Pr,r. TWO Tnr: mn.v ?rr' SANDY MACDONAL Mm The Man in the Moon I ,YS:- f SCOTCH WHISKr i i i IT'S a pood Joti Father Christmas, is mil a union man ir there ,b rl tan apo It h Ha W. ' W hi-fcr hi. ., tntf piubl m would lit) some, heavy overtime r INs. ret ! charges to pay. This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. The Daily News I'll INCH RUPKIIT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ltupert Daily New. Limited, Third Avenue. 11. F. I'L'LLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tho Transient Display Advertising. 1. 10 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $?.80 per inch Local Benders, per insertion 25c pep line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2e per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Bates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOK 98 86 Wednesday, Dec. Si. 1021. Christmas And What It Means. Once again the Daily News tenders to its readers and advertisers .and the people of this city and district generally that linie-huniired greeting "A Very Merry Christmas." Tomorrow, in accordance with custom long since set down, we devote ourselves In joyful festivities commemorating that day nineteen and twenty-five, years ago when to "Ihe world a Savior was born" It is fitting that we all should spare a very few moments from Ihe gala Christian day to ponder over Ihe event sometimes unwillingly forgotten that actuates that well known spirit of Christmas which the whole Christian world celebrates and without which it would be a very urr world for all. In this spirit, again let Ihe Daily News extend its sincere wish that Christmas IM2'i will bring romfbrt and blessing to all. Cemetery Road Is Badly Needed. There should bo no hesitation in ttptGltillR the money bylaw thai the city council will present to the ratepayers at the jiext civic election to atilhorie Ihe grading of the cemetery roadj The estimated cost is but $17,00(1 an expenditure which, spread over a long ix-rind of years, will hardly be indued. The work proposed is something that has long been required and will iusure against danger of accidents which have already occurred but. which, fnrlimalely, have nol had any very xenons results. The money will be well spent and there i no doubt that the work will be authorized by ihe citizens. Time To Think About Election. The annual civic election i but three week off and, so far. there is very little stir. It is only occasionally that one hear Ihe subject of the campaign mentioned. The imital excitement seems fo be delayed a little later than nsital. With the holiday season over, we should see the candidates coining wit and the electors beginning to interest themselves rn lh matter of choosing municipal guardians to whom will be entrusted the affairs of the city for a year in which a great deal of development and 'expansion is auticit(cd. First Make Sure Of The Profits. The subject of light and nower rale rmluclion i iu A USCI.KSS girl is n hairbrush In a tialil headed man. A.l a useless sifl l a ' '- bed haired woman is a liair net ' IT is not alwnys haniis you a cigar. !i friend Ilia! A SIIAKI-: of I lie hand is world j two of Hie fist. IT'S funny how all these in-' vilutions lo Christ mas partiesj come on the same day. i TO make the Christinas pud ding go. a Ion? way put il on tin floor and slide on it. TO get the hesl moonlight effect nt -Ihe holiday dance go oulsntu- and dance in il. I TS a nitvui landlord who calls for Hie rent on Christinas live. TIIK Klk's Christina cheer candle I becoming a slippery subject. YllliSF. are Ihe .lay when P.-ij wishes Ihe Imywere old enough! lo all end to Hie furnace and chop the kindling. TIIK Man in Hie .Moon extend his readers a right merry Christmas and lots of elevators and sawmills in the New Year. Think of the Unemployed AT this glad season of Hie year When all the world looks bright, nd you snuggle round the ureal big fire Willi all Ihe doors shut light. lust cast a thought In other men Who are not placed like you, Aurl dig down in your pocket - tXMlk, A dollar pays for I wo. Ten Years Ago In Piince Rupert 1 1 a December 24, 1914. 'iil. IliHimes K. I;'reeuiau. the popular skipper of the Narbe-IhoiiK, i dfstriiiulinp card bearing the smison's iireelillKs lo hi numerous friends. The captain'. philosophy is cheerful ami sound.. lack Allen is Ihokiti? forward to le.-ivin? on Saturday for I ho easl when he wit I Join a mount ed rorps for service with the second Nnlinyenl. He served with Hie mmiMled infantry ir South Afrfea. IMaire lligey left for Smith again before Ihe citv council Some of llu- aLtnmon f .n als on Salunlay s train lo lake ami some are against it. Both sides are undoubtedly sincere in Hieii uleulions. The matter is entitled to the direful consideration lhal Aid. Macdonald nked be given it when he introduced his bylaw. The qneslitui to be decided will be whether the principle of using utilities surpluses to enhance irenoinl fund and reduce general taxation is to he followed or whether Ihe consumers of power and. light are fo be given the benefit or the profils that thoe ulilities are alleged lo lie piling up. Before this matter or principle can be decided upon, however, it is necessary (o establish definitely and authentically that the utilities are reallv enrninir nil n i tn rnvif I a Mini .. charge of Hie (ieorge Lillb lumberyard there while K. Kenney, who has been managing the Vancouver. SMITHERS (toy 'arrow of . Telkwn was a ibusiness visitor in town on Sun- biited to them by those who are championing the cause of rate ,,ay -Mo,"la' reoucuon. Also in this mailer it would seem but hnri. nl in mn ..i:.l..f.. ..II Jl.: ..l:l!i - " larfre eoiiKreyalion .... i.i.m.-o. braviil i"- siiusiiu imii oi an. rneii. and no unti llnn niti ii i. " " iici:i.u linn lii ilpiiln ..1i, fl... f..... . ,i Uv.,-.v ,,,,,1111.1 mr itt.Miatrrs or iii iiiiiitma ii.n.MMi.. 1 for Cooking-use Ml A LWAYS keep n tin of Klim r.ruiul Powdered Whole Milk handy. You will find it not only iuvaluidilo wb,.n tin milk-man fortfota to oull; w hen mi iiiiexpectod uest iirrirm, ,t o:, fnr an cooing piirposcii wlisre rich, fiill-oroimi milk will improve your handiwork. Klim roiiifm in hiuidytiht tin nnd w fconomii nl to use, because you only liav t use npixtrif ul or two fi" the need arises. Order a tin from your sroccr today. CANADIAN MILK 1MIODPCTH I.lillTKI) Montreal Toronto Winning Sold by lluperl Table Hupplv Go. I feature being the congregational ate lo receive the benefit from such surpluses as mav be made "f a froth the utilities. ' mas hymns n number of Chrisl- and carols. 'I The drawing in couneellon 13 0 Inlyre. rt.on. wilh the raffle of a Ihree-slorey short visit 'Christmas cake, rniidurli'd hy. Ladles' Hospital Auxiliary, took ; place on Saturday niclil at the I movie show. Mrs. N. p. Mo ran made ami donated Ihe cake and !il was won by Mrs. II. Champion. I Mr. Reynolds, teacher or Word has been received Mr cjlsfar bach iislcan irmembcr Baker's wis the best BAKER'S COCOA is better because it is made of better beans by a .better process and has a better flavor than other kinds. turn m can oa er WaltcrBakcr&Ca Limited IVttiVitO it 00 MontPMlCanada DorrneslerMasi booait or enact num sun mc here anil Tetkwa is being kept open for aulo travel and two or three make Ihe I rip it' day. The final inmr itt the crlb- bape tournament were jrinycil last Thursday night at the Benedict -' dance aHer Ihe player had been eliminated down to six. llinse left all played xameawilhi each other, and Hie point by which I hey lost in lliee nnn were scored again! them. In ALICE ARM Hospital to iw .v..hv Bawy. Mr- It. II. Hookm, of the local l"' ehool stuff, left on Thursday fo-l'rince lluperl wliere b wtl'. tend the holidays with his parents. Steve Dumas left on Thursday for his ranch in the I'nelUer coontry where he will sjietal the wtiiter. T. reinr, of Im llnmestakft .Mining iUn. haw Rone to Vnnsno- er in coaneelbui with affairs f j Ihe company. Miss Viminta lUel ha arrived from Anyot In eil ttm i 5h r W -; mas and New Year nolbU) with? STEWART Hector Mcdonald, foreman of the Premier, left for New Wet- jiniiiNler on Thursday last In ! upend Ihe liolidu) at lli a with Ins fiun- TERRACE NOTES Ml" Klie KeiitU'V reliirniMl home for I lie Christina liolnl.i lal VN'edneMlay. (!. A. laylor of fori L'itiuinu panoed through Terrace moiiie to llateHnn taut week. J. f. Wheeler of Hie Soldier ,tlhntHftt Board, w hit, xva m town for a few days returned in Tclkw. Fred Ibihler left HohHii! lot Metk. for llaiellon Allhouirh eme of our HtOl . . Mr- "" Mr"- Nhuna, who ipenl skilled fiualeri. tve fil!' lo sUiuiher hew, left for iMUwri their yiHise Ilda sfaiHtnf Mr. J. tiwite lo .Nw York. 1 1 an ni ;hroiijbi !! down recent -I. . i 1 - ly on the fcllMHili flats. II wiK s Iwrson and J brain .lohn-a young bird and weighed over n w'n "P ','k-1 1 noiiiuls. f sonoiue an uie iniiiiies eleclric light and power telephones i I he ne ice ice harvester iincveier arc arc and vvnter-iiid nscerlain that colleclively Ihey are profit bear 001,1 WOM""'r "r s,""ll- itlHt rIU Creek, ami hundw huudretU ing. There has been a good deal of benl'ing around Ihe bush H'H' a,,,'",M ""' (''l' ilnias Carol tIMW nre miik pul in to during recent years as In the nclual financial condition of the S"m(" U Au,jlu,a" Church.i,,e tnilcher. and. ren utilities. A certified atulil, however, should settle this rnalti-r T,,, '"'rvi s enndurled by the! keepers. of Dr. KwaH made a hu'lio-s! vlM te lik w,,,'k- miybn rage by " r.ianoa .Marcii returned alatirant 1 rnwe nupen MilunlJiv intghl lo wpen.l Ihe Clirislmn .holiday at home here. Joe llelloway, Waller Warner. jMiill Allan! and Henry Conway .Iiiek l'ilKiT.ild or Ihe hide- came In from KiUujnkalum Lake pendence has relumed rroiu a but, Sunday. in Viclorin. I Mr. a lid Mrs. Tliomnsson went Miss Curl has arrived in town up lo lla.ellon Saturday night, from .Vew Weslniinster to visit1 her parents, Mr. ami Mrs, .1. ,I.; Mr. Sherwund was also n p. Curl and her sisler, -Mrs. K. Il. senaer for lltuellon on Salur-1 Workman. day's train. .Crade 3 and I at Ihe local schnnMhe Sd(warl hospital or two town in connection with the pop , l io i r on luesiiay morning for 1'oresldale In .spend the Christ- mas season with friends at that poiiif. S. Henley, who has been In Ceorge Mnl.ntiirhlln wa weeks beiiiK treated for slomarli 'business last week. trouble, has lefl on Ihe Cardena! inr his home p Pr ince lluperl. I Miss Clover was taken ji-li a Icouide iir days before school Win. Sloan, manager of , Ihe closed and were uriahle In leave In Daly Alaska, has lefl Mr Van-, for Ihe south Thursday as she town hy friends from Harry Wln-couver lo spend Ihe Chrislnias hail planned iieid who left here a few weeks holidays with his family He will latrn. lie write from Tltninonds, also interview Ihe companyj Miss Andrews lefl Thursday iOnl.. slaling that he Is working Idlreclors in regard lo inslalling eveniinr to spend the holiday, ul in the two hundred fool level ina second and larger compressor her home in Seallle. ne of Ihe mines there. laud more machine drills. I j ) - ( Ml Mamie Dnhh left on Rim I" spile of Ihe recent heavy j A son was horn on December day fnr Pr ince lluperl lo spend full of snow, I lie road between II ut tho Vancouver (jcneral tho holidays wdli her parents. y-h u. r : Christmas Message to Yon The House Blessing The beauty of the house is order, The blessing of the house is contentment, The glory of the house is hospitality, The crown of the house is Godliness Wishing You and Yours a Merry, Merry Christmas Barms HomeFurnishings PHONE 123 3RD AVE AND 1ST ST. Mr. Had Mi-. .1. i. Ilaey a foiiiiMl Miss Jen Ward of Slewuil. Con t able J. 'A. William, with uis wif and dauauier ami Mis liUirtwriicln. mother of Mr. Wil liam, are leaviim u lfc-iMiiru-r ' for Vancouver. Constable William- will return in two or !hiw vtt but Mr. William jitd daughter will remain in Hie nulli for the winter. the final reckonin-up il wa; ,,, round thai K. litinderMiiii had the; School cloaed on WeilneMiluy least number of such Niiils aH fnr ihe winter iioliituy mid and be wa awardiil Ihe find Mian II. Hemteraon, priacqial of prtte of a turkey. Hie other! in. ktok ehnul, and J Harper, winners were follows: second. j teacher of the iiilermediHle Ceo. Ilefferniau, priie. a turkey :! grade, have left Tor a vacation Hiinl, T. Brewer, a non.e; -fourth. !at their hmtiea in Xew We.tniln-li. Wanlrop. u (!"'"": fifth. Mrs.rtr an,j Vancouver rcaperfitely. It. Arthur. s.l.OU; -ixlli; .1. H. Mr business, lakes a vacation trip lo i tier parents Rupert Fish" Freih rrozen All varieties. Fresh FUh All varieties In siason. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Fl nnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scoliins. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skcena Socfceye, etc Salt FUh Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Ci Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., lli Prlnna Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating C. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floitlng Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, P"n makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant u equipped to handle all kuuh MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P I, ; . Discount for Cash During Christmas Week . 15 per cent, on Leather Goods and Slippers 10 per cent, on Rubbers Phono 357 Family Shoe Store STEVE KING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED YOUR MEN FOLK WILL APPRECIATE "WOLSEY" UNDERWEAR,, SOX & SLIP-OVER VESTS PRICES VERY REASONABLE Phone Green 85 ('