MiHidny Mm Mr 17 Agent. IOM - . Mem h Because it is: ) , pure and good safe and clean economical esy to keep easy to order 1 1 ti..l.. B..'.. f I U fcak lMVrii . The Borden Co. )A Umlt- h (I VAKCOUVIR )J FiveRoses FLOUR When Ilityingr Flour asi your firocr 'or "FIVE ROSES," The World' Jfcst - John L Gristle Junior and Ch Idren's wear in SPRING STYLES al Very Moderate I'rlres. BENT'S EDSONCOAL We can now Supply our ' FAMOUS CDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 51. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Soft Drinks. We have a pleasant back rot.m. Come In and make yourself nl homo. W. M. Whiting1, Prop. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct rrom the rarin lo Ihe home, Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We. buy, sell and exchange, nil kinds of now nnd second-innil gondii 838 Third Avenue. Phonar 840. P.O. Box 92 i I Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who GLADYS HULETTE IN entertain the public. WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday. IIikhIiiiuii llllnd." Comedy, "Happy Pit." International New. Wednesday and Thursday Cousliinre Talmadfm r(n "Dulcy." Caino Comedy "KJlin Foolish." Fox Xews-Onzelln Friday and Saturday Moggie of Ile. liap." IMueiiliounl Si-eui! "Ilird Life." Fun from Jin' press Man Was Mistaken Is Shown Picture to be Seen Tonight Here 4 illndys lltileiie. who plays a dual rfile in the William Fox screen version of "HiHhlmmi! of Wallack'si Ihejilre vintaife in! 1HH5, has vtMiltin-d a siikkcsI ion coni-eriilov the moilf rulznf ion or. show. A for Jc4. the trresnon. failil hnir siMcr, "who really ii.. t . -1. . t (he hrnushf together CONSTANCE TALMADGE Afler college whal Marriage is not a fnij climax lo nn cdiirallonnl career for n young woman, hut for a photoplay il is rather nn unusual beginning. irnllege education in of little help ln tins tank, ami Ut. fails,- tern. jporarily. In (he end, however, dill finis well. I The, picture S haded on the big jllrnadway stage success of Ihe (name name and was purchased by "Joseph M; Schenck especially for Cfi instance Talmaifire because it oner unusual opportunities for clean, vliolcorne linmor and Hon. The Story The lory relates to a nol utterly ruined. Illiod." al the Weslholnie '" nnpnCC AC DCIi Tin iiikIiI, the venerable production lUuuLfcj Uf 1LU uAl nc- wife who liad a gift for gaueheric. She. meddled, Into everything wild the best intentions, only lo do something fir say something that was exactly the wroiig thing lo do or say. Finally she was in. spired wild an amhilioi to held her young hiudiaud In hU busU ness afairs. .Said young hus-liand was well aide lo manage his affairs and was Ihen on the point of putting mer a nveraer STORY OF DIVORCE:;, tn ,v,nIf n".1 i friend wife hulls hii ank almost nun. ii is oniy Derails a ,n crusty old business man. appalled al her lionelieauediiess .finally deeidi-s lliat it cannot he possible for a young woman to he much st dumh-liell, that her hushand is the play, which amused her col-Shows Eiperlences of Hon. Geo. leaifiies in the picture cusl. ' Baslngwell of England's "WliPn Jack YuelHIe dlcivers Valet In a Yankee Cow thai his wife, as he believes, is; Town iinf.iillifnl lo lilni inslenil nf run. tiimr wildly awny to comlemn nil women, he slntiilil trruriotislv nf. nuu'iJies oi lied nap, me week end I heat re showing (his week fer In furnish eti.lencn flip n "I"""" 'arly days of ned ilivorre. arrange for alimony and ,!a, a ,l,i'a, cow ,own nf '' then move down l hi Huh. The Nfirlhwesl. With the cx- t.ii.i... i. -...i i pansion of the commercial re. " ...... . ii i 7 1 1 1. finishing HChOOl. .-...ini-. ui iuh ionics weailll Ami anee. I. i wife, in.lp.nl lo 'I" 'l'l' inlialdUnt. among .f going into reliremenl and eat. '"'. -usin ,r-P ing her heart out, would run nn hert is coniderrd by the rest of down to Atlanlic Hlly. hire a ,nr ,a,"y wiany incompe. and hack wilh aml ' 'I''ded lhat.it will ngenl eome - Iiress - iifii-.i. nim i.iiit- iiui k null ifor him lo see to it. Ihat he" ... MMiriii-s his ii aiiii us nnn to BUSINESS IS BUSINESS Ihe type the fans loe lo see Con.iltamsbollinni, I believe BayLwBBBjK)v''qWafrWflM aliiaaaBalaaaaaaBsB wilh ' II.. I . I ... . ... Jack and Nance had lo "" '"" '"h nm a vaiei. ror nirain ami '-tfoert uiirouures mm in-i ;poorJes had Indie. Itul il made n W""' ns "Lionel. n great show, anyhow. In lonjer that they may not lie made) YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING YOU LIKE AND NOT HAVE HEARTBURN In ill rae ,f heartburn there la rmwlnit ami burning; pain in the atomarh attended by a tiltlurb. appetite, aa when too much rrxxl la taken 'Into the atofnarh It la liable to rertner.l ami become r- trrmelj mt, vntoUlna oirura, and what la thrown up la artierally ir ami Wtier. When you are In flila roiHtitlim ymi will nmi tDat Milbnrn' Jjia-IJver 'Ills will Kle you relief right away. Mr. Jowpti II, Mafrvwulil. Chrlainua lIanq, .'X.S.. wrliifi- "Twi year aro "iirrenii all the tlme.rrtmi lu-irtlmni. umic fie vial of Milliurn'a Lata-Uver I'llla anil have neveiriK-tft tnnibled alnw. It l very- nice in be Table i eat any thing you like ami -rwti have heartburn any ntf-re." nnnuni uia i.iver ruia are tie a vial at all dealer, or mailed direct on re reil'l oi prire Ly Tlie T. Mllburn Col younfJjL'iriiled. Toronto, Ont. BUCKLEY BAY STORE MANAGER IS CHARGED Being Tried Here on Three Counts of .Misappropriating Goods Facing trial on three charges of misappropriating goixls fo Hie value of 0,000; j"JI am (5.i5. Cliarhy II, Srigley, jifanager of Hip Masseti Timhcr Co.'s store al lluckley Hay, was- hrouglil fo the city lust -night on the '-gas-boat I'achena by Prfivim-ial 1'on-stahle Vaiiit. This ait crn'oou at : o'ehiek preliminary hearing of the charges eommeneeil in Ihc provincial police court. W. A. Canlclon of l.adner & Canlclon, Vancouver, counsel for Mas- i iiifi . . 'utirri the lit? EXCRUCIATINGLY FUNNY'"" JHU:.';,," Ful- coun- ei ior accused, also arrived on the Parhena as well as the following witnesses: .1. Macdonald, accountant -for Ihe -.Masseti Timber Co.; ii. A. Cuddy or Seattle, auditor; J. II. MeWillinrns, wireless operatpr. and J. M. (irosart. mill manager Sllpcintiary Mag-, islrale Mallory-pf Port Clements also arrived; The case -was' slilrled before Magistrate Mallory but the. defence asked for a change nf venue which was aenied to by the coriipany's counsel. , l ollowing investigations made by IJie company's nudilor. il is ..II.,.. I il . i I.,... vale' '' law slinrtages were ' "din a offer to go into n liroadway a'uai'i in .- iat, j & ail I "Ulll.li These are said to be much larger it- keep F.nbert continually posled as "li,n actual charges RACE OF BEINGS (lie latiBliiug slock of the lown.Bodles Covered the Flonils are forced lo aecep! jhitn ns "Colonel lluggles, their CTADC III DUftTftDI AV 1 no- close or Ihe picture jlAKO 111 rnUIUlLAIifiniN Ituggle llioroughlynirrl- cntiiseil, now a nV'inher. (hrougli of (hat: .-re laid .sngley was pul un ' -' -ngagemenls. olher man' arms. ,,c would cll, s is arredandis now ... jail. up Jack at his rlnb and Iheyi "les. .one-limfU'1"1- ,wnuld hnve dinner loether fre-il'.01"' jnlel of the ""norable! (inenlly. go lo the Ihealre and 'r1"rK, WILli AINU IlttllU ner ban even iimrrv. Itul In IRRS. I " nniif of course, IN NORTH INDIA You need With Dark Hair Pm' n).ar fnp a ,ei.a,e. and They Use Crudest Tools and Live In Forest ClIlCAfiO. March 17. iioom. inula, iy ny uie uie iii-v. iicv. .m. .m. ucib eus .,,,1 , r( ...in,,.,! rppkn,0, 1 P mna I nn Did ,,, you ever Iry , In slop , honl- Uranrh. returned Methodist mis- r leging in Crimen fiulch?" sionary. """r,"',. I " ' ill t. W IHIIIt'l 111 11 ltV. ! I I ' . 1 li ili)rlMliiu Pfinliio T.y 1... . - ia ...;ai.. "Mr. wolves. Like Shadows scene from Hoodman Blind - William Fox special production PILOT They make' wooden dishes with their, Jiiiives and are expert whillcrs. 'When Ihev wish In sell any of A race out of the t10jp jj,iPS ln0y come men living uucioiiied under t .1 .,i .i.. n.ni- ,,-.,r nnii Dulcy, the Local Midweek Offer- marriage, of he family he had rock ledges and overhanging ,.t,,i,.l,,n Mia inncle 'ITie travl Ing, Is Full of Humorous Sit- , .. - ..,.,, 1 rnpnruy ,.f rim, .11.,,. witn ,, a .. in...., iiisutry j .11,,. inai is i noi j. ,,ien iniI,oris insnecls tnPm them and If tiatlons and Action ...... . of valel. The picluro is parked traceable and who sneak n dialect 1. i. ...III. I l. i . .v .. . II' Hl UII3. li: ii-ti.i-3 gram, 1 iui iiuiKns. IU ls ,n, simi ar v v lo anv . n ... , . .. .. ' x.-n.i.. e i ' iiilirr limn or siniiciiuun 1,1 iim.i known language, is described as 0(nin) va,l0- existing in I'ilhoragarli, Norlh " i iiey are anything hut warlike sis. They B. clinihers 1 but 111 iFiiifj. I.IUISI.UUI- nn- .i.iii-!. . .11.-1111 .inc. ineir no.ues are covered Willi .i ,,i iv iu n,,,,,, iimv i1PV KING TUTENKHAMEN'S TOMB TO BE EXHIBITED Recent Discoveries to be Dupll cated and Shown at British Empire, Exhibition, Wembley Park i LONDON, Mnrcji t who have rcgiTlled their inability .1. !!!..- ear. - pathe ftv CO forever tie Recipe t caltSfor is Tor I f( .1 ' " ' a EVERY good ship, nearing port, takes on a pilot. Usually, the law requires it. The pilot knows the' channel. With his capable hands at the helm, the vessel is safe. Without Jiim, there is danger of the shoals. . When you set sail on a shopping tour you, too, should have a pilot. Everybody needs one. And ipformed shoppers always have one ADVERTISING. Advertising keeps you off the rocks of extravagance and waste. It takes you straight into the port of economy. It tells you plainly where to go for what you want. It shows you how to save steps and money and time. By watching it carefully, each .day, you are able to buy to best advantage. Often, the advertisements will keep you from making an unwise purchase by pointing out just why one article suits better than another. It points out for you the pick of the country's market and the selection of the particular kind, shape, size and color that best suits your taste and fits your pocket-book. , . : ' Whether you want food, clothing, furniture or a toy for the children, the advertisements can help you. Let Advertising Steer Your Steps Bargains Potato Pots Blue Iteg. $2.50, for ... .,. . $1.40 Gray Reg. S2.00, for ... ... ... .... ... $1.10 See our Window. KAIEN HARDWARE GO: Phone 3. P.O. Box 1646. niadce's latest comedy, Ihe star is( Ihe local undertaker has such a dark hair from living without n,.inn(rp (n survive lire in the lr. is carrying out Ihe work, as married" in the ury beginning political pull w're afrajd lo in- shelter, un" slightly- Mongolian r'ross j which riam tigers '(i,0,l 1" nis tw0 M,ns and al)0,l, of the pirlure. jlcrfere wilh his business." in type, small or stnlur'e and lhey ,p( .iris hears and wolves i! a dozen expert workers in wood As "Dulcy" ".he marries rigid j Washington Slar. inever go armed. The use only Ihe mro jlan ' anyone knows ' land slone. II will be remembered nHrr leaving rnllege. She playsl crudesl lools beside lllelr knives,; R0yal Blood . lhal the King's Ihrone, couches the role or u young society girl. I The Duke or Welljnglon was. yet lhiy live-in Tnresls in which' "T,ev believe themselves ali'ad chariots vere gilded. Vl'lie roll id the joy of being alive a: accosted one day by a slranger. roilm tigers, leopards, hears and ;in,.nn.in,i fmm rnv.i i.inmi Vnr'gold leaf used in making the re- sparkling personality and just who, lifting his hat, said. this reason they call themrelves production nas cosi neany llniis fln.l elnlm In he ilesren.ln.l 000. Already eight mnnlhs' WOrl stance portray. "Dulcy" is "ir you believe that." (he "They are like shndnws Jn the fmm'tho rorefalhers oMhe ItaJ-!hafi hcen expended oa Ihe under. iiiMiiMis- u assist hit uusiiaiiu in imimi i-ciih'ii, jnu wm nciicve i uresis and win salute no one. his struggles rnr success, hut her anything " Yorkshire Post. said llev Mr. Ilranrh, who lived liar family, ruling house of As.;ik'"I-'i ami il is n no means kol. a native stale of Hint re-jcompleled. The intention is that gion. Sme of their numJier orJ tresli discoveries are made al casionally visit ihn village hat-:Ltsnr, moilels shall he. Added lb anrs hut no one can talk wilh collection nt Wembley. litem or barter save by signs." PARTIAL DEAFNESS IS CURED BY RADIO ItHXO, Nev., .Uurcli 17. Hadlo eventually may cure partial deaf ness, in Ihe belief of Norman Sijuires, or this city, who ciles hjs own case as an illustration. Two years ago. Squires says, Thosrr-he was totally deaf" in his left X .11.. .....I..I, Now, after constant treat- lo visil King Tdlenkhamen's menls by radio,' he declares he, can lomh in Kgypl, where I.ordtCar- jhear a whisper across Ihe room, nnrvon and Mr. Howard ? Carter Hailiu sound waves, passing discovered It, will jee it exiiuis.jalong Ihe auditory nerves from ueijN reprodiiceu at ine uritisii.me neau pnones, massage me I'.miiire Ilxhihition All strange furnilurn, the, chariots and objects of tirt, of whioh so much have been heard, will be displayed in three underground chnmbers', Just ns they were round al Luxor- V. Aumonier, U well-kilowu architectural sculp. the, nerves and stimulate Ihenv to the extent that hearing is restored, he! contends. Weldon' KoeklilTo, lleld of liivers Inlet has been; appointed a jus lie of Ihe peace, according to currwlt Jssuq oflhe IT.Q. Gazette'. I Soil Finish ThPif-T-DBrvice' i Wet Wash Three Services, one of which will exactly fill your wah day needs. Phone us for particulars. Canadian Steam ' Laundry Phon S. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgercon Bloek, PRINCE RUPERT, B.O.' Offlbe Hours, IMC PhonctMM.. Open fvenlng Only Pr Bp0ffs1 ApsayliitWtTe)ivlKk'