J(eep a Kodak Handy Just outside your front door, all summer long, you'll find these intimate home scenes that make such splendid Kodak pictures. They're the ones that form the "priceless" part of any Kodak diary. We're here to help you photographically. Kodaks all models; film all sizes; accessories all kinds; and helpful advice on picture making. .it our Kodak counter Ormes Limited Zhe llexall Store Phones 200 and 82 Third Avenue Extraction of Teeth liiirmg (lie .summer mouths it is advisable to have the TEETH (hat should be extracted removed and prepara tion wdl he made for PLATES or BRIDGEWORK lie fore the winter months set in. Pain will he eliminated. I need no recommendation to you. Your friends and neighbors are my patients. ASK THEM. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Phone 575. Get Your Appointment Today. Smith Rlock. L 1 1 a&eis Loci Lakclse Lake, via terrace, B.C. ge Now open for -service under management of Mrs. M. Haven. Jdeal place to spend your summer holidays. Peas-niiahle rales. Oood home cooking. Comfortable rooms. Fishing, Pouting, Halhiiig in l.akclsc Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace Motor Operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrace mid Lodge lauding, assuring guests of quick, comfortable trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the valley. Fm" )-eservalioiitf mid rules, apply lo LAKELSE LODGE, OF? TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. The Old-timer says Electric Bread is "The Best we ever had" "Patronize Prince Rupert Stores and support Hie town lhat supports you." a ......... Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. . Hayuera, Undertaker. 351. i'hone 41. Pboue tf I'ylhlan Sisters llazaar, Nov ember Ulh. 173 o I'rince Hupert Annual Inhibi tion, September U lo 13. tf (i.W.Y.A. basket picnic. Digby Island, Sunday, August 10. 11. S. Wallace was an arrival on I lie I'rince George yesterday afternoon, on a business trip." Fred Ilorlon, auditor of the U. T. western lines, Detroit, ar rived on the I'rince George yes lerday afternoon. Miss Muriel Lindsay is booked to sail on the steamer Prince George Ibis evening on a holiday visit to Vancouver. Geo. II. lleaumont, U. S. Mar shall, at Juneau, Alaska, de barked yesterday afternoon from the l'rincess Louise - A. Farrow, government steam boat inspector, arrived from the north on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. Wrestling. Nels Jepson, Can adian champion light-heavy weight, vs. Jack Hums, Spokane, hmpress Theatre, August 5. tf J. II. llamillou, who has been spending several days in the city 'ui business, is returning soutli on the I'rince George tonight G. Y steamer Prince John Capl. .Neil McLean, left port at 8.15 last night for southern Queen Charlotte Island points. In addition lo members of the club, a number of guests were present at the Gyro Club dinner last night, in the St. llegis Cafe - CP. II. steamer Princess Louise arrived from the north at 2.15 yesterday afternoon and left again al 1.30 p.m. on her return lo Vancouver, Capt. A. Gerbardie, who has various mining interests in northern H.C., passed through yesterday on the Prince George, hound for Anyox. A tar boiler has been installed by I he city on Third Avenue. which will be used in connection with Die sheet work. The boiler is situated in the obi rock-cut. Clint C. Tillon, of Danville, III., who is conducting a lour of thirteen persons mi the Pacific- coast, assed through on the Princess Louise yesterday after noon. Mrs. H. Davie and child are sailing on the steamer Prince George tonight for Vancouver. Mrs. Davie will join her husband, Dob Davie, who went south a week ago for optical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Harrison TH1 DAILY NKWR. iDTo night 111 lo ton and atranjthan th ortan of dietitian and elimination, improve appatita, atop tick haadachaa. raliava tail louanaaa. eorroet constipation. They act promptly, pltaaantly, mildly, yet thoroughly. Tomorrow Alright Get a 25c. Box Vaup DruMlat C.G.M.M. freighter. Canadian Highlander, Capl.xMartin, will bo taken up on dry dork either late Ibis afternoon or early -tomorrow morning. ' 4irr It was decided' nl Hie meeting of the Hoard df Works yesterday afternoon to erect toilets on the Gyro playground, near the pad ding pool. The work of resurfacing Third Avenue East, between MeHride md Cow Hay, is well under way by the cily, ami tar penetration will be started on today. G. W. V. A. Basket Picnic to Digby Island on Sunday, August 10. There will be no crowding, as a sufficient number of boats day aflernon on t lie Canadian National wharf by Constable Macdouabl, ami will appear in the city police court this afternoon on a charge of vagrancy. Two new C.P.H. coastal liners ,.. a j . . . ... tl f mnt a am FOI THRBI. DAYIES ADDRESSES CARPENTERS HERE Is Optimistic Ovor Outlook And Sees Great Opportunities In Northern B. C. A. M. Davies, of Victoria, dele gate for llrilish Columbia to the International brotherhood of carpenters and joiners of America, gave an address last night to carpenters of I he city in the Carpenter's Hall. Mr. Davies, who is very optimistic as to the future commercial prosperity of northern H. C. as affecting the wood working industry, is in the north looking over the business situation in that connection. In the course of his address, Mr. Davies staled tltat the sash and. door manufacturers of JJrit- ish Columbia have a good op portunity to secure large orders from Great Hritain if they will comply with the request of the overseas trade that all sashes and doors bear the union label. The number of open shops in Ibis industry in British Columbia had made it somewhat diffi cult to comply with this request but a movement is now under way by the unions throughout the country to overcome this dif ficulty. If Canadian manufaclur ers can compete with the Scandinavian product, a tremendous volume of business can be secur ed in this country, according lo Mr. Davies. have been secured for the day. 175 BRITISH COLUMBIANS Fred Lipscomhe ami John rarlinville were arrested yester FINED FOR FISHING IN ALASKAN WATERS Well Known Men Apprehended by Coast Guard Cutter Smith and Taken to Ketchikan KLTCI1IKAN, July 21. J. Me- are Hearing completion al the Leod, J. P. Iteid ami II. Selig Clyde shipyards m Scotland, and pleaded guilty in the commis will he put into poniniission nexLmissioner's court lo a 'charge of season running between British illegally fishing in American Columbia coas(, points. The waters while aliens, and not hav length of the boats is 3C0 feet. ling declared their intention to be come citizens. The men were ap Miss Irene Stewart, who last preheuded Sunday morning while year was a member of the publio fishing in Dixon Knlrance, by the school stalf, leaching at Seal Coast (Suard Culler Smith and Covo, has been appointed to a were brought into Ketchikan on position on the .stalf al Point .their boat, the Marguerite, Sun (trey, and has seul in her resig nation here. In (lie new position she will be able lo live al home with her uncle, F. 11. Stewart, of Vancouver. .-r Jiinmy WesJ, Indian, charged with breaking anlf Vhtering a lore at Bella Coola and stealing $GU, appeared in the provincial police court this morning. Pris oner elected for a speedy trial and the case was adjourned until July 3t. Millou Gonzales ap peared for the defence and L. V. Palinore for the crown. ORGANIZING LUTHERAN CHURCH AT JUNEAU Visiting That City View to Action Being Taken itev. P. K. Baisler, B.D., is at present in Juneau investigating and son, of Toronto, arrived .conditioiis with a view to starting the city yesterday afternoon on,nn Imllieran Church the sleamer Priiiee Gem-tre Mr similar lo the one here. He ar- II... .-1 II.. ... : I'll'PlI -1 linpn SS'lllll'ilnv ntfrtil mi.l' day evening IMPERIAL OIL CO.'S MANAGER IN CITY J. O. Beatly, manager of the Imperial Oil Co., St. Catherines, OnL, arrived on the steamer Princess Louise, yesterday after noon, after having made a lour of northern Alaska points, and will return to Vancouver en route east, on the Prince George tonight. Mr. Beatty has been, .in the service of the Imperial Oil Co. for the past twenty-live years and was formerly manager of the company's branch at CaU iry. He has been much im- ' , pressed with Ibe northern coun- Rcv. P. E. Balsler at Present 'ry, both from a scenic and fu- lure commercial standpoint. development WIRELESS REPORT. 8 p.m. Digby Island Foggy; calm; ,haromclcr, 30.18; temperature, 70; midnight spoke sleamer ...... .s me general auuiinrr" ' ,""-. Prince George out. northbound: Inffni 1 ftllr ! Mm niltr ... 1 1 i 1 o, .... u..H. at io.r - l""' BJ0 ?e,,ues a incelinjs '"- -l'ke I'rince John out, n'niu i i - ,w i.v lion with the forthcoming exhi bition. A general meeting will lie held tonight. Mrs. J. J. Connolley, wire of the superhilendenl of Canadian National 'Hallways, eastern division, Montreal, arrived on Hie steamer Prince George yesterday afternoon, and is visiting with Mrs. A, D. Gillies, 225 Sixth Ave., Fast. Al the meeting of the Board ofj tcific le what wiiui ac action should uc taken meeting of the llnanee com- J ,Mri' nro ma"' ''"therans Hv- millee of the Fxhihllon Board'"7 1,1 Jllm,,ui ' t seeiis likely ... ill. ..I A .1. 1 . . . a was held last night In discuss! 1 o organized preliminary llnances in connee- there. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. J. Anderson, Fred Atkins, Dick Wellwood, II. Cooper, ll. K. Allen. Buckley Bay; Miss L. Cam eron. G. II. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs . Wiltshire, A. Scott, T. Carey, . Muart, ancinjver; J. O Beatly, St. Catherines, Out.; Alex S. Millan, Sinithers: A. Fox, Kel- chikau; Mrs. M. L. and B. Frai ler, Seattle; (ieo. I). Beaumont, Works, held veslenl.iv nriernooinJ,"u'ii: Hanson, Seattle; J in Hie cily hall, Harry Mffou was.s,,Mo"' 'rltMiuy, B.C.; Mr. ami appointed temporarily as care-lMrs- A- xv- iH'ioers, Laprairie. laker of the Gyro playground i0u,!-; Mlsl-, A- mi't M. Larsen. luring Ihe summer months. Hie ""'""". .niuu mailer will come before the council meeting on Monday night for ratillcalfou. rGZEMA You nt not n g when vim use Dr. nhntfl's Olnt- ment for Eirm& and Skin Irrlu-tlous. It relieves at once and gradually heals Lhe akin. Sumnle box Dr. Claso's Ointment tree It you mention this paper and tend 2c. manip tor )-onnpe. eoc. n box I all dealors or !.iimnn.u" H.lcs & O".. Llmlt.'i. Xcron'o dako; t). Slornik, Frickson ami family, city. Km Seattle; H. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOH HK.NT Modern aparluient, furnished. MeCatrery 4 (ilh-hons, Lid. CIIIM.N'FY SWKFl'IXG Done promp'lj, l" 5. 175 ;8. norlhbouuil Hull Harbor Clear; calm; barometer, 30.10; temperature, CI; sea moderate. Noon. Digby Island Clear; calm-; barometer, 30.10; temperature, 7 ( ; sea smooth. Bull Harbor Clear; light norlhwest wind; barometer, 30.08 temperature, 71; light swell; 8.30 a.m. spoke steamer Venture crossing Milbank Sound, northbound; It a.m.. spoke steamer Alameda 'hrougli Oueeu Charlotte Sound, northbound; 11.05, spoke sleamer Princess Louise oil' Pine Island, southbound. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" wilt leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from I p.m. until 6.30 p.m. and on other weekdays at 2, and 6.15 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave the Sail Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale and hire. IJrince Rupert Boathouse. Soaking takes the place of rubbing JUST by soaking the clothes in the suds of this new soap, dirt is gently loosened and dissolved. Even the dirt that is ground in at neckbands and cuff-edges yields to a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Not a thread is weakened. The mild Rinso suds work thoroughly through and through the clothes without injury to a single fabric. Rinso is made by the makers of Lux. For the family wash it is as wonderful as Lux is for fine thing3. All grocers and department stores sell Rinso. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TOROfJTO r-4-: FOR AN EVENING'S COMFORT Sea-grass Chairs Rockers from $8 to $9 each Cocoa Matting, in pattern squares, $2 and $2.50 each Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. The House of Quality. Phone 123. NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Uox. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. 3 1 m m This A superb Bourbon whiskey of the highest quality- bottled in bond under rcdcral Government Supervision. "AWAKENS OLD MEMORIES" Joi.fc!tla 32 oi. bott). A advertisement is ryit published oi4 displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. '