j.m.liir h t.ruwry S, IP'-M. THB DAltY .NEWS. Movies and Movie Peopli Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. RoW Mi IA BAKER'S COCOA Tht cocoa of high quality. Raker's Cocoa is invigorating, stimulating only in the tense that pure food is stimulating, it has a delicious flavor ...ry nd aroma, 1$ a peat addition to meals and a wonderful between meals stay. Made In Canada By Walter Baker & Co. Limits j i Unit AT DCROflSTEl, mass. AND MONTREAL. CANADA frjtXd efChUu Ktift Sat Tret Geo.Papadoputis New and Secondhand Furniture Store We buy sell ami exchange nil kind of new (iml sceond- tld goods Io loan money on nny v 'io a reM.iiiiiit iiiner which li transact your alr .iinc.. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Boi 92 Tht Famous LADYSmiTH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sixes. STERLINQ Stoe and Egg 8ltea. Wf deliver In nackn or hulk. I'hone tin yimr onlers day. or nlRht Prince Rupert Coal Go. Phone 16. Main Office: Hotel Central. The Pastime 'Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Clgnrs. Cigarette, handles and Soft Drinks. We have n pleasant back roim, Come, in and make yourself nl hpmo. W. M. Whiting, Prop. f . EDSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Go Phona 68. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally.t "'fcl fipm the farm tt the homo. Phona Black 216. P.O. Box 895. WEEK AT THEATRES Monday and Tuesday "Kick in," a (icorgc l-'iiz-maurice rolii-t nut . Comedy 2. Fallen A IT t " InJ I'liiilloiinl New. Wednesday and Thursday Tin Mli Commandment." FlIX Mew illZclP. Friday and Saturday. "Illack- Oxen" liy fier-Irude Allicrlitn. ('.allien Comedy " Hurry l. Tiiii frorii the Press. Colonel McMordic i trying In gel h Fox Film man here to photograph I In arrival of llmL American .round the world avla PLAY THAT LINGERS LONG IN PUBLIC EYE Tonight "Kick In" Will be Shown Illustrating Something of New York Underworld (iporix Fllitiiaurii'e'f production nf "Kick U,' w hich ficon'.! n ili'clie hit at many lendlii'i llmnlrPH in llm mnUli. ronlain a primp of fninoii film folk, in addition If a corkinjr zid lnry, one Ilia! ban all Hip pIpiiu'IiN Ihnl k ' make a successful motion picture. He liy !onipsnu. Iter! I.ylell and Vlay McAvny are fenlmeil while (lan'lli Utilities in llm rntdlnl serpen verfion of Williini .Mack'. fatnmi .lapc Iplay. The players iiienlinned (have combined In brinjr to. llm jscreeii a plmloplny lliat bids fair llo linirer in Hie public eye for a jlnnif llim lo cuinc. In New York one may in a few mlnules walk from Hie fashion able district lo Ibe lniiis where Lillian jili-awing iln lfI.T." !llif bfgges picture of llm year. ill sIihw Vesuvius in eruption, willi lava pouring down llm side; :a hurst i'eervoir. 11 rt?lit ailh Arabs on llm iecrl ami nllsnrls Of dramatic rcne... .Tim picture (iKik (.even nmnlliH In make.. . T.el .Vol Mail pill, Asunder" is ft play lia'cil on llm objection In torn, file, ha already lakeji the'divoiw, by tasil Kingi . matter up with th riuuiiany and they have referred it In f)i hryul nlHee with u vipw In action. . I'olisli director mi, I with (he pa, sinuate pole, M i pola Negri, in IIk' slcllcr role. MissVegrl is llm girl Willi many love ami ad-venlurcs ami If Hie old lime fiery llgerish pnla dial I spcii In llii.H production. ' Those wlio 1 ilco iIpIccIIvp fJntii'H will waltl' far nee "The (.eavenworlh Cam." Hhi Seena jwen. Tin' play bris'lJeS" 'with ticllon. liiMi is Ma id In I hi crowds with "While I'lm picture wan ninii'il llaly anil in caiil Id lx i.ni of Aiiumjr lli new playH rppal jjil tniMilli are "WhiMi a Mati'd n Man. rnrnmn'l," "Tli Uivo "A Somly ScniKlal" in ratlil Malcr." "Tlnwinsr (loM." Tim a Minliiinnl piHuri' wild (ilorialal iii-nl umi'il i u I a If of llm Swaiinii ax Irmling truly. II ix nil fii-lil. ilcrrflmii a a Krl ilratnalir, - rnnmily-romanri" of IiijiIi lift-. Karly ncxi uionili a curioii IiiM' ami ifimaiirc. i-innch "tiaiiiiiiii( l ili" will lie " rrliol. II i tlffrriliisl a a "Mpii" i u I'nlisli play with a ImKlproim linwl. BBBBBLBkIpi tBSSk 6B5bVBbBi9 BBBLBi (Conwiy Tirle id Clars. Bow ; 'Black. Oxao9 At Wcstholme Theatre 1'riday and Saturday. rook anil Hm beppars make llieir hollies. Iletweell liee two ilnss of snciely llmre- is bill u narrow Hup, yel the inaii from lUe luuis finds himel( ron-'roiited wilh almost iniirinoiinU able otolnrlpH when ho ulieiuids lo appriwirli his. more fortuiiale n.-,iHhbor. "Kick lif" portrays Ibesp two classes as Ibey really are and llm people who like lo know the truth about all phases of life will f i tit I this amazing picture well worth sppiiij. ROLLER SKATING IN THE LATEST PICTURE Nth Commandment to be Shown Here this Week Has Curloua Thrill California has srrvrd a llm .xollinjf fur Hm incpplion of many a n-'v fad since ft became he so., ailed garden spot for the making t molioii pjcture. Hut mil mil I i-ec 'iiily did llm resl- Ccllten Mxre and Jams Morrison m tht anmamt Victor flht Jfth Commandment 'i d Ccsmcpolitmgrcductbi Showing at Ue Westliohno Theatre Wcdtusday and Thursday. mm Connni Griffith A"Bla.cV..0xer v7. .1 ilenlH In llm vifrinity nf Ih An-jfpp 'roalizc IhP llirilln that coulil )a pjppripncp.il nji rollor xkalp. K took n tnolinn pin-lurp, "Tim Nlli OmurnaTHliimnl," which romp! lo -IhP Vp.IIio1ihp NWiliiPMilay In pnpularizp rnllor kaliiiK in llm oulh, ami now it lia Iipcom'm mm of thai Pflion! Krcalp"! imliHir 'portn. Story of Picture In Hip nloiy of' llm play a 'lipautiful' pparliin"nl cIoip girl, eovPlpl Jiy pvpral of Imr fellow emplnypc, marrip." nnp w-hn ron-Iraplx pnn.umiiliori. Whi-n it Iippoiiii. np'pHary fnr llm afi fliclpil liiiliai)il In pi pjxpwlmre for lii Imallli, riiulinsr poverty forrp llm yniin wife In rik all mo thai fuiiil In mivp Imr Iiuk-liaml may Iip olilaiimil. How Hip "Xlh CiiniinatnlnHMif i iiipI and romipprpil by llm liravi" lilllp wifr. provhlon a IhPiim of on-uual ilramatir forrp. CORINNE GRIFFITH WAS WEL KNOWN AS A BALLROOM DANCER Star In Black Oxen Qot Into Pic ture by Sheer Merit II w.n liy sheer im-nt and by , trying at Ihp pyrhj"Klral linm that ('.ormim (iriflilh jrol her start in Hip pirturp.. .Horn and raipl inVrnxas. Mis drillilli wa a iirnfi'-i.ioiial ball rouiii ilauppr for a ytar. .Vol ins . IIk prnjrrp of crrtaiu friondx (ln motion pirliups, iliss firif-Ifilh wphI IoI.hh AiikpIps. Sim lidloil Imr liiii( ainUwIipn a ror-I lain f.lnlio comlUrlp.) a conlpxl jfor Imauliful briiimllPf, lm fplt illial if Iip roubl ililiiiuih tur- plf by winning lliin fniilol slief would havi' PfduldWliP)! 'her name:" aml facial fealures in Hie iuinilsint ny rnUM1tITV of nroducer.-.. which would give DUlALIiI vUlufflUnlll Imr an enlree inlo slndiidanil, at least. Xidlps o say Miss firif-f 1 1 It won the' conies!, a dircclor made a screen lest o,f Imr, limn anollier and a third. Miss (irif-filh lU'oved . not only strikingly beautiful but a liMr'uutic dis. co very. 21 Changes 'in Vltlack Oxen" Miss firimili makes Jwenlyone coniplMe changes of wardrobe ami wears four dilTereiit fur capes and wraps. One of her , dresses, made of si rung pearls over a full mlii I imi of iiilik vtll:. w:it llicniselves in serving ......... ii.,... iw wl- in n. supper ttit.L i ii rr 'I'Krt rrn riliniil h I HI nnd 1 16 strands of pearls inches long. Miss (iriintirs court dress is of silver metallic rlolli with sil ver embroidered designs. CLUB GAVE A DANCE; I KLKWA, Feb. 25. To cele. . brale Ibe ract Dial bard limes In Urn valley n nearly over the Women's Comniunily tilub at toiind Iike gave a hard lime dance on Thursday. Feb. 22. A number of Telkwa people look advantage of the moonlight night and drove out. . ("mmkI music wms furnished by F.. F. Jones at llm piano. 1'. Sparks violin ami saxapboue, ('.. It. Oooil-acre tlriims. The ladifC excelled .'which made the ilunee. all Hie i.'Jhe- " 11 ", 'Mljoyable .l-nn.lnf oeM-l 1 ..n r 1 LAND ACT. Nolle f InUntlon to Apply to Lut Land. In tuii unit I'iKtriri, lifniolniK im-Irlri nt skn. tiwl Mtnl mt beinir Bay l.0iui1, ci Hi north brunch nt tho skfiu tine.l Hivr. wr Orraulr caniwry. IIIICII T.k v,.,, Thnui WlUlltn wilh robin blue salln, and weighs Tiwrm-r. or emir, iiuprrt; b.c, o4-ruin.m . . , , ,. Unirtnwr, liiteml t apply rr innllun nriiri ii-ii niuiiii-. .iiiiimik lilt' lu IMr IIM rmiuwinir irniwu Hmiv h"iimrln at a p.t ptantrd a; tlx. nwvt olloo- eoliiiiie4 whlrh Mb 5rif. Olliei rosilllio S Wllllll .lliss uril- k...,.i,.n- .ui li.v l.l.n.l tlu.nr nur- filh wears during Hie action nf "'ir -,,"X"rZ Hie play are an evening gown of mm. ihw to ixu r nMium-nrtwnt, ami gold velvet Irimmetl Willi brown Ts VVuvrkFti and black, a black velvet even-, lth nig nress wiin an cxireme. eui bnck, and Iriiln, a format, gown of while charnicuse Irimmetl with silver and rhinestnnes, an evening dress of crmrry red vel. vet, an opera gown of shell pink signed by Lucille, And an tifler-noon dress of ordiige velvet. Miss tiiillllh's sliVesuil is -of grey bioatlclolh trimmed wikji silver siniirrel, Aim or Play "lllack Oxen1 muke no attempt lo establish. which' is pro per and which Is. not as concerns marriage of true lovers, but critic 'who have previewed the flint say Ilia I it presents a romantic adventure which is likely In be widely discussed in t lie future. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Turt OoiwiiM. Hrlllib Cuhimbla. Iutent to I1".V r,r a Iriv over in lunnwius .i ii'm.iI land: Omimenflnr at a tmt ninii..t m Hit. iiiirihTt nmHT of U)t X3 liitinli ml of Craham I'laml: lhnce I so silk and cream colored satin, nirivum o.rir: turnn nv 'i-ium mr .llni.Orn ntK.ilnf. -mm-ta. Ilierlv. lii ! water mark, ttit-ntf 160 ....... ..ii. . v r' in" Hiin vaorrlv amir low walrr mark green charnieuse and Jace, de llBUff riv rnainn ioitfny u mini o roimnnirfiiwiil, roiiuintnr inrty arrrs. iinira r !. . Lnransl lannary mm. ihti. HTiini noiifriTSON IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA. la ll Matter of lt Administration Art) III thf Mailer nf lht F.lle nf NVatliK. , lli.tionn. iwrfn initiiaie, lur NoTO K thai I vrnr atrMlntni tduiinuiramr of the KMlle nf Wallare HoNiitiiii. ilt'i'eaetl. ami all irllea liavlmf rutins araniM iih iaii Miaie are nereuv retmired to Mnilli 4umj. nmoerly verl- fiert lo lee, on or uerore ine mill tiav or varrn, a.m. iwki, ami an rariiex uuit'Dien la Hi.- I lle ar. rennlml In itav the anioiiiit'or iftelr lnileblilir. lo me. 'fitrth- , tiiovus w. nrnxr:. orrielat Aitmlimtralnr. Prlrce rliiperl. R C, Oiled tht. tetb day of Februarr. tilt. Whr? T 11T VYHY waste time in useless "shopping. around" when the advertisements lay before you the choicest wares of every progressive merchant in town? WHY use needless effort in an endless store-to-store quest when the advertisements enable you to make your choice of the finest merchandise without even leaving your home? WHY pay more than you ought when you can stretch your dollar to the elastic limit by taking advantage of the bargains and good buys that are daily advertised in this paper? WHY risk dissatisfaction by buying unknown, unhanded goods when you can assure yourself complete satisfaction by buying an advertised product, backed by the integrity of a man who spends real money to establish his name and to build up public good-wdl? Read the Advertisements. Buy Advertised Wares. It is a safe and sound policy Waste Time Shopping Around BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend the following as being safe, saleable ami of fair returu: City of Vernon 5 due I5lh June, 1038, at $08.04. Yield 5.70 City of Duncan ilue 18th May, lOoU, at $101.20. Yield 8.70 City of Prince Rupert r0 tine 10. . to 10r.0, at $101.31.. YUld 5.90 Orders may be wired at our expense, interest accrued to date of payment must be added. We pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA. B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating 0 T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELD I NO. Our plati is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 386. It iT