padi rom. FREE Foot Comfort DEMONSTRATION A man from Chicago specially (rained in Dr. School's Method of Fool Comfort will lie al this store Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, March 15, 17 and 18. Advice on Font Troubles Free. Everybody Welcome. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the OKI Land early. For Ticket., Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Hrcad is your best food. Hat more of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 1S0. Third Av. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Jistribuling. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA RQOMS 714 Frassr St. Steam Heated r Hot and Cold Water Flates' by Day or Month P.O. Box '75. Phons M9. TtUt DAILY JIIW&- T- Monday. March t; a BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui J -r LJ I l. una. THE vEl-L-VEUt.- i ni ff 1 J fir; j AHO THEN CAEVb LTTUE THAT ) UVTTUE FAVRX tAD i chilo tne CUTE." If VOU ONLV A"bK J IS n ...', Hi ASsRjLLf SMART FC WHAT "YOU WAtlT SHE'S TLLlH5 its A. LOOO VOICE. ME A, OO'LL GET IT III -f - WB.OI.y I I .r. V for 50(1 point.", open li all nma O. p. Tinker (S.K.) K. Fenelon (V.) .. S. I). Macdonald 'S.A. 8 1278 II. Davie (S.A.) ..3 159 . Brnderick (K.) . t 606 D. Bairotir (f.K.) .. 2 288 K. J. Kvans (B.P.) 2 276 T.,Silversides (S.K.) 1 130 C. BaUdon (B.P.) . 1 93 E. Klks; B.P. Billiard lors; V. Wnr Veterans: Grollo; S.K. Sons of H.A. St. Andrew' CITY CHAMPIONSHIP BILLIARD TOURNAMENT Meeting Held at Week-end Makes Arrangements to m Hold Big Event A moot ins ' held at week-eniL. of those interestcM in hillards In talk mcr Hie quos-linn of amateurs in I ho city lours in Iho cily. An entrance foe of o i to he charged, en trie to close on Thursday next. Final arrangements are to he made at a meeting of all entrants to he held in. the Ureal War Veteran's rooms, (iames will he May (V. ... .i n. Mcllmoyje (B.P.) F. Stephens (K.) .. W. Mitchell V..y .. C Balagno (K.) ... F. A. Aldridge (B.P. Dr. West, (S.F.. .. It, II. Shockley, S.K 8 1 139 180 M. M. McLachlan S.A.- 4 9 1601 J. Smith (B.P.) .. 2 355 C. Thompson (B.PJ 6 1061 II. Howe fS.K.,- ... 9 1588 l. Brown (O.; ... 8 1392 J. Judge (fi. .. .. 7 1212 J. Howe (S.K.) ... 8 1366 M. Andrews (S.A.) 6 102G S. L. Warrior -KV.l 1 170 fi. Wanah (O.-. ... 7 1181 . A. Vinson (K.l . 9 1501 J. McLean (rT-.) Andrews fS.A.) I. Brown (S.A.) .. W. Balagno (K.) Ben Self (H.P.) .. 2 333 8 1316 8 1316 816 651 1 157 806 178 178 177 176 171 173 171 171 17- 169 167 167 '165 ,165 163 163 162 161 160 153 152 lit 138 raHtlnh. THE CROW OF CROUP A WARNING with atari op with a riu.hed tare, pro-trudlnr eyeballs, and a dlstrrsalnr look of terror and anilel;. There U a alrtiMle for breath, and the etpertnratlon of the playing a series of games for a mucn matter i w itirrkmit to ri rid .f III t lliiminni?Miiji, f.nm . " ; atranirulatiun. appears . ... to threaten On the first strrt of the, "erniipy trow' mothers hnuld admlnlter Dr. WorxTa Norway pine flyrun, and thns (Ire the rhlld prompt and permanent rlief, and Mn. II. A. Lanrhorn, Hamilton, Ont.. write: -vjr little boy wa very bad With the croup and I nnild not ret anything to relieve him until I tried Dr. played in the large halt at the Wood'a .Norway pine syrup, t ramv.i Klks Home on special tallies. ;prai it too highly for the relief it rave Special scaling accmmodalion ftt JJe t will he proviiled for spectalor.. 40e: put up only by The t. Milburn Co-' limited, Toronto, Ont, BILLIARD AVERAGES The following averages " have been made to dale by players in the Prince Hupert City Hilliard League competition for the Bul ger & Cameron Cup: Games. Pts. Av. Col McMordie (V 8 1600 200 O, S. Russell i 200 200 Sgt.tlepsnn (VJ .. 9 i770 107 B. Jelich i.n.V.) .. 7 1382 i'Jl V. J. Nel'onO r I 789 197 C Blythe (C:) "..'.'2 393 197 W. Hutchinson B.P H. Morgan ffr.i J. Smlen (ti.i . J. Wal-h (V. F. Pyle fV. . .. 9 17G0 8 1502 9 1708 ItiO 9 190 7 1313 9 lCCi 7 1293 9 lGi5 9 lOlk n i27i 1(50 196 lot 190 190 188 188 185 185 183 183 182 181 lMiliiiiiillllliilllllllll-llBlllllllllllllllllllllMMaMa-HeiiaHMiMMB j Sport Chat This week will see (he c!oe trf the compel il ion for the Bulger & Cameron Cup significant nf cily team billiard championship. The Great War Veterans still have a S'od lead in Ihe standing but it i quite (Htssihle that it might overcome and Ihe Grot to and Prince Hupert Billiard Parlor still have- chances nl-Ihoiigh the ihis are rather long against Idem. The match to-nighl will b belween the two cellar teams SI. Andrew s and Sons of England. The former will have In win by a marvin of two hundred point if they are to go to fifth place. On Wednesday night (he Gmtlo will play their last game with the Klks while Ihe (treat Wnr Veterans and Prince Hupert Billiard Parlor will singe Ine feaguc final on Friday night. The penile, cynic on Ihe Toronto ilobe who writes about Ihe foibles of her sex ha found a topic in a proposed Gold Club for ladies only." She doesn't think it will have many members. She can see why men might be hampered by womeif when they wished to express themselves freely about Ihe course of their ball "bul Urn woman who lakes her golf seriously and Ihe woman who lakes her golf frivolously are holh equally nt home in male sociely. Masculine praise cheer I lie heart nf Ihe good woman player and Inasculine smiles flutter Ihe liearl o; the poor player. II is .interesting In spec ulate as lo an ideal golf course for women (inly. Just n I hey are food of four duces wild in a ganjeM poker, so Ihey inighl insist on wearing high ' French I3C1 heels tin a golf green. That 93 would make a really sporluif Par- frame, mere woultl tie no neeii O for hazard that provide long LACROSSEIS TO ALL MOTHERS! . REORGANIZED Crimp atari wlltt a dry rattline la the throat after rouith anl hirb it Ben Self Elected President .rrqupy crow a1e warning nf tlx itliv. IhoyThe. child, after toinr reiiesij unu. perhap the life Mvrd by taklna this pre- InUlnlior England; absence from Ihe fairway and(jv. II. icker (K.P.) give golf comiles opportunity ;S. Ilatnhlin 'K.Pii ,, . Blake (K.I If ynu find you cannot gel, Ihe course would be a level plain. J. Garnn 'K.C dally News regularly, call in aim Every woman would wish lo C. llnUtlon (O.F.) subscribe fori' and have it de- keep every oilier woman in sight J. M. Campbell 'S.A. livere-t in vour home, tf all Ihe time." J. Frew S.A BRIER tradc mark; .ftV.''. RlCltTKRIO 18 18 18 18 18 15 18 39 18 15 12 12 t2 IK 18 18 15 18 18 18 IR 18 15 18 36 15 12 (8 and Harry Llpsett vice Plans for Season Started RESOLUTION OP SCHOOL BOARD TO BE ACTED ON 'Hie annual meeting tif Ibo Prince Hiijterl l.acroe Assiteht-lion look place on Saturday evening at the Klks Home, fair of lline interested in the sport beinjr present. Plans were laid for Ihe coming season and the following officers wore el eel oil: Honorary President, Fred Slork, M.P. Honorary Vice-President, Geo. I). Tile. j President, Ben Self. Vice-President, H. P. Llpsell. Secretary-Treasurer, S. W. laylor. Two leant are lo be organim! under Ihe- leadership of S. W. Taylor and Harry Menxles, prac tice will commence a (wm as possible and it i proposed to stag. Ihe first game of the sen-sou on May 21. Ben Self and Harry l.ipell offered lo supply nereary eiiiip- nlent that i lacking. The iiiccliufr passed a relu. lion inslrueling the secrelary lo get in touch wilh all service clubs and athletic association in the cily wifli a view lo calling a general meenng lor ine purpose oMraininjTfO- reolulion re questing Ihe cily In make ar rangements for Ihej bringing lo-J gelher of Ihe four small parks at Ihe corner of Sixth Avenue ami McBnde Street into one large recreation park. The re commendation ha already been made lo Ihe council by the school board. MENS WHIST LEAGUE Game played and won by playing 50 tier rent of all games and over; J. Snden (M Played, Won J. Cohb ( K. .. ... ... Judge (M. .... .. W. McLood K.P.) .... ir. F. Self (K. , Thor Johnson (M.V . . . W. H.JJiirkln fK.P.) II. Fraer fK. .... .. II. II. Ilenimlng (S.K.) F. A. Itoherls V.) .... .1. Qiiinn (V. ! . . . . W. G. Hughes (S.K.) .. G. Iloyer 'M. ; ., ... .1. McLnin 'O.K.) v .. .1. II. Meagher ( .. D. Wlllon S.K.) .. .. J. Howe (S.K.' .... .. F. W. Wesch 'K.P.) ... G. Leek (O.F B. M. Simpson (Mf W. Held (S.A n r i c f , ..vFlfr ZXTTTlTr-i 33 32 30 29 29 29 o o 26 26 rt' 25 25 21 OaETuhc,' the?he h IZZ S" PRINCE A"bT l.BJ CORNED S ) ?) f rOH VrtATME 'I'Tk PjEE" AM Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PCX WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvartlMmant TWn lor Le than BOc WANTEB MOLEH BAilBKR wants men and C.ttl '1rrc 'twt ScKt. I"C. UUi. J'' jr learn Ihe Barber Trade. Paid while learning. This- is your opportunity lo learn a trade and get into slea'dy employ menU Graduates earn from 410.00 to 150.00 per week. Write for free catalogue. Hastings K. Vancouver. VACANCY for pupil nurse al Ihe Port Simpson General Hospital Training School for Nurses." This school I in afllllation wi(li the Vancouver General Hospital. Apply for particular In the Lady Superintendent. It CHAM BKHM AID Hotel. wanteil. Knox FOR RENT F(Hl HK-NT-Two separale bed room and sillinV room, wilh hath. Suitable for gentlemen. L. 0. Larson, Third venue. East. Modern four room flat for rent. Also office, wilh modern living quarters Westemhaver Bros. tf IIESTAUIIAXT for renl. Partly furnished. Bel location. A. llcaudlu, Box II, Alice Arm. B.C. C5 FOH HKNT-Furnlshed shack Apply 110 Sixth Avenue Eat Phone Blue 217. tf STEAM Heated Flat for rent Besner apartments. M. M. Stephens. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE will lie held nl our ofllre. 617 Second .Weiiue. no Tuesday. March 18, at .1 p.m., rnnlling of Iwo light Ford half Ion covered thicks in (food condition. One I)h1c five pasenger car In go"l condition. Terms. 50 per cenl on fall of hammer, balance thirty days on approved note Cars can be seen any day prior to sale. Phllpoll, Evil! A Co.. Auctioneer. (i. Iliidderham 'S.C. W. D. Vance (S.C. . II. Loe (O.F.' .. . II. L. Landry (V.i . J. Waton (S.A. . 21 H. Liosell (II .. . 21 II, llovre S.F) 21 II. Lofniirneau (K.C.) .. W. S. Fiher (S.C.) .... 2-T C, jj. Biggarl (O.F.) .. 2'- F. W. Moersch (K.C.1 .; 22 W. Oakley (S.A.- .. .. 22 F. J. Fuller (V;) 22 G. Mrllnaiigh (E.) .. 2 T. Trolller (K.C.) 2 O, Slagavlg ( M.' ., 21 J. Johnston (S.C.) ,. .. 2 S. I). McDonald (S.A.) . 2 A. D. Gillis (K.C.) L. (;. Larson (O.F.) . II. M. Hale (O.F.) .. Onenlork '(S.C.) II. Menrle (S.C.) t4 J. Iln (V.) M, Moose. E. Elks. K.P. Knlglils of Pylhins S.F.Kons of Englnnd. 20 20 IV 19 18 17 17 i: 16 16 16 16 15 15 It 1 1 II It 13 12 II 10 8 Tom Hanson, charged wilh Intoxication, wn fined $25 by Magistrate MVClymnnl In tjto cily police court this afternoon, FOR SALE COLLEGE FOR SALE. - 25-10 h p. Slerlmg women lol engine; noscn ignuion: com- 15 36 36 30 18 27 33 15 12 36 12 3 42 i 27 27 21 36 .16 30 27 30 21 30 V.Greal War Veterans Asn. ().! Independent Order Of fJddfellows. K.C Knlghls of Coliimliu. S,A. SI, Andrew. plelif (o and Including coupling. 750.00 36 foot cruiser, 20 h.p. Just overlmulcit. lollet, galley. 91,000. M. M. Stephen FOR SALE. Power boats ecry doerlp(loh Inrluding Will Trade Rouse in Vancouver fursiturs If JJo, TU an r .i, FOR SALE or Exrhanite for iwm. t biork t,..,. smalt plrtusiire Mttl. Itelmilt fiTliISf , boat hull, 33 feel 6 iiiclie Jji ImUjwi... .jr i . long, tf feel benm. Suitable k wsar Hmnib iai. a for salmon Iroller or halibut JSJu'hT Vi it' boat. Apply Bt 166 Daily f"" .VOWS nffi0 tf HW rlMhe. r.,-rt w. - 11 11 - - txtMUMn H1lh u.i. BOAT FOR SALH-IO f,-el long I 3 LT".- ... r" II ft. beam. 35 h.p. engine in ,! ' , . . .,. ,..7 . .'Cneit w ffmt ba.k ' 1 lirsl cih roiKllllOH. I lie wei nr- - bargain ever offer!. itl onn- '' Apply N. M. McLm. tiw Bay. Tty.'r ' (Wit T'H 01 Mill faault l - ' l.iSo t (wee an Mit f fitensnre Irrilllnir am work ( I l" iMials, at reasonable prices. Ik. eamutfer t- h Apply X. M. McLean, Cow Bay. IggST' 1, " FOR SALEA small V-bollnm power loat, ( h p. Slandanl, FOR SALFi Snap. 21, section 5, Willi Iwu hoiie. one bath. 1.000 C.i. P.O. Box 118. 08 FOR SALE. Six roflliicd Innise. tiMslern; harbor view; cheap, term. M. M. Slephe.ii A Co., L t d . J 'OR SALE. Id 7. block 38, sec tion 5. 9150.00 cash. M. M. Stephen Si Co.. Ud. OU FOR SALE. New and ue. Machinery'. Boat ajid I'jigliio. Norlhern Exc.liane. If LOST LOST. On gidd ilroji earring bo I woe n CIK Fifth Avenue l'.at nnd hospital. Finder , please renlrn lo Daily .News OfTlen. Reward. tf MR. TRAPPER STOPI You can make more money here than elsewhere with your fur. See, mo first and last. II will pay you. W. QOLOBLOOM, The Trapper s Friend, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALE8. Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 136 and Red 412. TAXI Taxi 97 Phons. (Call Georgs or Oust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Dy or Night Standi Boston Grill Third Avsni-s THE ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice Is hereby given that Emil Marie Bnnot, Roman Catholic Bishop of Prince, Rupert. County of Prince Rupert, Province or British Columbia, Canada, will apply lo the Parliament of Canada, at lhc next Hussion thereof, for n Private Bill lo Incorporale "The Roman Catholic Bishop of Prince Rupert," a a corpora I Ion. solo. Ialed al Ihe Cily of Prince Rupert, County of Prlncn Rupert, Province, of British Columbia, this 4th day of February, 1921. Williams, Mnnsnn ,1 (loiunles, rtnyn! Hank Hulldlng, Prince Rupert, B.C. Solicitor' for Emil MUrlo Bunoz. lin Is paid nvix'ti tjrmist t e' " In ...,.1 -..rb..o. ,.r.l..r X " !" ... " i ntie lert w. I i v. eali. Apply J. Mellon, C.fl.S.M .. i. . . saMlv nr iHe'i Ncwington. Cjihm , tiy. '"-.-. 1lnt nt ... '.! , IW IS I.Wk ret.'V. ..W -W I .www wm , I Bat 1(7. Dim m- SECOND HALF OF 17--8L Amlrim UdiL 19 tlflw v Gi 21 Oranl U.i Prltca Riu ei BILIJARD SERIES J'porn Vancouver Subdays . . . Vlnedy . e- MAIL SCHEDULE' For. the East x MOHifars. We.l-ie-1 days. loes .i' ' From the Cast M-Hiday. Tlur.i.rt-unlays, I Jo p Fridays . -? C.p.11. March 7 t: To Vancouver- Tuesdays. Mail ,l fs-a' FrfilajFS Saturdays Oj'.IU March, 1 1 nrl To Anyox, Premier I f; P l I'M AM. .1 PM 8 S A M Atlce Arm, 3Urk I'M From Anyox, Alice Arm. Stei". Premier Frlilays v . n.. fl-nlAfl. AllCS AM Arm Anyox. Slcv,art " Pr,ml;, A He From Port Simpson, Anyox, Stew.rt and P'9 Tuesdays To Alaska Points " March 7. 17 Trom Alaska PotnU- r March II : To Qiieen cnariotio h.-.-t March 12 md ln Pln" OhsrlotU From Queen Marci 10 and 2. t To Naas nivor points - Simpson , fi pm, Thursdays From Nas tlver Points SMlnrdavs PRINCE RUPCRtTlOCS High' Low High Low Monday, Ma rth t Ili07 ntiu 23:55 p.m 1:37 n.m. 17:33 18 5 ft ! " 8." " S .' Tuesdav, W1"'1-, n. 1 1 rii ii in.f ' " i.lO n.w is n t"11'