o. 102 1 PllimRFATMFNT DOG CATfHER Ipfpi retted UN I,UMI ""-II I , """" 1 MUULt UU I 1 JU1 HEALS KIDNEYS Coocentrated Fruit Juices Eire Astonishing Results Ia ftiifTftrjMl mltlt, r ' ; nnTifof illll III lllrt lu'riilarliPM. uijll-u K n t I .-pi, iIiimiiiiuIImii aii.t o: wiiylii to tiy the Fruit, i their troulilp. . . : .-. uo luttrllkifieil fruit t . e " for lliflir.i Klmolliliiil'lilliiiC i)i nl'l'lr, orange, fifrsaud .if,i miiii uinim, eouij TroulJc. tr. tlinciit of " Fruit -.-a relief mil the. rritu-ilrnmlirtl fruit jinrr . ttUrlt" protetlielr todav and Wla Vn.. y,Tntnntl. At nlll"lrn:, n I or M-nt 1J . Mtu.it d,Olta.a,0ul. oats. Suits mil Dresses t rtrrPTinN&LLV 1 ova PRICES. Bent': Third Av. at Mnro hi in ii i i. Wheat llrcnd, Cakr. anfrma. baked III iveKoses Flour The World's Best. o Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S HrfflfTAnnH VtnunitA Phona C. ftKe, Warehousing, and I'iitrihuling, Tcom or Molor Service. r-oai, Sand and flravnl apecwiie In Piano and furniture Moving. M. S. SING' tailor, cleaning and pressing1 Winne 77 I. -n Third Avrnue Laundry Offlcs llrix H8, I'rtucp. import, 1J.C, CATARRH nf lha w aei sj Ma IwmmM war Mint) lit ww frpowwaaysjkj UNDER FIRE: IN FEW HOURS I City Council Rejects Suggestion That hit Powers bo Increased Some Criticisms Made The municipal iliir cali'lo.r I'aiur In or i kihmI measure of dieinnn ninl rrilicixm at lat night' council iiieollng in connection with jiriiiiii.nl aiiir-inl. iimnU In the license hylnw. Mil. t.aoy siufosled that il " "trlil l" mMsahlo In irivo flu dog catcher I In full imwor. of n police olliocr mi that ho might have more aiilhorilv in I ho mni. tor iif -coHpcling fee. .Mayor Newlon pointed oul I hat l In ilojf catcher could i'H the pillion III ie Mlllflltl f Hll' nTivjy ariix. AM. Oisoy replied thai, miiiio- how or ollmr. Ilia! mihi had not Iimmi halisfaclory. , Tlm dog atelier romidaincd tif Mime people lii'injc ximjilid in uttiii raiii on lhi aiilhorily of I ho mayor. Aid. Odlarl HI Dial non Imilld In i'XoiiiiiIihI. 'IIiiti flnMihl hi I hi- ainc law for all. Aid. Mai'dniiald nvrr-i'd Dial (lit liitf rnlrhrr ohoiihl i jfivrn aiilhorily In Ihi inallnr of rol-Ircliiitr fii hut at lhi atui linn hi hoih ll -i' hi rimimon .inii. Hi liM. iMiiiii(y ,,.vn mi fni i in -in ra' mid it Kim hii il thai In limi-lf (Jhn i lot' ralhir Iwol a ruiiiitiiT of ilojrt for wliirh Ji (i nol iayfnjr lirrn. Mayor Ciplalns .Mayor .Vion llmushl thai i li main roui'tlairil aaint Hip log iiilrhiT wn that hi wa too Juhnny-oii-llw-i-iio'l." Kf- fnri had ii'-n inudi In liavi I In olllir hi roriinion ni in .wrtnm ioi 1ml wilhoiil nir. i'. Ili Virhii ri'f"rr In a udi of ii whfn hi Ii i in M-lf tin mayor hail '.aid doc lii- 'ni frr iiyip who wfrr nol hi a iMi.ltlon in ihi mi. Kvpn iifi-r Iip had donr mi, in onpap, a man a liall into (miIm-p rnurl Hip nptl ninrniiiir an. I a .! riil. In nnnllipr rap, h dnir ralrhor had ra'ilurrd Hip ili'jf of a -pIIIit iilili(f Hip rily nd Hip mayor hiniff had lo ' Id Hip Miimd lo K'l Hip dnir IHiralPil. AM. Odlarl Ihoiiahl thai, in-Ipii. nf iriiii? Hip duir rjitfln-r iimrp I'owit, il'milil tip ad viahp lo rhivk hl wpri. Ili dulip Mioitld tw carripd nut ulotip HiiP iriviiiif fair day lo all Hp had no rrilioi-ni lo makp of IIm mayor and, aflpr liopnxpi hud 1mpii mid in Hip mannpr Hip innyor rPiMirtiil, hp auw no na-Min why Hip duff ralrhpr hiiM olTPr rnm'dainl. Suooassful Officer Aid. riry aid Hip only rhargp IiIip ilojj ralrlior lind tnadp wn that Hip mayor paid lironM fur olhpr rpolp. Mr (AM. Capy) Iliad no fault lo find with mh-Ii iirlion. TIip prPTtil dnjr ratrlirr Inn) iropn Hip in"rpful oiip Hip city ppr lind Ihotinh ho va mil popular. No had hrotichl Hip mallor up only, with n view of Miing what tin council thmmlit ahoul rttomlinir III IMiwor. AM. .Mardonald though! Iho dan ralrhor had all Iho pnwor that woro noroiary. If Iho IHilii'P v.i-ro l II up In Iho poliro rommiinn. City Sulirilor .lone Ihouuhl tin poliro hud only pxpri'lkod di- rrolion and it wa in opinion lhal ifoivd difcrollnn had hoon hIiowii. AM. Collnrl and Aid. I'orry op-po. od iho UKtrotlon lhal Iho don rnlrhor xhouhl ho allowod to carry firpanii. Transient Licenses In rounorlion with Iho licono hylaw. AM. Mardonald asked If II worn no po.ihlo lo rhari morn than :in for lranionl lironnox, Hio rily "olioilor nld thai Iho lalulo provldod for n innxl-muni of r)0. AM. Collnrl mon-iiono.1 Inivollliik' lu-iurnnco niton I h mid wan lold that Ihoy ....ii ii..,i-n fpo dlrwt to Iho HI Ml ,11 ... - - ruornniotil. n arlion WH' Inkon In rogard lo Iho proposal for oxIoniliiiR Iho .i..,r i.iiinliir'H unworn no hip i', law iimondiiionl idTorod I'V ALU Clnpp providing mr tn oiiiuhhi-llon of a duplionlinjr rofroMiinoul licoii.p wan rcporlod complolo. ii.., nniiio mf MIhh lMhor Nmlon I- Inoludoil in Iho 114 or ..ouvor nonornl lloMdla "l ii.. ...i-oNp.i Will 1k place hor,lly. OR NO COST!; J Thin I tho tinio nf yoar whou (your livor hcoomo nuirifih and ,your inloMtjiiPK hoooino rloggod up Willi p'ilniiiiii wlo. Your liv fr din not pniporly purify hloo.1 that flow In your in. Tim roMit i nallow ooiirjiloxion, dark rlrolo and pinndoxj Ax llm pniMin.H loiiliiiim lo flood your jylim, your rotaiico i lowor-Pd, ynu fool dull mid fjred nnd Mako lhi IpiU Cpnno ami !lonn your irr willi l)r. Thachor'n I.ivor ami liloo.1 Syrup. ConlaliiHi puro iugrodionlx pio.criliPil hy l'hyipian. llolp n a t u r o Ironallicii your ulnnvirli, Kootlm. lirod ami ovor.la'd imrvon, hraop up -yli-iii ami purify your Mood. Notion ipiirk difforonro In way )ihi ImW. iji1, loop and fool. Wm. loo. will ho Mttixripd, n illiiri havo, or. no curd. Ir. Thaolior'i l nnlil and rn. rooim'mlol hy Ormpi I.linilol in I'riiino Hiipori ami hy loading druggintn in nvnry oily and I own.' NEGOTIATE FOR VENEER PLANT Effort Being Made to Have Skeena Laminated Come to City Instead of Uprlver llnfnrriiig lo MiKf',li"ii thai had hot'ii ntulo rooonlly thai Iho SIooiia l.amiiiatod W'oixl Co. I. Id hould i'-lulilili iln pl-(ipnc.l plant in I'rinm Ituporl ralhor Hum at ShIvu .Aid. I'.vill ropnrlnl lo IIm oily council lal night Hrat C.4 J. Uuig, an official of lhal company who had vUitoil tho r'ly. had now writ ton asking wtut concoioni might he offoroil hy tho city. The company would rpijuln !50 homo power of oloc- Iricnl Pimrg), 2K aorn of land vkilh- Iruokagi and walor and ro- duolioiM in taxation and walor Hi Inn. Aid j- I'orry maid ho would like t on tlm roniViny oumn to IIm ally lUl Iip did mil mp how thoy won Koing l gol thoir oollun wimkI logn IrPT. Mil. IMII mplipl that thi hail In in gnnn into nnd il had hoon decided lhal limy. could ho floated linr. Md. Mardonald Ihnught Iho council did nol linvo enough in formation hnforn it to dart di- cuing conroriolon.. I lit in- diitry wa vol in IN infancy. H thouglil Iho limn vum n little pro. niatun lo approach IIm city council. Aid. I-Mll ropliiil that marh. inory had hoon onlorcil and V. T. Mum had hoon given Iho enn- trncl In ilrhc pllo. It wa a tpioliim of now or never i far a- tlm hringing of Dm industry' ihi city wsis concerned. AM. Collart wa In favor of n.- ling any houa-fidn induitry lo locate horo hut ho vvanlod morn definite information tind a concrete proposition. An far as land was concerned, IIm cily had mine In give. them. Mayor Newton favored Iho darling of negotiations. It was decided, on million of Aid. Collar! and Aid. Smith, In leave the nwllnr (o IIm financn cotniuilteo to enter inln nogotia tioui and hring the matter he- fore IIm council again at tlm pro per time. Puhnrilip for the Dally Newn. STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS MAKE BETTER HOME MADE BREAD ' THB 0AILT 5IWB. PKQ9. $15,000 thai Hie estimalu would ho available for next week. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince' Rupert ' Mr. and Mrs. .l,.V TlKim, .laspor; .1. Mcdrogor und A. .1, Hiley, Vancouver; A. Cibsnii ami l. A. Taylor, I'orl Ksslnglon; A. llgan, Terrace; W. I). Morris. Hamilton, llermuda; VA. Slraml, cily. ' Central C. Nnrtl, V. Ward, M.' linnson and It. McKay, Vanoouver; V. A. l'arrolt, Montreal, $15,000 Consignment Sale of High Grade Ladies' Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts Direct from Herman's Ltd., Vancouver. COATS Newest Shades and Materials Flamingo High-Low Polrct Twills Trlcctlne Polo Cloth Plaid and Stripes Priced from $12.50 to $79.50 Sport Dresses In Rhoshanara ar.d Flat Crepe. Mali Jong styles in hrighl slftides. Priced at $9.95 to $85.00 Skirts Pleated Skirts in Hrown. Sand. Navy, Uroy ami Whilo , shades in Silk Flannel and Wool Crepe $2.95 to $9.95 The Prices speak for themselves DRESSES Headed Kvening and Dinner (owns in (ieorgelle. Saxtin-Canton, (iloria $9.95 to $85.00 Afternoon Dresses In Canton Crepe and Satin in all the latest shades. Priced at $9.95 to $85.00 SUITS Tailored Polot Twills Trlcottne Boyish styles and Wrap Skirt Sport Suits Ii, Small Chocks and I'laid. Priced from $10.00 to $39.75 On Sale Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at Mrs. Frizzell's - - Third Ave. Miss McGregor and Miss Riley, representing Herman's Ltd., in charge ROADWAY ON TAYLOR STREET IS PLANNED Recommendation to this Effect from Board of Works Laid Over Pending Receipt j of Estimate A recommendation from the Hoard of Works thai a roadway he huill on Taylor SI reel under Dm local improvciH-ut plan war laid over for a week hj; IIm city council last nighl so that Urn Hoard of Works may gel an cs liniale of cost. Mayor Now I cm explained lhal Iho roadway il was proposotj to provide was one thai .rosidenls of the secli.m in question had hoon seeking for some Jlnie and for which limy were tuiw ready' !to pay. Aid. Collar! roll. (hat Iho icost .should ho iiscorlaliicd he-fore any further slops, vere jtaken mi thai financial arrange-iiuonls could he maih. Aid. I'orry explained that IIm estimate had 'nol hoon provided lieciuiso the people had first asked for a Ion fool plank walk ami litiw they vvanlod a Irt-fool road, lie .said Our Lead Increased Over One-Eighth Although Thirty-Five Only Five Mm, mm & mm of llm Life Insurance business, done, in llritisli Coliiinliia in tlie year ending :i I si becenilmiv. as done ly The Great-West Life. v. y life insurance companies are represenled in t lie Province, of these reached the two million mark, while The Great-West Life tops the list with S5,08S,812. The figures are from the Preliminary Report of the Superintendent of Insurance Premium for Amount of pullriV Amttunt tlwi jTr if' tint ttkpii iip in rorci t Great West. . .$911,121 $5,088,812 $28,54151 Sml Company. 7Sl),i77 t,05t,?ia S:i,S80,Stl .hii " tiss, I no :,a:i,r:i.T S(Ms:i,ss UU 44 is.ssa :i,:ioo,ono 5,s:o,)h "Hi 44 lairjoa s.ni.iiari io,r.2,ass l'rlulvf nf Industrial. La nir! ml rrplrinul Jirullln futia ii foury' iHildiT Ulii lli niarknl pn-rrrrn Kir Jti Srttt-wit Ufa. Local Representative D. McD. HUNTER PRINCE RUPERT