ThursJajj-Erunry 2. '034, 1ffl ffip3KJi in Kz:::i!i:::: 1 I m OXO CUBES save the Housekeeping Money Of WCf fW mVi I, 0X0 mwi) jWlW'f '. O.fO LIMITED, ,3iJ Ltmmlm Si. MOSTREAL. Oxo Cubes are more than the easy way of cooking. They are the economical way. They lend zest and flavor to warmed-up dishes, and by stimulating the system, enable you to obtain extra nourishment out of the other foods you buy. And there U another sain beaidei the monetary one the family gain in healrh and trength that follows 0o cooking. By getting mora nourithmenl from your loodi, you and tho around you grow rapidly in ttrenglh and energy. Put Oxo Cubes on your order list today. After a test you will never want to cook without them. ' .eefleaaaaaaaaaW ..SaaaaaaV B CUBES la tins ol 4, 10, SO and 100 cubes. BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend the following a being safe, saleable uid of fuir return: City of Vernon 5 V; due IDIIi June, 103M, at 08.0l. Yield 5.70 City of Duncan o'.duc IHUi Muy, ItlM. at 10..Sl. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert )', Hue W (ti HCO. at IO.:tl. Yield 5.90, Orders may be wired ut our expense, interest arrriicd t tlatc (if payment inoM U - added. We pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Offices VICTORIA, B.C. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Suite from Prince Hupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate PoTiUs Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. rt . S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 20 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I Priiire imprrl 6 is pm. fur NMm:e OKoiige,, wl.v Ml'fcO, ill txjinu Kaelrrn Cane'ta, t nivxl Slain. AOINOT ALL OCtN STEAMSHIP LINtS. City Ticket Office, S2S Thlral Ate, Prince Rupert. Phone 2C0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert a. a. riiiitio mnin. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28 J February 11, 25. 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICES For; Butedale, 8wanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vn-"totlior, tjvery Saturday at 1 P-m. Afloncy for,all Steamship Lines. run lniormauou nuu W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. .Corner of 4th 8trt and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. sniinn From rnnce nurm. . ...,. 'or Tuetdair, 8 P.. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Palle, and Sanion VANC0UVIR, VICTORIA, Alert . and S-anion , "oon. I" NV0X, ALIOS ARM, tTtWART, Welee Wand. Sunder S P.M. '' 'ORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlf Cannerlee. rrldar A.M. od Avenue j Prince Rupert. B.C Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Haruers. 351. I aVSTftX Undertaker. Phone 41. Pboue tf Thousand Ion famous Nunat- ino Wellington Coal arrived. Try a ton. Albert ami McCafferv. tf Mrs. Jo (lent returned by Ihe Prince Huperl yesterday aflcr-iioon from a business triji south. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. if William !. Irani, post-office iiiKM lir. arrived from Vancou ver mi lln- I'riitce It uiiert elcr-ilay uflei'iiunn. id. :. "V. I'eck, V.G presided Hi I In annual Sixteenth Bat talion jirtuiit in 'Vancouver Saturday niRht. .- II. !. Krasr, cclioo! inseeloi' is on u trip south on tlcjurl-inenlal iliilie. lie is ex pec led nck al Hie eml of llio week. Bishop Iluiuif returned liy tin I'rinee Itnpeil yesterday after- noon from Vancouver where he has been on church business. - lie Keusitle I.uiieli (iiunler. im- Bay, is for sale. Make an offer. For information 'phone lied too or apply X. M. .McLean. iu Bay. It II. S. Wallace arrived from Vancouver on ilhe 1'iinco Hupert yesterday afternoon. lie i to pend a week here in connection with his dry goods business. - All member of the . Hat lalion North ll.C. Itefritiient attending liull on February 32, al Auditorium will wear uniform l'-rmiintt is granted et-ser- vice ineit lo wear uiiliurm on tins oeeasion. 41 .apt. II. S. Hilton. ;i.Mlaiit marine superintendent of the r.HHiidnin Ofrvernnient Merchanl Marine, arrived from Vaneiiuver on the I'rinee Hupert yesterday afternoon. He i here in eon Chips off ihe Old Block ffl JUNIORS Little Ma Ttie tfl -In ene-thlrd doe, c.noyo.ioa. rorthUdr.n end dul SOU 8Y YOU DSUeOJT TUB DAILY NEWS. PAGE TIIREB. Basketball tonight game.' Kits' Home. Mrs. J. M. Clancy, who ban been visiting for a month al Vancouver with .Mrs, I.. M. I)c Cfex, has returned to her home in Calirary. three - In aid of Ihe Hidley Home, all kinds of home cooking will be xladly received al the Hut on Saturday, February 23, from 10 a.m. For further particulars, phone Mrs. Blance. 45 Major A. W. Davies, former manager of the Dolly Vardeu mine al Alice Arm. nassed through the city on the i'rinee Hupert yesterday afternoon bound for Stewart. Mrs. H. 1. 1'onder is sailing lomoirow moriiiiifcr for the south having in her charge an insane woman from , Smithers who is being taken lo the mental hospital at New Westminster. I. S. liouney; district forester. Is sailing tomorrow morning liv the Priiire Hupert for Vieloria where he will attend a conference of ililricl' foresters. He expects lo be away about a fortnight. T. Trolier. M. M. Mcl.aehlaii and J. W. McKinley have been appointed a commitlee under the Fuir Hoard lo supervise the re vision of Ihe grains and grasses sections in Ihe 1921 prize list. . -o- - Mr. and Mrs. S. It. Donaldson, who were recently married in Victoria, returned lo Ihe cily yes lerday afternoon enroiile lo I'ort Kssinglon where they make their home, Mrs. Donaldson was formerly Miss J. Louden of the local school teaching staff. .1. K. Donobue of Ihe C.X.H assislaul general manager's office. Vancouver; 1'. K. Ayrbarl. travelling audilor. hjlmotilon, and A. I'. Hutchinson of the bureau of slalistfes. Montreal, are making Ihe round trip north from Vancouver on the I'rinee Hupert this week. .Mr. and Mrs. C. !. Itiel of Alice Arm and their daughter. ,Mis Virginiir-Hfel. -arrived in the cny on ine l'rjnce Hupert ye lerday 'aflenMon after- having jfpent it 'v;iettfioii"in 'the soutli neeti.m wild the d.M-kirsK of the h"tfer wilPrentJIn lfeTe'T0ra'TetV leainer I'rinee ;eorKe, i. A. i:tothier. resident uiin K engineer, is lenviu? flmrtly for Vit toritt where he will siM'nd two or three weeks al the liend nJUre of the llepartuieiit of Mines. Mr. Clot liter has just completed Hie compilation of his annual report on miniiiK in (his distriet. It will lie published shortly in Ihe annual report of Hie department. ANNOUNCEMENTS . Sale of llfiuie r.ookniK in the lint on Saturday. February 23, in aid of tin' Hidley Home. - - . Amateur 1 hettlru-als, March 3 West holme, in aidlrfulie' llosd lal Auxiliary. - - Klks' Annual Ball, Tuesday, .March I. 4- Spend an evening in Ihe Tall rimlxjis nl the Melhodisl Church I'litirsday, March C. lloyal Purple Faslnr lhuaar and Sale of Home Cooking, April 8. Hi!! 00 Chapler. I.O.D.K. Ama- jli'iir Theafrienls end of April. Vis Is Different Differentiae- aaaav -w. this irom all other laxatives and relied lor Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action ol Nature! Remedy (H7 Tableti) it mora natural and thor iatK ough Ihe effect! will be revela. lion you will Icel to good. make lt te.t. You will appreciate tdli difference. VttJ For Over days before ffliiniing. fo home in Alice Arm. their Deri Sinilh, assistant manager of Ihe I'reniier mine, Stewart and I homas Powers, foreman, passed through the city enroute north yesterday from Vancouver. They have been giving evidence in I lie Supreme Court case l.e- Iween the Premier (Sold Minin o. ami Ihe Loastwise Slenm- ship & Barpe Co. The Victoria Colonist says: Colonel J. II. McMullin and Mrs. McMullin entertained at a dance last evening at Iheir home on Hampshire Itoad, when Iheir nests included Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Duncan. Mrs. Ciee. Miss McMullin. of Kngland; Miss lud- lon. Miss HI ford, Miss Corsan. Miss Nelson, Major Low, Mr. Duncan, Mi;. Fovvkes, Mr. Slerry Mr. Wall aihU Cree. . , ' i Mr. Douglas WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DlliBY ISLAND. Cloudy. strong .southeast wind: barome ter. 30.11; temperature, til: sea moderate. DKAD TltKi: POINT. Cloudy. eitliti; barometer, 2U.H0; temperature. 30; sea siimol!:. BL I.l. llAHBOll. Clear, liv'.i swen; ,io p.m. spoke steamer Caiiiosuu left Uurdy' Hay northbound; C.'ii ," spoke tug Lome abeam Pine Island north bound; 7.20 a.m. spoke steamer Chelohsiu leaving HlvCts Inlni oullibound, Noon DIOHY ISLAND. Cloudy. Iroug southeast wind: baroine- ler. 30.12; tiMnpernlute, H; sen moderate; lit a.m. spoke steamer lees with Amur in low left Prince Huperl 8 a.m. outb- bound. DKAD THKK POIN T. Cloudy. calm: barometer. 2U.81; temper ature. 12; sea smooth. BULL II'AIIBOK. -- Clear, light southwest wind; barometer, 30.. 10; temperature, 17; seu moderate; 10:35 a.m. spoke steamer Cainosun in Mllbunk Sound northbound; 10:10 a.m. spoke, sleittner Chelolnln oif Pine Is-I lv It gets the edge dirt right out IS collar? there anything harder to get clean than a dirty soft Yet the grimiest of soft collars are now washed white and clear of edge dirt without hard rubbing. With this new soap, soaking takes the place of rubbing Just by soaking in the rich Rinso suds, the most ground in dirt is gently loosened and dissolved, and not a thread is weakened. Even the dirt that gets absolutely ground in at cuff edges is so loosened that it comes out with only a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Whatever your way of washing, Rinso does the whole fob with it you need no other soap. Get Rinso today. All grocers and department stores have it. Rinso MADE BY THE MAKERS OF LUX O. II. Nelson and his daughter. Miss Madeline Nelson, attended Ihe Press Hall al Ihe F.inpress Theatre, Vieloria, at the week end. Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Ciilhuly. who have been on a holiday Irjp in Ka lcni Canada and southern points, returned lo the cily on the Prince Hupert yesterday af ternoon. FISH ARRIVALS Five Halibut Boats Marketed Catches Totalling 83,000 Lbs. at Exchange This Morning Five halibut schooners mar keted catches totalling 83.000 lbs. at the Fish F.xchange this nuirn- ing. Two American boats bad 3H,00 lbs. and Ibree Canadians, 25;000 lbs. Arrivals ami sales; American Kodiak, 13.000 lbs., al 1 1 .". ami 8c. to Ihe Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. , Chancellor, 13.000 lbs., at 16. le and 8c, to the Al Hit Fisheries, Canadian Thelmu, 11.000 lbs., ami Atli, i.OOO lbs., at I L2e and He. to Ihe Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Alli-ance; 7.000 ijbs., at I L5c and 8e. lo the Atlin Fisheries BOOK YIA C.N.R. FOR EMPIRE EXHIBITION Special arrangements ate bc- 1,0 nortltvvest wind, baromqler. 30.- .;, ', , , ,ms1a,'1C "lU " ",ul "''onal 08; le.nperulme, inoderalel' V lcam ii. . . 1 .ships tups being being opera operated ed bv by Hi (he White Star, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines to handle tourists desiring lo visit the British Umpire Exposition in England this summer. Close connections are made by the Canadian National Haiiways with steamers of these lines al Atlantic sea-porls. Passports secured and full information al City Ticket Olllce, Canadian National Hallways. 528 Third Avenue, Prince Huperl, B.C. Phone 200. 1 PRINCE RUPERT YACHT CLUB The annual meeting of Ihe Prince Huperl Yacht Club will be held on Friday uiVht in the Cily Hall al 8 o'clock. V.-4-21 SMOKED FISU kJ AT ITS REST M M There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Holes are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." Huperl Brand is always delivered to Hie slor?s in clean new boxes clearly stamped "Hupert Brand." 2 Wrap in rooking paper, cook in moderate over Tor 20 to M0 minutes, remove paper and serve ut once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. Al all Fish and Meal Markets, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT VACUUM Bottles Useful Every Day in the Year Price 75 cents ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggist. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING Wo have llardvv.ood, Kir.und Cedar Boul Lumber. If you ate tird of Kalsomiue and Paper, try Fir Veneer Panelling. If you are thinking of building a house, we have any lumber , you require, also Sash, Doors, fdass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. Phone 3S3. 1l 'Uihliiund. Mi