paqi rot. THJI DAILT HMWBV Tnesdar. Mav BRINGING UP FATHER i By George McManu Money jj NO' I DON'T WANT f VC.RY ISA'S lLirCQ i s a V Cet up trruPiO- OOTO WEAR. RlDtrs- WELL tjErVVOLe. CtRU OOT the "xoomcER Orders THINK. OP Mf LWffll bUA-vet TO FCXDUW On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Currant Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to tne Old Land early. For Tickets, Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our stock of Harden and Field Seeds. Onion Sets and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy. ell and exchange all kinds of now and secondhand goods. 839 Third Avenue. Phone C46. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Daily. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Healed Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. 1 Dr. E. STMT DENTIST. Hetgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 U 6. Phone 88(1. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. 'SONS OF CANADA CS I DEFEAT CALLIES' Hamilton and Williscrofl, full backs; J. Sinn, H. Vom and J. I.onie, half barks; W. Hamilton, (i. Waugh, O. K. Lord, S. F.lder and J. Andrews, forwards. Sons si f Canada: S. (Saw'thorn, goal; V. Menzies and II. 'Menzies, full harks; (S. Mitchell. .1. Marks and J. Mitchell, half barks; A. Mitchell, J. McOougal. S. F.rskine. I' rtiilli finil I. Vorrwui. l.'iri.. forwards. ' . '" T. Jones proved an efficient re- fpree and Oeo. Hill and A. Clap. pert on officiated as linesmen. First Half The Callies won the loss and elected to play on the down grade. The Scots were soon pressing. F.lder, for I he Callies, tried (iawlliorn but a goal kick resulted. The Scots pressed again and W. F.lder tried to score on a pass from llnrnillon. Waugh for the Scots, tried a long shot but nothing matured. The de. fence t Hie Sons of Canada, though hard pressed, was play ing a consistent game. The play at this juncture was fast and ex citing. The Sons then got going and l.ane put in a good shot al Murray who cleared. From a centre by A. Mitchell, for the Canadians. S. F.rskine, centre forward, wa- in the right spot and when Murray, in goal, drop- lied the ball was on band to in troduce it lo the net thus making Hie first tally of the game. From I lie centre the ball was swung backward and forward pretty evenly and it was anybody's game. W. Hamilton was forced to leave the field for a few Inin ul's but nothing important transpired during his absence. Al the half time whistle the Scots were still pressing in a delef mined effort to score but I he core stood I -(I in favor of the Canadian. Second Half Fi'oni the kick-off the Sons took charge of the sphere. As Hie resull of good forward line combination, Krskine, at eenlrn for the Sons' put the ball past Murray for the second time, few minutes afterwards J. Mc bead thai aches and pains all tbe time, " land In nine rases out of ten the persistant Good Football In First Half Last Ihradarhes are doe t. derangement Night but Second Was too One-sided Score 3 to Nil The Sons of Canada defeated the Callies by a score nf .1-0 in I hi- league football frame last night. In the first half S. Krskino scored one and in tin second half another. J. McOougal made I lie third goal. The first half was the best part of the game fhe Callies starting 'oft at a good pace witti the grade in "their favor. The play throughout the first phase was oxcil in;? and it was a ding-dong battle. In the second half, how ever, the Canadians got going on the down grade and it was soon plainly seen that the Srols had a lough fight on hand. The teams lined up as follows: Callies: Murray, goal; II. ; (he swsnaeh, liter or bowel. a i Undoubtedly the ratine mum he re moved before jrtruix-ni relief iiur be bad. Burdoek Blond Bitters remos'ea the rause of the headarhes, a It arts cn esery organ of Ihe body and strengthens. purines and rerulatei the whole ij-xmh Mrs. Peter Corrao. I Morrison !L. Sydney, XJS writes: "I bare two troubled for the lat fire year with constant headarhes and dullness. After trytnr sereral remedies mhlrh I found to be of no arail. Burdork lllond Bitters was recommended to m. B.B.H. did me a world of cnud. and cannot praise this remedy enogah." Manufaetared only by Tne T. Vlltmra Co Unified. Toronto. Ont, beau I y pal Murray which went rigltl into the corner of the net. The Callies half back and full back defence were playing a sterling game but the forward line seemed lo lack cohesion of effect and .were constantly mis placing the ball. In a dash by the Son's forward line Willis- eroft. at full back, was forced In concede a corner but l.ane for I lie Sons kirked it wide. F.lder, in the forward line for the ('allies, gave an exhibition of drib bling the ball bill V. Menzies upset bis calculations. W. Hamilton, for the Callies, forced a corner off Vic Menzies but nothing came-nd it. Tlie Cnllie forwards made a bold bid for (taw-thorn in. the opposing goal and Krskine iuised scoring by inches. The Sons kept pressing hard and from a throw in by Lane Mrs ki tie missed an open goal. At the final whistle the score stooil 3 lo 0 in favor of the Sons of Canada. Comments on Game From the play in Ihe second half it was plainly discernible who the winners would be. The lefencn of the Callies worked hard and Williscrofl and Htighie Hamilton, al full back, played good football. F.lder ami Hamil ton worked bard in the forward line but Iheir siipponrl was not all that could have been desired. I'be Sons .were pretty evenly balanced. The forward line showed good combination and Ihe placing of the ball by Iheir defence men was brainy. Krs kine. MeDnugal. A. Mitchell ami I.. I.une in Ihe forward line play ed well; while Hie Menzies bro thers as full back played Iheir usually consistent game. Itoth goalkeepers were reliable and played wllh confidence. League standing to dale. W. D. I. or ; ;i' ti s. of k. i n Callies I 0 (i.W.V.A 0 fl n I o Pis. (i 2 t i tboiil like palsicM persons. This is a condition thai should not be permitted to exil. The children of to-lay should le taught In enjoy themselves in and protect themselves from the water. It should be made a part of the educational system of the land. Many thousands of people are I drowned annually whose lives could be save.J If they knew how-to handle IheHwdve in the water. Through instinct all animals will save themselves from water. The human Itcing. however. Is not supjued to le a creature of instinct, but .iff scientific judgment. Kdlittaiion and thought aves u."vfiere instinct saves animals. Therefore it is up lo us lo see that our children do not grsiw up a ignorant nf the art of swimming as we have. Proper education in swimming should b oqusidered a necessity. Children .should learn In swim a they learn lo creep ami walk and sKak. There is much controversy as to Which is the . roper stroke lo teacli the beginner the breast stroke, the s,t stroke, the side underarm-lli'jjwi. the broad-si rote on barf or the con fidence utellioil. Ort.iinly confidence should' be lauirhi learning swimmers)lmt the effectiveness of thatsojcall method is lo be iiuesliQiiMo. fi Ts miw con-cedol by expe'qts Hint the beginner should first learn to scull, that is, lo swim head first on the back with .ann action only. That done, confidence will be inspired and the tnosl suitable method may. then be adopted. 1 With the football schedule al ready well under way and the lacrosse and baseball leagues lo play opening games on Saturday (Victoria Day., this week will see outdoor sport fully started in the eily for the forthcoming season. While it is apparent that there has been some little difficulty in gelling lacrosst. ami football ar- rangemenis amade, there is reason to believe that, as the season advances, enthusiasm will rise. An elTort has lieeii made to divide the players up as well as pos sible and this should prove an incentive to general inleresl. As has been the case with football, it may be expected I hat n .good deal of new blood will .be intro duced both in lacrosse ami base ball. I here will also be some juniors of former years advanced lo senior company. Oolf may be. all right as an old man's game but the riotously leaping blood of three score and (en demands a virile form of nmusemenl, says Ihe London I) 1 IV.... 'II. i. o II la ,1a inn.- i. I tut.., ,. spile his "ft years, four times a .. i r . 'i i. . c ii IHtll. '.IIUCJ'S J. I1JIIHIII, OOIT iWI-'-H lime minister of public works In Ihe I.aurier government, is found on his private tennis court, trivimr If nine-lenlhs of the people of ,jH i,nnenl' a ralher lively lime. ' OlJ4 Nt-w Fikninc Scvci. Ic FOH RENT Four room, modern, healed apartments. Apply Smith A Mallelt, Ltd. If FOH HENT. Modem furnished house; for aloul five months, Phone (ireen 107. 118 NEW APARTMENT for rent. Modern. Meeker Itlock, Third Avenue. r. FOR RENT. Palmer House ror cheap rales and home comforts. If TO RENT. Two roomed collage. furnished. Phone Red G23 . "120 for since lis ndoptiou into Cau- ida, Charles llyman has been one of its most enthusiastic advo cales. "The reason that I don't play golf," Mr. llyman slated, "is that with tennis you gel far more exercise. You get a fine perspiration and a shower after and feel fine. can t imagine anyone Ihe world could walk no heller j.-,,P ,P sjill of the cx-chamnion ' Ihe board of works next week Mian they can swim. I hey would of Canada has not suffered from Hie cily council on n swimming be flat on their hacks quite un- dimmed eyes or flabby muscles !P"d II is proposed to establish nml ami tin he who nil,, i tries ..I..- conclusions ji...,. in MrClvmon! MrClymonl Park Park. part of the other lenlh would be wllh the lion. Charles must ios-l At last night's" council meet Dougiill. for the Sons, put n walking or ralher slattgertng sess more tlin mediocre nliillly,""" H'" mailer win brought up by MACDONALD'S Fine Git gelling a fine perspiration from golf." And so Ibis 70-year-obl enthusiast indulges In several hours of tennis each week and still swings a mighty mean racquet. PLANNING TO PUT IN SWIMMING POOL Council to Have Estimate Next Week on Project For Mc-Clymont Park An estimate will be presented abb- lo move while Ihe' greater For thos Smotort who like thtir tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONAUTSfiaeCut alb. tinoO aaaaall lAz Lb.-15 kBBF lAlil. Macilounld, who said thai, If anything was In be done this year, It should be done soon, He pointed oql that the use or Hays Creek wtalcr for this purpose ha been condemned emphatically by Dr. cadn. Mayor .vewlnn staled dial the idea was In establish a pool til McClymont Park using water from I tin city pipe linns. The Hays Creek location had been deemed more suitable lhan Acropolis Hill. AJiJ, Perry said Ihe estimate would be ready next week. Prosperous advertising mean regular continuous advertising Length ?H feet, beam 5 fee, wind shield, ranopy lop and curtains, two auto seals wilh seating capacity ror eight or ten persons, powered wilh IH h.p. Wiuton Six engine, ltoch ignition, storage battery. Has Paragon reverse genr. Columbia propellor. 0. I.. Ilelndel. Cold Storage. US FOR SALE. Five roomed house on Second Avenue. Ilulldingon Oovernment wharf used as a news sland. Nine lo-ncrc lots, one I -acre lot ul Terrace. Prince lieorge, lots It) and II, block lit; lots 10 ami II, block 1 14; tots 2H and t block 117; lot 0, block 151. Apply A. C. Little. Second Ave-nue. 1)3 FOR SALE. Sixteen room rtwuti- ing house and store; aft furnished. Full sited busment wllh new hot air furnace, Price 47,500.00. Terms arranged. This building ts right in front or the Dry Dock. 'Jill Ambrose Avenue. If FOR SALE. A I Terrace, l.ol 15. consisting ol 10 seres, block 1711, one mile and a hair from station, church, slore, post office, bol el and school. Price 1 00 cash. Apply A. C. Little. . If FOR CHARTER. Fish collector. rr, reel long by M beam. 50 h.p. engine. For particulars, apply Northern Exchange. P.O. Ilox Hi. 3 I.OOOINO OUTFIT for sale and gasbnat 33 feel long hi good condition. Can be seen al tile Aeroplane Ark, Seal Cove. tl FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, lioats and Engines. Northern Exchange. II RESTAURANT rnr Sale or Lea-e. Apply Ilox 175 Daily Sews BOARD AND ROOM HOARD. and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Office. 8.10 Second Aven. Phone 137. If LOST LOST. Hunch of keys on chain ring wllh monogram.. H.K.T Finder please return to Daily .News office. FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner car. have same at Dally News office by proving ownership nml pay Ing.lor Ibis advertisement, t.f. FOUND. A gold Hlled watch Owner can have same by prov ing 'properly. Apply In W. D, Chrisiisnii, La Cas.e llakery INSURANCE. FRED H. STEPHENS Non. Hoard Insurance: National Hen Franklin. Second Floor, Fedcrnl lllock. TAXI Taxi 87 Phono. (Call Oebrge or (lust) Ross Brothers, Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night. Stand: Qptto Cigar Store, Third Ave AUCTION SALES. floods nought, Bold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINOS, Auctioneer. Furniture nnd Crockery. Third Ave, I'bonea Ulack 130 and Red 442. :ir: Daily News Classified Ads. 112 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No Ad vrtl.mnt TUn fur Lea. than RO WANTKO. WANTED FOR SALE Itirl for general FOH SAI.K. - Speed boat "Kcho." housework, (tood wages. I'lione Hlue 325 or apply Sixth Avenue West, corner Taylor Street. Hi) WANTED Furniture or every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Huperl Exchange Auctioneers. Phone, CSS. HKI.(ilA.V woman wants housework by Ihe day or hour. Phone Itlack 310. 121 CHAMIIKIIMAIO wauled. Knox Hotel. FOR RENT Apply NKAIl IHIYDOCK. Four roomed house lo rent furnished. Or would sell furniture and rent house cheap. AIo chickens for sale. Phone Itlack 113. FOH IlKXT. Five roomed flat. II. I.elourneaii, Sixth Avenue eL- t'1'one "l" 35. tt FOR IlKNT. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 110 Sixth Ave. KaL Phone Hlue 217. If OFFICE FOH IlKNT, wllh modern living quarters. Westenhaver Ilros. If MISCELLANEOUS WAINWRIOHT FIELDS. Wn lei conliiiiinii formation on oilfield. Hasl. Street, Vaneoi, Oomplele up.i, Pnrlor, ltohb!K A.: . ' r BEAUTY PARLOR. tie-' HI uoinirespiiiir. 1 1 : , up. kln and s, ,t) Violet Ray. Pri-e4 Hr MRS. LOVE, Room 0. Hlepli- J Denny Allen i:.. fh MAIL SCHEDULE Foe the East-Mondays. Wednesdays tr 1 Fri. days, closes al i.y p.n, From the East Un.,l... Tl..... I. - I C. .uiiiujp, tiiuieia r-te- unlays Uo p.m. To Vancouver Tuesdays, Mail closes at i PI Ttiursdays l naiuraays am. Sutx lays V. C P. It. Mav I From Vancouver ' Suintayt Wednesdays Fridays U. Satunlays. . H. C.P.R. May I'J . To Anyoi, Alice Arm Weslnes.lays SiitnUys From Anyox, Alice Arm Ttieedvys Thurslays To Stewart and Premlte Sundays Sulurdnys From Stewart and Premier Sundays Tuesdays To Port Simpson Sundays From Port Slmpsom- Tuqsdays . To Alaska PoInU May 0, 10 and 0 From Alsska Points Muv 1 l:i ami .' i Box Collection.; P. M; Ornham X AHm Vve 1st Ave. A Eighlb Sf V" Oth Ave. ti Fulton s HI It Ave. Thompson Jit " 1 1 th Ave. A Slierbr(Ml ! Ave'. ttlli Avn. A Conrad si i (llli Ave. X llnys Cove Ave J rdh Ave. X llnys Cove- Clrclrf " Kill Ave, X Cotton St t 5lh Ave. X Mcllride SI ; . Pin. Hoy. Hldgs Pro. nov.Whnrf ... 5,10 rt.T.P. Wharf 5 15 2nd Ave. X 2nd SI. . a '" 3rd Ave. X Fullnti SI. a. 3rd Ave. & filh St. . ' " M. A P)l. . I'M, AM. 7 P A To Queen Charlotte UUnd foInU May 10 and From Queen Charlotte Po'"1' Mm- M un, I ' To Naas River Points and Prt Simpson M p' Thursdays From Naas River Polnta Saturdays .. A.M. PM. S.'J H .l 9.U fl.' PRINCE RUPERT TIDES J Wednesday, May 21 High ?M5 irrrr, - J 15:13 p tH 1 . Low :2a a m ''J 2l:3.Tp.i"t 0'1 Thursday, Mayi in.,1. 1 -ll nJilt ' IMHII ... . in:3H p.m. Low 10,: I'.' n.tif, 22:21 pJ' 11)0 I i j I