1 NVrdnen.ay, pfr-mhrr iwuii Eiaur TIIK DAILY NEWS '.', j,,, Can A Child Shop? AND GET VALUE FOR ITS MONEY? WE SAY YES! Our Stock is all marked In plain figures to moet the keenest competition in Canada. We buy for cash and take every possible discount our customers reap the benefit. We have many useful gifts in: JEWELLERY DIAMONDS BRACELETS IVORY HANDBAGS WATCHES RINGS SMOKING SETS JEWELER. NECKLETS BRASSWARE SUIT CASES CLOCKS BROOCHES CHINA PENCILS POCKET BOOKS STERLING SILVER SILVER PLATE CUT GLASS FOUNTAIN PENS PIPES CIGAR AND CIGARETTE CASES, Etc. Ladles', Men's, Misses' and Children's Umbrellas in colors. Novelties too numerous to mention. A SENSATIONAL VALUE IN PEARLS Shoppers up until 12 Noon will be Given a Special Discount Max Heilbroner DIAMOND SPECIALIST. WESTHOLME THEATRE Wcdf.esday and Thursday, 7 and 9 p.m. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ATTRACTION BETTY BALFOUR "MORD EM'L Y" Welsh Pearson's English Comedy-Drama-Sensation Adapted I i-itiii (In- story l Y. Pett. llnlge. Th' -lorv ill a Loudon Coekuey girl that will tickle you n:ik. Mord Em'ly as a hon-emuid, sin inmate of a reformatory, and as ,i MMrrnvn will rai'tu.ilf nm. .ul wait lill ou ee her bloke. "UaMlin" "Hurry Harden" u boxer matelied to Tijrhl "Tin Hrijrhloii Humidor" for the championship of Sux. Kssex and Wessex. The picture winch stood KtigUuid on il's ear. Ji.st. 1 1 - lug comedy-scream. All star i;jhi ting easl. MACK SENNETT COMEDY "THE HOLLYWOOD KID." With Charles Murray and Strong Cast FOX NEWS-GAZETTE 35c and 10c WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. PKIKCE RUPERT wl- frM I'nt... Hl!rrl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, it.ir; tin .l.j:r .iiil ri-b llily v.ue itu Fr STEWART ANVOX Wntr-da.T. tl.aa p a VS. fRCTCE w'OHIH l.r Vu.-vurr tta QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, iKf Jan i. t. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY. SATURDAY. S p.m t Vrimrr lirurf. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, al K4ul Kl m tsitnta, I luted SUt. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Ctlf TltkM Off, Ul TMr Ai, Print Riipon. Th( PhMt 200. West of England Company Wishes that everyone may again this Season htar the "Song the Angels Sing." "PEACE ON EARTH GOODWILL TO MEN" H. S. Wallace Co. and Staff Wish Their Friends a RIGHT MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ROOMS. TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK Advertise in "The Daily News" RADICAL GROUP VERY MODERATE Issues Statement Showing Us Stand on Number of Publlo ' Questions ' LONDON, Doe. SI. The lladi-jcal vroup In Oreul llrilain lias ijusl invited a statement which I includes its program of reforms. Ii Mates ihut it believes in first llliuiKS lirsl iiiul make one of the features oT its demands the ; Henry tienrxe sstem of sitiftle !iix Willi absolute five trade with 1 :' .i-tif ii countries. There Is little Hull is new in the statement. ; which is interfiling heCRUse of its moderation. follows: I A Hadical group, consMiiiK of .'representative Liberal and llad-1 ii'uls, iuimi anil women, has been i formed with a xt' to consolidating and co-ordinating large j bodies of progressive opinion iiuougih'ut the country ami in 'order to secure ileiiiale dxpres--Mii of fundamental principles. I'lie class-lyi-annies involved in Conservatism and Socialism are i!ike detrimental to the best in-' crests oT the people of Ihese -lands Tlie group therefore nIs forward in a clear and oon-e form a nropram of ltudioal form which should form a lasis of practical legislation and, "He tll men and women whoj "hee in ordered progress and. !-ve freedom aud justjre. This op desire lo .seeure "first liings first." and would point ul 1 lo reforms unml in this j 'iimriun have been included in I ffieinl Liberal programs from ! me to time. I Free Land, Free Trade I The fundamental policy of true I ihcralism is equality of oppor- I unity mot the freedom of I be dividual. The croup there-ore stands for free land, free rade, free people, and proposes H carry out the policy foreshad owed by Kobden. to bring about c onplete freedom of exchange by ;ne abolition of all reinainintr tariff, and complete freedom r pntduction through the irek-ut of land muimjtoty by mean.-f the laxalion of land value. 1. Definite prtp"ls to e- urp this are: a A national tax on the wilne of all land ( including min- rasv iHdh In the towns and in lie rural districts, and b The allocation of prt ot 'lie proceed of this tat to Dm relief of ebarars which now rail upon the local rate- for eli uredoniinanlly national sen'e---is main road, poor relief etu-cation. jMdice and aajrlitm, with lie eiHimrrent abolition of all aim upon houses, faetoro-. uacbiner ami other Improvement, whether industrial or luriroltural. and c The reeosmition of land allien a the basis of assess-nenl to the local rate tbti e-dored. It is the view of the Troup I Sat scheme of land uorohase will never form a satisfactory bai for tl solution of the land question. S. As the value of all land is "rented tnr th ctunmnnilv ir'i a !ystea of lautiou and ratijur would make the "eoauao fund" iivailalde for the "eommon (food," 3. These reforms would re- i licve industry of the heavy hur- ; den of laud ion and ratinp which j w iie- of the main eaues of 1 1 rade denression. They would. :'tcn up to productive industry the land which i now withheld 'tr.on use. or which is capable of lor in nut to a much better iie. land so would provide productive I work for those now unemployed jby ine-reasintr production, cheap-ieiiln hoi Id my materials, and jlirinsnir sites into the market. This would also lead to the seedy solution of the housing problem. The group also stands for 'a( security of tenure for all lehents ;.inl leaseholders; b the en- ; roiiraaement of agricultural eo-operation for the purchase of fertilisers, seetts, etc.. the pro-iwmn f am-icullural maehtnery. nd the preparation and market-Imp of airriciiltural products. I Political Reform ! Tlie firoup favors the com- l,detc di'ioocral nation of olitiral iHislltntion. atd therefore advo- ,eate lull soffnuf... a measure that ,rms ;..m a real cor- ;reM.u..M.e,. t.,iw.-.-t, (tarlianien- ary au-i rlrrioral strenjrth. and! a measure of home rule all I - is !. aS-s.diite ... Tf for . u a . ORMES LTD. For Christmas Gifts We offer the following appropriate suggestions for Gifts which will express the Christmas spirit In its fullest sense and convey a real appreciation of the good taste of one's friends. You are cordially Invited to come in and Inspect our splendid array of Gifts while the assortments are complete and we assure you that you will be glvm the same courteous, personal attention, the same guarantee of good faith and good values upon which our reputation has been built. RAZORS & SHAVING BRUSHES $o.00 Auto -Strop Salflx M.izor Set. unt.iiiiiiijt H.uor. Wade, ami Shop in Vig Skin Leather t'.a'- lor $1.00 910.00 Aulo-Strop Safely Itaxor Sel in Mm lin iii Mack l.ealher liise, l oiitaiiniig Silver-plated llaaol, fine qiiulily Shaviup- Hruh and Stifk of Sh insr . Soap in Silver-platHl tube, fine leather Strop. Hlatles und Mirror, for 55.00 IviitK Culler Straight Kdge Ilaaors. stiuirc or rontwl H)iuls. '-h $3.75 Aulo-Strop Safety Itasor. from $1.00 to $7.50 (iilletle Surety Uaxor. from $1.00 to $10.00 Kuglish Shaviup lVjithes. Ilristle, rnmi . . ... 50c up All Itadger Hair, splendid value, from $5.00 HAIR BRUSHES For l.adie- or tienl'mo n. Iii.im $1.75 to $1t.00 ory. KUony. Ilo-ewooil or S.ImiwihmI li.ok-. fftHMl bristle.. ear. on'- Ideal. Wll il loie and Mil liar) llrilshe. We base -olio- .plendid values in tit t line. PERFUMES A wide range of Pei fmio aiol Toil I Water tit bulk from $1.00 to $5.00 r .... or in ludivnlual Itottl1 from 50c to $16.00 each. tUd)". Ifl'an. Cd'. 1,'Hi i,-ii. I toper e. tiallel. Mary liunb-n. Ijer Ki. tdglt, lloubiaant.. Piver. Miolvs. Wiirk arrisu Perfume niale l ltrim ni Pan.. . $16.00 ar.d $45.00 per bsttle. Wack XuerjM Toilet Water $12.75 per bottle Sachet Powder in bulk or individual Indite-, from 60c or. Perlnnis Viruiii-r l.nnijs $10.00 and $12.50 The-e tniike till ideal gift thai W ill be appre.-ialrd all the vrar round. Perfume Alomixrr- in the iuwe-1 t'reio-li -ivle- am' hiie-, from $1.25 to $12.50 FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS We eiirrv the alei ni.ni. Wahl Kv erhrp, ami Howard Pen- and Pein ii-. A p'ii and jM'itrii in make a useful uud l.i.l.iij.- gift. CRYSTALIZED APPLES Mailr fnm (IkMiiugan Fruit. p. ked in one nmiinI boxe 75c each CHOCOLATES (ittiiongs and Muir- in Imic- from 75c to $5.00, ud in Ha.kels from $4.75 to $10.00. roittuiniiif from one to five pounds of the fine-t a-sorted rhrdalr-. The basket- when e'mplv are -ml ild for ph-ve. handker-ehief? or ewinp. eate better school tuMidiujt. reduction in the eUe of elase. a wider estenion of the provisions for -eeondarj" aud uui-versilf edueatkm. and, ueh payment of teaeheiv a will attract the best men ami women to the profession. j.The j.-rowf Kivora a measure of Local Option as a derao-rralir means of advaneing tem-teranee reform. 8. The group is in favor of ai extension of obi ase teiisi,.us 'and ihe atH.htion or the means dlsUUilllfltalioIlt 11 do- eates a rhme for tensioas for widows, and the more generous treatment of .li.abled ev-riee-lueii and Hie wd"W a'id le- The lol H.i.i i ,a ...i i and tteiipml lvliery vtirk-i. wili n oen fnMi to 10 a in tomorrow Cbrilma ln iiu etdleelton will be ihji.- f,,., treet letter botes rum :., at K.IS p.m. I'red llenninir. of the t imr.. sal Tradimc Coiauan.v. i. on the steamer Prinee ltup. rt on Friday morning for Yiii. ,.,i. r or- lie will be inarrif.l ,.u Umiai-v J to Mis Allee Hiley. Haioond Kisher. son of Mi tnd Mrs. V. S. t'n.br. i. ,-. ;;'.,; on Ito- Prmrc Rll.M t tt i - ,1 i. ..; I ... 1 1 1 ".-J.!). T . . .. - v - ... . ...... .... a FRENCH IVORY tiur prices are coh-hIi i -. it lovi r li e.o . oMirliniity to lurt a sel or to make addition, '.. i already started. UliM-ks, front $4.75 to $11.00 Trav., from 50c up .Mirror, from .-. . . . . . .. $3.00 to $15.00 MatiU'iirv InipttftieiiK 40c up Hair lliM'eiers, Powder Ibixe uud Trink I ii from $1.00 Kleetnc linip with prellv -li.oli s. limn . $5.75 up KODAKS A roiiidre tun- ol Kiniak. uud ilrowiiie i.. You'll find it easy to piek out just the raiiier.i glad Ui fivt. Kodaks prieiNl from . . . ... ... ..I $6.70 up llrowiiies from $2.05 up A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL FOR THE BOY OR GIRL THE BROWNIE GIFT BOX Contain- n- vtlodc pi. loir iiiakiot "Sli'-o1 lliali h'' in tun- ln: .i o Hrtmuie, ndl- Kinl.ik Porhail Mt o iuio ul. Kodak Mbuiii. I! Allium, Photo P,-i-, ln.li .i. lion Maim.ii. Home wilh Ho' lvl.it, .oid "IimI.K' I M . line" for mo .ii Ml lo; $5.00 LEATHER GOODS III ntlrmcu. Travelliiij.' ii ittil m lvoi K'. $3.75 to $21.00 Maliourr Hoti-. Silk or Satin I.iiuoif. fnuu $4.50 lo $25.00 One .- k PI .Mnl i: ml. hi I . ,llo r , $1.00 up Two l-i k PI.iiiik .,ud- in I., atliei . : s lad- $20 Itridpe S. on p.,. I- in .i-ai: . r i;.,. $15 CHRISTMAS CRACKERS lllir t .Ii ' I ' III., I' : 1 Mil 1 1 1 ) ' a box oi CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. Tlo o, yo will Im vt i.. !.. in .K. o ,t .-(.. .-.- i,.. 25c to $1.50 per box SUBSCRIPTIONS WV.ariH take nl- i ipt.i.u.. at Hiblili r - i for any mafatme or (taper published. Here . HearsU $.50 Woiuan Home i. (toad MiNisetveeiMnK $3.50 ion $150 IkwaNtfwNtan .. .. $3.50 Salonky Kwntnir P - Modata lririlla . . $2.25 . $2.00 Pietonal Review . . $10 l-oiie." Ilimir Ji.nr, Ameriran .Milium. $2.50 $1.00 ORMES LTD. PHONES S2 and 200. THE REXALL STORE 3RD AVENUE A SIXTH STREET .getTTat! -GROCERS PHONE 586 EVERYTHING '.N CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES