PAQ12 TWO. The Distinctive Flavor II has Try of SALAD A won it millions of users, it today and Know why. The Daily News pmince nupnuT - nniTisii coeumhia. Published Every Aflernnon. except Sunday, the Prince ilnpert Daily News, Limilnl, Third Avenue. II. P. PUM.KX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: City Delivery, Iy mail (ir carrier, per month Hy mail to all parts nf the British Empire and the United Stale, in advance, per year To nil olher countries, in ndvnnee, per yehr $7.o0 Contract Rains on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - On Thursday of next week any person wilh air argument for or against exporting logs from .this province will have an oppor- . . . I.... I...- !l. 1. ak I m a ssyluins almost rornplelely swept away; I should find in England Ihe relations of man to man no longer complicated by the intervention of old gentlemen in wigs and scarlet; I should find the economic system unencumbered by a hitler scramble for mere poesjoii and war a fading tradition in the memories of men. And this I should realize was due lo no miracle in men's hearts and soul, and to no great social and political revolution, but simply lo Ihe sane, sober, common-sense application, here a slep forward and there a step forward, of lhal scientific study of mea's motives which begins so propitiously about us now. I give myself five hundred years, but it may lake much less lime for m?nlal science lo overtake physical science and bring Ihese things about." , Value Of Expert V Advice On Port. The value of expert advice in regard lo the port of Prince Itupert cannot be estimated." II may prove Ihe one thing needed in any n?golialions looking to Ihe erection of an elevator here. We believe not only that an elevator is needed here but it would lie a profitable adventure. If the expert advice i lo that effeel, il will aid.n great deal in influencing capital to undertake Ihe work. Nothing is needed just as Imdly here now as an elevator. Ouce we gel lhal we can make n'bid for business, and business i whnl we are after, (iiven Ihe. elevator it will be for lis lo help show the prairie people the value of this-route for shipping. Stork Did Useful Work At Edmonton. Fre.l Slork did some good publicity work at Edmonlou last week. While Ihere h addressed the 'Liberal Association, met members of Iho Hoard or Trade nnd also talked Prince Huperl to a great many people. That is I be U'llV Ii tirtun (hA rkknl Ia cuicm u r trie my. lie rnn !o n gmt tea f ho trie. ;m! n- iuv uir uays vntn no needs in fry- A Health Secret It is frequently claimed by physicians that nine-tenths or all human ill. may be traced to neglect to keep the bowels regular and the liver and kidneys active. The mult ii .n accumulation of poUoni In the ty,tm which cause pan. and ache. ,nd give rl.e to auch dreaded Saw. PP.nd.dti., Bright'. diseMe, diabete,. high blood JimuTHc. a. Dr. Cha.e' Kidney-Llyer ikL Pill, are the ideal reeulator. f vital organ, becau.e they act directly 7 on " th il. I ,,V"' kIdBey, , f 1 bowel., .d en.ur. a thorough cleaning of the .yitem. Vl?WDnV You will nntlM tf V.M- v- WMMJf price of Dr. ChaieY Kidney-Liver Pill, haa been increa.ed to 36 cent., the box now contain. 36 pills ln.tead of 26 a. formerly. LikewUe Dr. Cbase'a Nerve Food I. 60 tent, a box of 60 pill., instead of 60 rent, a box of 60 pills. Edm.naon, Bate. Co. Ltd., Toronto. MEIGH AN STORY H401 eslin? ami the week eml picture story to lie shown here. fcnlurin? 98 86 $1.00 All advertising should he in Tle Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION This Is The Time To Speak Your Mind. Thursday, Feb. 21, 1921. i 1 IS INTERESTING "Homeward Bound" I Yarn the Sea and Is Somewhat Dramatic Sen stories are usually intcr- lliom'as Mc.i?haii as star, is no exception to the ?enernl rule. I The Ions over-due ship, New. port, is fallcriu? in a heavy sea, jcxnmininp Mary, learns that she Is in love wiin Jim. lie threatens to jail .lied fnrd for pittiey. Hot when Jim learns that Urent is uin? unfair tactics lo separate him from Mary, he rebels nnd that evening the pair are secretly married. The nest lay Jim prepares to sail on the "Nancy H," a schooner that none nf Hrenfs captain will lake out because it is con sjilereil unseaworltiy, anil a boat in which Hcdfnrd has purchase.! an interest, hoping lo share in :.... .,. ii... -i.. i.. a... -..:!.. i ... i... . ... lany t.ronis llial misht accrue 1K in mi; -V1MUI lliyai lllcll ail illElllilUI" JlftS llll! I HI V'l I II IT i . ., , . r, . , i....ij!'rnm 'I- "ale in Costa llica, nifi,-, ir..A ir. iio.;s i Jk...Tii rr.w.t ...u iiiv ... , ri.Fiiiii iiiiu M ii.- itllll 111 ll.llir I A.t. I whither Jim is about lo hrinp il After a touchinir farewell, Mary seeks out Murphy nnd persuades him to take her aboard Ihe schooner, unknown to Jint Onee aboard the Nancy H, neither has the heart to tell him. Discnyerinp his daughter's ab sence, Urent follows on the yacht jam! just as he is nearinp Ihe schooner a terrific .storm breaks off Halleras. .Mary js seriously injured by a fallin? rrtast, and .Murphy is forced lo tell lledford of her presence. Ship In Distress Far out to sea are the rocket signals of a ship in distress. Jim would ignore them, but Mary implores him not In think of themselves. In the early mom in? lichl they discover that the ship In distress Is the yacht, and Jim's one desire is to ge .Mary aboard where she can have" ttie attention nf a doctor. Once on the yacht, Mnry toll her father nf the marriage and tiow Jim Made every -U"fort to prevent her trnln? r.bnard the schooner. Once they are in port Mary goes upon the schooner lo find lJodfnnf; who has fallen exhausted at Ihe wlmel. She salhers LVm. M . i. ..i.i . . ' --nun mm ner arms, ureni is ' " ' ' . .,m "? m,v,r:'bard and obdurate. Jim cannnl have his daughter until he Is able lo support her. Jim shrewdly turns the tables on the old man by eolleclln? salvv.i?e for savin? the yacht and lowing it ashore thus gettfn? Ihe stake they need for their married life. FORMER RUPERT MAN VICTIM OF BURGLAR Jewelry Valued at $2,000 Was Taken from Homo of Harry McCall In Vancouver Last Week Harry .McCall, formerly O.T.P. railway superintendent here and now resjdln? al 1 83 1 Vine Street, Vancouver, was Ihe victim of a burular last week and Inst 92,-000 worlh of Jewelry as a result. Entry was gained by slip-pin? Ihe catch on a back window nf Mr. and Mrs. McCall'd apart-men. The Ihefl took plucj' last Halurday nighl, The missing jewelry comprised cigarette rases, diamnml rings, snppliire rings and earrings. THE DAILY NKWB Thursday February .1 t Uo ' ( rr i The Mas it the Mbob I 1 once a "I' bis in 0 man ha a mouse run wml . e? he linn some ymiialliy with the fear of a VMIIIIUIL . A WOMAN who lijrhl upi after dinner in apt to rowo on the one who ?es lit mi riOr dinner. - ' I T is iiiiplipouKiiji have yiiur salary raided but "o, earn linn- is ilillli-ulY , uml the yellow rnplain, !vensnn,j o.E of the Uiin?s that does Is all ready to pive up when Jim t, KP yfM, anywhere js railing lledford, the first mate, and hi j tuink. when you hear about a Ipal, Hrian .Murphy, lake rhar?e. iMssiMr elevator. When the .Newport reaches its' --destination, Creenporl, a Newl n.NK of the things thai would Knpland shipping town, Captain ma,0 for progress would he a Svensnn is haile.l as a hero nt the reasonable application of the hour and i rewarded hy his cm-:ho,,t to the people who refuse In ployer, liufus Hrenl, with the .h, anlhintr hut Just sit and im. raptainry of a new yacht Urent moan Pjr has pivcn his daughter, Mary, as on nnn birthday present. Jim lleilford and .Mary have been friends since hihlhood, and the former real izes the ilaiitfcr lo the pirl lo have this ilrunken, yellow-streak. cl man in charpe of Ihe yacht-on which she is about to cruise. Just as the yacht is about tn sail, Jim and Murphy force Cap. tain Svcnsou to leave, threaten, in? to expose him if lie iloes not iiiiiuj in saj u in sucn a way mat u may necome eiieritvc- in in-pr,rl and why he came aboard the fluciicing the legislation of parliament. The Itoynl Commission yneht. On shore. Urent, cross. will sit here on that day. W hen polities: are being discussed, this is a favorite topic, for discussion lull the. appointment of the commission lakes it out of politics. ' Any person who fails to appear before the commission js out of court afterwards in a political discussion. If Ihere is a good reason for preventing the export of logs, it should be set forth clearly and jilainjy so that there may lie no mistake about il. The World Ir) Fivs Hundred Years From Now. Wells says, if he should visit the world five hundred years from now he would find things changed. Here is what he says: "If I could revisit the world five hundred years from now I am sure that I should find schools that would have the same reln- lo so. Then Bedford assumes command. Mary is ery much plctsoil to learn that Jim is the new captain. fieri Ureal is furious upon learnin? nf this turn of affairs and with a wireless n fteilfiird turns the yacht about. Girl In Love On the return tni'Murphy tells ,Mary about Jim's savin? Hie New. THE best known cure I'or a case of grumps Is to slide down a hill Arid lake the humps. HOW '.vye-all ' look hack Jo the pood .ohl. 'Vltiys' before they put women on the frrutt' cover" nf nil Ihe .napazlnrs. r THOSE were the day when display adverlisinsr.' was not known. .. THE way to write a sex story is lo pet some lewd pictures, chooe a suggestive. Iilb and I lien be as careful n fiossibte wlint j on don't ny. '"he price varies according to the darin? of the author. "1 W'OI'I.I) be a happy world If everybody'd shirk And all make up their minds Xohody'd ever work. - SOME iieoide have double chins, others lead double lives and then there's the kind .with both of these virtues. MEN will never drive an airplane when drunk because they will be afraid to take a drop. Ten Yeiirs Ago in Pfince Rupert February 21, 1914. Construction of buildings at the Orand Trunk Pacific dry dock is well under way and l the machinery will have been in stalled py .vivcmlicr It M ex. peeled. The 175-foot rinforcei concrete smoke slack is iiIhiiiI finished and it can now be seen from nil parts of the cily. - Harrison V. lto?ers has Just compleleil idans for a three storey modern apart meat block lo be built in Section Six. II. F. Mcltae and Williams . Manson have sold two lols on McHride Street near , 't hird Ave. to an Ontario purchaser for 500. The deal was ne?ollaled by Maker, agent for Vcen-havrr Urosj OFFICERS OF GREAT LAKES STEAMERS IN RUPERT YESTERDAY A party nf officers of Hie Nor thern Navigation Co, nf (he Oreat Lakes passed lhrou?h the cily yesterday afternoon in the course of a winter holiday lour on Ihe Pacific Const. They arrived from the south on Ihe steamer Prince TK.Mil.HS arc Invlinl rnr tlie annual vkiimui ur I he rollnwliiir tiat at prernl i) 111a- ai hip inmilt m ini. no rarli lltlni-i i:.o.s, f.Marrifir rrlm-r liuprrt IMM.i eMrrrynwi , Vanrouvrr " -nuir vveiiniiiiivr "Culine" fW WfelriltllAKT swan .xew w ruimintlrr " "I lk" .r Wertminttrr "Mr-riiir rrinre liuprrt LlniH-r- ITInri) Muf " llmk" frlnrr liiinTt " "i:ioyh" I'rliirc luirrl " "IWililur' iTIin'r jiuprrl " "llrnm" ITllirr Kunrrl Cnplns ur MwririrallDiia ran l olilaliirii nil ippllrallnn rruin Hie iimlnrnlrnrd nr rroiil tnr llrlH-rlra orrire al I'rlnrr lliinrlt nr w Wnnllnliitlrr, TdKlcru arr In lie nlalnlv limfkul on I lie iiill'lilf of Hie rhtrlop "Trinlrrs tor rr. pair In lhrrlrii lioals." ami mutt lie r-rrOKd at llw offlr! i,f III inulrrslariteil imi later Hum li n'rlmk ismhi, jlarrli 1 0 1 It. IVII. I'rrlfMt rrnnlrril fnr rmnhlrllun ut unrk mnl tie Mated, A riTlirieil rhrqiie for ll)'r or Ihr 1111111111I of thii Ifwler prlrn and pavalilr to the Mlnlntrr of Marine Hid IIOicrli' miit arrniiipany Ihr tnidrr. I.nunl. or anv lemlrr. not nrrranarllr .rrrplrd, (ani.i J, a. MOTlir.nwKM.. f.tilrf lniirtr.of Hlirrlr, )ilmi's Hank lildr.. ViiKouvr, B.C., irbruary Ulh, WH. PLAYERS Mora sold than all othr brands combined Beautifully Cool and Sweet Smoking Huperl and went East by train.! The parly included: Cnpt. H. J. Aitken, master of the steamer Noronlr; r.apl. W. II. Mont?om-ery of the Hamonic; t'apt. A. M. NVri?lit of the Hiirouic: S. Hrls-bane. chief engineer of the Nor. iinic; and II. Moore, chief en?in-eer of the- Hurnnic. Severnl of Ihe niemhers or Ihe arly werei obi friends of It. Ileaiiniont of this cily. J. E. Miller, inspector of cti-i loins and inland revenue, ami hii assistant, T. Mason, passed; lhrou?h on Ihe steamer Prince. Huperl yeslerday aflernoon bound for Auyox. n:im Ti:iinm ii,irc.-i ih. iindrrnlmed nt riMlrwl ImmIit n.r Inibiw Imllilinr. Kambiiiiis. H.C , ni U rr riVMl mini 12 o'clock noon, Thurd, trch IS, 1t24, for Hie rmiriiriiiii i,r 4 pirlilir lnlllin It kllih.j 11. 1 I'lans mil SMririraiiiin ran l nn ami ruriiii' Iriwlrr iililalltnl al llu i.rrirv nf Um- chirr Arrhliwi, lirpanmrm or eiiu llr Wirl, Vlriurla. H.l .. Ilie Clrrk nt Work, ir.rltlilil nt I'ijIjIk Work-, Villi Iff. Il.i:.. ami Hie Carrlakrr lirnre llullilliir, kaml-HJ... 11,1:. lrnilcr Will mil tie riHiaiilrml linU.a uiartv on llw funin .ninlii'il hv ilu liwn. iiiviii anil In arrorilatirr will) lite nmiliiliiiK liiriii iihttiti. l.arh Irnilrr imifl lie arrmiiiianlril l.v an arrrpml rh.-iir i.n a rliartrrrd Unk uiy atilr to llir onlrr nMhe MlnKlrr ur I'liblie Wt,rk, equal In in p.r. ur the ani'iunl ur Ihr lenili r. War Uun limuU nr llir ! million will ! Im arrrmril rninir fir war ImhhIi and rhrqiir. if ri'ilulrnl u makr up an nld amount. ny unirr. L. II. COI.VV1. Swrrlarir. rw pariMMiil i,f piiMie Work a. Ouawa, frlirnarr 0. IBI. OlfARTMCNT OF LANDS. NOTICI. Aopllcatlon For Qrailncj Farmlti For Th faion 01 ivz. Aipllrallon for prnnlu 111 .ram live-liMk on llw Cmn ranrr uiihin r.rii (railnir dllrlr or the ITuvlnrr or HrllWi oiuinuia, mini or (m il iiii ttm llltrlr rorcmrr at Crantirook, Fort Oror.r, kain-iHipn, .Xrlium, I'rlnrr lliifirrl, Vanronvrr. Vrrnoii, and WIIIIiiik Ukr. or ultli lli fjiinnilii'loiirr or draiiiiK, Pirlianirnt IliiHilinira, Vlrlorla, Il.i:.. on or Is-forr 111 nil mill. yi, lllank rurniH iimiii wtilrh tn milmilt in-I'llralUms niay In' nliialnnl frmii ihr tu. Irlrl inrr.trr al llw alsivr nnmril nl.ri.. or rroni llw liriarlliirnt or l.andu at Vlrlorla, H.C. n. a. nrv Drpiny Mlnlnlrr or I and, tiriiarlmrnl of l.aiul, Vlrlorla, D C, January (Hi, lOfl, LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to Laaat Land in niiimn i, parrua i.ann niinri. Hr-rordlnt ni.inn nr ryu.i Takr ollri that Chnrlra s. Miirpliv, or I'rlnrr liiiMTt, li.C. orrupatliai Knrln.rr. Intrpdi tn apply ror Irniillnn lit rav in, iiinnninr nrirrinrn lami.r ri.mti..... rli)f at . i.l plunlrd at Hie 1110M aontli-ralry iioint on channrl 1. land, nrar Ilia moulh of nardnrr Canal: thenrr fnllowliij inr FinuirM lir or nr norr linn at hi Hi walrr mark aroumi th Mind, rrtiirninir lo point itt rmnmrnrrrnrm. and i.h.i.i.. In. rrvrn hiindrrd arrrs, morr or r. CIIMU.F S. MI HPIIV. Jlanir or Appllrant. " J. SvM JOHNSON, Catfd Woembr 7tn, int. NAVY CUT CIGARETTES ipM "Super-quality" i .A. PaBMBfjaKBfBtiBtBtBtBt fJjfjVRtWialaBBV ieePPiBMBBeeBllB 10 forl8t 20 35f ' if- . r It I : Always : Welcome . i ; i A BOX OF PurdyV Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRC A Toothsome Delphi tlt it Iteaiilirul Ilo All Sixes All Prices. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CA8H CHEQUES. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo hninlle nil kinils of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 385. Phone 109, Hslgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY 8ERVICE. Office Hours: to 0 p.m. Open Pvcniiiffs by Special Appointment.