Monday, March 17, 1921, Jtist a few minutes tonight TMIAT is all, the time it will take to make ',A your daintiest drcsi, or blouse like new again, or to get fresh underwear ready for , tomorrow. It it 10 eaiily accompliihed with Lux. Just whisk a tablwpoonful of the thin, satin-like Lux flalei into thick lather in a bowl of very 1 . hot water. Add cold water until lukewarm. Then preai the garment gently up and down in the rich iud$, squeezing the soapy lather .through and through the fabric Then rime - three timei in lukewarm water, roll in a ' towel, and when dry, pre with a warm iroa never a hot one. To make them lovely It only takes a few minutes, and your daintiest things will be as fresh and lovely as when you first saw and loved them. 1 OX Lux is sold only in sealed packets d us t proof! LIVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO HkSksBjuKIsHI 2 Rupert Coaster Wagon The Best Coaster Waeon Made fere'e! In wagon iii llii" rily. t&L flu U';o.s . . . tfnMtO- KK.'ISilU . . If at sleet disc wheel, with roller hearings that ran not come ouL lias an all sleel bolster thoroughly braced. The strength ami ilnriiliility or this wagon is evident at a glance . Wo. believe il to he (lie strongest, easiest riiiiliing, best fleering wagon made. Ami ft i i-erlainly in addition the biggest value ever of- $7.40 $8.60 QMOKED FISU kJ- AT ITS BEST Triers are Just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST i Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Mules are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." Ilupeil llraml is always ne-, .jereil lo llie sloes in clean new boxes clearly Tlamped "lliii'rt lliuml." ii Wrap in looking paper, rook in moderate over for 10 o :u minutes, remove paper ami serve al once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. Al all Fish ami Meal Murkels, ami (irocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We IttiviHIuiilwouil, Fir nml Uedar Hl l'"hv t, W jou urV'tlrsd of KaWomlim uml VW lT cer IKuielling. , . . ywiijitftJIilnkliiB "f I'liililing n liuusc. we Imvo any lumber you require, id so Snsh, Hours, niass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cnwu Rir Phono 383. A H tales ere an dTh ere duoatch from London, England, es that tht Soudan Gorernmrot, throocfa Cat. E. C. Midwinter, gen eral manager of railways and steam rs, Soudan, Africa, has actvpted a Under from a British Columbia firm lor 160,00 railway ties of Douglas fir. The contract expressly stipulates tJjit Uie railway tits s'nall bt of Canadian origin. Britiih Columbia's shipment of water-borne lumber to overseas mar-lefts toUlled 521,707,122 board feet last year, against 272,146,800 in ,1922, an increase of 91 per cent. This announcement was recently made br the provincial minister of lands and it is a r markabla indix of the rapid expansion of tie lumber' i Industry la British Columbia. , Under a scheme iaangurated bjr , u rrevinciai Uovemment it is announced that British Columbia will advance loans up to $300 a family to settlers from the Hebrides, on condition thst the British Government advance a like amount. In view of tho present depression in' the islands, it is expected that tho British Government will co-operate,' Keen interest in all Canadian rnanufacturin ar.d especially in mineral products, wood pulp, textiles, lesthcr and rubber goods, heavy, machinery and farm machinery is now manifested by France and Belgium, according to II. E. Tetsier of Montreal, who recently accompanied an exhibit of these manufactures on a tour through every important city in these countries. Mr. Tesier believes that the tour will bring great practical benefit to Canada as soon as French currency becomes more stable.' The exterior of the great Canadian pavilion at Vemby has now Seen completed, and the interior decorators are b-jsily finishing the building, according to H. E. Testier, who has just returned to Canada abroad the Canadiin Pacific liner Montclare. The exhibits are being rapidly assembled and everything points to Canada's display being ready in time for the opening of Ue uiibiia umpire cnioivioa. That Canada's culture has nothing to fear from the promised flow of immigration from continental Europe was the misage recently delivered by J. Murray Gibbon, Canadian author and litterateur, in an address on "Canadian Literature and the Foreign-loin" given in Montreal recently. Of all the Scandinavian races contributing to the Canadian population. Mr. Gibbon considers the Icelanders to have the highest literary mentality. More than 13,0G0.0tt) b.whels of grain have been received at the Uovemment elevator at Vancouver, B.C., fro-n Canadian Pacific P.ailway cars since the opening of the crop year, according to a report issd by railway officials. Exported from ancouvrr In the aame period there have been 20,416.534 bushels, comprising li,ki(,3 tS b ishels to the United Kingdom. 4,t;0,10o to tht Orient and 334,143 bushels to Soutli America. The aggregate valre of all fild crops in Canada in 1923, wxi tO,-7 55,2 CO, according to a report of the Bureau of Scatiktict. a decimate of J7u,&33,000 from 1022, caused mainly by the lower prices jnlirnb'e practically to every crop. This sum was made up of the fa.. owing i.ems: wheat. J31C.C06.7OO: osts, $177,704.-400; barley, 332,033,700; rye, $11.-21S.900; hay and clover (1S2.8S2,-000; mixed grains. $17,634,S00; potatoes. S57,076,SOO turnips, etc., 122,650,100; corn, busking, A golden wedding, celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Williams, of Regina, Saskatchewan, was one of the novelties enjoyed by the passengers on board the Canadian Pacific "Empress of Britain" when the ship was at Barbados during the West Indiea cruise. 'Here Comes the Bride" was played by the ship's orchestra, and a huge wedding cake THE DAILY NEWS. PAQB THREE Local and Personal i U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. IMayners. .151 Undertaker was baked, adorned with 60 candles very busy all day. PDone tf A. A. Cox relumed to Vancouver on Stic ;Piinecss Ileatrice Saturday evening. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful article. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. - If Albert Farrow, steamboat I is speclttr, returned to Vancouver on t lie Cuiutiun .Saturday after noon. More tliau sixty iwrftuha will appear in St. Patrick's Day con cert Ibis evening. Ilescrved seals sold out. .Hush "seals for every body. Conceit starts 8.15. A jiarly of seven Norwegians readied llie city direct from I be Old Country on lal nigbl's train Tliey are lo e.nlcr the local ball- liul fisberies and are registered in I be meantime al the Central Hotel. Salvation Army Concert ami Sunday Siiool Prize Oiviug, CAl adel. to-uigbl at K p.m.. A good program lias been arranged Stair Capl. Carrutbers of Wraii el, cbairman, aiid will distribute prizes. K. K. Knoll, X-ray expert, wbo lias been in Hie city for Die past few days installing new equip ment al llie local hospital. sailing Ibis afternoon on the Princess Mary for Ketchikan and Juneau. Klks! Past Or a nd Kxallei lluler V. A. Uanjelon of Vancou ver, will give an address at dinner lo be tendered him by the local Klks Lodge in the St. Ilegi Cafe this evening al G.15. You are urgently requested lo be pre sent. I he excess of revenue over expenses froiu the dance given Friday nljlit b 'tlie Canadian Scotlisli and llie' Prince Hupert steamships amounting to has been banded to llie Prince Hupert (ieneral Hospital man agement. II is expected lo dock llie Canadian coltish loiuorrow and vel llie big repair job on the vessel stalled. Twelve slcelworkers arrived from' Vanco'uver on the the Cardena last night lo work on (be boat. They are staying al the Central Hotel. II. C. Iliggins, timekeeper for the Canadian National llailways, has recently been transferred lo Vancouver and will leave for the south on llie steamer Cardemi lo-morrow. Mrs. Higgjn mid family will leave for Vancouver on Friday morning. ' On Saturday Dr. Sertoli's foot specialist, who Is visiting this store from Chicago, was kept He will be wln us to-day and to-morrow. and and presented presented to to the uie happy nappy couple couple at a surprise party, in which even the crow Joined. Monday and Tuesday. This foot comfort expert will be pleased Earl Bridges 17-year-old musher. I to advise you for which there Is EasterrT Int?rnaUona. X Sled ," "f Store. Derby at Quebec, receiving the gold cup and S1000 awarded for the team . , ecnulu-t exaniinalions un- first past the winning post, The ., . . . v , . . three successive '0P Mm Itegistered Nurses' Act race was run on days, February 21, 22 and 23, in the following have been appoinl-daily laps of 40 rnilea, nder ex- ,.,: .. (;. Fowler, M.D. ami Miss l,nbaaLi Mckr.,,l,. II.X. of Vic- which was the worst Quebec hasjloria: W. 11. llurnell, M.D.; known for half a century. Bridres, 'Misses Ethel Johns. H.X. and v rs T CI.J T- who won w ' ' I...... I'liO' Pringle, H.N of Vancou.! .A for the beat-matched team of dnri in the Quebec net. There twert 15 starters. W. II. Manuel, travelling auditor, arrived from Prince, lleorge Saturday evening. J. ll. Agar, Terrace niercliaul, is in (he city on business. He arrived from lhf interior on last night's train. .i Nick Dopolls has taken over lling's Cafe at llyder, Alaska, and will bo in complete charge until May 10, Mrs. llobi'it McCnrlby oT Fifth Avenue East sailed Saturday afternoon by tbn. Princess Heat- rice for Vancouver. Union steamer Cardenn, fiupl, ver; Miss Kale Westminster. Scott 11 of New W. A. Canlelou, pasl jtrand exalted ruler of llie t Elks Lodge of llritish Cidunibia, who is a visitor in the cily, will give an address at a dinner being given tonight in the St. Hegis CaTe by the local lodge in bis honor, Mr. 'Canlelou is a speaker of some note and a good alendance is expected. He is also a invm-ber of llie Vancouver Holarv Club. . .- Willi ('.apt. Duncan MeKcuiic, C.d.M.M. -pilot in command, C. N.H. steamer Prince llupert sailed from llie dry dock at 10.30 last night for Vancouver and Victoria where she will complete annual overhaul. II. Knox, C.O.M.M. superintendent engineer A, E, Dickson, northbound from! went south on the vessel also Vancouver lo Stewart, Anyox andjsonie members of Ibe crew of the Alice Arm, was in port last iitght Canadian Scottish which has from W.HU to tutdmgbt. 'been paid off. . ' HILLS &UNDERW00D TlitflillfA As Fimnur London PrncrjfS ( C Ja Snhcrih fns ii.rf Itail Maw ANNOUNCEMENTS Salvation Army Concert and Sunday School Prize (living. Citadel. March 21, 8 p.m. A good program is assured. SlalT Captain Carrulliers of Wrangel in I be chair. 70 Methodist Easier Sale. Tea, sewing, home cooking. I ted Cross Hut, April 5. - Itoyal Purple Easier tiaiaar and Sale of Home Cooking, April 8. . Hill CO Chapter. I.O.D.E. Amateur Theatricals, April 11. Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. DalTodil Hall, Easier Monday, tf Concert for Anglicau Cliurcb al Empress Theatre, April 28, by Symphony Orchestra. Tickets 50c. Elks' Minstrel Troupe, show May 1. First Itidley Home Ilaraur, May I. ma. x r Mir . r . m , rt SPWHiFTt Xm' M 1nii nJ I nsb .-- ' IT v SMtemhiW ' LON DON FAMED DRY GIN This advcrliscmeiil is not published, or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by Hie Government of British Columbia. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. A. Leinteux, Wrangell; Mr. and Mrs. U. It. Ilalliwell and I, II. Agar, Terraee; W. K. Mat- lint'ly, Winnipeg; W. II. Manuel, Prince (ieorge; C. A. Carman, I. s. uarper, n. .i. lepoorien, .i. -i. Hockin and W. A. Canlelou, Vancouver; . S. Hanson, Spo kane; I.. Johnston, Victoria; V.1 F.rickscti, Silvertou; 11. Thump- on. Calgary; A. I. liaker. Kd-: monlon; Capt. C. Hullock. l.on-j don, Hnglaiid; W. J. Oalbraitb,'; j'oronlp; A. S. Simmons. Stevv-j art; Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Salvus, . East; A. N. Prallier, W. A. Allan j and II. Chamberlain, Smilhers; Charles Durham, Usk; II. (iibsou, Port Essinglon; Charles Itarrelt, Itarretl Lake; C .(. ltarrie, Digby Island; L. Jacobsen, city; J.Mac- donald, Queen Charlotte City; J. MclJ. liroshart and J. It. McWiL liains, Ituckley Hay; O. A. Ctiddy. Seattle; A. 11. Mallor Port Clements. ' Central 1 1. Uruimnuiid, llxslew; P. Drablos, O. Johnson, L. Ilrablos, (i. Murk, Knul Murk and Jakob Paulson, Noi-way; K. L. Jones and S. Shensky, Edmonlou; L. Worku, Terrace; J. Oovviiie, William Patterson.' 11. llest, II. Campbell, F. Iiainbridgc, J. Ileilgcri. J. Davison, A. Hruce, J. Wardroper, James Wright, T. Thomas, John Johnston, ' Van couver; p. Mieehau, city; J. l McDonald; Sockeye; A. M. Hryce; Japan. WW tl QXQ VHEN VOUTHIK Vfk f f 1 1 OF HOME KfP wr I FURNISHINGS W J OUT nw$ffl Money Sp Buys the most BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS THE HOUSE 0E QUALITY 1 If you had the Strength of a Blacksmith Washday would still hold a grim task. For scrubbing and rubbing and wringing is a job for machinery and, not for human hands. It is' a job for us and not for you. Why not rid yourself of it by using our Wet Wash service? The burden of washing will be eliminated only the lighter work of ironing will remain. And the charge is only a very few cents a pound. Just phones-well call for your bundle. Wet Wash ca pound Minimum Charge 75c Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 J: Send it aundni