page two ship. TITO DAILY IIEVS "V Share It The Daily News i The Man in the Moon i U v r JSt' with a Ten Years Ago PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. SAYS:- tf in Pilnce Rupert inion Published Every Afternoon, excjpt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES i John Dybhavn, president of Ihe Association, stated that it was customary for smaller cities under the city manager system to have four aldermen. In any case, this number had only been sutr- pesieu Dy uie executive, it was - a matter that could be definitely decided upon later. F. W. Hart pointed out that it was only proposed to ascer- 1 1 . .1 ... . . . . . executive, in submitting this report, was not antagonistic to the present city council. As a large taxpayer, he for one was satisfied with the work that had been done by the 1921' council. He referred Iq the present cily engineer as an official who had always been on the Job and had earned his money. Cily managership was1 merely being proposed as a measure lo he better pre pared for the big developments that were apparently lo be brought about as regards the city. W. II, Montgomery jpoke against the idea of cily managership. He was opposed to anything that would increase the IF A Request Places You Under No Obligation. 88 80 City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United ' States, in advance, per ysar $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.... $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion .15c per agate line All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOH Saturday, October 18, 102. CITY MANAGER ADVOCATED nverheal expenditure of Ihe city RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION jand, as far as lie couM see. that AND SYAW IS ASKED FOR. Iwa all a eily msnaper woul.l .to. - He would require a large salary (conlinued from page one) i)nibly 35,000 per year and .would need a staff elc. The de- successful business corporalions.'parlmental heads that the city "In view of these facts your now had would still be required. T 1: r i r l "tcuine if eis quite xaie aiiu jie count not see where increased In order In Iinld eral election to submit a by-law his position, the city manacer to the electors for their opinion would' still have to do the bid-on this subject, and we further dings of the. council. From the suggest that in this plan the present system of departmental elective body consist of a mayor heads, as far as be could see, and four aldermen." (the city was getting as much as Fewer Aldermen (it would get from a city manager. M. l. Stephens stated that hejt would just be an experiment was perfectly in accord with the and a costly one which he itlea of city managership. The thought the city could not afford only thing in the report that he at this time, woyld attempt to question was Benefit City with respect to the number of M. M. Stephens still maintain-aldernien suggested. Personally, ed that, if a proper business man he was a little afraid of loo, were obtained as manager, the smaii an executive, mere migiii j system would work out to the be danger of .the government of benefit of the city and would not uie city gelling in the hands of increase taxation. Larire rnm cliques .TIiee,was,no doubt, t,hatlpanies had, found that it paid to ...uwi ii.iun-j i."uiu utr. .-i.nru un- nave iiigii salaried managers. . . .-jc,, U(, I.,.; ...un..j-ti-. ! in- Cny was noininfr more or less than a large "business. Under the present system nf municipal government the best business head of the city did not offer their services as mayor and aldermen. Mr. Montgomery look Mr. Stephens' remarks as an admission dial the system of city managership would cost more than the present system. Mr. Stephens took exception to tills lain wueuier or noi ineprincipieassumption or Mr. Montgomery's of cily managership would be J and, when the latter rose to aldermen had boon suggested. Not Antagonistic A. W. Edge stated that t he- argue Ihe point, Y. V. Hart got to Ins feel on a point of order stating that Mr. Montgomery was not a member of the Assoc iation and should become One before he attempted In interject himself into such a debate. Passed Experimental Stage President Dybhavn said that If Mr. Montgomery had studied Ihe system he would at least have to admit thai it had passed the experimental stage. There .was ample proof , of. jt$ success., Mrs. Kiikpalrckf.flsktUIr4h.e, system had been tried out in, B.C. Mr. Dybhavn said that it had not been, although Kamloops had a commission system that was something like it. The report of the executive was .unanimously adopled on motion nf Mr. Stephens and Mr. Edge. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnr from Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Br, an Alert Bay, T.aeday. WM ror VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alert Bay. .nd l.tnion Kay. taturday, 10 .. ror ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. iza 12a znd AV2?.'.P?RT At.nue. 8,MPS0N. Naaa C.nn.rl... FH4iy A.M. j. Barnalay, A"t rrnc9 impart, BO. JIKALIZATION always exceeds expectation when it comes to receiving the hill of costs. KVK.V though .elf-starters are as common us tourists in summer ttie old fashioned crank is still useful at limes. Here's to the crank. KVKR argue with a man who admits he is a failure. It's useless. NIGHT, sessions have always been fashionable in the school of experience. . - . AN advertisement speaks of "simple things in evening gowns" Well, I had not noticed any of !hat kind but I am not disputing the advertisement. v IT'LL soon be time to broadcast your needs so that the presents will not be so much junk. THE only think wrong with a lot of homes around here is the people who live in them. I SIMPLY kissed her on the cheek, . It seemed a simple thing; Hut soon I found it cost a lot, For I had to buy a ring. AN intelligent person is one justified to recommend that the. (HPin ,,, i.... wno oenaves as mscreeiiy after aa. J II UUIU kJTZ UllUKIIb 41 1 J II 11 1, . mm Arwiai(nn rommei h mvnr'n. . ... .. . T. . . .dinner as he does before ui inn aiiiiirs i ine cny utKi'Ill ami cny council at me nexi gen- out of politics NOW that the Soviet has con quered Wrangell Island, she is deserving of the respect of the whole world. - -' , MUSSOLINI says the next time they strip off for a round or two with any foreipn nation I hey will use feet as well as fists. ALBERTA miners lost seven months wages, the mine owners lost seven months business and Ihe men are now working for less wages than before. Thai i economy for somebody, perhaps, but I have not found out who. THE YITAL IMPORTANCE OF MARKET EXTENSION EFFORT A wider market Js essential to the liritish Columbia lumber industry so that an increased output may be readily absorbed. An examination of our export figures for the last eight years show that Ihe shipments to for eign countries have risen from 13,000,000 feet in 191C lo 521,- 000,000 feet in 1923 a twelve fold increase. The enterprise of our manufacturers who have effected this extraordinary trade expansion has entailed a vast expenditure of money patience and energy. If the figures are dissected further and the United States and Japan are eliminated, we find that tbe shipments, lo older countries amount to 1C7.000.000 feet in 1923 and 10,000,000 feet (n 1916, or lit lie over a fourfold increase, proving that we pin our faith considerably lo our trade wilh Ihe Unted Stales and Japan, both 'countries' with vast soft wood resources of their own. The moral is, that we must strive lo open up more world markets and thai more intensive trade extension effort must be directed to the exploitation of the timber buying centres of Europe. Africa, South America, ami the Orient, where softwoods such as ours are scarce anil where they would be welcomed were they better and more favorably known. The people of British Columbia must give the industry their goodwill and assistance in this effort, since, it is they who benefit first, last,, and all' the time. The public have a very big in- YOU WANT-THE LATEST INFORMATION THE LATEST AND THE BEST PRICE ON German Bonds and Marks Write VANCOUVER SALES CO. 016-017 8tandard Bank Building, 510 Hastings 8treet West, Vancouver, Canada. ! best CaracasSweet Ghocoffle Js a fine eating Giocc ae Slip a cake in your pocket if starting on a long walk. Keep it in your desk for emergency lunches, or in your automobile. HAU M CANADA AT WalterBaker&Ca Limitcl MTAMISMCO WM MonlreaLCnnnda Dorri.eiier.Mass. eooAiiiorcrtoict RtartsyptiiKt - The limber industries' further plans for intensive trade expansion work are absolutely de- i.omlonl on their heiiic .illnweil .1 This scries ol articles communicated by the Timber Industries Council of Hritisli Columbia. :otel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with PrlviU Bttti EUROPEAN PLAN t, WINNITT THOMPSON. MAN'O. DIR. tMoontMKKzntioooonnnoootaS Special Showing of "BILLIE BURKE" DRESSES In TWILL, FLANNEL and SILVER 8HEEN Tastefully designed in lalest styles. Prices range from $8.50 to $22.50 'DEMERS' Phone 27 P. Box 327 Advertise In the Dallr News. October 18, 1914. Charles Jt. Wilson, the well-known Delkalla rancher. Is visiting in Ihe cily. He lelU an Interesting slory of how. he personally met the Kaiser about fourteen years ago. A Vancouver concern known as the Seaton Coal Co. Ltd. is ; taking steps to develop certain coal claims near Hazellon.with a view to supplying the city of 1 Prime Ilupert wilh coal. I Hugh McDonald, brother of 1 Mrs. William Millar, left on Ihe Prioress Huyul last night enroule 1 (o Dundee, Scotland, where he will enlist for the flreat War He has heen in the north for two years, having come here from India where he was in one of Ihe Anglo-Indian volunteer artillery regiments. ! I In the Letter Box ! OLD AQE PENSION Kdilor Daily News. For years I have been a whole hearted supporter of Old Age Pension a! the age of CO years t Whatever their employment has , , been, if every man and womitn teres! in the standing timber of curuillll ,Mr ,ivl)(f W(r(, tax(t1 this province, which netted them ma um pvpr. a) of 1 HIS illinium UUUItl ll.ll """film lh,.ii- nil ,.nr r.1,1 nonnl. ' ' . .1. ...I K 1 less ma. 1 nun na.i .1 mn i.n- p(lI,j ,)p ro,nfornljy provided ...r me ii.arei eir,.s..... ... for , , . . , , k , , . M If. M M I . - - 01 our iumuerjnei. nan mere i,iil..rni m.i r.f ni.i nn.. i.een no umner export, 11 woui.i. , wou(, ,ikc ((J Ubor Qf nave.noi nen cui ami ine puune Kanizations lake this up. would have derived no revenue from il. I Only following Ihe establish- nient of the royally question on f 1?. Ill- . 11. I. SULI.IVAX. INDIANS AND FISHIN(i sumcienl margin from the sale(,-"""r "ai,y nf Hip iini.lnel In devoln lo Ihis' , Allow ine space in your valll work, so vital lo their own exlsl-&hu' paper with regard lo Ihe In-onre nn.J In Ihe nroaress of Ihe ,,un'' l canneries on the whole province. jSkeena Itiver, I have been asked As long as the menace of the hy "f,,," of ''" Indians lo wrile nresenl Ilovallv Aet liane over "'I,C lliem there is neither mnnev or Wf have some; fifteen canner- n. r 1. ... . t . inducement to engage in Irade:'" u" ""eena iiiver ami iom extension work. f" wa"r ar and sieam. Mill the Indians parking salmon in cans there have, not a fair and eojiilable basis lo holh,nnr ,,a,h '"'u'"' or Pine fr Ihe w,",,,n ,n Ihemselves and Ihe ine public punnc and ami Ihe uie industry inasiry can can --. ih-i a vigorous policy of market cx-""!ir clollie. I have si pansion be carried on. f""'1 fiv ,iv'"f seen four a shack HO by 12. Now you know it Is impossible for Ihem to wah clothes and keep themselves clean under these rendition. Surely there are some people np pointed ny the government to look after the heallli of the Indians, they heing wards of Ihe Oovernmenl. I know there are quite a number of persons looking after their spiritual affairs and their dollars. I don't think any cannery would refuse to put up a shed for a wash house for washing clothes and to bathe in, if it was presented lo Ihem. It would be a good idea for Ihe health of all concerned. It is not natural for a whole family lo live In, a shack, cook and wash clothes there and have no other place in which o bath and they land-; ling the food of ihe nailon. sTfre-ly cleanliness goes next In god liness. Thanking you, nOHKHT IIAN.VA, Hkeena Iiiver Fisherman, TIMBER SALE X 6568. Tlwre will b orrrrml for alo it public br, t4, In Uie ofrire of ih 'or.U Siirrvlr il .HnUtlK-r. B.: flw llrrixe i . " .d.vuii .ripiiie iipi on mi ir4 llualnl iIkiiiI i imin foullirl . ut lluutton, lunre J, Omi omrlri. Thrw (j, yrir will b illourd for I ri !' I f limber. "I'mvlilfd ibal my one unible lo it ilrmf th lurlloa In pftum nny submit a Forllier i.irtfrolin of tlw Cblcf Form. er, Mctorii. B.C., or blttrlcl orlr. ITInra hupcrl. B.C. NOTICE. I rtollre It hrreby rlf.n tlut lllrilloii will iiikIh to Ihe Uirlnliuvs AMemlily of Uie Crovlnre of British Ciilutnbli it tlw u.fl fi..l.n llw.aAr ... provUifMi for the vctlnr of pro. V. '-""n il in l.lll Ida, the M.lhiMll.t .. chiirrh mil the Cl-rreillonl :titirrhe of Cinuli, In the l.nlted Ctiurrh or (Unnlii for the hoMlnr line mit idiiilnKlMikin of Hie protierly ui ronirrprilloiM filtering- the union of tlie Hid rhiirrhel to rortn the t'niteil Churrn or f:nI. ind for tln holdliir of the pro-perty of rmirrentlon votlnr not lo rmw-ur therein: for tlw truu rrlitint to reneril Mid ririirn-irallmMl protierly; nul ener- Jfrrtf,r 'lM! r,rry""r "' M un,,, "'" iX. V'r'f,p"- Brlllah Colun.bli, .i..-"! till Ith day or Septemlier. A.n. If I, LKAJllMirE MTHAITII, .... ltl linrley Street, Vlctorli, B.C on behalf of the ippllrinti. u Department of labour, Annuities Uranch. h i I Besides belntr the safest of all investments, because it Is jruaranteetl by the Dominion of Canada, a CANADIAN COVEUNMKNT ANNUITY carries with it these other advantages: It commence t any i you choo and UiU aa lonj aa you Sir. It rimy be of any amount from IS o 11,000 a ytr. It U purchasable on very ay Irim.. th earlier you commence purehaac It In free from iMrulnton Income Tat. tt cannot be elied for debt. It tnnot be forfeited. No metllctil examination la required. There are plana of purchase under whlfh iT Wf riwi ih miereeta of your wife or d bend intr for a term of yera certain Kor full parlktiUra, 011 out thU Coupon It aa dlrevled. ani addrtaa Mail This Coupon No Postage Needed uunwa, tnt. I'lrn.. .n4 me Ihe Ha4tMk .f UJ.f" m4 I mil MrlUaWt M to eu.l .f at ta.41a Ihihuii.I A.M. Mf . U.I blrtfcd.j M . ... J'.rv alt .X.aM l't llffire .4Ci. ini.l. Mr.. Mra. or MUa) , . r' base's Nerve Food 1 . rmmn .... ... FRESH CHOCOLATES AT 60c PER POUND. HAIDA HAND ROLLS and WILLARDS ASSORTED. A large varlely-nf renlre wilh a good rh. wlni. Vv We will, sell any iMritil' btit-jf Will jiayeouJ the in Ihe fre poHml l at lhl price. ' ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Ave. A 8lh St. Phones 82 and 200 "Exhausted Nerves and Palpitating Heart" Mrs. L Whitm, 202 Km SC Wett, Brodcville,bnL, writes i "I took very tick with my nervti and ttoraich, and uttnrd to be all run down. At timet my heart, would flutter and palpitate to and I would Uke itidi weak ipclli in the oil of my lomn k K al I omrtimci thought I would never get Letter. I tned veral doclori, 'but it teemed nothing tbey g me helped, I had armcitt pven up hope when-a friend dviicd the ,ue ol Dr Qtate't Nerve Food. 1 fned it. and can tay jt certainly hat done wonJerttr me. I did not ttop until (tad takrs twenrv.five lime. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand V Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "Ilnt..ei 'V7 l.,ns '". l,,e Pantry ore nlwnys hninly. aioek a supply on youp hnal- thiil's n row Kooil 80LD EVERYWHERE. Idea. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.; tld.1 Prlhc Rupert, B.C. fj V