i The Daily News prince nupttrtT - British Columbia. Published Every Afternoon, sxcspt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daffy News, Limited, Third Avenue. " H. PUUB.V, Managing-Editor. SUBSCRIPTION MTATV. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire ard the United v States, in advance, per y;ar, ... $n.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ; . . $7.50 . i . .. . . . Transient Display Advertising. . . .$1.40. per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.,. ..,.$80 per inch Local Readers, per Insertion-. ,25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion. ... ; ,2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. .... ... , ... 15c per agate line v Contract Rates on Application, ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone M cauer ana noporiers Telephone - M All I advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day pr?-ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION WHEN BABY TOTOWN Sahmlay. 'July 5, I02t. Royal Bank On Dawes Report. . 'When (he Committee" of Experts, headed by General Uharle.s fl. Tftwe?; made its report on the 'Reparations Onestiojt to (he Reparation 'Uommraimm on April if, 1024,-U fndirated that time was of the essence; of Hie contract in this mailer,, and that the Committee, could accept no responsibility for the success of the pfan, should, there be undue delay irr 'giving effect to Us siigges-' tiotts, says the monthly bulletin of the Royal Rank " of Canada. The plan met with general approval in Europe, but : today, over two months after ib publication, it j still impossible to say- that acceptance of the recommendations is assured. The chances for acceptance have, however, been improved by recent political changes iir France, and it should sotm.be clear whether the plan will be immediately adopted as a whole, or whether continued discussion and amendments will tend to destroy its value. . This Dawes Plan is Hie first one Fn which .common sense and practical business principles have been the deciding factor! iiidetermining the main provisions. It accepts the fact that a country with a disorganized currency is badly handicapped, both In the conduct of its business .aTfairs and in the operation of Its public finance, and consequently is In n poor position to pay Torelgn obligations. -The Report rerorirmends the establishment of it'iiew German bank of issue, which, through the sale tr capital ! stock, payable in gold or its equivalent, and through receiving Mi deposit the proceeds of an SOO.OOO.OOO gold mark loan to be floated by Germany abroad, would .'start operations with an adequate gold reserve and would pr'tmde rr'ermaiij with a stable and Jriistworthy currency. When once, the German Government finds; 'it possible, to collect taxes jn currency which is not depreciating rapidly in value, it is thought Ibat the German Budget raii be balanced, but in order to ensure the' successful reorganization of Government finances, too much Is not demanded in the way; or reparation payments from public funds; on the contrary, the German Government would, be called upon but lightly (luring in.e nrsi uiree years oi ine plan's operation, and would not be called upon for the standard contribution of approximate $ai!t,M)0,000 until the fifth year; .. Most Important Provision Made. - ' .11 was not within the power of the Committee to settle the total, bill for reparations. ll.has. Jajd. down the maximum amounts vyliieh would be payable over a considerable period of years. If has specified the sources from which these .ums shall be obtained and the maximum amount from each, source. The- Committee, affirmed .the principle, that taxation in Germany should be commensurate with taxation fn other' countries, but left it possible for reparation payments to be made, without an excessive burden being imposed on Ihe people.-; Y The niost important provision in the whole, scheme is found inthe-recommendation that reparations .horild be payable in ternis of. gold marks and placed to the credit of Ihe ''Reparation Commission in the new- German bank, leaving the transfer of the funds out of Germany into France.or England, or .elsewhere, us Ihe responsibility of a. Committee. -whif ft would no doubt he appointed by the Commission; ' ' . To Pay Germany " v Must Have' Trade. We come back to the fact that payment of reparations depends on the success attained by Germany, in selling her goods all aipn the world. Many countries.. feel" nervous at the prospect of having their markets flotided' witli cherfp' flerman goods, but apart from- the. reverses which may be sfiffered bv industries mauiifacturing goods ill which Germany was pre-eminent before the war. the c-eneral effi-cU ii'r jTrmrf will not be bad. Her increased sales, will be accompanied bv increased purchases of. .fooHstiiff.s and raw materials, nnd tlie world as' a whole will benefit.. , The world owes, much to the head of the Committee which drew up the Report, General Dawes has haf a distinguished military career and has done notable things in civil life, lie was respous.d.le fpr the.lmildliig up of' an" important bank in the 5 a,ul ror 'i''"g'iralion .f th'e'Bndget System In Hmfed States Government rinnnce. - With such a record if is not sii.rpmiug that he has been chosen as Republican enndidafe for Ihe Vice-Presidency of the United States KlUn, Powdered WhoU M'tiV, ITotiTiy BoI?ca tlt milk supply problem. KITm la pure full creom milk with nothing but the water rmoxlt it ketpa wwtxst mi lrI for month and nUsd attain with water become rich country milk ready for immediate, une. Axk yeur doarerwliat he thinkn of Klbn for baby. CANADIAN MltK PRODUCTS UMITKD JtentrMl WUnlp4 F?$ bbbbrb KwrT "Vsfc ft- Sold by RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. HUMBLE TREE TELLS STORY Miss Dorothy Patmore of Prlncs Rupert Writes Third Prize Essay In Contest I am a humble Ireo in Ihe mid.st'iif one of lie beautiful anil useful forests of lirilislr Golum- biav I anv trying to do a part of my.iiury m tiu world by Dortimiup: an oratir. My companions have selected me to speak for t hem so I am going Jo try to show my appreciation of their choice by convincing everybody that' the best and nobles), act they can ever do is In prevent forest ffres, ami. In spread the teaching every where, -about. "Forest-Fires, their effect anil how to prevent tliem'.v First, my kind listeners, I shall (ell you about the long and varied uses of (he forests which ' no country that 'is prosperous can do without: Where does the revenue of the province come from? Ono source is from. Ihe forests which provide yearly sum of about ij3,l82,ono. The province derives a flowing treasury from the gains obtained by the selling of limber and pulp to other countries. Thousands of tourists come. each, year In visit. Hie forests and delight in their beauty, thus increasing Ihe revenue. About 30,000 men arc employed in various positions connected with the forests nnd in Ibis way earn their livng. The campers, and settlers find the streams in, flie forest very useful for fish and water. The tranners earn their bread Hy the furs ob tained from Ihe animals that have their homes in Ihe. forest. The farmers find some, of the birds loial value or forest products alone is sf8C.C7 1,000, and the to tal value of the fur trade during the past two years is 82,775,000. The saw mills in the province numher 150 and sliingle mills 85 I mere are six puip and paper nulls which produce 150,000 tons or pulp and 120,000 tons of paper, Ry giving yon these fig. ures r hope to convince you of the value- of forests and of the necessity (o prevent fires. An Incident Related If you are interested in my narrative will continue it and tell you of an incident in my' life as a young tree. Once to this very forest where you see those lujrnl slumps came a boy camper. egieeiing io clear away twigs and dry leaves, ha huilt his fire close to a tree. On leaving eamn he thoughtlessly left the fire burning. In a few minutes it caught on to a twig, -and raced along the leaves and litter till it reached the nearest tree; this caught ami many others also and I was in a tumult of fear thinking 1 would be (he next victim of tlii hungry .and malieious enemy. Fortunately for me, by the prompt and active servjee. of the forest rangers, it was extinguished be- 10m anyining serious had oc curred. This is not always the case, so I have indeed reason to leach Ihe need lo have rn,ore district' forest rangers and equipment. Careless smokers anil hunters will -also cause fires by throwing away cigar stubs or leaving a camp fire aglow. There are three kinds of forest fires; The first m a surface fire, the second is, u ground fire which kills the roofs of the, trees and difficult to preent as trenches have to be built, to prevent spreading. The third is a eroveft- ire, which races at Ihe rale of about ten miles an hour along' 'the tree lops. After a fire a man who Is working in Hie forest is thrown out of work, and to gain money to fill the. place of the' forest revenue the people are laxed heavily. A fire destroys' limber and young growth, it destroys Hie soil and kills seeds, it prevents the grow-. ing of a second forest, nnd is a great loss to Hie scenic value of the province. When the fires dry out the streams all the fish are killed, ft lakes one hundred years to grow a forest and if can N be de stroyed in one hundred minutes. Forest Organization ' To. prevent fires IJie province has been divided into eight forest! 'districts, and in charge of each is ii distrct forester. It is also ill-, vlded lido ranger districts eachi in charge of a forest ranger. The forest ranger Is assisted by an assistant ranger who fighls fires ami goes through the forests looking for I hem. To prevent fires we must not trk daily nkws. "V l 'T'l. r . WK read that Hie famous zoo is Iti re-open in Ger many. More monkey husiness. land General Dawes tried so bard to put things right. A. McKenzle Suing the Explor ation Co. of New York for $10,000 Ihe Prince John group of mineral claims nl Stewart Im wiic- ai.b 1UI.-KIHIIK ess.ij beennfe ,nvolved in a law suit ivnn I Ii i tit n r1 a in Mia en I '' ... ...... ,,... ... llin iixciii which nas made iis appearance cuiiuiL-iiiiim oi me provincial jor- before Mr. Justice Gregory esiry ueiiaruueni. u was wrilien V eloria. Ttu aelion .U l.oi.... St:, Saturday, July 5, 121 1" GurneaGoki CIGARETTES . WW and Extra. Fine 20for25? throw burning matches away. Hyde is a large properly owner We must not throw pipe ashes in (lie city. or cigar or cigarette 'stubs away.! We must build our camp fire in fi. A. Mc.Niclioll, G.T.p. Indus the open, and clear away all twigs trial commissioner, left thb anil leaves. We must douse our imornintr for Edmonton. fires With water before feavingi them. We must never huild bon-l The Princess Sonliin was in fm fires when it is windy. If youdwn hours yesterday northbound notice a fire you must report ili.Manv tourists wero nemmd tin imnieilalely or if it is small putirily while she was in oorl. f. .. .. .. ' . ii out yourseir. ii you never oo my of the filings that I have mentioned pot to do, your clvance to iliwypur duty is to spread the gospel of forest protection as well as you can. I hope that I have been worthy of my companions choice and that I have convinced you that you must ore- useiui in ridding them of t lie vent forest fires. irouwesome tests of insects. The PRINCE JOHN GROUP INVOLVED IN ACTION Py Mss Horothy Patmore, aged brought by G. A. McKenzie against -a P"P" 01 - .v.:jmiih ai the Rxpforaliiin Co. of New York iM.meu .-Mieei rcnooi. i-nnce mi- t10 claim of Ihe former being " ' ;that 10.000- s still due him as The Man in the Moon SAYS:- TIIH flapper exclaimed: mother, my syncopation Dr. Martel't Female Pills Hv lifted naturathooaanda-earn latt Half ceniurr. oorracunaT caua. DuUdlnr op and y AINllJL MENSTRUATION. NKrI TVUOCIIMd. DAL.&.AU11IC UlZZINrRH nodanreroui drain. Suldaohrln 8aldIIInn. Cover TIN BOX with our aia-naturo. DrurriiW CSrTr? oy mail, plain rarkira 'Oh! does Ihe- balancer Of Hie ennirlerlinn of 150.000 for which he lurried Ihe property over. American am English investors were inlerestei in the properly by the, defendant company, and it is slated on behalf of Mr. McKenzie that he is anxious to protect ihe latter from iggesled mismanagement. LAND ACT. Nolle of htntlon U Apply Land. to Li In SRfona Ijnid uutrlcl. ntrorctln DU rl-l of Cuaitt, ind situate on CtmpanM sland, burl." Wliaf :- -I'io p'o-nllv ,.... i TJt Nolle? .ftwt eiarenctr. E. Balnt-r ' '.."J mil BM J.lliw. KIPMlItv r rn..M n r was her vaccination. 'occupation Insurance aireni and broker. In irnu io apiy ir ixrmiwKin wfr Ithe follow liiif described land: Commen 1'ITS fmin l.r.,.7 ...:n clnit at a wwt plained at tht heail or out a burning building and . yet it "n" nie rrom the south rnd or ttu- ltaiflH. rh.ni .1 fAllnu-ln IIia ainli.ialliMd nf does not seem to do much good in quenching a burning thirst. ' THKRH wa-J nnfv one thing worse than the bobbed hair craze and that was the red flannel underwear craze hut that's a long time ago. WK never heard of a dog yet lhat made friends with a rent ollectnr. JHALOUS husbands- will now have to. learn the ladies hair- dre.Ssing business fo Tceep their wfves out of the harher shops. MANY a girl has had -a long walk home after a motor ride. THIIFi aro modern girls who never heard of. a washing board but Hie same srirls' know how much a packet of cigarettes post. T1IFIIF, is only one nojse worse than the car stripping Hie gears and that is Ihe. language of. the driver. ' ' nr. a f i en i ears Ago j In Piinca Rupert ; July 5, 1014. The Mercliaiit.s- foidball team defealeil (he Hons of Hub land on the dry dock grounds last night in n good game- of football bv -a score of 7-3. H. G. Hyde and family arrived on Ihe Princess SVmhfa and will jvisll here for a week 'or two: Mr. the that line al hlitli water Unit around tne m.-rnn i tne pi.ire or ronnnenccmeni and eonuinlnic s.noo acres, morn or e, C. K. BAI.-tTER & JAMKS MCNULTY Name or Apri-rant. t'r W. K. WIM.UMH, Aenl. Dated April 8nd. 1P4. LANO ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laaia Land In Oiieen cnarlotte IMamu Land lilmrli l flerordlnir rilsti let of Skrena, and nlliiair in frmil or lilork it, u.l. Ouecn. Charlotte Islanil 7. nan sir., Take .Vollie lhat Hume H. Bablnifton of Maitnett, oeriipatmn cannery nianairer, to lendn to apply fur permission to lease II ' rullowlnir descrlheif forestiore: Commen-rlrur at a pout planted at the (otithwett corner or II look to- thence west 33 (loir, nnltv about .no feet to low water mark: thence northerly alonr low water mark to a point west 33 del, routli or north. west enrneror Block 10: thence easterly to iiih unruiwrsi i-iinii'r 111 iiiock IV; inence aiititlierly alon hlRh water mark l posi, aiiia cnmiiiiiiiiif i yj iirreii. inorft or lesn, II. B. BABI.NOTO.M. Namw or Applicant, IW PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In Ihe Matter of the Administration Act and lu the Mailer of tlie- K.state of Varanda '- S. Home- (also known a .M.iraml.i mime;, iieceaseoj and In Ihe .Matter or Ihe Estate or Annie or Anna Will (sometime known as ionium i-. wiui, iieceaseu. iAXh .Mirri:i. 11ml iv i.rnc ,.t m. Iloiuir F. Mi l). Voiimr. made tliu Mti. ,1.0 .11 iuiir, iuii, npiiniiiieii AHimnK- irmiir ill nil eniiiie in Mflmni u I...... (also known as .Marandu Home nH .i.r. 111 inn reinir III Annie or Anna Will (SOIlie times known as Dlanna P. win n,i .11 parties havln claims against elilirr or Hie sum rniaie lire nereoy rerpnrea lo rur-nlsh same, properly veriried to me, on- or In-fore the 97lli dav or Jnlv. 4 ri um .n.i all parlies IndelHed lo eltlter or llin estates are required to pay Ihe amoimi or their Indcbteirness. to me forthwith. WU.TKII OAI.E, Artlnir Ortlclal Admlnlsiralor . . Crlnce llupert, B.C. . Dated this 7lli day or June. I9. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT. In the Matter or the-Kslale or Holier! J Walhice, or Ailhiv In the County' or I'rlnce lliiiert.. In the iTnvlnre or 111111. 11 Liiiuiiinqi, nerenseil. wlio died on Ihe 1st day tot April. to?3, H "'"'nv nven that by an order .-;.',,T,.E r I II. Ilnnolir F Ml-II Vi.i.nir l..u... ... ... Coiinlj- Court, dated the t7lfr day or ...-.ii. iw.i. iii iiiifii.rKiuiH.il uriw i.ittini.,i,..i ..l.l..l....i... ... ..... . . . . ' ' J -. "i l---"nrn "''"' "i n- esiaie or ine Hbove- niMiieil deceased. nd. uile 1 hereby rurther riven that nit persons havln claims niralnst rhe1 unlit estate are remilceik hi rile rii,... duly veririert nmler oath, wltli me on or before the l.Vjh r;rv or Alirnst. srtcr wlilch dale f will proceed to distribute. ine mn esuoe mimnir the Persons en I (led ili..r.i.. i.vi..- i....'.. jonly to ihe claims or which I shall then ......7 inuHr, mm. 1 win not lie liable ror sahl assets or any nart tlieriir, to anv persorn or whone clinv 1 sliair not then have received notice Jni'e"'il0J4 nC "'' 0'" ,Uy C. !.. MOMIOE. Official Administrator. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate point!? each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, lo.lto tun FOR STEWART Friday, jo.oo p.,,,. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. Kffective June .10, 1021. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every .Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Sklrfegate and nil ports soiflh every Wedrjc-dav at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. vm'VS rr'n,B S'T-ert S.Ofl pjn. ror rill.NCK OROMCE f.DMir.ToN, WIN NICEO. all points Eastern Canada, tlmied Slate.. ... AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMtMIP LINES. Clly Tlctat orriea, sn Third Aa, rrlnca Nupart. man. jw. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL-WAV B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rup6rt PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle-' June 14, 21, 25; July 2, 5, 12, 10, 23, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 9, 10, 20, 27, 30j Jufy 7, 11, 18, 21, 28 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swnnson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.t Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.'O, LTD. Sailing rrom Prince llupert. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alort Bay, Tuaaday, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Bay, anO Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa laland, Sunday, B P.M. Por PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlnar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 623 2nd Anua. J. Barntlay, AganL. Prlnea Rupart, B.C. BV. UqueurWhisIo? I Jor those who discriminate! Ql Tflia hlltKinlle. . ..... ..1 i . i l7, or displayed by the oi.p.or (.omrol I oard or by the Government of Uritish Columbia, I