PAGE BIX. TH1 DAILY MnVB, Monday, February 25.-191 New SPRING Style HATS Jut arrived a charming selection of new model Huts in the very lalet style und colors. Th?y must le seen to be appreciated. 'e. cannot begin to give any adequate description here. Any Hal will be put away until needed upon payment of small deposit. All Hats Very Reasonably Priced H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. We stork Pictorial llevicw Patterns. Phone 9. Cor. Third Ave. A Fulton Street. Specials for One Week B.C.. Fresh F.jrjis. doi. . . 50c l'ullct K??s. per doi. . . 0c RC.I). Butter, jkt 2 lb. 95c Sunnybrook Itutter. per 2 lb 85c t lb. Hux Ituller $6.25 Hani, per lb 3Sc llaron. per lb 45c Fresh Meat Always In Stock. All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Ave. East. FiveRoses FLOUR When Ituyitig Flour asV your'firoccr for "FIVE ROSES," The World's Best John L Christie Agent. ASK FOR Woodland "The Best Butter." There Is None Better At Good Dealers. Shipment of Flannel Dresses juit arrived from $11.00 "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. DEPARTMENT Of LAN. M0T1CK. Application For roilut Pormtu For Till oaaaon oi iz. Aptliratiu fur rrtiiiu lu mif hrr Mora ua the Crun ranrr viibtn raeh (ratinr di-lrlcl of thr I'roTtorr of BHU j-olurubta. mul bt rilrd villi lite Dotrlct tomlrr it iraabruit. I or I Oorix. iira-). .Nflxia, rnnr Rupert, Vancuurrr. rnn, ana vviuiini Law. or with thr omimliunrr uf nmtng. rarllamrat HulMior. Vlrturta. B.C. oo or brforr Marrh lith. Ill. Blank furnu upon whirh to submit p rliratl mix I rOtalnrd frora tbr Dl-rlrl t'otrMrr at the bu Damn plarr. or rrun ltic brparunrnl .of Land at Victoria, B.C. C. R. DE?I. tirptil Minister of Land. ' eiurtmrot of Lands, Victoria. B.C. Januarr Mb. tttl. LAND ACT. Notka of lataatloo to Aopli to Laaaa Lain. . in Mema Land District. nrroUlnr Dls trlrt of Coatt, and Uluatr on Lijii inland. Takr 5nllrr that Grorrr irrr. nrruna. ;!tkn bulrher. of Prlwr Rupert. B.C m-.trndvta apply ror prrtnlutnn ta lra Urn folio Inr drwribrd land: aanmrnrinr at a post planted abnat four rluln north of farlnto rotnt on Zavas Itland: thrnrr fnl. towlnc Ihe iQuotille of thr oor line at Urn atrr mark around the IMand and returnlnt to point of rommenreinrnt. and containing iw, more or Iris. CEO ROE VERB. same r applicant. HOOMF.S K. rRCEVtVS. ArnL Leap Year Specials MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY. 50 Boxes Choice Wlnesap Apples, large sizes, wrap, ped slock. !secial while they last. $1.95 Per Boi H0 Small Tins Lobster, Vs. Iteg. 33c. Special. 2 for 55c Quaker Corn Flakes. Special 10c ekg. Limit to packages lu each customer. Note Horn Flakes have advanced. iid Kellogvt's retails Unlay for 1 3c straight. 2(M5 lbs. White Cooking Fis. While they last, 3 lbs. for ... , 25c Wild lUise I'aslry Flour, lu lb. sacks 45c Small White Iteans. i Hi. for 25c Glacier Sardines, 2 for 25c lacketl in pure olive oil, and guaranteed tlie'best domestic pack sardine on the market. Malkin's llest .Jelly Powders, 3 for 25c;. per do. 95c Broken Shelled Walnuts, per lb , , . . 35c This is new fstock and equally as good as -our 30c line which is not broken pieces. Del Monte Pork and Iteans. in.liviilual site, special. 3 for 25c Classic Cleaiiser,3 for . 25c Lux Washing Powder, 2 for 25c; a for $1.00 Sunlight Soai, carton 25c (em Lye, 2 for 25c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, US, 2S1 Dr. E. S. TAIT CNTirr. Heloerson Block, princb miPKirr, b. o. Office Hours, IUI Phono IN. Open Kvenlnga Only For pedal Appointments. MANSON DENIES RELAX RULES Law Will be Enforced Against Veterans or Other Clubs, He Says VHVroiUA, Feb. 23. Kniphatif denial thai there will be any re laxation. in I Ins liquor regulations whereunder veteran or other clubs in Vancouver or elsewhere will be permitted to infringe the law in their efforts to entertain the isitinp ltritish und United Stales sailors when the ltritish fleet ,due in these waters- in June, arrives and is joined by an American ship, vws made by Attorney General Mausou, in referring to a newspaper report that negotiations have been under way between representatives oT returned soldiers' clubs and himself to permit easing up in the regulation:. The report was to the effect that the relumed soldier clubs' had urged Ural under the strict letter of the existing liquor regulations affecting clubs, such clubs wuuld not be able to entertain I fie visiting seamen, as the law only prrmils beer being served from members' lockers with a service charge of only three cents per glass; that the clubs cannot, afford to serve beer for this small amount and they asked to be permitted to etiarge a higher service fr suggesting ten cents. Hon. Mr. M"anon is reported a TIMBER SALE X 5935. sraVd Trndrr lll Im rrrmrti bjr lb hl-trtrt l'urrlrr. it Ukr than irnuit on' Ihr I7lh day ft March, itfl. ror Ibr pur-rha. of Urmre Jtla "u Rarkr Chan-nL mtlr arlpa loinl. U. 3. l rut jje.ouo r.n..M. or sprorr. crdar. Hrm-kirk and Balsam Samtuir. Tx jrrar mill If allon for rr- uial of limbrr. rnrthrr nartlrulars uf thr i.hlf Fr- trr. Vlrlnru. or thr tilttfirt t"rrlrr. rnn llwiri. B .-. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. VlTICE Is liCRKBV GIVE that thr rrrr rii.uui .. - ..: til, Ou-rn Cnar- lutle Winds DUtrtrt, t canrriird. lamU brparlmmt. to. K. HAULt ItrontT Mmittrr of Labia triona, u , tmh Januarr, ' SIH.Hl TK.M'tltS addrcd In thr uwlrnlntrd aud rndnrsrd -Trmlrr fr publlr buUdinr. kanilutw, B.i , will te rr- rriitstnniii iz ciota noon, Tnaraaar, Harth IS, 1S24, tor Itw rimMrurimn uf a puLllr buiklnir at iiml". ti.t. runs and SiwiriralKm rau br srrn and fiKlu" i.r triMlrr 4)UIIM-d at tbr offlm of Itir ilbirf ArrliilrrL Iwnarliurtit uf Pub ur nori, iruna, p.t... ute iira in worts. lrtirtiiirDl ir l-utilir VVnrk, aiirtiurr. ti.i... mm uir uiruirr, I mi irrirr BulKIihr. aanilifif. B.C. TrinVr mill ml lie .wi.klrrrd uulr iiadr ui lli fiirui .un.IkHl br thr iM-nart iiinit and In arrurdaiire wtih the nrndiUiiu wl furth Iwrrlu. l.arh imhw iini't 1 arrmiiiiaiilrd by to arrn.ird rbrniM ua a rlurfrrd bank ixy- alilr tu tlir imW of the Minl.trr f I'ublir Wiiri. rioal In l p.r. uf tin- aumunt of' IIh IrixW-r. War Ijnti rXMHts i.f the ki-mliilm lll ali lie arrrplrd a wrurllv. r ar lnd and rlijii-. If rrqulrrd !' luakr up an w ainMinl. iiy urarr. L. II. Ci'LMX. Srrrrlarr. trartiiiriil of I'ulillr Wnrk. itnaa, truruart , mi. Dates Hallow i J laics .bulk, 3 lln. for 35c Hulk Kips, new slock, jmt lb 15c llaisins. special, 3 lbs. for 50c Strictly Fresh liggs, per doi. rr... 45c (lendale Hullcr (the best' 50c Swift's Premium Hams, per lb 37c Swift Premium Hacoii, per lb 43c Hest Salt Pork, backs, per lb 25c King 0car Sardines .. 20c Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. JUST RECEIVED. NEW STOCK Of Misses' and Ladles' Flannel Dresses. AT SALE PRICES. BENT'S Pretty Outdoor Woollens need luch frequent waih-ing that the only safe method it to do them in the.' pure Lux tudt. Because. Lux does not mat' or thicken woolleni, but keeps them as fluffy as though they were new. Lux is sold only in sealed packets Justproof! LUX LtTtr Brother Llmitrd Tarsals i-t-: being sympathetic towards these representations. No Relaxation ' I have never expressed myself jn any way that would warraHt iile returned soldier or any other clubs concluding that Ihe en forcement of Ihe regulations in tin slightest degree be relaxed on the occasion of the visit of the fleet." declared Hon. Mr. Mau-son. '"On Ihe contrary. 1 exiecl and will require that the statute and regulations will he lived up to to ttie letter au.l any club found violating the law in any rerpect ,wUl be dealt with prompt ly,.( lijly harm ran runic from newspaper's suggesting uiai any other cuurse will be pursued. Clubs which atifmpl to violate the statute or retry.'?!'"11 will do so at their own (Ctrtt." GIRL PUBLISHES HER A Itev. FIRST NOYEL AT 16 Is Still AtUndlng School, Wears Hair Down Back and Plays Hockey LOMM)X. Kcb. S5.- -The rtsmg generation in Kn-laiul has pro- iliics a rhampi'iii in Mollte Pan. ter-lfciwncs. a 16-year-obl .chl girl. She has pob1iliol her first novel "Shoreless Seas." The Ix.ok has much merit, the critics say. ami for knowledge, of life ami analyK of character nd style, excels the work of many expert-enceil writers. The story deal wiiii me mmiern ilotnesiie problems and contains a variety of human lyix-s. This ipiit-l, provin cial girl, who wears her Iralr down her bark is still atleinliug scIkmM and still thinks that hockey is the greatest game ever. She ioi-i reporters uiai she hml no opinions on sex triangles hadn't an hlra of her own matrimonial problems. PRINCE GEORGE call S. T. :r regal ion Church. and on has lieeu extended to (albruilli by the Con or Knox Presbyterian J. M. Oibon, district forester, is in Victoria this week attending a conference of district forcsl ers. .vir. ana Mr, li. r. itoml are making the round trip to Alaska on the Princess Mary' which is in port this afternoon. Mr. Honit conducts an automobile camp at liigbeach. California. 0. K. (iuhrk, locaf manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., Ltd returned by the Princess Mary tin afternoon froin a business trip south, 'e TENDERS) WANTED enders will be received by the undersigned until March I, 1951, for the purchase, with or with, out Ihe lots, of Ihe rent or removal of Ihe' building" on Kleventh Avenue, formerly occupied by ihe " Prince Rupert Dairy. The highest or any lender not necesjarlly accepted. it. .nciwii, I ,P O box 8VfTfi!;';e Ituyu'i. li ; NEW HAZELTON Mr. Jcuues of tli Dominion civil sen Ice left last week for Did Kuldo to examine Indian relics. Angus lleaton accompanied him. Mrs. Jack. Smith of ilnuull Is a patient in the llaielton Hospital. Many ofMiis friend lu lluicl-lon sprung a surprise party on Otto L'lterstroin lust week, the occasion being lis twenty-first ' birthday. BURNS LAKE The negative td won in a debate staged by Ihe Hums Lake Literary Society lasl week: "Ite-solvcd that llaehelors slioul.l lie taxed." Zella t'.lark and Joe Kerr argued for the atlirmative while I tic negative side was defended by Olive Sheelcr and (trace Stearns. The judges were Mrs. liber Twadell. W. MrK. Tufts and It. L. Maun. Lloyd Helton has returned to llurus Lake after having spent several months on the prairies. An Oakland concert came Ihrouith splendidly on Salurday nighl mi local radio et. There was some occasional interference by the instrument at Digby Itand and also a noise which seems to be causeTl by a leak tn the city !ower wire. Capl. D. Donald of the (iaiia- diau tiovernmeut Merchant Marine, who is in F.uropc re. orting on several mU teain sbip ft)r use on tin eoat re-placing the Prince Albert and sUiplementing existing sen ices, reached Oibrattar, last week. LAND ACT. Natk at lltl la pl U Laaae La in Hanao i. sarma Lai uumn. nt rordint OUIrirl nf Coa.L Take vtr that Cbarlr . viurwir. or mare nuprrt. n.c. nrrupaimo LKxinrrr. introdt la ipflr fur prrallfi to lrar thr raOvvtat liewritmt landt; Orfnmra rinr at a imI tHantrd at thr in I nth ralrrlr rmMil no Clunnrl Itland. near thr inndib or nardnrr ijmI. thmrr NkM thr Multlr r thr aimer nnr at Mr aalrr mark around tlir oiaod. rrmmisi to faitul nf nninrnrrmrnt. ivl contain lot Kin bundrrd arrrs, mnre nr lr. ciivRtr i, MinmT. lim "t VrwUranL I, JVVJ JOUXjOt, AaL nlrd nmtirr ttlh. Mil. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unrtxrvtl. aarsrjrd Crawn Unda mar b pr.mp4 b; Rrttlah aabjacla ortrtl 7ara f at. n4 r ajltea en declaring Intralton t brcorna Brltlah aabjla. tcndl UooaJ iMi rl4ac. cuMtln, and ttnprottrntnt for ajrtcvltural purpoaca. 0 ruS Inform a lion eancamlnc rfU aUana ratardlnf pra-amptlana la ft ran In Bullaun .Vs. I, Land fcri. How ta Pra-ampt Land." eoplra af hlb ran ba ektalnad fra of cbaca if addraaaioc Uia DaparUnant f nda. Vletena. B.C, r to any Oar rnmtnt Acat. P.arordi will ba (rantad rrtn inly Und auliabla far atrteultarai tiurpoaaa. and vhlclt la not Umbar-Uuid. la, rarrrloc atar beard faat par a era waat ( tha Coaat Ranf a ind MM fart par a era ran at tbat Rant. Appllratlona far pra-ampllona ara o ba addraaaad to tha Land Catn-nlulaatr of tha Ind Rarrd!n( IX vlalon. la which tha UrJ appllad far la altualrd. and ara may on rrtntal forma, roplra of which can b lalnrd from tha Land Cammtaalonar Pra-arapUoea muat ba ocCuplad nra rrara and traprovaraanta mad to valua of 111 par atra. lacludiac elaarlnc and cn'.UraUnf at laaat fla arraa. baforo a Crown Grant ran ba rartlrad. Tor mara dul!ad Uformatloa ao tha BuDtUn "How to Pra-anipl Land." PURCHASE AppUraUona ara raralrad far pur-rhaaa of Tar ant and unraaarrad Crown landa. not bain tlmbarland. for arrtruttural porpoara; ralalrnum prlro of flrat.e'aaaUrabI)Un4la fl par art a. and. arcoadc!a Icrailrtf ) land par acra. Furthar lafar maUon raardln porehaaa or laaaa f Crown landa la (Iran In BgUatls N'o. II. Land Sartaa, 'Pnrchaaa and ! of Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or Indottrial altoa on 'lmbar land, not aieoadtar l aerta. mar bo nurthaaad r loaaad. tha con. dltlona tncludlas paymaat of atompata. HOMESITE LEASES I'caurraa 4 artaa. not of caodlnc II arraa. mar ba Iraaod ta bomaallaa. conditional upon a dwIH bains arartrd In tha flrat rr, tlUo balnf obtaJnab'o aftar raaldanco and Im-prorrmaot coadltlona ara falfltlod and land baa baan airrr4. a J.EASES ror craxing ana tadoatrtal pur. Paa araaa not aieoodlnr III aoraa max ho loaaad y oaa paraon or a com pan. 0 RAZING I'ndar tha Oraxlac Act Ua Fror. Into ta dJtldrd Into rrailnr dlatrlrU and tha raaco admlnlatcrod endar Oraricr Commlaaionor. Aanoal iratlr.f portnlta ara laaaad Vaaod on nvobrra raetad. prtontr balag fitaa o aatabllabad owaara. fltock.owaara nur form aaaarlatloaa for raafa nramaat Fraa. or partlaltr fraa, nana ara araiUbla for oattlar. mpara aa traroiWa. op to tar Phone 376 The House Phont376 of Quality JUST ARRIVED T'"f Our new sWk of Men s Leather Shoes has jiisl arrived und we ore pleased to announce Iftiif 1 Oiy look beller Ilia n ever. In all the new -st lasU uwl ri im-e niuliogany limwiio. black kid and rair. Oxfords and Balmoral cut id pro-es to soil rvrri IIUa in town, from ' $7.50 to $12.50 I'er Pair. Try us fur vour next pair. We ran property it ti aud guarantee sati(actiou. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Shoe Department. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 The George FJtimaurlce Production "KICK IN" The Are of aU l,rMiK M hJ ., ma Anii' ' "i ? that never slot, for becth. ImiM lav. jnxi, breathlo " rue. Iirk -itKk. flick I " oge tisaril. Nw York' and bitter dreg. A rary drama of Broadway and Jbe we.: world with a ko k m een rcne, eer litie. evr-r Srven crowded. lrMthie- rel lavih f'i: nr celling. Hlopeiidoti ml no lode- BERT LYYTELL, QARETH HUGHES, WALTER LOHfl, CHARLES OGLE, BETTY CO MPS ON, AND MAYtJokAVOr. COMEDY "FALLEN ARCHES" (MUTT AND JCff i, INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admliilon 35c and 10c If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have llurdwinxl. Kir and ld;ir Boat .inile If j on are lir 'd or KatMUiiuie and Paerft try Kr tt' Panelling. Ii you are Ihiiiking of budding a hotir. we have tt:i" ' you require, alM Sali. lroir, fila SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. A, BOX OF Phom Hi- Bath Room Fittings Towel Bar-. Soup llilie. Tumlder and Ttji rf llolder, 8oap nod SjHitige Holder;. Toolh Bnib :r HiM.kf for the Balli Bob . Ilol Water Bottle and Stof Slnii. Whik and Bruh Holders, etc. K'-ery piece gnuruiile-d. now on display tit our vv ad' KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3. P.O. Box IMI- Always : Welcome Purdy's Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATP A TooUiMtiiie IMifc'ht in a Beautiful Box. All Siren. All Price. Sole Agent:- Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE CHEQUE Third Avenue. WE CASH h