PAtil FOBIL SEE THEM IN THE WINDOW. The Well Known CHUM'S SHOE For Children. Sizes up to 7. Usually priced at $3.75. Special price for one week S2.95 Sizes ft to 10. Usually priced at $1.75. Special price for one week $3.95 These are absolutely First Grade Shoes and will sell quickly at this price. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue, Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early For Ticketj, Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince" Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Hread is your best food. Kat more of it. Kept by Ihe leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, Coal, Band and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 76. Phone 669. BRINGING UP FATHER 1 V HOVb THE. NEW JOO? ! officially welcomed by- 2 am - l j v liritish Krnpirc and ils resnun'es i than any oilier memher of Jhe Royal Family, though his father. King fienrge, was accounted a eilher the Hon. Piers Legh Lieut, the Hon. llruce llgilvy. etpieri-yl The Prince will travel direct Iq Capetown, where he wilhfi) Ihci I'M tTOC ON T OIHTT' tDO LCevRr. 4 EE LOT A. MOTCHM' PRINCE VISITS INDIGESTION GAS ON STflMAfH AFRICA IN MAY pains after meals - ' Many liU miner trrthly from Will be Welcomed by Governor-ami pains in iiwt iMMrt irir rvrry General and Premier Smuts i""''. ' " iep" in .ntant miwry. rr the MSI (i trin Hunliirk Miaal BILLIARD AVERAGES Farl of Allilone, governor-general jj jay y. of Soullr Africa, and (ienentl )r s (S.i: ."mills, premier of South Africa. !ii One of Ihe first engagements of Ihe Prince will be in inspect the military garrison of South Africa. Arrangement arc being made for His Royal Highness lo visit Ihe whole of the important cities and towns in Cape Colony, the Orange River Colony. Ihe Trans vaal, Nalal. and Southern Rho desia. While a large number of i.n . . . owing In bis engagements home later In the year. Constable Harry Marlin Constable p. Carr of Hums Lake, provincial police officers, arc sailing for Ihe snulh on the Pj-ince Rupert Inmorrow morning having in cnlody four men who will do lime at Okalta. All are from Sinil Iters' and Iheir name.H are II. M. Sealon, Julius Merger, Frank Howe and Nicolini Alvovy. Sealon is senlenced lo six month for vagrancy and Ihe oilier. Ihree will serve lime for C. Halagno (K. . S. I). Macdonald ' (S.A.) '.. (J. Wangh . . J. Smilh- (H.P.". O. Mcllmoyle (Jl.P. puiuic engagements are roniem-ip . A. Ahlridge'M.P.i piaieri, one care is to lie taken io'(j 'jbompson(II.P.; intersperse inese wiui opixiruinl-lis for sport and fftr purely social, engagements. There is talk of an expedition afler big game in Ihe vicinity of Ihe Zambesi ami Limpopo Rivers, and something of this de-rriptinn is certain to be included should (he lime prove sufficient. 'I be Prince has intimated, however, that he cannot devote more than Ihree months to this tour. II. Howe (S.F..I ... A. A. Kasson (!; . I". Fenelon fV.j .. S. L. Warrior (V.. J. Howe (S.K.I ... (i. P. Tinker (S.K.I M. M. McLachlan (Sw.: ... ... . J. Hrnwn 'S.A.i .. W. Halagno (F) .. Hen Self (H.P.) .. J. Judge (G. .. .. al D. Hrown (G. ... J. Andrews (S.) .. R. Davie fS.A.) .. ai'llS. J. Kvnns IU.V.) r.'Silversides (S.K.) A. Ilroderick iV.., . C. Halsdon H.P. . I 1 ft 0 5 5 .5 4 5 win inn I no iik; 303 7H2 970 780 ;n 1151 7C7 i. 1 1 10 5 035 2 371 i tool oni 355 toot 707 525 1037 fi 1029 070 170 990 987 825 820 81ft ft5l 812 808 802 159 270 130 130 03 I-:. 1.1ks; H.P. Hilliard lors; V. War Veterans; Av. 200 200 20 ft I0H 197 lOr 195 101 192 192 191 190 187 I8C 185 182 181 '178 178 177 177 175 173 172 170 170 105 105 io: 101 103 103 102 102 100 153 138 130 130 03 Grolto; S.I". Sons of F.ngland; S.A. SI. Andrew's. As a result of a visit paid him al his walerfronl premises yes on wrnvai Bluer ha 1k brlmtlnit tir ami Joy lojin P.atj HUNT FOR LIONS f'"' J. .IT" I ' The following aerages havei,,,nl' gral traveller before he came to ,(en ma,to dale by players in Hie inrone. . il,- nrinri.. tlimprl P.ilv Millinnl II has now been settled lhal',alie competition for Ihe Hul- Ihe Prince of Wales shall saill0.- . r,milPn rn. from Southampton for South Africa on Ihe nflernoon of Friday. May 2. Among those who ill accompany .him are Yire- miral Sir Lionel Halsey, comp troller and treasurer; Sir Oodfrey rhomas. private secretary and Col. Mr.Mnrdie (V. f. Andrews (S.A. W. J. Nelson (C. W. Hutchinson It.P. O. Hlylhe ,(0.i .. f,rjH. Jelich 'H.P. . Sgt. Jepson (V.) . Games. Pts. t F. Stephens ( lv.'--vl W -Morgan (C,.; Milchell (11.. 11. Shockley (S.H. .. F. Pyle (V. .. ., J. Walsh. (V... ... J: Suden (O.) ..'-, THE DAILY 5EWB. - Thursday February i ID Sport Chat Ty Cobb manager of the Detroit Tigers, lias been attracting the nllenlion of baseball fans since hi second yar in I he American League. Thai ws hark loot. He joined the Tigers year I .oft ire much I he " wruil hreaks int.. 1""' three meal, a ilay; helping LONDON, Felt. 21. .'t .aiuulian tn Ml nythinr iiwy wih. witikHit havinjr '"I? league-, hill il did nut Per,. The Prince of Wales in urrr tr it artrr. lake Ihe Georgia I'each long to 'proposed visit In Smith Africa this "r- Frwl . '. Sat. demonstrate Dial he was miilr , , , . . , w rile:- "All lam stimnwr I was trouble!, ,:rr . , .. ,, subject of consider- tfum ""' "linnry summer is a wllh Wnnurh ,, ,nd irMll,,,,in.inVrenl able interest, not only because ol and also m on the Mimam. I rrmid noilntoky. During Ihe 1905 season jthe long journey and Ihe- new m nyihinr ejrept wne light tx amilcohh failed In lul in I In JOO 'experiences invnhed in Ihe lour "en ,h" "M ri wiu P"" I cla Since then he has not ;, ' , .. , . .. . .. arter erh meal. I rmild not work a whule , .... .... , . , , or the fact thai ll 1,1 ' ' eircle 'I'M jhiil l.y reason diy vlthlM Mnt dun 0.t. ! had triert!r'"l,H spW iwill bring His Royal Jlighuess' everything; dortom, medieine and pilit.M'f hatlers,, .Vel spring Ihe Series of visits to the Overseas 'until I read atimit Durthirk PI'ukI Bitten. ! "M '' "'"" " ' trT. llnmM.w.n, In o n. .nol .. i ir.n -Will, ,lhe eomplelinn of the Soulli Afri- If iwil ntinri1llv f.ti"Mx1 nM In health lean visit the Prince of Wales wiH, Minufartnreii only tiy Th T. have ieen infinilely more of Hiei"- Limine. Toronto. Qr.u Tiger lender will hegin his nth season with the Ib-troit team and he is attracting nearly as much xillMirn alletilioii as he did when he was earning his regulation as the greatest all-round player in Die game. However, the aljenlinn he I now is nUracling is n little ilfT- ll.iseball fans have Ix-come ue- rusloined In Cobb balling .300 ' hut now Ihey are asking: "Is Ijddt slowing up?" "Will Cobb bat .300 next reason ?" "Will next season be (tbh's last as an active player?" To the first ttrstion-is "Yes," without quali fication. Hacha players in the major leagues are regarded old al 35. Few of Ihem ever attain Ihe ase of to in the big show. ("olili is iieUveetl.Altoe. figurey. hence there lOi'doubt Ilial Ur ha slowed upi'imsiderahly from Ihe years when ll wa regard"l is an ordinary feat for him to steal not only crfond, but third base. I'here I no reason why 'bb should lint bat .300 next season. He has done, il for eighteen con-seeulixe seasons and by doing it last year eslahlished himself at Ihe only player In the history of the major leagues who has hit for .300 or heller for 18 years in a row. The lale Caplaln A. C Anson did il 20 years, but I here was a break of two years in each of which he fell below J00, Whether Die next campaign will be Cobb's last as an active play er is up In Cobb himself. Judg ing from hi physical condition he should be able lo play Ihe oulfiebl fur at le;( Ihree more lyears, barring accfdenls. He has threatened, to retire lis an active player and whether lie will carry out that threat at the close of next season time only run loll BILLIARD PARLOR DEFEATED GROTTO Score of Tournament Last Night Wat 989 to 803 Hutchinson Shatters High Break Records The O roll il bitliardisls. who (have been having a sensational terday afternoon by Sergeant run of viclories recently, were Ilailey and florist able Macdonald, 'checked last night in their route offences under Ihe Government Alexander Oooch appeared in Ihe In leadership in Ihe Hulger Liquor Acl. They will arrive police courl this morning ami Cameron trophy race when Ihe rrom the inlerior by train Ibis, was fined $50 for having un-Prince Ruperl Hlllianl Parlor afternoon. sealed liquor in his possession, look Iheui inlo ramp by Ihe de- MACDONALD'S Fine CUt Tor those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALirsnneQit 2lb. tin-80 Vn. Lb 15 , W ANTED. Candy maker with manufacturing plant would like to locale in Prince Rtiwrl. Wholesale and retail. Iiesire a parlner with some capital, silent or or I he. Chas. t. Trimble. 1713 Commercial Drhc. Vaneotiver. II.C WANTED MOI.KR lURHKR COI.LKGK wants men and women to learn Ihe Ilarber Trade. Paid while learning. This Is your opportunity to learn a trade and gel into steady employment. Graduates earn from $10.00 lo $50.00 per week. Write for free catalogue. 50 Hastings K. Vancouver. WANTF.D. A furnished boue for three or four months. Phone particulars to 712. il FOR SALE FOR S.LF.. Ford Sedan in good rondilioiij AIo Ford Touring,, good condition. 375, and other passenser cars and trucks. Term if required. S. IL Parker, Lid, 41 FOR SALK. Power l.oats of every description including pleasure, trolling and work boats, at reasonable prices. Apply X. M. McLean; Cow Hay. FOR SALK. Ilarber shop, mod- ernly equipped. "Ilesl location in city. For particulars wriln Ilox 101, Daily News. 1C FOR SALE Sixteen room board- ing house and store, furnished. Apply 929 Ambrose Ave. nuc. FOR SALK. Fifteen pure bred Rhode Island Red roosters. Phone Hlue 021. P.O. Ilox 15. FOR SALK. Two Gilchrist Jacks and one I inch boom auger, Apply Northern Kxchangn. If FOR SALK. Pure bred Chesa. peake retriever pups. Apply R K. Lambley, P.O. Ilox 375. 1 FOR SALK. Singer sewing machine, ;ood a new. '30.00 Little Newslnud. 15 cisive score of 089 lo 803. An outstanding feature of Ihe ioui'iiaiiieiil was tin- performance of W. llulrhfuson, Ihe second man on Ihe Hilliard Parlor lineup, who slut'lcrcd Ihe lite It break record of Hie season twice first with a break of0 and then with another of 58. He also made Hi", best win of Ihe evening defeat ing lion Drown by 200 lo 1 17. Individual scores were: G. ' Wangh (Grollo) 137; George Mrlliuoyle 'Prince Ru perl Hilliard Parlor) 200, Don Hrown, 117; W, lliilcbiu- son, 200. J. Judge, 155; C. Thompson, 200. W. .1. Nelson. 200; F. A. Ald- rldge. 189. J. Suden, 191; II. Jelich, 200, League standing to dale fol lows: Games. Total, Aver. O.W.V.A. 5 (Oil 922 Grollo 0 5383 H97 Klks ft 5325 888 P.R.II.P 0 5315 880 S, of V. 0 5210 871 SI. Andrew's .... 5 4210 812 Subscribe for the Dally News. AQENTS WANTED MAXl FACTirilKR wants ngents to sell direct In wearer. Guaranteed made-to-measure "raincoats. Write at once for particulars. Glasgow Rubber Co., or Canada, llepl. A.O., 198 SI. Catherine Slreel, l, Montreal. (Jun. XGIvNTS wnnletl lo sell ninde le measure raincoats direct to wearer., 0hm pay. Semi at once for particulars. Good wear Raincoat Co.. 332, HIetiry. Montreal. Iept. 52. FOR RENT Mfslern four room flat for rent. Also fiAlre, with modem living quarters. Weslernhaver Pro. f FOR HUNT. Furnished house keeping rooms, 110 Sixlh Ae. Knst. Phone Hlue 21". Ifl S1TMM Heated Flat for rent. Hesner apartments. M. M, Stephens. LOST LOST. One gold drop earring between 018 Fifth Avenue Kal and hospital. Finder please return lo Daily New Outre. Reward. If BOAKO. HOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf MR. TRAPPER STOP I You ran make more money here llian elsewhere with your furs. See me first ami Inst. II will pay you. W. QOLDBLOOM, The Trapci Friend, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Goods Hought, Sold or Kxchanged H. H. HEMMINOS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave, Phones Itlack 130 and Red I IS, TAXI Tail 87 Phone. (Call Georgs or Gust) Ross Brother. Prompt Service and Comfnrt Day or Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days, cIoes at 5.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and Sal urdays, l.3o p.m. From Vancouver Sundays . , ji. m. Wednesdays P.M. rrldays A.M. C.P.R. February II and 25. To Vancouver- Tuesdays, Mall closes at 4 P.M. ' Fridays 8.45 A.M. Saturdays .. A.M. C.P.R. February 15 and 29. To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Wednesdays .... 0" P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, .A.M. To Port Simpson. Alio Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premlerr- Sundays 'r.7"'lM, From Port Simpson, Alio 'Arm Anyox, Stewart" and Premier- rues. lays A.M. To Alaska Points February II and 25, From Alaska Points February 15 and 20. To Queen Charlotte Island Points February 13 ami 27. Closes ,ao p.m, By George McManu? Il. ...77 'ig' jf(". 0xut )N,fc rtv s...k. ix Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. Nu AdTartlMnwtnt Tatkan lor Lm than B)cJ SCHEDULE OF BASKETBALL February 22 Kaleni, AdaiiaTs, "lift Grotto; Teachers, S.O.' 25 Grotto, Cr," j!,.,, Leaf, Adanacs; S.O.f .i , March, 1, Kalens, Tetvliei'; dirt Hlit'i School; Colts, Tn t. 1,-ColL Hegt., "Maprf Ufi Kalens; Teachers. S.O.r H. Adanacs, Teachr u:ir, School, Grotto; R.O.f i j. 1 f f. High FruVil Tr-rS. ers. Maple Leafs; CfU. r Vn 15 Kalens, Ada; t ; fep Grotto; Teachers, 8.0,0, League slsndlng H c'.t WHIST LEAGUE Feb. 21 Moose vs P ' st ada; St. Andrew s v !' ) K. of i: k r i Kngland vs. I lk Feb. S8 K. of P 3 C'U Moose vs. Elks. S 'Ott-ada v?. LO O F s ' ' vs. K. of C. March 0 K. of p.4 Sons or KiiBlaml vt He Son of Canada vjt, IL" March 13Sons of ' ; ''-i w G.w.V-, Mooe ..'.....,. llks Son of Kngland G.W.VmV. K. of P SI. Andn'w's Oddfellow Son of Canada K. of C SECOND HALF OF February J0 .prince Rupert It lor vs. Grollo, 22- Great War Vcc Andrew's. V I in. BILLIARD SERIES 25 Grenl War Vclef r . Prince Rupert H ' lors v. SI. Andr- ' 29 Sons of I'.uglnirU 1 March 5 SI. Andrew's vs 7 i:ik vs. Prim e It Hard Parlor, indium of I'nclanil Rupert Hilliard Pa 12 SI. Andrew s v;-Ui 14 Gnillo Vs. tirert' cran. 17 SI. Andrew s vs- """ land. 4 19 -i:iks vs Grotto High Low .. ... 0:50 (Mi), High 19:23 p ni, .nu .Ph. jti, 1 1 :05 ', Low '. 8:00 .n'i 20:32 pvirii Friday, February High Low 2:41 UVl'it 11:12 " 8:42 it""1 21 :00 ,pjii. I ' I Y ' ' .... HpIiipa lltmert IIHIUT ' I - r: . . .Ail fiRINCC RUPERT TID" . " AAA4MT Tuesday, February 1J 1 :0I a,m, i" ' o.r.i n tn. 7' ?,7 Wednesday, Febriiiry iKl. J :M " ? JH-iii Low 3:20 7:29 19:58 II 6.0 ?? Thursday, February H i ..... 2:08 a.m. 5.1 'I 91.6 1.5 " 2,3'