May 20, 1921. The new quiet 12 wins 1 . AND Six coiUiiifiii IihiI (lie extraordinary success of tin lalesl Iteniington model. In thousands of offices !ie first trial machine has been followed by installation after installation of New (juicl Kvery day it i making new HciiiiiikIoii user so ile-' i-uc artril many superiorities. Hi natural lunch ami its exceptional reaiHmsivcuess ,-, .t'taUini mi -Will .mil easy operation. Ami Hie beauty w hug i- .hi ."hantaw o every owner, ami a i-ource rt . every l.i-l. I i .n v operator -liouhl fry this new machine in Uie :t- r l "i her employe, ami in justice lo herself. Tlif New Qiiu'l la rosU no more llian Ihe ordinary i. .. i(r. Ka-y I'.iviiii-iiI (erm. if desired. Wi- Kill gldl demon(rle (he New (.luiel 12 in yonr without olijiff.dinii mi vonr pari. McRae Bros., Ltd. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye I i nn . li.."M' "H ijt' rt Hr;unl" Salmon. few tin in I he anlry ure alvvavs handy. sjick a supply on our hoal that's a good Men. SOLO EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. KODAKS There fun ol Ihe lime in (linking Kodak pictures ami Kiev ';re up fun for lh fnlnrc. Get your Kodak hoe Kodak Film The Iik -l.i dim in the yellow, box. , Your m.i- lu re. Kodak Accessories Hi if Tiiik iv Curving Case. TriMN, Portrait Al-i limcnlv Th'-v re all in flock here. I i ii- ln-lpV'ii plm a Kodak outfit for good pictures iii'l lot of full. ORMES LTD. Tho Roxall Store. 3rd Avenue & 6th Street. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD djjerallng G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer, Machinist!, Bollcrmakors, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. , ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our titnnt la run inned lo handle all kinds of V MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. nr it 1 1 I family Shoe store 1 1 $7-50 Y '"1 Men's & Women's Crepe Sole OXFORDS Solid Comfort $7.00 I MORE FISH ARRIVED TODAY AND PRICES LOWER AS RESULT Seven American and six schooners marketed a total of .'28.000 pounds of halibut at the Fish J'xi-liange Ihis morning. Of Hiis lolal (he Americans landed 1 18,000 pounds, and the Cana dian 80,000 pounds. I'rices for American first class fish were "lightly lower while second class fares dropped a cent. - I'rices for Canadian first class fish dropped approximately a cent wlnle second class fish remained neauy ai su cenis. i no arrivals were: American Mking. 11,000 lbs., al lO.le and llliie llird, 3,000 lbs., at 10.1c and 5c. In Mm Umal Fish Co. I oidciijkold, 50,000 lbs., al 10.2c and 5c. lo the Canadian ri-h A Cold Sloiugc Co. Udtiuibia, 38,000 lb., at 10.2c and lie. lo (,e parjjle Fisheries. Mecca. ',.000 lb.', at 10 2c and : ItcliaiM-e, 21.000 lbs., al 10.1c and :,c. to Mia Af lin Fisheries. I eaiua. 25,000 lbs., at 10.3c and V. to (he Hooth Fisherie Canadian Co. Canadian Si 5c : and .:ic inn a maid. J2.000 111-., at 8c and lt v.-ill, 15.000 lb., at 5.5c '; Lillian M., C.0O0 lbs., at and Co; and Imperleuse, 7,-ll'-.. al MM oiid Ge, (o the ' anadian :Co. lTh & Cold storage H'l 11,000 lbs. al O.Jc and '': hi;, I I (iodic, fi.000 Iba.. al 0.3e nd fie. lo lh Allin Fisheries. QUEEN IS CHOSEN VICTMHIA, May, 20. Mis Mi in a Jewell, Candida I e of the AncitMii Order of Forenlers, ha lHen hooeu queeij tor the Vic loria Day carnival here. BODY IS FOUND VICTOItlA. May JO. The liody of John I!. WTanl. axed 05, of Seven Oak" Slreel, Saanich, wan taken from (he witters of Swan Lake laM nisht. The rondilion of Arclihilip F II. I hi Veruel. win. Iia tteen eriti cally HI. In rMrtel lo be gradu ally improving. ' SALT LAKES SERVICE I he Launch "j:i" will leave SwhiimiiiV Final on Thui-.'da Sal m-day and Sunday afternoon ery half hour frm I p.m. un til rt.:io p.m. ami on other week dayc al I and p.m. The lal boat home each day will leave I In- Salt Lake- lloal harp al 7 .p.m. .Miiiuay ami ii'Miday picnic parlie Heially arrant:cl for, Launches, rtmhoat ami canoes for ale ami hire. Prince Hupert Hoalhoue. Beans cannot be better nor better cooked than Clark's Beans C."J.'N.:lon.lDi.h. I W. ClAR il fury nn, M.t4 El If SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS The Canadian National Itail- ways announce low Sjiinim-r Kx- cursion fares to luislern Canada and the United Slates effective May ?'.'ml. alsolo Jasper National 1'nrk, Kdmoiilon, Cil?arv. on sale May 15. Choice of routes slop, vers. Make a trip around I lie famoiis I ri-AiiKle Tour in one direrlmii llinmuli , Vunecuver. Full information, Cily Ticket office. 528. Third Ave. Prince llu-pert. Phone SCO. if OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Hook now Tor Old Country. Pa-sports secured and tickets Issued via While Slar, Cunard, Aiichor-nonaldsnu lines. The Canadian National llnilwuys make direct and convenient con-mvlions witli steamers of these lines. Full Information al City Ticket Oniec. 528 Third Avenue. Prince Import. H.C I'lione 2fi0. B.C. THB DAILY KHW8. FAOI THRB1. I Local aid Personal Undertakers. - Phone 41. Hayners, Undertaksra.. Pboue 351. If Dr. II. It. Grant left on last ni idi l's train (o'visil his lanch at I crrace. Cut Flowero.i'cH I'lants. Mrs. McCarthy, thegf'Florist, Kmad block. . tf Oeneral Lacrosse practice Wednesday niglil, Acropolis Hill for t'lth May lineup. 120 Accounls to May 17 lolalliug I8,137.0'J wer passed for payment at last nielli's council meeting. Major It. ,M. -Taylor, district public works engineer, left on I lie train last night 011 a business trip lo iiiilhcr. II. Phillips of Anyox will sail for the south on (lie steamer Prince Itupcrt on Thursday night on a holiday- (rip to Chicago. Wc sell Laminated .Materials also Fir Veneer.. Consult Us be fore buying finishing for your house. Albert &. McCatTery. Ltd tf James Polls, who has been in (he city for Ihc past week on business, left -on the eastbound train last ufght fur Prince George. Daughters and Sous of Kng- land Whist Drive and Social or Friday niphl In the Hoston Hall. Admission 50cf Good time. ' Good music. Sale of , Needlework, Home Cooking ami Ice Cream in the Hut. 'Iltlrtl Avejiue on Thursday. May 22, by (he Si. Peter's Women's Aux)Qary. 120 A meeting oflhe Conservative Association for (he purpose of leling delegate. to a nouiln-alius convention,. Will be held in Ihe hmad Hall,. Wilnesday, May 21. at 8 p.m. 120 'The eiigageiueul is anmiunred in Vancouver of Miss Hilda Dul cie Allan and F. (1. Garde. 'The latter is Ihc sou of A. C. Gard, formerly of Prince Hupert and now of iMiiilh'ers. Health by-law amendments providing thai 110 goals shall be kept in Ihe cily within 25 feel ol a ilweiiiug and that manure shall not be burned within the elty limits were given Iheir third readings at last night's council meeting. Mr. and Mrs. X. II. WaKon and family are leaving on Ihe cast. bound train loiilxht. for Winni peg where (hey will in fill tire reside. Mr. Walton was recent ly promoted .to be general su periiilendeut of the Canadian Xa lional llaiiways for Manitoba with headquarters in Winnipeg A teller from T. M. J. Forlum niakins application to purchase tax sale certificate richls in and to lot 10, block 28. section 5. for the tipsfl price of 35.70 plus interest to dale was receiv ed al las night's council meel- iug and referred lo the finance ommillee willi power to act. The properly will be advertised for sale. Permission wa- granted lh basidiall league at lad night's council mceliug o use the eropolis Hill gi'4iunds on Mat 1 between Ihe hours of I lo 3.3ft 10 singe uie openim: season .game provided Ihe arrangement is satisfactory to other organi : zations concerned. YAld. Collar! and Aid. Mardoonald moved lo ibis effect. Many MclliodUl pastors from his district who were attending the conference in Vancouver last week were heard in tlie churches ir thai city on Sunday. Hev. Dr. Spencer of Port Simpson preached at Kerrisdale Church. Hev. W. H I'ierce of Port Ksslnglon al Dundas Church, Hev. J. Herd-imau o( Anyox at Vancouver 'Heights. Hev. G. 11. It. Kinney of I Ocean Falls al Trinity, Hev. Vic-jlor Sansum of lliuoltou al Grace Church, Hev. W .. C. Mawhinney of Telkwa al Ferris Hoad ami Hev. M..W. Lee of'Suiilhcrs and Hev. William Allen of Skidegale at W'iUon HoivhUfiJ 1 A sunshine breakfast A. IL Wright, land surveyor. Iff! on his launch F.lhrlda (his morning on a week's (rip (o (hn Xaas river district. Police Chief V. H. Vickers who has been imlispositj for Ihe pal few days, is reported to be progressing satisfactorily. That's the way to start the day all the Summer sunshine of the harvest fields in the whole wheat grain, made digestible by cooking in steam, shredding and baking in coal ovens and it is just as delicious for luncheon and dinner as it is for breakfast. All the food you need for a half day's work without overloading the stomach. A .safe and satisfying cereal containing all the bran of the whole wheat grain just enough to stimulate bowel exer M is. k. C Morrow and family are bonked lo sail on Ihe C.N. It sieaiuer I'riure. lluperl on Thursday night en roule (o (he Old Country im a visit. Mrs. X. M. McLcod of Anyoj will leave for Ihe. south on Ihe Prince Itupcrt on Thursday even ing en route to Knglaud on 1 visit to her old home. W. Xordhurst, charged with intoxication, appeared before Magistrate McClyinoul in the cily police court this morning. He was fined $25 or as an alterna live 30 days imprisoniiienl. 'The (oise-Millcrd cannery at. Itella Itella is being rebuilt ami will be ready for operation (hi hjisoii. Cant. H. F.. (iosse i supervising 1 ue work. 1 lie new plan! replaces the one that was leslroyed last year. Arthur Mason, a native, who was arrested in Ihe city on Sat urday by Dominion Constable Walkinsou for having liuor in possession, appeared. before Mag- trale McClymout in the cily police court Ibis morning and was fined $25. David llayward,' a uatiu ar rested by Dominion Constable Walkinsou 011 Ihe Indian reserve at Porl Simpson and charged before Indian agent W. K. Coiti on yesterday afternoon with in. toxicaliou ami resisting arrest was sentenced (l j,ree mouths hard labor al Oknllit prison farm. ANNOUNCEMENTS Gyro Club Playground Concert. Westholme Theatre. Tuesday. May 20. Women, of Moosehearl LeKion Whist Drive ami Dance. May 20. Dr. Marter Ferrule Pills emiury. corrcuiis cum. biuUinr p ..4 fid Vaincul menstruation. nkrI VOITSNESS. BACK ACHWL niXZINCfia -- nodannrott. druc. SoldMuyln SmM llinr-Cor.r TIN HOX with our airiiatui. Oractiata .nr7wh.ra.0r dirwt br mail, rlala Mrun J 00 lakaarUaVM IUaaV Ca.. ft I. tint K. laU, Caa. Ckctltr awiM aa raaaaa, cise. Delicious for . any meal with milk: The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. Kiar.r Fn. O.Uri. Shredded Wheat Hcs( Screened Kitchen Coal. Special price for two days. Hunters. Phone Green C22 or! Hlue5l5. 119; For every occasion A BOX OF Purdys Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Itox. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Sole Agents:- Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. During this week we are showing BABY CARRIAGES and Cribs WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS lluve Arrived, lit hard wearing materials at nunleralo prices. EXTRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phone Green 85. .4