face rorr. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu Money J an I oTTtKoPATy'l -7 - T7 """""" MAGGIE ! 0 COP OF t-AKE TOUR. A. WFe pt or Orders A.NO EAT HEtC. in 1 OTTlN ON MY irJ ABOOT MY OH' MAGGIE ! Att OF" ORDER. HAM AN I On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rate ' of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation 1 visit to the Old Land early. ' For Ticket, Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, 8.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 U 8. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Fer Special Appointments. M. S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit . . . . 75c Phone 774. v 820 Third Avenue P.O. Kox 88. Prince Rupert, H.CV Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home, Phone Black 21B. P.O. Box 895. " j Inc MOOSE ENJOY WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Metropole Hall Scene Of Large Party Last Night. A very successful whist drive and danre was held by the Loyal Order f Moose in the Metropole Hall last night. Mrs. HusseU was 1 lie winner of the first ladies prize and Mrs. A. Nelson won the second prize. J. 11. Meagher won I lie ilrsl gentlemen's prize and J. Stone the second prize. At the conclusion of the card playing delicious refreshments were ser ved under the supervision of Mrs. Nation, cakes being donated by Mrs. F. Scadden, Mrs. J. II. Meagher, Mrs. Haudenschild, and Mrs N. Mussallem. Dancing was thoroughly en joyed to 1he melodious strains of the Weslholme orchestra, until the early hours. The committee responsible for the success of the evening comprised Ralph Kiefhaber, Joe Slaggard, Percy Cameron, A. Olmesarg. C. Whatman, J. Kacon and (. Royer. TOO JOLLY WEL HOSPITABLE HERE That Was Opinion Expressed By Visitor From London, Eng., At Dinner. "One complaint I have to make is 1hat you are too jolly hospitable for words," said V. J. Kirch, if London, England, who is visiting his brother, Harry Kirch, in this city, arid who was called upon fur a few words at the Gyro dinner last evening. He invited any of them to come to see him in London whenever they had the opportunity and he would then try to pay some of his debt's. At present he fell like a bankrupt in that, he owed everybody so much kindness and hospitality. Mr. Kirch said he saw a great future for Prince Rupert, and he congratulated Ihe Club on the work they were doing in the in terests of Ihe children. He urged them to go on with Ihe good work. BUSY SCENE ON HARBOR YESTERDAY Yesterday afternoon was arery busy one from a shipping stand point, and with the C. N. steamer Prince George inbound, and Ihe C.P.R. sleamer Princess Louise, outbound, alongside each other in t lie middle of Hie harbour a beautiful picture could have been obtained for publicity purposes, had a photographer been on the spot. The two coastal liners presented a line subject in the brilliant sunshine. In addi lion lo the two passenger boats the C.G.M.M. Canadian High lander arrived in the harbor at 4.30 yesterday afternoon Just as the sleamers George and Louise were in the middle of Ihe stream, and the C.N. steamr Prince John lay alongside Ihe Canadian National dock. SCOTTISH EDITORS EXPRESS DELIGHT Visit Exhlbtion At Saskatoon And Today Are At Edmonton. SASKATOON, July 24 Anxious to see Hie wheal fields nf Al berta, of which Ihey have beard so much since landing in Canada, the parly of live Scotch news paper editors touring Canada, under the auspices of the Col onization Department, Canadian National Railways, left Saska toon last night for Edmonton. Yesterday the parly visiled the Saskatoon exhibition, where they expressed delight with the high standard of exhibits, both in the farm ami garden produce and livestock classes. The members of the party are interested in Canada from the immigration standpoint and while here met many Scotchmen who had emigrated to Western Canada to make new homes for theinselve here. On their return to Scotland they will each write a series of articles on Canada as a home for desirable immigrants setting forth true conditions here as far as prospects for intending immigrants are concerned. STEAMER ARRIVALS. C.N. sleamer, Prince George, Cap!. II. Nedden, arrived in pirt at j.30 yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and wayports. Pas sengers debarking here included red Hunter, Kruce Huuter, A. Kloomer, Mrs. Jllanrhard, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Egan and family. Mrs. IHoome.r Miss M. Kloomer, C. Gray, Miss P. Sweelman, Rev. W. Sweet man, Mrs. M. Taggarl, Miss M. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Y. Harrison and son, Fred Hor- ton, Capt. Hilton, Mr. Scott, Miss N. Hutton, K. J. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Seifort, Mrs. E. Schank and child, E. Scaple, Mrs. O. Scott, C. S. Darker, A. Smith, F. Keckwilh, Miss G. Wil son, G. H. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wiltshire, Dr. J. K. Krown. Misses Rosang, W. R. Darby, Mrs. A. Mills, Miss M. Mills, G. Tiernean, 11. S. Wallace', Miss E Evans, Mrs. Kane, Miss Kane, Mrs. A. Kreading; Miss II. (low,, Mrs. O. J; Thomas, 3Iis F. L, Kilchings, V. J. Clements, A. II Klaugh, Miss M. Eckstein, Mr. and Mrs. N E. Kramer, Mrs Connolly, Miss K. Wingard, Mrs H. W. Scott, .1. . Rogers, Miss G. Holbrook, Mrs. H. Hum rook, R. J. Johnston, W. Hurdle, G. Warden, K. Myers, T. Carey, W. ,1. Pugsley, Angus Campbell, G. E. Towmend, Miss A. Larsen, Mr. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and son, Mrs. Murray and two children, M. 'Mainwaring, Miss Grace Kellaway, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter R. R. Pavne. A. L. llatrer. BRIER 'A lb. 80 K.. . j Ten Years Ago j In Prince Rupert j g July 24, 1914. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. .Cum tilings, who have been spending a few days in the city, left this norn- ing on the Prince Rupert for the outh. They will be in charje of the G.T.P. pavilion at the Panama Exhibition in Ban Fran cisco. J. N. Wilson, formerly of the telephone department, who has been visiting in the city, left for Ihe south on the Prince Rupert today. "' Mrs. and Miss Wallace of Van couver arrived at Claxton this morning to spend a few weeks holiday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Stead. STEWART Jack Howse, who has been at tin K,C. Silver properly fur two years, came, down on Saturday. Mrs. E. L. Dale returned on Saturday from a. visit in Seattle. Gus Anderson, head contractor at the Prenifer Mine, and his brother Charlie, shift boss, spent Ihe week end rflhewing ac quaintances in Stewart and Hy- der. - O. II. Evinghouse and C. A. Rums of Hie Chief Metals Mining Gn left on Saturday's boat for their homiv in Seattle afler spending a week en the company's properly, which is situated a short distance southeast of Ihe Kig Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Tlarthnlf, who recently returned from Mexico and the Gulf of California, where tney were looking over mining properties, have this week commenced preliminary work on their Salmon Hiver properties, preparatory to 1he nrrivnl of in fluential associates from, Cali fornia. W,ord has been received that the Trites-Wilson interests have forfeited their bond on the Kig Missouri, but according to au Ihenlio information large mining interests are nei'oliating for the property. T. V. Wilson, managing director of the Eldorado Mining Co., arrived on Saturday last1 from Seattle with two horses and additional supplies for mining operations this season. A quantity of supplies was brought in last, spring, taken part way to the properly and cached. These will Clarence Miller, D. F. Choate, L. now be moved up to the camp. Parker, A. Z. l)e Long, E. II. I ; Itell and R. ltelle. Passengers WRO PLAYGROUND IS passing inrougn on inc steamer for Anyox included F. Homing, G. E. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Quinn, G. K. James, S. Lee, M O'Conner. R. Traill, D. Grant, Mrs. W. II. Smith, Miss I). Smith, Capt. A. Gerhardie, Mrs. S. Jy-ons, G. Tiermiin, Geo. "Way and J. II. Palmer. thi ECONOMY iuy BEING OPENED TODAY Formal Ceremony This Afternoon With Mayor Newton nrriintinn v (Also in Packages 154 20t) J field. Sport Chat Kenny Leonard, world's light V I I -a weight boxing champion, and Mickey Walker, world's welter weight title holder, recently signed articles to meet at 147 pounds iu Jersey City .on Thurs day evening, August 21. Walker's litle will be at slake. - If it's a had decision never dis play irritation hut play the re feree. Always give your opponent credit for good play. Never argue about the game on the field, it does not pay. Kick at the ball but don't "kick" at the decisions of the referee. Horse-racing takes place in Kugland every day of the week, except. Sunday, from, March until the end of October. In flat racing alone 0,000 horses take the Perhaps there is only one church in the world which owns a race course. Half a mile from F.sber Church, in Hie English county of Surrey, is the famous Sandown race course. Tin church has owned most of this land for nearly three hundred years, and II. derives a very handsome revenue from the race meetings. Although Georges Carpentier is only four years older than Uene Tuuney, with whom he bat lies at the Polo grounds on July 21, llm J rencli llglil-lieuvyweiglil lias Ihe advantage of a do7.cn years more ring experience than I lie American champion. - ! Judging from tho personnel of The Gvro nlavground is beinirillie ",cul all-star haseball team, opened this afternoon and bun- chosen recently to play against 99 Ketchikan next Snalurday and Sunday, on the occasion of the Elks' excursion, the chances look good for the home hoys bringing home the bacon. They are all players of considerable experi ence and will undoubtedly piny a keen game. Jaqk JJurns. the Spokane wresller, who 'will', wrestle Nels Jepson, Ihe Canadian lighl-liravyweight .champion, here, early in August, has established training Ijuarlers In Hie Elks' gymnasium, All those interested in seeing him workout are in-viled to attend at the Elks' hall any afternoon at 4 o'clock. Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than BOc WANTED WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone C52. FEMALE HELP WANTED EARN Money Weekly Spare Time addressing, mailing circulars. We pay weekly. Send for full particulars. Rica Co., 1C68 Kroadway, Dept. K-28, New York. 17C ilreds of children and many par ents are in attendance there. President Milton Goiuales is in complete charge with Joe Greer and Leo Wau-h, heads of oom- millees officiating in connection wilh the program and refreshments. Most of the members of the clnh are present and Ihe event is an auspicious one for Hie fu ture of the playground movement, in tins elly.y mayor .ewion is to declare me playgiHiund open and ice cream is being served to the youngsters. A short talk is planned by Judge Young on the raising of the flag. FOR SALE FOR SALE. Sixteen room rooming house and store; all furnished. Full sized basment with new hot air furnaeo. Terms arranged. This building Is right in front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue, tf FOR SALE. Waterfront lots. ono and two acres, surveyed: good anchorage, Jap Inlet, Poroher Island. Apply Kox 194 Daily News Olliee. FOR SALE Heater. Linoleum. small table, 3-piece suite, suitable for living room, den or office; all practically new. Phone 771. 173 FOR SALE ItousYhold furniture. including piano and phonograph. Phone Red 271. 17G FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Koala and Engines. Northern Exchange. tf FOR SALE or l,ease, Royal Cafe. FOR ftENT FOR RENT. Two large apart ments down town near Post Olliee. Apply Stork's Hardware, if FOR RENT. Three large house keeping rooms, furnished complete. 218 Second Avenue. 10 RENT. Furnished house keeping suite. Apply 410 Sixth Avo. East or phone Klue SI 7. FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates aifd home comforts, llouses for rent also, tf " FOR RENT Newly decorated furnished house. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue east. 177 FOR HHNTI-'our room, modern, heated apartments. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf MODERN Four Roomed Flat for rent. Wesfenhaver Kros. FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner can have same at Daily News oftlce by proving ownership and paying for this advertisement, t.f. FOUND gold watch chain. Apply Daily News office. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Otllce, 8.10 Second Aven. Phone 137. If HOARD AND ROOM For ladies, with private family. Phone Oreeii 415. MISCELLANEOUS FOR DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, phone 427. AUCTION SALES. Goods Kought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery, Third Ave, Phones Black 136 and Red 442. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Kuy, Sell and Exchange New and Secondhand Goods, GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone C4C. TAXI Taxi 67 Phono (Call George. Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: TOSS BROS, POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel. I' MAIL SCHEDULE for the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fit days, closes at 3.4 j p r;; From the East Mondays, Thursday and Sat. urdays, 4 p.m. To Vancouver Mondays, mail closes a tnpu Tuesdays, Mall closes at 4 p jj. I hu Todays m p.m Saturdays x.)L Saturdays 10 f S C.P.R. July :'U and : From Vancouver-Sundays . p. x. MoBdays p y Wednesdays I' 51 Fridays A.1L Fridays f Pjf CP .11. July :M '..I .8 To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays .. 9 PX Sundays 7 i '11 From Anyox, Alice Arm Tuesdays P M Thursdays .M To Stewart and Premier Sundays 'M Fridays . VVA From Stewart and Premier Saturdays rU TtlCMlllVS I To Port Simpson Sundays Thursdays From Port Slmpsoni-. Tuesdays T Saturdays To Alaska Points July I'l and :'8. From Alaska Points July L'3 and i'O. To Massett, Port ClemenH Buckley Bay Momluy mail closes ,G From Massett, Port" Tlemtn Buckley Bay Wednesday mad due ' To Naas River Points and Port Simpson- Thursdays 10 P t From Naas liver Points High Low High Low 7: Til a.nf 20:13 p.m. 1 :34 a m. 13:32 p.m. Friday, July 25 9:0t) a.hf. 21.12 p.m. 2:12 a.m. 7 n M 1 1 8 14:33 p.m. Saturday, July 26 High 10:10 a.m. 1 22:0.r p.ln. tK Low 3:48 a. m 15:30 p.m. i ) Saturdays A.M- PRINCE RUPERT' TIDES Thursday, July' 24 IN PROBATE. ,.,,-IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRI"1" COLUMBIA. In tho Matter of Hie Adinlnwtiat. ... ' and .. In tilt? Mailer or tlin Kotate ir K liercuned; Intestam. , ui. TAKK NO'I'ICK tliHl li.V nH-.i ?. Honor F. Melt. Vminr. nmdo th or July, A.li. 104, I wa appltit ' AOinliilKlralur or 4lie e.-lat' . KuKse, deeeai'd, and all u-tt 1 claims atrahiHt tli xalrt eniule c: liy required lu runilsli Miuie. veriried, to nm on ur liernre tli-or AinniM, A.I. 14, and H : , ., iieuien iu me ealaln are rmii the amount or tlielr Inrituirilne forthwith. .-!.. sim..i.t .A1niin. Tr' I'MlIlM III!!" 1 11 Paled tilts Rth day or Jiuv. IN PROBATE. -.T1gH IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BW COLUMBIA. .( In the Mailer or the Admlnniuli " " inn . L In the Matter or Ilie EUate or Mini' Sweeney, .Unerased: iigiyniH . TAKK NOTICi: thllt b.V "lilt . Honor F. MrH. Younir. nfiulu t or July, A.ll. 104. I wai- ilH"i,i; ,w I Administrator or ll ert.ye of) Sweeney, deifused, and all tmrih elalins aralnst the naUI V""' . 11 liy required to ruriilsli nie l W vermeil, to me on or I.eTl.re.Ur or AuirilSt, A.U. I9K4. and. " ,P ' ' ' p) rtehied to the estate are rmiiHred the amount of tlielr Indelitedne-. i' Tnrthwtth, .,r Acting; nrrinai '''''' 'T ITInre ''' Paled this 8tu day or .July, 1?4'