PAGE SIX. DR. DENTON'S Sleeping Suits for the Kiddies Keep them warm and romfurtable, guard again! night chills. The best sleeping garment made for children, from '1 to 0 years. Priced from $1.75 to $2.35 H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. We Slock Pictorial Ilcview patterns. Phone 9. Fulton St. and Third Ave. Vegetable Specials Potatoes, per ark . . . $2.25 Turnips, per sank .... $1.75 Carrots, per nark .... $2.25 Onion, per sack .... $3.75 10 lbs. potatoes 25c 10 lb. Carrots , 25c 10 lbs. Turnips ... ... 25c 10 lbs. Onions 50c Fresh Celery, Lettuce, Cab-base. Hbubarb, Spinach, ami Cauliflower, all at the lowest prices. Fresh Meat Always In Stock. All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Slope 417 Fifth Ave. East. FiveRoscs FLOUR When lluying Flour abk your Oroccr for "FIVE ROSES," The World' Uesl John L Agent. Christie ASK FOR Woodland "Tho Best Butter.' There Is None Better At Good Dealers. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTI8T. Helgercon Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 to 9. Phone 66. Open Evening! Only For Special Appointments. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. .NOTICE Is lltiTtBY CIVE.N Hut the re-nerve eilsluia; over Lul 411. uumi i;hr. iktte I.limJ Dl.trlct. la canerlleil. u. II. .AUfc.V. Deputy Mlol.trr or Lauds, l-aixlt Ixpirtmeut, Victoria. B.C.. lb January. I Ml. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill Uk- Matter uf the AdniiuUtratluii Art; and la the Matter of the Estate or James II. Bryan: lM-ceal: Inleatate. TAkK .NOTICE thai In order of lilt Honour l. MrH. Vaunt, made this ?tb djr I Adinlnlstratur or the Estate of Jame II. illrjaii. derraM-d. and all parties havlnr rlalms arainst the said Estate are hereby required to runiish aanie, properly verified I to nie, on or before the IMh day of 'nrru, .i. ivzi, ana an parlies- in-tdebted to the estate are reimlred tn tur I the amount of their Indebtedness to me rortnwitn. THOMIS V. HEIt.NE. orflrlal Administrator. I'rlnre Hnpert. B.C Dated this I Kill day of I'ebruarv, ISM Leap Year Specials For ! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Sunklst Navel Oranges I doz. for 25c This is the last opportunity to buy Naxel Orange al this low price. Oranges have advanced, and this size will relail next week at 2 ! doz. for 35c. Florida Grape Fruit Never hac we tasted finer grape fruit than at present. We have a large shipment arriving Saturday. Sfecial 3 for 35c I'er doz $1.30 Bleached Sultana Raisins, in bulk, per lb i . 20c 5 lbs. fur 55c Canned Vegetable Special 3 tins Quaker Corn, 2'. 3 tins Koyal City Pears, 2's. Special, 6 tins for 95c. I'eannt Duller, in bulk, per lb 20c Finest Ontario dices, per lb. . . 30c Perrlns Dairy Cream Sodas, hinged lid tins, 1 1 lb. average, new shipment just arrived. Special per tin $2.25 Minced Clams, per I in . . 20c K.C.II. Clams per tin .. 16c, Standard of F.iupire IlinmJ Lombard Plums, reg. 35c (in, special , . . . . . 25c Victoria Cross Salmon, ', special, S for ... ... 25c (iuaranteed eijual to best sockeye. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Shipment of Flannel Dresses just arrived from $11.00 "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. RAILWAY HEAD IN RADIO TALK Urges Employees to be Diligent ana Keen In Interests of National Railway ANSWERS HIS CRITICS Extends Invitation to Listeners In South to Visit Canada - and Enjoy Life t, WINNIPEG, .Feb. at. "We welcome everv form of lnv., li gation ami wt wish our account ing and finance to be surrounded wilh every precaution but we would object to perpetual in. vestigations by prejudiced individuals which would have for their object keeping the adminis tration in constant turmoil and acquiring information for the use of those who arc opposed to me welfare of the system." tilled Sir Henry Thornton. chairman ami nre.ident of the Canadian National Hallways in a rauio lalk Willi Western employers of I lie system, by remote broadcast from station CKG.V at Calgary last night. In this connection he explained further that the accounlins rules and prac tices which are followed bv the Canadian Pacific and the important railways in the United-Stales '"so if anyone tries to null your leir Willi regard In our 'accounting methods or the ex istence or our 920,000,000 net earnings you can ram the above down their throats." Following up the successful experiment in remole broadcast - ill" last ttii'L hv I! i.lltint 'by means of long distance tele phone connection between Cat-gary and Winnipeg, Sir Henry, 1 LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land. In Ohm Land Mstrirt, liernrdmir Iu-trti't or skeena, and Htuale and belnr Hay Island, on the north branch of the Akeena hlver. near Orrantr tannery. Take V.lli-e that I. Thomas William jTharker, of Prince llupert, B.i: orrupatlon IKnirlneer, Intends to apply for permission 'to lease the follow lair described Mix!.: I coiiimenrlnr al a post planted at tlie most 'xtiitherly polut on Bay Island; thence nor-jtherly and westerly,; thence southerly and easterly; rollowmr the sinuosities of the shore line to point of nHwuriirenufit, awl (containing flu acres, more or less. THOMAS V. TIIACktll. Applta-anl. I baled fcbtiury mil, im, SXCENA LAND DISTRICT OF QUEER CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. I Take .Notice lhal I. Arthur rtoberlson. of ; Port Clemrnis. British Columbia. Intend to I apply ror a lease over the rollowliif described lands: Coimneirinr at a osl planted al the northwest corner of Lot tit norm roast or uraturn Island; liienre 16 chains westerly: llience five chains northerly, to low water mark, thenrr 10 chains eaHerl ilonr low water mark; inenre lire main aoiiineriy to miii or roiiiiiienreiiient. roolainlnr forty acres. more or less. Located January IMh. mi. A HTIII'R IKiBFtl TfOX IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Maltrr of the Administration Arl; aim In the Matter or the Kslate of Wallace Houston. Iiereased; Intestate. TAKK .NOTICK that I was appointed Administrator of the Kstite of Wallace Houston, deceased, and all partlm havlur riainis arauiM ine saici r.siaie are nerroy required to furnish same, nrooerlr veri fied to me. on or hefore tin- 1Mb. d.iv of March. A.ti, Mil, and all parllea lnd-blel to ine r.suie are reninrm to pay the amount or llH-lr liKlebteliiess to me, forthwith. TIIOMt W. IIKIINE. Ofrirlal Adrnlnlslralor. I'rltice lluoert. 11 C. Iilei this IMh day of rebruary, IVil. APPLES lellow New Ion. $2.10 and $2.35. Winesap $2.35 SunkNt Oruiiitpx, 3 doz. for 50c Pure Strawberry Jam, i lb. tiint 75o Heinz Ki'lehiip, per butt. 25c l.illle While Ib-ans, lb, 7c Sail Pork, Kxlru, pi-r lb. 25c Piitniw, Special, i lb, for 25c Kipper Snaekx, :i for , . 25c (ili'iiilule I tn Her, per lb. 50c Strictly Freh Kntt, do. 45c l-'renh Supply of Smoked lilai'k loi, Kippers and Salmon. Fresh Meal at Umial Low Price. Farmeps Marke Phone Blue 428. JUST RECEIVED. NEW STOCK Of misses' and Ladles' Flannel Dresses. AT SALE PRICE8. BEN T'S TUB DAILY N&WB. Tlniraday, February 21, lojj HAD A WEAK HEART WAS VERY NERVOUS FOR THREE YEARS Miss jtitle l-eterton, Zealan.Ha, Sak., wrltea: - lsh to let jou know now much irood Milburn'a Heart and .Nerve rills have done for Die. I'or nearly , three year I was very badly run down, had a weak bean, and was ao nervous that aometiuie I would almost faint away. I beard of many ix-ople who bad rertxu- mended Jour Heart and .Nerve Pill, so I decided lu Jive them a trial. After I had used two bote I faund tney had done Hie rood, and after bavins taken rive bo us I waa completely relieved. I raiioot recommend your rills euoufh. and 1 would advise anyone havlna- a weak bear! or troubled with nervousoes to use them. Milburn'a It. t X. PHI. are Sue tun at all dealers, nr m.ikul ilin-et i. of price by Tbe T. Mllburn Co.. Llmllixt. Toronto. Ont. sat in hi.i room at the Fort Garry Hotel here lat night and had his firt personal radio dial svitli the Company a emphtyees in the Ve. lie eniilufiiei I lie need of liis coming; into contact with an many of thein a jnn-xiblc and the tpiortunity af. forded by radio of establishing a fine xpiril of co-operation and pride in the work both tic and I hey were engaged in. Human Element Certain individuals have ridiculed our efforls in the direction, have characterized them as extrav;:aut and said the com. pany woulc' be much belter off if it attended to the business of transportation and let wireless telephones alone. Hut these are Hie words of the ignorant critic, who fail to understand that the human element is the largest factor in the success of any railway. And it is al-o to he remembered lhal while I am talking lo those yf you who are em ployees, a larue number- of the people of both Canada and the l.'niled States are listenhn,' In and lea rninr something about the Canadian National Kailway system, I welcome lhat great invisible audience. "I would like lo talk, if I had the time, of what a wonderful country' I th" Dominion of Can ada, how- many advantages there are for those who are willing to work and how many. delights and pleasures I here are for I lie tourist, but lhat I mtt leae lo other. Let me only say Ibis, especially to our friends across the border, conic up and see. ride our railway, see what our service is like, fish in our lakes and rivers, hunt in our forests and look up on the beauty ofj our mountain scenery, and then, if you. go I lick I know you will return, and perhaps if you return avaiu you will have come lo May." Audit of Accounts Urging lhal every employee be alerl lo the possibilities presented Iheiii for attract he bus). nes, Sir Henry pointed out that the united effort of 100,000 employees working in the same direction becomes an irresistible force. Prevention of waste, cleanliness, fire protect ion, unfailing courtesy to the public were also points lour bed upon by the speaker in a friendly way. He then mentioned the agitation being made in certain quarter. for a public audit of Canadian National accounts and explained ine system whereby the same are under constant scrutiny and are continuously audited by the firm of (ieor.o T. 'louche and Company, a reputable interna. lional firm of chartered ac countant. Uefore elosjug Sir Henry ex pressed his confidence in Ihf capable, loyal lot of men hi llio service, who are proud of (lie company and the record it has made, and who are striving each year to produce better results than the previous year. Thai being the case the time had come when as self respecting In dividual they would not per mit vicious and ill-considered criticism of the railway or any one in II employ lo pass un challenged. Constructive Criticism "Constructive criticism which is meant for the purpose of Improving our method we all welcome, but the other kind, which is based on prejudice and In-lended for destructive purposes we must, as self respecting men at once challenge. Therefore, If we stand together and in a Uig-nified fashion protect the Interests of ourselves . and our company we shall have gone a long way lo excile that respect which i in i ii k your services ine:'U" LASCIVIOUS DANCES ARE TABOO WITH CATHOLICS Quebec Priest Further Enlarges on Pronouncement of .Cardinal Begin QUKliF.C, Feb. 20. (Canadian Press) The exact bearing of the pastoral letter Issued some time ago by Cardinal Hegin re garding alleged lascivious dances was further explained on a recent Sunday by Mgr. l.iifUmme. parish priest, at the Quebec Itasilica. who wanted the faithful against any light interpre tation of the document, slating that the object was to bar these dances forexer from the social life of Catholics. twining some parts of the important document, he stated that when it was issued it was regarded as urgent lo do so in order to prevent further abuses. I'hougli I he edict had been gen erally well obeyed, some people had commenced placing their own private interpretation on It. I'hese people had apparently been under the impression that the letter meant only that such dances as were referred to had been banned. Mgr. I.aflammc staled that such was not (he cae. I lances as described in the pastoral were- forbidden as mor- lal sin. Hanelng in homes was not allowed, even between relatives. In regard lo man and w ife, if I hey w ant to dance, they should not dance in public or even before their children. Dancing between people of the same sex was nlso taboo. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until March I. 191. for the purchase, with or without the lots, or the rent fir removal of the buildings on Kleventh Avenue, formerly oc cupied by the Prince Hnpert hairy. The hiifhest or anv ten. der not necessarily nrrepled. It. McKAY, P.O. IJox 8115. Prince llupert. ll.C. Stuart Henderson, well known Victoria barrister, arrived from the south on the Prince llupert yesterday afternoon on hi way lo Hazellon. SYNOPSIS OF LAND nCT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unrnn4. iurvtfed Crown land may ba pra-ampled b) Ilrttlah aubjacta over II reara of at,e. and by -Dana on daclartnr Intanllon to beroroo Brltlah aubjacta. etnii tlonal upon rtildenta. occupation, ind Improvement far atrtcultural purpoata. q full Information concerning reju-atlona racardlnj pra-amptlona ta (Ivon In BullaUn No. I, Land Utrltt. 'How to Pra-ampt Land." eoplaa of thlch ran ba obtalnad fraa of chart; r addrenlnc tha )partmtnt of -an da. Victoria, B.C. or to anr Uov-rnment ActnL Harorda will ba granttd rovarlnt inly land aultable for afrtcultural purpoaaa. and which la not timber-land, l.o, carrylnc ovr MOO board feat par acra waat of tho Coaat Rant end 1.000 feet par acra aaat of that Ranca. Appllratlona for pre-emptlnt art o ba addraaeed to tha Land Com-mlaalnner of tha land Recording 1)1 vlalnn. In which tho land applied for ta altuated, and ara mauo on print! forma, eoplaa of which can ba obtalnad from tha Land Commlaalonar. Pra.omptlona muat bt occupied for flra rears and lmprovarnenta mad lo valua of I0 par acra, Including clearing and cultivating at laaat five acraa, bfor a Crown Orant can b received. Tor mora detailed Information ea (ha fiullatln "How to lr-empt Land." PURCHASE Appllcatlone are received far pur ehaa of vacant and unreeerved Crown landa, not bain tlmberland. for agricultural purpoaeai minimum price of flrat-claea (arable) land la tl par acra, and aecond-elaaa (grating) land 2.(0 par acra. Further Information regarding purchaaa or laaaa of Crown landa la glvan In Bulletin No. 10, L-nd Serlea, "Purchaaa and Leaa of Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or Induatrlal iltaa on timber land, not eieeedtng 40 acraa, may ba purchaaed or laaaad. tha con. dltlona Including payment of etumpag. HOMESITE LIASES L'naurvayed areea, not aicaadlng iO acraa. may ba laaaad (a homaaltta. conditional upon a dwelling bain? erected In tha first yaar, title being obtainable aflar raaldanc and Im. provemant condition ara fulfilled and land haa been aurveyed. LEASES For grating and Induatrlal pur-poaea area not atceedlng 140 acra may ba laaaed by on paraon or company. GRAZING Under tha Grating Act tha Prey. Inca I divided Into grating district nd the ranga admlnlatarad tinder Orating Commlaalonar. Annual crating permit ara lnued batad on numbara ranged, priority balag glvan 'o eatabllahed owner. Rtock-owner may form aaaoclatlona for ranga management. Free, or partially free ermlta are available for aattlera' 'ampan and traveller, up to tee head. I Phone 376 The House LH HiBI Phone 376 of Quality JUST ARRIVED Our new dltn-k uf Men's Leather Shoes lius just urrtved ami we are pleus"il to aiinoiiuce thai they look belter llinn ever, lu all the newest lasts and in ut nialioKtiiiy lnowiis. black kid mill ruir. Oxfords and Balmoral nit at prices in suit every inan in town, from . A,Jg $7.50 to $12.50 Per Pair. Try us for vur next pair. We run projei (it (U!) ami K'lTuiilcu satufartion. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Shoe Department, i i WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 GLORIASWANSON -- in "MY AMERICAN WIFE" A love lor) of pan and Hihmiw Air. (jii: v.-. V genline, land of the laiio. vsarm-eyeil. wnrin-Tipp J Sf oritu and warm wiiin. PnUing romance tic women, dazzling gown, the liitel world of mi ;r .t revels of the underworld, the Nirly tang of th i I h 1 1 1 1 1 -- and the ten-!- exi-itemeiil of a duel at daw Antonio Moreno. Waller Long. Kilten Pitir)t J ca-tL CLYDE COOK COMEDY "WET AND WARM." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admlulon 35c an. 10c Bath Room Fittings Towel Han-. Soap llMiei., Tutnliler and T imMr' lloldei, Hoap uml -SiMinge Holder?'. Tooth Hmh hrtik. KiHik ror the Hath Itolx'. Hot Water llotlle nml Shu. .if .Strop, Vlnk and Itrusli Holder, etc. Kery piece guarante -tl, now on tliplny in our u:du KA1EN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3. P.O. Box 16j- SPECIAL :: SALE of HOSE Six Important Bargains For THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Ladies' Black and White Lisle Hose Megular 5i)e. llargniii Hale Prie s !1 pairs for Ladles' Oray, Brown and White Hose llegular r.Oc. Ilargiiin Sale Prire, :i pair?, for . 1 Pair Heather and 1 Palp Lisle-Hose ' The two pairs, llurgniii Hale Price ..i Brown or Black Cashmere Hose Hegular l.:i5. Ilargain Hule I'riro .. Ladies' Hose Hegular !.;).) uml )f l.."0. Itargniii Hide Price Ladles' Black and White Cotton Hose Hnrgaln Hah Price, pair.i for ALL SILK HOSE REDUCED 15 10 Cut On All Children's Hose. 95c 95 85c 950 95e 95 Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner Third and Seventh. Phone fi