PAQ1 FOBIL We have just received another shipment of Ihe , famous Hurlbiit. Shoes For Children of all Ages These shoes ran now b repaired and made sine full ' size larger. Ask about litis service. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Itales ami Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and SteamsHIp Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread llread is your best food, fill more "of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. DRY Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63. Cartage, Warehousing, and. Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Sleam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rales by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phon WS. BRINGING UP. FATHER t 1 rz: 1 in 1 ; n -11 ? "1 r (SOVJ OO "tOJ TMWMX vcw CAK Om CAR? I 4 CCr-. PvJT -yoo . IWnoffi I ouU n-.t ts uboui tu I)emK:ral, 20,000 pound. a 18.3c and ye, .o Ihe Atlin Fish-, UM0, flrally PTS. . ;tCc. IKIt up only by Tfc I iUrn Ok, r . -1 M I AAA ...mim.Ij nl . T lriiuiHi9 ifiMy FtvuiiU, uniiica. lorwiot unu H n la-k ItiA fTnnnali.'in ! " ' 1 Fish & Cold Slnrape Co. Canadian Marjralice. 8,im0 pounds, al IC.Ic and 8c, lo Ihe Ilnyal Fish Co. Daisy, 3,000 wtunds; K. -Li- niO n,itinil ami . Vril iinl or. iUSING SKILS FOR SMUGGLING FOOD Germans Cross Frontier in Mountains and Return With Abundant Supplies UHKfJLAL'. Silesia, Feb. 25. Almol everybody on this .ide of Uie- Czechoslovakia!!'- frotilier this winter is 'devoted to skiiiis. Shiis never before were in ueh demand, and the call for them increased as Ihe roM of 'food In Germany went up. I'arliex of skliers leave every mornlnp for the wild nvmnlain passes teadinir towanl Czechos lovakia, wnd come back befnre nli'hl fall with knaosacks full of sausatre and cheese, fresh meat ami canned poods. Over the hills, on the oilier side, runs t lie explanalion, things lo iat ami drink cost less than half what they do in Cermany. for in the mounlain passes the snow- lies im deep for Ihe Czech cus ioms official to prevent smug gling. , CUT OWN THROW AND IS NOW IN HOSPITAL Octave Oagne, a French Cana dian war veWan, who was over ea on active service. cnl,liis own throat .last week w hen in a stale of melancholy. II A was slaying al the King Ccorgc lintel ami th police were told Ural he was miss ing. The following day he came in with a nasty gash on 1ii throat, lie had gone lo McCly mon I 1'ark ami gashed hiiaselr with nNrazor. " fir. Cade was railed and lb man was in me nospnai where he is recovering. He will be charged with atlcmpled suicid when he comes out. CanadaM REGIMENTAL ORDERS I jtsL Bn. North B.C. Regiment 102 Bn. C.E.F. 6.000, aVelto and 8c, jcmnmandin?:-, the Canadian Kisb Si CoUl Slnr-a;re Co. Orders by Major J. W. Nicholls February 23, 191 f (lilies, Orderly officer, Lieut. C. V. F.vitt. Next for duty. Iut. II. Floyd. , . I'arailes. Monday. Feb. 25. 8 pj;j. Musketry Inslrtirlion under Sjpl. Ilorrobiu. Wednesday. Feb. 27, 8 p.m I'hysiral training and boxing. Minalure Hange. Thursday February 28, al 8 the Minalure Hi fie Ilanje will be opt'ncil and the ,firsl shoot will m held. Range oflicer, Lieut. It. V. ttmeron. Irov. School. The Comnwnd- ing )!iieer wines, in uinna. ,tne Oflicers. and N.C.O.'s who attend- J. Ihe Provisional School of In- tmeljon for their cloe appli- calk'ii In 'the work of the school. S. I). JOHNSTON, Major & Act. Adjt. 1st Hal. Norlh II.C. Regt. NOTE Tbe Commanding Officer wfslies o tjiank.lhe Ladies Auxiliary of the llegt. to wom all credil is lue for ! splendid work in pre paring for Uie Itegiineniai nail. he success Of-whieli. was largely lue to their efforts and the ex cellenl program provided by l!andmalcr lieale and his band BILLIARD LINE-UPS The team in Ihe -billiard louriiaiiiont 'lis evening lielween Ihe ireal War Veterans Aosoeia lion and the KIks will HOe ti as fidlows: Col. S. P. McMordie (G.W V.A.) vs. Clmrles Halagno (J-.Us II p.m: "at G.W.V.A. rooms. F. Pvle vs. A. A. Easson 7:15 p.m. at ci.v.. moms. Sgt. Jebson vs. Freil Slephens, .30 run. a G.W.V.A. rooms. J. May vs. A. T. Hroderick 7.1 p.m. at 'KIks Home. J. Walsh vs. W. Mitchell, p.m. at Prince Ruperl Pool Jlooiu When you buy advertising vo buy CIRCULATION, and see. lh ...... i' " TBI DAILY Monday. February 5', la t I I t rvr jt i I H . r-v -r LrrT.-, l . . m I II I wnJ' l -H I 1 II "W " - - - - w a. . , . , IM Hal - 1" -V- I VlvXM III I I V 1 nron. r--'-. - 1 . rV S 1 HIM L5dl onre itpain drawing rallier far ahead in tlie Prinre Hupert Cily ItiUianl.laue rnmpelition for Ihe Iniler Lanieron run. Their .lead is now o on(r that il i vioif (n Im rather a diflW cull nialler o iivt-reome il. T niKhl. Ihe - Vols will be pilled a?aius the FJks, Ibird pUre leant. H Hie .si)ier. are siw- cessful in jiainins another vie. lory attylhin? like that of Friday nisli'f il mjjIiI to le pretly easy fletldi'ti; for them there-afler. Ihe Hlk, hweer, who llifii.)eles.arp slill much in Ihel- runnin?. niay,rh:in;ce the completion of thin? MNiewhal. The lournanienl will l ait fn- (iiTfsiin tiie. Tonight's ba'skelbali game houM draw, ttie- bumper crowd of Hie season n 'lh Wk's Home. a. Son i gt, Canada, leaders. and.Cidts, runners np two minis liehiml,' will meet in Ihe Senior League white ihe Aikinaes and . A. Has son (Cdl)'159. IS. Mitchell (Odts) 127. I. Mitchell '.Teachers) ,11 W. Lamhie (Tearher) H0. K. Smith (Colts) 93. A. Lane (Teachers) 71. Vir Metixies ijiiis nf llAnnda I 52. hm firaliaiii (Sous of Canada 13. . t a a i. ."sifllHUi 1 iraniT' ot. Erie Mackintosh ''(Sons of Can ada! 31. A . H. S. Hum 'Teachers) 28. ; s S. Hazel t -Jones (Teacliere aim Kelly IColts). 10. R. Harlletl 'Colls), 9. W. Wrathall fTeachers) 6. 1 1. H. Jlarlhess (Teachers) 5. . MlUrhell and K..Woo.iworiii, (Teachers; and GV Hlylhe (Sorin.of CanadaV i . Ladies' League-- . Miss Caroline Mitchell (Teachers) 105. Miss f.eona Parker (Adanacs) J02. Miss, Myra Harvey tMaple Leafs) '.687' Mis M. Casey (Kalens) 13. Miss Y Shockley (.danac.s ) to. Miss A. Kelly (Adnnacs) 38. MUs Sundae CaMe'ronft CMaple Leafs) 30. Mls Margaret Graham :. .., , Stafod&idSTncne BRIER ftiailTlRED Made Uafs,-lir,l at the lop of ANThO Ihe Ladies' League, are In en gage in combat. These two matches should be sutltcient lo Iraw tin- crowds for it goes without forecasting that the play will be well worth the money. In addition there will be. an In lermediale garne between the irollo ami Colt ami the Junior fixture luMween llle Stars and igh Sc Uottl. Senjor Haskelball. League W .Mitchell (tlts) 217, 0. Italfniir (Son -ot (Unala 20H. II.Menzies (Son of (Unadaj 161 WANTED. Candy maker with manufacturing plant would like to locale in I'rinee Htipert. Wholesale and retail. Desires a partner willi some rnpilal, silent or active. Cha. ft. Trimble. 17 U tmunercial drive Vancouver. H.C. WAHTKB MOLER DA RUHR C0LLKGE wants men and women to learn Ihe Harber Trade. .. Paid while learning. This is your opportunity to learn a trade and get into steady employment. Graduates earn from 1(0.00 to $30.00 per' week. . Write for free catalogue. 50 Hastings E. Vancouver. WANTEH Irfan of $1,100 for ' eight months, security A. It Rale twelve per cenl. Address Hot 102. Ifclily News. 18 Scoring record lo date in Ihe I WASTED. 36 In 38 fool boat 12 to 15 horse power, suilahl for fish buyer. Apply North ern Exchange. I JL. -Woman. 35 o 10. to work in restaurant al'I'acifiH for t'an.ula lUilwajr" 'ews tVunpany. OixhI whki lioanl arid rHtni. Ylay place. Apply lo F. If. Hrown. rn.lffager. Can-uda Railway News, I'acifie H.C. ID FOR SALK FOR SALE. - Power boats of 'every decrption including pleasure, Irollitig and work lKiats"; al reasonablf prices. Apply S" M. McLean, Cow Hay. Harry Astori fSons ot Canada) 18. Fon SAI.F..--Hlenry Herbert up. I right piami (Mnon and Hirl In fine condition. Address P.O. Hot 63 Prince Riiert, H.C. 18 FOR SALE Sixteen room board - ing house and store, furnish ed. Apply 921 Ambrose Ave hue. FOR RENT Modern four room flat for rent Also office, wilh modern liv ing nuarlcrs. Westernhaver n li Ctlnno,. fSnnu nf Cnriniln) I JlrOS. tf i . i a,, , 1 1 n - . ' . ".jj ' i m m 3. l. Fnzzell (OdtsJ -2. FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping rooms, HO Sixth Ave. Fist. Phone Hlue 217. If STEAM Heated Flat for rent Besner avartments. . M. M, Stephens. " BOARD. BOARD. The Second Avenue. Inlander, 830 Phone 137. tf Leafs i 33. Miss A. Morrison (Kalens), 31. (Maple Miss Nora .Pryce (Teacheiu) 28. Miss Laiira Frizell (Maple Leafs) 25. Miss C. Harvey (Teachers) 18, Miss Margurel Llmlsay (Teuch' ers) 16.'-Mfss II". Lumbtuist rk'afen) J5. "Miss peli'TreinaynefAdanacsj I f Miss f Lowe M.1ple Leafs, 3. Miss M. Lancaster (Teachers) 7. Miss Willn Dyer fAdanacsi, 6. Miss II. Hibbard (Teachers) I. Miss It. Hrochu (KaiensK4. Miss Louie Fisher" (Maple J.eafs) i . -v . . '- Miss II. llyrne(Kains) n: Miss A. Slephens (Maple Leafs) Miss M, IHig (Kalens) H. Sulcribe for the Daily News, I IWT ll.kfu.AMn IVbtlvlf. An. I MR. TRAPPER STOPI You can make more money here than elsewhere with your furs. See me first and lal. II will pay you. W. OOLDBLOOM, . Ihe Trappers Friend, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Goods Hotight. Sold MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- From Vancouver - By George McManm or Exi-lianged H. M. HEMMINCS, Auctioneer, Furniture ind Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Hlack 136 and Red US. TAXI Taxi B7 Phon. (Call Georgs or Oust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service anil Comfort fy or Slsht Stand: Boston Drill Third Avenue Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl. days, ?loses at 3.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 4.30 p.m. Sundays P. M. Wednesdays I P.M. Fridays A.M. C.P.R. February II and 25. To Vancouver-Tuesdays, Mail closes at I P.M. Fridays 8.15 A.M. Saturdays A.M. C.P.R. February 15 and 29. To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier- Wednesdays to P.M. From Anyox, Alice Vrm, Stewart, Premier Fridays A.M. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 P.M. From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Tuesdays . A.M. To Alaska Points- February l and 25. From Alaska Points- February 15 and 29. To Queen Charlotte Island Points February 13 and 27. Closes 6.30 p':m. From , Queen Charlotta Points February 11 and 25. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson- Thursdays lo P.M. From Naas River Point Saturdays A.M. PRINCr muuwttr srinva Tuesday, February 28. High r,:2rt n.m. 20.2 fl 18:16 p.m. 17.3 " 'ow ll:r,8 u.iii. 5.2 " Wednesday, February 27 HirTh ... 6:31 A.m. 19.5 fl 19:31 p.m. 16.3 " "-ow 0;0l n.m. 7,0 13:08 p.m. 5,0 " I K.HOV T. THKT "vAJZ. COCAM- t KNOW rAM vCUUS V lTP JSf&i?' lfagJi? a 'Bfe FISH ARRIVALS ARE LIGHT; PRICES RISE Eight Boats Marketed 55,500 Pounds at Exchange this Morning urn riiimrnii nan WHOOPING COUGHli PO" nai '11. .: . : i This li one of the gwt daRrerotis JU-. ""'"J ! of children. It urt wit ffrjHreal War Veterans tver. the SI. art mrfc.--.Ti court tv at tint Andrews S.leiety on Friilay niptft r!W.J7 ::t resnlle,.ii Ihe former learn Tdfullint foIV), and ttdvllmn there U Light arrivals were responsi- rxw Mmi: the -h(U mm mid i tn hie for a- considerable rise in''". wr ai.trthrr '""V ... .... buret from Itaetr orkrt..aiKl n rfnrt I Ua rreii jiaiiuui prices at uie riMt u - American ttoals markeled 38.K)'0 ; ,r v,-ur- hooray hivr sjrup ui Itounds ami a similar .number ufWar tbr brvnrhtal tu rrf u roirrij r,.,,,.!!,.,, ITT.nn .un.n.U n murom and phlrpn ami In M ay ra llal for Ihe .lay of r.,r(0. iIBJkf dlMWW. Arrivals and sales: i Vr, , KmhT,. srnia. m.. rtiM: American l-Vf Utile mn rre buth'oirk with - Cape Clear. 6,000 pounds, at I rd hrre t. Vr Sor- . Wne a a-nn, ami I unty ol ... , , , a ,1,i Syrup 18.2 and 'Jc, and Nalnrous. H.OOU. h;.,m lM pounds, at IH.2e and 9c, In lhehrie bnrMtu ror mrre year aixi lloyal Fish (1. jtrted wrythiwa- until.-ftnally. I W'r. of the Daily News Classified Ads. B CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No All vartlavament Talann for Lasa than OOcJ aqentsVanted inpiirniTf r ap AOF.NTS wantel to sell mai I meastire raincoats , direct W wearer, tmod pay. eml at once for particulars, (inod-. wear llamroal ut.. 33 Hleury. Monlreal. !pt. Vt. LOST L(S'P. One poM dnp errinp between ClHjKiflU Avenue, Kast and hospital. Finder pleae reulrn to lially .Vews Qmce. Reward. If ieTOLnCuUULi!, ur BASKETBALL February 25. Grotto. 11; Ma;Ie Leafs, Adanaos; S.OX . I , March , I. Kalens, Teacher R, High School; Colts. Tre h 1-ColL IlegL; Mi1- Isfi. Kalens; 'Iachern, S.U.1 8. Adanacs, TeaeJier j ,f Fill. Aveue West, fdack .V.' V'.. ?.V. fouulaln pen. Phone (Sreeni Mi. II Colls, High Seh V t ers, Maple Leafs; Colls T V-i. 15 Kalens, Adanacs, Ucyt. SroUo; Teachers, Sd: league slamlings AA ,uh league standings i Senior League ,n or iMnaoa .. . Oilts ... .. M ; Techer . Twrj points deilti. I siMjiatlon for fielding . ' ed player In league g . Intermediate Leagut (Udfs .... . High Seller Hrolla ". Elks .. .. Ladles' League Maple l.enfs 1 Adanaes ..m.. 1 Teachers Junior League High SchM .v.- a tvdis : . i Stars. Hlue Ifirds ' WHIST LEAGUE Feb. 28 K. of P .Moose vs Flk' . ada vs. I.O.O.F. VS s W VA r r-: , .-' vs. K. of C. March C K. of P. ff " 0J Sons of England v M Sons of Canada vi K f March 13 Sons -of t a'.r 1 t (, league Unding Elks ... Moose p..'. Sons of Ilnglaiid. K. of P.Vi. ... U.W.V.A SI. Andrew's 4 Sons of Canada Oddfellows K. of C SECOND HALF OF llarj. Parlor. in Kim of I nitlAnd Rupert Hilliard Pned 12 St. Andrew's vs, t i 1 1 Grotto vs. Gre.iH et'iins. 1781. Amlrew's vs. c bind, 19 Elks vs Grollo.y iM-Oaf War r ii x BILLIARD SERIW February -Great War Velefhi 27 prince Rupert 111' 0 lors vs. St. Andrew 29Sons of England v.: March 5 St. Aniliew's vs. (.r 7 F.lks vs. Prince R " 1 I Prince Rupert mma " ", League slantlimr J lows: ' M-' Oames4 Tola' G.WfV,A. .......- Grollo aj"3 Eiks 6 ' P.R.ll.P. 6 ,l Kl nf V. 6 f'" Sf. Andrcwts 6 1" P.. Aver-til till' 0 T 8I