The Daily News IMUNCK HUPEllT - IMITISII COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, exespt Sunday, the Prince Jtiipert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. I'ULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per year $B.OO To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ,. .$t. 40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. ......... .$2.0 per inch Local Headers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion..... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion I&c per agate' line Contract Hates on Application. V Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Tuesday, May 20, 1921. Is An Election Necessary Here? . ; As far as the provincial election situation in Prince Rupert riding is concerned, the question is not '-Will Mr. Pattullo be returned ?" but "Is a contest necessary to return him?" The election of the minister of lands by acclamation, it would seem, would only be an appreciation of his effort on behalf of the con- Miluenry. j, S? '? 4 It may be conceded that Pj"incn Hiipert will give a major ily for .Mr. Pattullo and, furthermore, if the prophesy mode yes tenlay by I', fi. Dawson that lh Queen ChaHotle Islands would poll three-quarters of their voles for him is correct, it wwiihl appear that any candidate gnin? iii against Mr. Pattullo would only be touting his head against a stone wall. The indications are conclusive that nothing is (it be gained by any one iii an election here at this time. With its result a foregone conclusion, it would seem the logical and advisable thing lo save the trouble and expense of one. Should Keep Our Two Portfolios. , Mr. Pattullo lias been a strong representative for Prince Itiip-rl constituency and has done all that might reasonably be expected or him. He is not making any rash promises now' but is gaining respect by his refusal to do so. Besides giving his district good service, Mr. Pattullo has done excellent service for the province as a whole in his capacity as minister of lands.. Heports received from various parts of Ihe province indicate that there is no chance of Ihe Oliver government being defeated. Bather il looks as if their lead in the legislature will be increased. There have been no prospective randidales mentioned for Prince Hupert constituency that might possibly be considered as cabinet material. Furthermore, the defeat of Mr. Pattullo, re-mole though the possibility may sem, might mean the defeat of the government which would result j the north losing two portfolios. II is mol important and fortunate that an outlying community such as this should le represented by two cabinet ministers and there is little ir any propert of another party giving two portfolios.-or even one, lo the north. Return Solid Liberal Front. The north has received excellent treatment nt Ibe h Arid if SPRING STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rwert and Priace George Will .sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Thursday and Sunday al 1 1. 00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART , Saturday 10.00 p.m , S.8. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via Queen Chnrlolle Islands, May 2 1th. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Iah- frinr iiuivri s.n pjii. f,.r i-iiixCk r,i:onoi-:. Mmoton ' WIS-XlVta, ill polnti Eiitrrii Canada, lini.l stitM. AeiNCV ALL OCCAN STCAMSNtR L4MIS. 0lt TUkH OtttM, StS TI.IK Prlne Rurt. IM THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS INVESTED IN SAWMILLS AND ! LOGO I NO EQUIPMENT ! IN B.C. INTERIOR Inland Timber Industries Have Payroll of $10,000,000 .lirotininlely s.'iO.OOti.OOO i Inv"tiNi in lumber mills and lo?srinrr equipment in inlain Hrili-h Otltimltia. At a rnnervatie estimate 8.000 men are pupated in I ho combined timber industries of the interior, .with a payroll of riosp mi in.0(in,oort. The slamiin? liiiilx-r of inland British Colombia is rcrknned at I .'0,000,000.0(10 feel, ami t:s of Ibe area is described as nltsolulo foresl land. According lo Ibe last official reprl published, there are aliotil l.'0 sawmills and sbiusle mills operating wjlli a daily rapacity Of 1,000,000 feel. Heavy Production In 1923 In I'Ji.'l the lnjrgini? ramps in Ibe inlerior produced tt2.000.000 fee of los of all descriptions ami the value of Ibe sawn lumber alone was mil less (ban K,000,-000. In addition larsr? quantities' of pole, fence posts, railway lies, sbinple boll, etc.. would add many hundreds of Ibousamls of dollars lo Ibis Intnl. The pole and lie industry of and NnrlheraJI.C. is de. vclopinjr into a most important branch of lojjfrhnr. As yet the pulp and paper -industry. ba nn plant operating in Ibe interior although an enormous quantity of Hie very finest pulpwood on Ibe cioiliniMii is available. These facts and figure de. monslrale the .vital importance of its inland lumber industry to the whole province of British Columbia. i This series of articles communicated by the Timber Industries Council of JSrilish Columbia. TUBERCULOSIS TESTS OF CATTLE IS ASKED City Council Requests Provincial Authorities to Take Action and Give Notice of Results On toMiou of Aid. Mardonabl and Aid .Clapp, Ihe cily council dechftd last nisrht lo ask the provincial authorities to make tuberculosis losts of cillle here at the ivirliesl possible dale and report lo Ibe city authorities so that jiropcr disposition nij?til lie made of any condemned slock This was the outcome of a dis. eossion along lhee lines last week when no action was taken In connection with Jhe sale of any meat from tubercular cat lie, Aid. Perry Miztrested dial il be made compulsory for such meal lo be so designated so Ihe people would know wlml I hey were buying. LOCAL MAN CAUSES STIR AMONG SHIP REPAIRERS IN SOUTH The awarding of Ibe coiilracl for repairs lo the .Norwegian steamship Taljana, now in dry- the Liberal administration better lhau was given Itj any pre-Jdock in Victoria, is availed wilh nous ;oi-riiiiit-ui aim neuer tiinn may lie expected if the Con-servalivcjf)r Provincials by any chance should be pot into power. Willi two cabinet ministers seeking re-election and strong Liberal candidates otherwise in Ihe field for the north, it seems not only most likely lint most filling that a solid Liberal front vbould again be returned. In view of the reasons so apparent, it seems that the logical thing for the .north to do is to .ud back Liberal representatives lo Victoria and elect Mr. pallullo by acclamation. Ihe (crealesl interest says the .Victoria Colonist. Si-Mom has there been such intense interest surrounding the letting of a repair contract 1 hat has centred about Ibis one and, as a result, there are now on Ihe ground figuring on Ibe work no less than nine. conlraclbiK firms, including the Prince Hupert Dry-dor k. J. II. Pillsbury. representing the Pririce Hupert Dry Dock threatened that he would reliru from the field In view of the short lime that was allowed in which lo considerthe specifications, the time set for Ihe receiving of lenders being 3 o'clock last Friday afternoon. The fact thai Ibe northern company recently was successful. In underbidding other coast tenderers on the repairs lo Ihe. Canadian Scottish and carried out Ihe work wilh expedition had Ihe enVci of makinir the' presence of the Prince Jluperl represenla-ive somewhat of an- uncertain proposition in the bidding on the Tatjana. nun 10 uo oown inwn. O.VK of Ibe lliing we never bear about is h Scotsman asking '.be landlord lo Yal-e- his rent. AN aid lo reuieTnberlug.Io"mall a letter Is to carry- it in lb mouth. v ., 4 A SMALL town k a place where everybody awakens If a smiirrel cracks a mil. A HKi cily is a place where nobody knows you and where nobody is particularly keen about inowing you. IF you have, the price you can always, gel service. A SPOH I is a man who will pawn bis trousers to enable him lo back a horse. WIIKN a dog ineels a friend il wags its tail that's inlinct When a man meets a friend he nods his head Dial's brains. A LADY is a 'female who blushes when she sees the salad dressing. TO make dough-rie quiekb give il a good swift kick int. the air. TIIKIIK ifVc only three axioms lo be remembered to be a good speaker. Say something Im brief and sil down. - Mlli:i.KS.s bt he science of shooling shorthand through ha air. A IIAIIHKL makes a good pleci of furniture if it js filled with Ihe rii'lil slutr. TO open a bottle wilhoul an opener bile the head off. TIIK one tiling as scare as money Is the second Joker in a poker game. IIIK remarkable thing abuol iridgf idaving is llm nmnUr t.f people Hint can't count. TIIK reason the coal man calls Ibe coal hard is evjdenljy be cause ii is so iianl to pay for. IN the ipring the. politician fancy sadly turns lo thoughl of sneechc. TIIKRK Is. one ' good lliing about a w 1 1 eel burrow II -doeMi'l cost much for brake upkeep, WITH. ten thousand murders a far one cannot wonder al the PA(1R TWO TITR liAH.Y NRW8. Ttif.hty. My .i., "Child's Eyelids Inflamed Stuck Together and Bled" Mr. E. P. Kimbadl, Enrwhutle, Alt., wriU: "Our little girl from birth w$ troubled with inflamed eyelidi nd in spite of several remedies, grew worte until. at the age of sixteen moathi her eyes could not be opened after sleep without bleed ing. a waxy discbarge sticking the lids together and adhering with great tenacity. The child's grandaiothers were consulted by mail, and botK responded with a little sample box of Dr. Chase ' Ointment. These were used as directed, and lasted until we could obtain a further supply from Edmonton. Improvement was very marked from the first application. The waxy discharge was easier removed and did not reappear. Inflammation subsided and has not returned." Dr. Chase's Ointment 00 ft. Tioi. all (k-alrni or Edmanson. Ratew A Oo 144., Tomato GafjHaGoH CIGARETTES KttO and Extra. Fine 20 or Z 5' iiofe.l nf inoiiiirral inn in llio The Man in the Moon 2 An,t thMamv tf SAYS- L TIIK only self denial some people seen lo iinlutye in is in denying Ihem-elves I tie act of lopaling. TIIK beauty of fihtm? on the street comer; Is that there are no breakaways required and llm entire lime ran be deotd to pummelling the lUlier fellow. -i A IIMHSKSHoi: is said lo hrin good luck but it is disqualified if worn in the mitt. WOMAN, is said to be a good wife when he ran sew a shir' to a -hiii btillon. A MAX" Is sabl lo be a good husband when he remembers lo carry out Ihe errand wifey asked TO present a bald head from' becoming sunburnt keeji it coverd. IT is sooielime bunt lo decide which talks Hie most money i be folks thai have II. A WOMAN l said to be H good eook when she can ry biiliei- mi both side. 8 Ten Years Ago In Pilnce Rupert A. S. It. Lucas has On v appointed receiver for ihe llrntsh North American '.'nli uriini, C.t formerly the Matlhew Dow e-lale. 4 There hae nii lo dale over a million pmiml of halibut landed al Ihe Canadian ' Fish ,V Cold Storage company ibn-k ihisj month and big calches are now coming hi daily. Dr. F. II. -McKay of Ihe HoyoJ Victoria Ilo.plial, Montreal, was appoiirie,! by ballot a residcii physician for Ibe hospital hi a loeeling of the hospjial lioaril' last evening, lie was rc(iiesied ro report on June I. T Miss iniflon and Miss Hardy. Ihe two I'rince Hupert young ladies who Joined the Juvenile Itostouiaiis last year, returned home this morning having finished the season. A SEYERE ATTACK OF HE4RT TROUBLE Was Relieved MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve By Pills. Mr S. E Barne. aUimi. Ont.. writ- -lour j-rr ari I hail a very Mvr-rr Itark ft twarl IriHidl. I runtultnt my 1-M-iiir; he irrainl mc tor mm ltu, but I only M-rmrd lo ln r'ltlna worv. I finally rnl lo Mir drurtIO and purrhanl lhTM Imm nt .Vllliom'a lUarl and ,1rre I'Ula and 1rrlvsl ImmwIuK" trtirt frtirn ihMr ue. ami I ran truthfully ar tly arc a wnndrrrul medlrlor. I alwiyi krt a Ua cm hand, and If I f mil of tutu takr a fr- pliu and fwl all rlfht ariln." Mllfnirn'a Heart and rre rilla arc r a Un al all dMlra, nt mailed dlrl i rfrript f,t prtra hy Ttm T. Milhum Co . Limited. Toronto. Ont. isBi'3 Am bsbEa JLm If I rarTsl 7 Summer Dresses We hate a wonder'! d . I l; st rhiininng iiomIcIs m VOILE, RATINE, ENGLISH BROADCLOTH, ETC. Our high cbis good if o ;. Ii ri al Ihe price. Hat s llargaiu in Knrly Suo'.,. t clear. Midsummer Hals on Show "Demers'l Phone 27. P.O. Boi.327 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, May 2, 13, 23 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, May 9, 19, 30 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedate, 8waneon Bay, Cast Bella Bella, Octal Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all 8teamshlp Lines. Pull information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. SalUnra from Frlarc Kuprrt. tor VM0OUVCR. VICTORIA, rail, ana l.ti Tu.tdti. S P.- far VANCOUVIH. VICTORIA. Alart Ba, aa I.hi Bar, Saturtar No-far ANVOX, ALIOS ARM, STEWART, Welaa ltlai4. tuMtf S P.. faf PORT SineiOR an rim rit. OMaarlaa, fftaai A.M. 611 tod Avfooc. 4. arntlat, AfaiM. frlnr Rutrt. , ,