Built For Iron Ore Shipment ' | | Mill Owners Find Machines Grow Jeune bie a me NY Modern Railroad in Labrador Wilderness Ancient Waiting For Permission jor Wallace Roy, who welcomes ouris to Nova Scotia with the , , rt ci if bagpipes at the provin- | j MEKIC TY ¥ 1} > ing a cou! — {EXICO CITY (AP)—A rayon mili here is seeniig a avidly becoming if ; [? ee ee a ce ee force the government to let it start up its machines ial borde:, is rapids oa : ee ee one of the province's most-photo- ; Peet mpany's petition told this story hed mer What with the } government says the mil] cant run because its ; nnoncneetinaeempenssesitlig and puffing, the Major are not the latest type a busy man Try Daily News Want \ J nachines were up-to-date when t 1e government okay—two yes r overnment took so long to sie @ a the THE “CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN” FAMILY ; w are obsolete ' “A 4 f Grain Lacked Today s Stocks For Shipping V ANCOUVER ae Montreal an Standard 20 MONTREAL 6 69 ources said today ul 03 shortage of gral particu 1.40 wheat—exists here for shippir More thar hips lined TODAY and SATURDAY q | Srorerscs| “alae oe 1614 | * tival he eof grain from west Matinee Saturday 2: p.m. 4. Famous Players 208 ern Canada Theatre nier 22 «(| There just isn't any wheat 05% | here.” an official said 04 Sheep Cr 1.41 niit .eave silbak Premier 48 f “i .a ee) oe . ing from Great Lakes grain A nad CP PHOTO Taku River 07 oading centres are carrying bar-|| iim i | Cw: I seh " fananda 03 ley instead of whea Also to BU : 4 Knot ke. Tha S n Gold 03 blame, they said, was the almost . if} VLU Ne bes! Rad Ri obsolete equipment used to un i ; —_ ig out th one aaa «| definitels os bees ea Saag tg atsial Valley N14, _ ore ( : ie iain Yes ‘ ; t novement of each ear so; °Y® : 1.90 | joad grain from railway cars TEN ALL MEN . ‘ . ah ce ha tenia Whhonsdlial nea coaesacr western Uranium 4.20 : SERIES OF PITS I é linal ¢ a SES si 1e require lend of ore reaches | : y it lied, | 41 venue cape day h shij 7 The shortage was blamed on ithe fact that most ships arriv Standard Open-p Oils— CARTOON - NeW f ll] mour A re jug From Seven Islands, most of | pn+j) Can: ¥ vn a a : The dock for the project will Anglo Canadian 7.80 : , , away and Ul place by the ore will go by ship to Mont- tion Canadian steel 1 a ye 2200 feet long—600 feet for} A P Con 44 CAPITOL !:::: , on bie hol the dina surface |real, where it will be trans-| <2. 4900000 tons of ore a veat government dock, 800 feet of} Calmont 165 | ‘ mas ~ 9:02 if today ‘ wttina of at a terminal to be o¢ y} rs s = 2 1 IO y space for ore ships} Home Oil 14.50 t : cs wa , : —latur - |: rit everal hundred feet deep t there. It will be loaded on ,jj,,4 + niviabiuas . wal x to be loaded, and 800} Mercury 23 JULY 25 TODAY and SATURDAY Satu day Mat. 2 4) or railway cars and “i on Wa caeadndes Onn nae oe the ship being loaded Okalta 3.75 s in the United ,., i cade” ‘ Two ore-carrying shi yn woul requir y a fe oo t I Ss, each Pat fhe Pete ‘ | ODDFELLOWS HALL Pattee at ate eat eae aMa eta naa at aa aaa aaah ta MMMM AN Some of the : < ae pa . ae | ef ear aerate N 30,000 Royal Canadian | follow am At-| sorts in La zava, | 10M tons, are being. built SPECIAL THIS WEEK ng- built in TORONTO Four Dukes Orchestra United : > i} Supplement present ee Due t ld winter weathe i tie Pee Athona 9441 . cints ot iets Due to cok ter weather, | ore-carrying fleets cee Admission $1.00 10,000,000 tons ee lat tan! ana ai de. what ai Tw , t Se pre Bevcourt eae pped $5,000,000, will supply : Buffalo Canadian Menihek Lake, Consol, Smelters . a ies wil be. built” at Seven poWer—one at -Meninek “Lake Consol GENERAL ELECTRIC — ey nonth navigation uson r miningoperations one at) Donalda | ; Il Jue., at the tation and favorabl market 5 ¢ ‘ Margu River, 20 miles from Eldona | ; ; ee a ea De 6-4| Seven Islands, for operations at| Kast Sullivan é pce Prince Rupert Daily News taal will he laid ta Mile 199 | Seven Islands. Each will develop} Giant Yellowknife | . Friday, July 25, 1952 ae . a nee 4 like 20,000 horse- God's Lake i A ‘ H - SSR BREE Ee BERR ERRRRRR RRR eee OE the ye The railway will i ¢ ¢ - @i carry its first ore in 1954 hould greater power pr Harricar © ’+ « ™ stash —.. ects be needed in the future, Heva ove : msuntertiens | Sees votential 500,000; Duvex 7 aig ~~". horsepower at Eaton Canyon in| Joliet Quebec SPECIALS : sire 22 the north nd another 1.500.- Little Long Lac i T 2 P.M. O'clock *"| 900 horsepower it Hamilton ~' River to the ust Madsen Red Lake 60 Ga. NYLON HOSIERY : ; Noranda a a * McKenzie Red Lake a a a i Sub 2 Knol ke to § sven Isl wi’ of Hardisty, Alta., was fatally) Lowvicourt Per Pair : * y cae oer eee: S crushed ween a skidding wm 150 mil : ' * * * oJ a a m a a Enquire today about our drastic reductions FOR CASH !! on all General Electric Washers. ynx This is an opportunity you shouldn’t mis Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Besner Block — Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C Stewart, BC ‘ KAMLOOPS oO I peer y uM Se 2m eee McLeod Cockshutt rains, each train weigh ' 2 ¢ : nad Killed on Pipeline oner siz: niet gars g : Negus Petrol Oil & Gas Senator Rouyn Sherrit Gordon Str ep Rock sod e lil 109 miles f1 h Silver Miller ment assistance Niort The ‘ Agaa eae es eas a ea ea ae ee Pate e eat ate a eee eta, aaa a ee ete ete aan eal NG Limited Stock gee WALLACE'S sch een a4 Dept. Store Boys wd Olds | ‘ cn ‘ “ai : oe | DANCE Saturday Night ercentage of Your é an Upper Canada HUB OF MINING AREA Golden Manitou It is expected to be deci ri a Kons SP) Socom | Legion Auditorium Gross Business Do You WESTERN RINGS ma : W ad ye iv ie png | ADMISSION $1.00 — | St sata te pte | si Me an Spend on Advertising? The ore-receiving, st ' MUSIC BY ify WESTERNAIRES and loading terminal : en Islands is a story in itself V borrowed tia Ratiwa i biggest, faste t ae — f on || Gc a | There are Lots of Ways fo Spend Your Doll git: Ee ’ world.” ¢ J . leidtles icc o ex oe MUNN Mitte terminal i 2% miles Cre are LOIS OF WayS 10 Spend TOU VOral POST'S GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES OF THE COWBOYS able to put 8000 tons of I a , ut marked on the front hour into the ore-carrying shir ‘= w BU “Roy Rogers WESTERN RING” os hiay cite | ae mane eee, Onee tS are extra delicious ore cars are pushed ovet You'll want them all — because they're TWELVEspler ipicture a ei ec! Nd You reach more people for the LOWEST COST f ts Sw) SUGAROASTED. : : es ae - = ; nn = Ou ieac more C0 e OF eC he r aaieetes Peo R | Fos Figs? | i -chey provide of gravity, cable and men : la a 3 zs a RO Rogers | And they Vic a ak te si > a y Trigger, Bullet and other ex GRAPE:NUTS ‘ae the nourishment of control “er rhey ‘. pe a ' 7 t i ne citing ‘Western subjects. In | | see] eenlveced whee | until after tele ore te E A THROUGH | anc | ands until after ‘ir ore e FLAKES \ r. + - vO dumped into a ship or into Putting a sel percentaqe of your ross business bac k ay grains, not onel stockpile, and they are moved 8 L There was a coldness between the bear and myself when Try Grape-Nuts to the pick-up point for emptie wands Flakes today. i : co CAREFUL DIRECTION Analysis of the ore in earh “However, a fortunate GF-312 car will have preceded il by tele of Lamb’s B bright colors fit any finger Get them at Mom's favorite gtocery store. inte your business through advertising is one sure way said the bosun confidentially. A Product of General Foods to make your business qrow. Advertising ALOME will hance | had with me a quantity avy Rum. After several tots of this dark and not make your business successful. But planned heart-warming fluid, his attitude distinctly thawed. Before : Sia a ak tethds. consistent advertising will HELP you to do more ARISTOCRAT The ultimate in real Rye “Crisis came when I discovered that we had food and business, much more than the cost of advertising. Whiskies — full-bodied, wate or fifteen years anc . $ ; ‘ A . pee = odied, water for fifteen ars a i rum for only a fortnight I Good consistent advertising builds a business. Keep 8 YEARS OLD, imposed rationing, of course, and this testing time exposed ¢ ne the dross in my companion’s character. One night, I detected plugging away! Pick out YOUR PERCENTAGE to spend him #earching me for the corkscrew. Taking the only manly course I slipped over the side with the rum while he was on advertising and STICK BY IT. sleeping and, sustained by the body-building beverage, swam to the nearest licensed premises.” “A Rum story!’ murmured the wedding guest thoughtfully. | Seas | “Most generous!’ replied the mariner with séamanlike THE es i | alacrity. “A Lamb’s Navy Rum, if you please.” LONDON CLUB DRY GIN || Rristocrat | | Frye Whisky \ Distilled from grain ce mashes and rectified over ee 3 f ag Navy Ray - D B LY N EWS laportei fran B® This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia, C-s0 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor ke Control Boord or by the Government of British Columbia