PRINCE RUFERT Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phone 671 VOI XIV it. 0 Mr. Allen will g eoulli T i d h?r, r Ituiili. seroinl of the; -n liuilt here, wa lainchel dry din k at - oclork thU ft. errUioin King lily She will have " about two week. off. her AGREED UPON REPARATIONS Premiers of Italy and Belgium Stand for Intermediate Adoption of Dawes Report Mil AN. May SO. A tneetinp ir'ween Piriiner Mussolini of I'aJy and Premier Tlieniii of Itrlpium ws siili-fHrlorily coii-t Uided on Moiiilny when the !-uresfil,vl.M r l.olli nations 8red Dial the lwes re-paratton report should be applied without delay and thai iM inter-nllled conference on the luattrr wa inhisahln as soon a pri'luninaiy iliscussinii were ' iitllricntly ailvauced. SUSPENDED SENTENCE PASSED ON "SMILING" REID, BANK ROBBER Let Off Light Because He Assisted Authorities In Recovering Lost Funds YANCOl'VKII. May 20. "Sinil- "ifc Johnny Held, who pleaded '"lly lo a charge or conspiracy rob the I.ailner branch of the 'loyal Hank oh March 28. ll22 has been Klvcn two yearn' pfinleil xeiilriire. He received a "Iniilnr sentence ml LcthhrhJgc lerrnlly but wa Inslniinenlal lioweer, In t lie aulhorllles re r"veriiiff ai.proxlinalrly o.nOn "i bonds ami Kpctirltirn. There fui'e he was gUen suspended sen- FRENCH FLYER IN SHANGHAI SHANGHAI. May -'I Afler a delay of I wo day. Captain Layafelle I ?. Hie Freiirh aviator, ar-riel hen loday from I Dillon. Ill next lui' will he arros the Yellow Sea fn the Miulherii island of Japan on his Hi-lit fnm Pun-" I.. Tiikin. EQUIPMENT FOR MINE AT STEWART COMING Preparations Being Made for Work to Commence This Summer on Eldorado . i i . equipment for me r.niurauo mine in the tsilnion River alley ..ill i... sliiKiuil from Yan-oiivrr Hits week and, as soon as il has been set up. drwlopmeiil workj will commence. Ihe machinery lo he sent north will Inrliiuo a .tmnliiiil iMtnipiessor. Ore oars and rails are already at Ihe mine and permanent buildings haw) been erected. Ihnmas ;ou, mining engineer or Seattle, will he in charge or the work to be carried out. TROLLEY CARS HAVE COLLISON: SEVEN KILLED, MANY HURT IttiANOKK. West Virginia, May 20. Seven were killed and about thlily were injured when two' rats ol UlC nimuim Trarlion t'-o- collided last night BIRTH A nun was Inim at the Princo Rupert Ceneivil Hospllal on May iq lo Mr. and Mr, l'red Morris; Hays Cove Circle. She MANY YOTERS PUT ON LIST YESTERDAY Office of Walter Gale, Registrar, , Was Very Busy Place 100 More Names Registered APPEAL COURT tn- ..i t ..ti.. ! case I lie oinre oi utim-i -clstrar ol Mttrrs. was a ery busy nlare esterday when a court revision being held offered the lion and beer plebiscite. Oalc rrporled lhi morning lhal about 100 new names had put on and the telephone busy almost constantly been queries. Mr. (Sale has not only to look afler Ihe lists for Prince Rupert roiislitucncy bill also lor JUDGE PASSES Death of Mr.-Justlce Eberls Oc curred In Victoria Today From Meningitis YICTOUIA. May 20. Mr. Jus- lice Kborls of Ihe Appeal Court died here loday. He hail been iu Indifferent health for some lime but went about as usual until Friday when he was rushed lo Ihe hospital where he was round lo bo suffer MINISTER OF MARINE ORDERS NEW HEARING Canadian Scottish Case In Which Skipper Lost His Papers Is to be Reopened An application of the Canadian Merchant Sepa-e (itiibl has suited in a new hearing or the if stranding of the Cana dian Scottish being ordered by ii I... ..f .mifitin Tilt ,,f uie iiiniisii-i vi oi , . . . , . i ..r Scottish was WTCCKCtl ijisiur ui i I. .... Muwli n last CKUice (ror voters , ,o, a'-'j u ,'n ein r.diowing. registered to gel on he UI for (f he me loriiicoiuoig im.w.i. .... , ... ,.r ,HMriiI.pll.p , V H' lift.. 1'. " I rf - - - - ; ... it.. Mini Ills papers were leinjioi-muj lispeniled. Ihe. pilot, Capl. A ii-oviii uii nut niinished. The .. in. ground taken by the (Merchant Service Cuibl in apply- Mrs. ' Margaret L. Parker, wife of l'red A. Parker, passed away at Meilakallu yesterday afler a ing from meningitis. brief illness. The late Mr. Justice Kbeiis was J She is sunived by a widower, 7 1 oars of age and 4i native of little daughter, five brothers' and Chatham, Ontario. He Is survived .her .parents. She was 21 years by a widow, one son and lliree of age lmving been born in Met daughters. lie was a former speaker of the lakalla on June 5, 1800 The funeral will ke place on provincial legislature under Pre-iTliursday afternoon at Metlakat. hflir: Sir Richard McBrtde. ,1a. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIUNCB HUPEKT, H.d, Tl KSDAY, MAY 20, 1021. JAP DIPLOMAT Vtf4r' ClrcvUtton 1645 I)r NY A Keiim-Jy. admiiiislralor or Hie .Se Ibe Children Fund in Greece, has .sent the above photograph, showing Hie arrival of thousands of sacks or Hour from the Toronto committee, lo which oilier parts of Ontario contributed. BILLPASSES OVER VETO Soldiers' Bonus Statute Be comes taw In UnlUd Stales Senate Approves WASHINGTON, May 20. The Soldier Bonus Bill was passed by the Senate over the veto of President Coolldge and became law yesterday. The cost Is estimated at between two and four billion dollars. The bill provides $50 cash for certain service men and paid up twentyyear endowment Insurance policies for others. , U. S. FLYERS ON. HONDO ISLAND MI NATO, Japan. May :t). The .lliree Lulled Sliiles round-lhe-worhl flyinx malfliine.s arrived berr lodayitr'om Hitnkapu Hay. The hI of about 15(1 miles w as off I he Ku-riles and over Yexo ls-IhihI. This oiul is on the north of Ihe main Island or Ihe Japanese Hondo. The next hop of Ihe riiers will he lu Toklo. ' i i FIVE YEARS; TEN LASHES Sentence Passed Today by Judge Young on G. Glrone of Oean. Falls. Five years' Imprisonment at the New Westminster Penitentiary and ten lashes was the sentence handed out this morning by Judge Young to G. Glrone of Ocean Falls, found guilty of criminal assault on a little girl of very tender years. The prisoner will be taken south on Thursday night. The case has been In progress for several days, being held In camera. E. F. Jones prosecuted and L. W. Patmore defended. There were about a dozen witnesses from Ocean Falls. MAYNOW QUIT Resignation of U.S. Ambassador to Japan Accepted Counter Move Likely Canadian I Washington post shortly. Foreign ing for a new hearing was that Cap!. Harris had acted properly In turning hi "hip over to Capt. Hrown uud was not rcsiousible lor the aeeitlent. tXipt. C. Knddie, examiners oT masters and males, lms been apr pointed commissioner Tor the new hearing. He will have two associate whose inamvs will be lannouuced later. 'NATIVE WftMAN ftP iimiTLi iiviunii vi METLAKATLA DIES Mrs. Fred A. Parker Passed Away Yesterday After Brief Illness Funeral TOKIO. May 20. Hatiihara lo the Uniliil Slates may he permit ten to resign ins .Minister .Maisui loiq newiapfr-men tixlay. WAS11INOTON, May 20 ,Prcs, idenl Coolidge tixlay accepted Ihe resignation or U.S. Ambassador A'oods to Japan. TOM CLARKE IS NEW ASSISTANT FORESTER Succeeds P. Sharkey Who Has Resinned Position to go Ranching In Wash- .... Ington T. A. Clarke, who has been junior forester In this district for some time, has tieen pro-moled to Ihe Vositiou iif assist ant district roresler lo succeed P. Sharkey who has resigned that position, to take up ranch ing in Washington. Mr. Clarke many friends hen- will be pleas. cit o learn of his advancement. ARRIVES IN VANCOUVER YANCOUYKR, May 20. K. W Heatly, president of Ihe O.P.R. will arrive ill the city tonight and is o leave for Yictorla tomorrow muiuif- Strcit Sl( 404 of handling fresh halihul direct1 rom Prince RujM'rt. versus frouii Ketchikan via Prince Hutterl. It elates dial Ketchikan in-: leiesls estimate il costs the fish erman from Vic lo Ic a pound I J more lo land halibut at Prince The Latest In Restaurant. BOSTON GRILL ' Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Doxes for Parly Use. Take Her to The Boston." Ruoerl than at Ketchikan. Re-, Presbyterian eclion will clearly prove lhal his figure is ridiculous. It lakes a halibut boat from 10 to 12 hours to run from Ketchikan lo Prince Rupert, which means ii io uuu.n auiiiiuiK time. A esel which will pack an PRICE FIVE CENTS, f CRERAR ATTACKED IN HOME BANK HEARING ATTITUDE OF KETCHIKAN IN REGARD TO RUPERT CONDEMNED BY OPERATOR Counsel for Crown is Heard in Argument at Ottawa Enquiry Today OTTAWA, M.iy 20. The depo.jlor- of tin- Hume Hank l a no legal claim agauisl Hit crown. It in for parliament lu .. idi if they have an rltitti on moral grounds." Tlo wus Hie roiicliuion of Kugeiie Lcflcur, government :.;:,sr I. who loilay argued hi case before the Home Hank ::'Tni.toii. An ulla" K on Hon. T. A. Crerar, former leafier of Hie Pn-f f Pari) mid direrlor f the auk fniiu 1UI0 to UMH. cil Hie morning sitting. It. A. Ileid, ihmiiiscI for Hie sharc- NEW CRUISER ON TRIAL RUN iKilder, named Mr. Crerar a "iHir f Mir roospirators" in the 'history of Ihe Home Hank ami ;r burned him with being a narty In Hip is.iiance of IUIe and fraudulent reluni. He elaimcd Ilia!, when Mr. Crerar found frm inside information tliul the Vtnldls Undergoing Tests Today j, w in rious danger, he Rlvldle Was Launched .Id ln slock ami got out when This Morning "ie gelling wws pood." . Bio Suit Launched v.mdf r f Toito.vm. Mr "uU iMUi. l.n.n mi the local dry for launched to- ii.. f dav tiv Hie liuuidalor of Hie and rilieiii. U imiI on Hftine lUnk again! nine former director or Hie hank, -even of ;:. ,a! imI run tin alter- n :h J W Allen, Miuervis-whmii are lUelng crJnfinal ameer for he depart men t t barge , together will! M. J. . gv The el will make Haney. former president, ami J. , .ur e.Mlinuois run and OHriro who was a director from 1U17 lo IVSO. bably g a far an I'or- I- a...l The dork trial. 'Hie damage are sought for ,ae already Iwn made. h.e. plained liy lite hank and hsreholdrr hy reason of he .ali.raelury. miseomluel and negligence of Hie Yai.idu l nw all ready mn.i.sii and will he iMn- "''' .he de,,.rlWe,,l ;n...rlay44444 tse o" tAis Port Necessary I to Best Interests of United i States Boats, Hvatum States In a leller lo the Pacific Coast Fisherman, UapL O. O Mvaliirn, the well known tkipper of the American halibut boat ScHtolia, emphalically stales that the use of the port of Prince Hubert i necessary lo Hie best interests of the American fisher- meu and cundeniiis the attitude taken by certain Ketchikan 'in-I leresls iu endeavoring to prohibit the use of this port in favor of theirs. 5 j liapt. llvalum's leller is as follows: "Tiie wriler has read with Iconsiderahle interest an article ftf ATM lUHMrTI contaii.ed in your February issue lil lflllIjl HOLDS HIGH POST TODAY General Assembly In Scotland Opened by His , Grace "Jamie" Brown EIHNHURG11, May 20. Labor's Lord High Commissioner of the iChurch of Scotland, His Grace 'Jamie" Hrown, loday. as repre- average of 50.000 pounds or Motive of King Oeorge. for- halihul. would cost Tor Tuel. ma,Jr lni me wcnerai Assem-lubricaling ' lhe coltish oil. etc., to run this Prehytertaii jtM,B m-."linjrn5UJm "or. one-, " ,-! lenlh or a cent per ikjuihI. Kvcn "'w"i" "- c vrrc ihough il cost . the fishermen J,rcrenl representatives of the from We lo le i.nun.t. Mime- "'"'""I""" u puuuc one has lo nay for Ihe cost or operating the freighter from' Prince Rupert to Ketchikan, and who else would it be but the fisherman? Infeaslble Method lf Ihe experiment attempted last June lo transfer fresh fish from Ketchikan via Prince Rupert lo Kaslerti American points-was so successful, why did il not continue, and why is it thai no ruiiher shipments have been made since last June? The reason is that while direct shipments may be made from Prince Rupert, shipments from Ketchi kan via Prince Rupert arc in-feasible, as it is mil economical bodies. to unload lisii in lveichuan. Pox will il. return the boxes to Ihe freight steamer, have the freight steam er sail for Prince Rupert with the hazards of Ihe sea voyage, unload the boxes at Princ Rupert in freight cars when all COMMUNISTS FOREGATHER Slg Convention to be Held Grand Kremlin at Moscow on Friday this can he done In ope opera-of (,e Communist youth lion without intermediate delerv jorinciples ol Leuine. ioratiou in quality and hazards! of a sea voyage. "1 assume that the informant of your article is really actuated by a patriotic desire to stimulate the trade of Alaska iu sug lasting that (he fishermen should be prohibited from landing their trips at Prince Rupert. Ninety-uiiie American halibut fishermen out or a hundred fully realize what losses would accrue to them if I lie port of Prince Ru. pert were fishermen. FAMOUS WAR z mi MOSCOW. May 20. On Friday more than a thousand deleatess representing every district ol IheJ Soviet Federation will assemble in Ihe (Srand Kremlin ror the an- nual convention of Ihe Com-" munisl parly. The party leaders. endeavor to remove dis'-j se'nsions existing since' the deaths ot Premier Lf'nine Matters for, discussion include currency rjw rorni. the trade parly's altituif toward the policy of the Third .Internationale and the education ' in the FIGURE DIES Sir Edward Goschen Was Ambasjr sador to Germany When War Broke Out LO.TH)N. May 20. Sir Kdward- Closed lo American Goschen. Ihe man to whom I ho The American fish- former German Chancellor Helhl "rinen would be Ihe lovers, and nfamullnllweg, is reputed to have it the American fishermen lose, characterized the lielgium he a Alaska ilself must also lose, as it trality treaty as "a scrap of. is a well-known tact thai prac- paper" died at his home here to-' lically all the money which the day. ( r American fishermen receive in Sir Kdwsird was a veteran. of. payment of their catches landed the Hritisli diplomatic service in Prince Rupert is spent in Al- and was ambassador at llerlin nska strongest ngest were b prevented from delivering their catches iu Prince Jluperl, the prices w hich I hey would receiv e would be very much lower and hence the amount of money circulated in Alaska by the American halibut fishermen would be correspondingly less. It is only the Trcedom oT Ihe market created by reason or Ihe privilege extended by the Canadian govern. (Continuod on page sis) 2?" is m m 4 i. It is contended by the when war was declared In 1914? or argumeuls thai He wvis born in 18t7. ' W, fishermen! -W-.'Af tj Ihe American j LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Iviroil I. lloslon l. "r Chicago 3, Philadelphia 4. v . v Only two games scheduled, All American League games lo- .- day are postponed on account ofL ' rain, , Hf . National. League C5 New York 3, Plllsbufg 0. V vj fM Oilier ffaui ostpontd. ' "?,:'; 4 It