Coast of the C.G.M.M., and J. It. Scolt. C.N. It. assistant general freight; a'-'cnt, Vancouver, returned lo Vancouver on Ihe Prince Ueorge llii morning after having made the round lrin to Slcwarl and; Anyo.x on the Prince George. i I The school board lal nighlf granted permission, lo Ihe Parent -Teachers' Association lo hold its regular monthly meetings and social ulfairs iu lloolh School ioviileil the meetings do nol interfere with school hours ami are suhjeel to arrangement with the stiperinlemlent. Application for the privilege was made iu a lelter from Mr. Ar-notl, president of t lie LACROSSE MEETING There will be a meeting of the Prince llupert Lacrosse Association al the Elks Home on Saturday. March 15, al 8 p.m. All those interested kindly attend for re-organization. S. W. Taylor, Secretary. Ivi ai ai acifiirl aaVfrWTnTTSBaaBntMMMaMliaaMal 25 " 35 Win Her Affections Sole Agents: A BOX OF Purdys Candy WILL DO IT The Autocrat of the Candy .World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toothsome Delight in a Heautifiil Hox. All Sizes. All Prices. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. ELKAY'S STRAW HAT DYE Make old Straw Hals look, like new. H is permanent ami waterproof. Easy lo apply and dries quickly to a lasting finish . In All The Popular Colors ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggist. Make It Your Business To place as much of your earnings as. you can in the bank every week. This business of saving is an increasingly profitable one. for the bank protects your money against loss and, at the same time, pays you interest. $1 opens a Savings Accouot and deposits of $1 and upwards are received. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Brodcrick, Manager