P.(!K TWO THE DATT.Y NEWS The Daily News j The Man in the Moon PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. I SAYS:- Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince ,. 1 News, Limited, Third Avenue. Rupert Daily . IF a person. poes lo Ilie office II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. loaded lie is likely to he fired. I A flKinx of law is much more SUBSCRIPTION RATES t imnnrlnnt than a rain nf laws. ' City Delivery, by mail , or carrier, per month $1.00 1 mm By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United HOUSKWOItK, I am told, is Stales, in advance, per year ...... $0.00 very pleasant when done by To all other countries, in advance, per year $7,50 prmy. Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion., 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. i5c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION ' Saturday August , 16, 1924. Hearty Welcome To British Flyers. The Daily News jwins with the rest of the city of Prince Rupert in welcoming Stuart MacLaren and his hardy companions after their splendid attempt at flying around the world. That they did not succeed we believe was no fault of theirs. For many weeks through the news despatches- we have watched their careers. We have entered into their disappointments when they have met with mishap and have been .buoyed up with renewed hope as they again set out on their perilous were more disappointed than we and none will offer them a more hearly'welcome home to British territory than the people of this frontier seaport. Visit Of British Association. The British Association is visiting Canada and for a week past has been holding meetings in Toronto. Now they are to tour the west and they will hold more meetings at various university centres. Excerpts from a number of papers read there have been published in this paper, but dozens have had to be passed up from lack of space. Unfortunately there seems-lo have hee,n no provision made -for a visit of the scientists -here, the only point where they could jhave investigated the most important fisheries in Canada. Complaint has been made from time to time that scientists fare interested in abstruse subjects but are not willing to engage "in the study of such simple matters as the life history of the hali-,liut, a subject which is of so great importance in relation to the J food supply of the continent s It is to be hoped that many of-the members of the associa tion will come north from Vancouver and return east by way of trrince nupert. ;Need The Hotel JAnd More Boats. What is heeded here is the promised tourist hotel and more J boats for the x.past. service. Just.i)uw Jherejs. not acpmmoda; tion for any large body of tourists such as the British Association, in addition to the regular coast traffic. Also the adveiil of Jsuch a group to slay all night or for a few: days would fill to mveriiuwiiig me present noieis iq me city, i ne neeu oi mese accommodations at present is apparent to everyone. They are necessary to the development of the business of (he railway. Instability Of City ' ' I Indicated By Taxes. The maimer in which taxes are paid here is an indication of the stability of the city. City Treasurer Matheson announces that 83.7 per cent of all collectable taxes were paid before the .-end of last month, in time to take advantage of the lower rate. JThis is a splendid record for a city where there is so much 'unoccupied land as there is here. x This payment of taxes is an indication that people have faith in the future of the city. In many cases the lands on which ,-taxes have been paid are not even facing on roads and depend iwholly for their value on future developments. These it is igenerally felt will come and it is this faith in the future that i;.makes those interested in property here willing to continue to ;pay their taxes. Unique Work Of yLocal Artist. ; Recent work done by Morte Craig in connection with the present notable visit, draws attention once more to the wonderfully artistic work of this local man. Mr. Craig's work on native tanned skins is unique and cannot be duplicated anywhere in the world. It is a pily that more nf it cannot be sent out from here. Few people realize just how good this is and what skill ishown in the work. Fire etching on caribou hide is unusual and none is equal lo that done here by Mr. Crnig. ECKOFF STUDIO -AND- REGENT HOTEL Corner 2nd Ave. and 6th Street. I rS- "nPHi I nil j It no nut by week or month at reasonable rates. Hot and cold water. Writing room and library for patrons. Photography You are invited lo inspect I ho .Eckoff Gallery nf Prince Hupert people. An Eckoff Photo is a real likeness. Color Photos a Specialty. Make an appointment and see your friends' pictures. IF we could ito away with months, I wonder if we could get rid of all the dunners? HARRY Houston of Nelson wdl need all the pep of his old deceased uncle if he is to beat Farmer John in that town. I am willing to put up a little mild wager of say fifteen cents that John brings home the bacon. WHEN you go In I he Salt Lakes' sometimes of a Sunday afternoon you can just fancy yourself at Wembley. HE VALKRA is trying to start another crisis. In that he is somewhat of a philanthropist for crises were getting ratKer scarce over in Europe of late. It is hard journey. When they were forced to abandon the flight, nonejjo keep up the averape. of one a day. JAKK says if he had to go up before Judge Macdonald he would be sure to be there at the opening of the case and that would suit him. SOME dT the young men around this town need wives just as badly as autos need steering wheels. WE are all evpry day but school. learning lessons we hate to go to GEOROE says the reason the VJhanasian Creed is like a. tiger is necause or the damnation claws (Clause . HUGE INITIAL INVESTMENT NECESSARY ACTUAL VALUE OF B.C. TIMBER LIES IN ITS Vast Purchasing Power of Forest Industries of the Province the Imagine the vastness of the in vestment that was necessary to build up the British Columbia forest industries to their present capacity. Hundreds of thousands jof dollars must be expended before a foot of lumber can be produced in an up-to-date sawmill of large capacily. Millions of feet of standing timber must be secured whilst the purchase nf modern logging and mill equipment entails an enormous preliminary outlay. In the manufacture of pulp and Advertise in the Dally News, 1 ALICE ARM - K Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert j August 16, 1914. One hundred and seventy Irish Fusiliers arrived on the Prince Albert Ibis evening f guard the city. One hundred and seventy- five more are expecled on the Princess Sophia tomorrow. ... Military district orders con tain announcement of the reorganization of Hie Earl firey's Own Rifles. The name of tliej colonel, however, is not given. Hal Peck, coming over from Georgetown, sighted what he supposed to be a United States revenue culler northbound. I lie report was circulated that a liritisli cruiser was in the, neigh, horhooil but Mr. Peck does not believe that it was a British boat. Itfivv ' W . K Jifi u stib rook f ook j I lie Sunday School children of j Alice Arm lo Campers' Point on I their annual picnic last week. J. H. HalTner, (tranby Co. super intendent; George Williscrofl, afety first engineer, and C. V. Iiagwill, chief accountant, were visitors here last week in connection with (he company's logging operations. Mrs. V. H. Smith and daugh. ter and Miss D, Smith of Courte-nay, Vancouver Island, jtre visit ing wilb Mr. and Mrs. George Hruggy. -- Mrs, V. Sherman of Prince Rupert is visiting here with her son, Thomas Sherman. The wedding look place in Vancouver recenlly of Miss Pearl Mae Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Wilson, of Alice Arm, and Robert McSavaney, son of paper,, Ibe harnessing up of thejMr. land Mrs. J.l McSavaney of necessary waler-power and the Vancouver. . ' i i cost of super-expensive machinery means that further millions must be sunk in the plant and in extended timber limils before a wneei can ne turned in a conv-J pleted mill. Demand Sets Value Ilrilish Columbia will never makr progress by the scenic value nf its unique limber alone. The actual worth of this wonderful, but mature, raw material is entirely in proportion to the chances it presents of attracting capital for lis conversion into saleable products. It i reckoned that the sum in- ested In Hie forest products in dustries of H.C. Is between $150,-000.000 and $200,000,000. This is probably as much as the whole slumpage of Hrilish Columbia Is' worth today as a merchantable proposilion. II must also be remembered that in addition lo their invest-' menl the holders, manufacturers and distributors of H.C. forest products represent a spending power of approximately $100,-000,000 per annum, in Hie circu-' lalion of which practically every man, woman and child In the Province benefits to some extent,! great or small. A 1 1 . 1. I 1 1 - if a f I er.-uiicH to iiib iimjier industries would be the grealest economic fafality that could befall the Province. J. A. Anderson has been re elected a member of Ibe Alice Arm school board. Mrs. William Cummings has been appointed auditor. Maslers Lome and Kirk Fal coner are camping at Port Simp son with the Anyox Trail Rang ers. WINNIPEG BOARD OF TRADE COMING WEST FAR AS JASPER PARK WINNIPEG, Aug. 15 (.Arrange ments for a business.lrip through Weslern Canada, pronrfoted by the Winnipeg Hoard of Trade have been completed and the parly will launch upon its journey on August 18. It U expecled that about 125 local businessmen will make the trip, while invitations have been extended to Ibe Cham bers of Commerce of Ibe border slates, the boards of trade, Mon treal and Toronto have also been asked lo send representatives. Ibe parly will travel on the Canadian Pacific Railway lines as far as Kdmonlon where a trans fer will be made lo llio Canadian National Railway for Jasper Park. The returnlrip will be made over the government road lo Winnipeg, TIMBER SALE X 6343. Seated Tenders, will be reretved by the Minister of Land! at Victoria, not liter than noon nu the lith da r August, !.,! I ir um purcitae or i.ireure . tld. to rui 1.OSO.OO0 feet of Hemlock, Sprut-fl, f.edai and Baliaitt. on an area situated on trie nest side ut Klslx.p Bay. boxer Hearh. Ilanre 4, OaH Dlslnrl. Two i ft years will be allowed for re rooval of timber. Further itariiriilari of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria. R.C . or District Fore Her. rtnre Itupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6304. Sealed Tender will be rt-relved by tlx Inliter of Land, Victoria, not later than noon on the KIM day or AurtiM; int. for the purchase of Licence X 0301, to rut ,3Ii,l0M reel of Spruce. IteinWk. KalMiu and Cedar on au area situated ou the youth end of Jains Island, .Vathleaon tunnM, luntre 3, Coal liutrlrt. Two i years will lie allowed for le-moral of timber. Further tiartlrulars of the Chief Fores ter. Victoria. B.C., or the District Forev er. I'rlnce Rupert, B.C. tut Bargains in Summer Dresses "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Sardines! SPECIAL This is the largest bargain in Sardines ever known here. We have just received" a large shipment of high grade Norwegian Sardines A.l. Price, per lin ... 7 tin; fojr . , . '.. Slj 15 (in lots ... :. . .. $2.00 Try them. Your money refunded if not good. ECONOMY STOR 15c 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. 00 E HURLBUT CHUMS Welted Shoes of Hie heller class for Children. Made on orthopedic lines, allowing for the natural growth of the feet. The best Footwear for Ibe jnfanl, child, growing girl, little gent, youth or boy. Agents in Prince Rupert-- Family Shoe Store i in II mm mi YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brani Szleded Skeena Sockeye For picnics, ehoose "Hupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in Ihc pantry are always handy. Slock a supply on your boat that's a good If ,, SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. j UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFB.C.,LT&! Salllnri from Prince Huirt 'Of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, twanasn Bay, an Altrt Bar. Tundtf, S Pi For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt Bar, nd Swanion Bar, talurtfay, Kill i For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa laland, tundar, I P.M. I Por PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlttr CannarlM, Frldar A.M. I B23 2nd Annua. J. Barnilar, AtnU Prlnca Ruptt THE first claim you should meet on pay thy is I your savings, lour money will prove your best friend in time of sickness or unemploymentif you have saved it. There comes a time for all of us when earnings decline and ability to earn must weaken. Only ono thing can take the place then of your present earning power that is, the capitJ acquired through your present savings. Alt for cur toollrt. "Tid ittmr, of 1W lott,!." YouvilWnJillulptuL The Rillfh Bank Prince Rupert Branch Stuart J. Macleod. Manager , Blue Ribbon Tea In comparing BLUE RIBBON with other packet teas, do not compare It with tea offered at the tame price. BLUE RIBBON claimfto be the best in Canada regard less of price, and a teapot' test will make good this claim. Ti