PA(,rrorR - the rMnT srtwa ,- ' 11 TZ BRINGING UP FATHER By Georse MclvW, I Money ji i ntfjj js?sToveJ i i 1 1 1 s? iicssasui . I ifEg&i a?j WL. I Orders SJ' liiiJ fn"L ru. On Norway, Sweden and , 7 V ?fT ' - TTi 'JS,S J&JB 'J Cv4, i - l I Denmark at Current Rate. T Lfi , ) j 3 V V!Sb' lAfc ' J " : I Make your reservations f V l'feT mShfW " CI- V f . .MM. k ! for thai Summer Vacation flfes T 4KBB -'k'' laT' 7 V IFL-r &"'!$ r vi.if to the Old Land early WTm ' yT&'l V i9V BW?1 '''-' E.F l Pllfu ib" - J CT r or Ticket, and R A "TfU ' - APN K L Y LI JtR 'irfWML- j A F J jllT) JF llPs Cary Safes. " TA C V I T Pf V k H . r ' plctp I -- 5:- Dybhavn 4 Hanson 1 1 CP? '1 1 - l3-3 1 i" I ' 1 ' 1 1 Insurance and Steamship 1 " 1 ' 1 1 SPOR TNWT2' f Daily News daS7d Ads. I DRY ) L6CRCSSE OF THE DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE !.,'! S CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advrtiomnt Taken for Laaa than SOc Birch & Cedar AfwwpK ? league baseball wawts brd wd ww jr11 8 U 1 ill I UA 01 U! 1 J ( CDnrT Chat ( WAHTKD. Furniran of every HILL I UtM TERrace Board IT-AIL MiH SCHEDULE WaaH irnrniinilini l i National Leanue ikwcripUon. Hifhssl prleM m4 reettleRce for the bolMays. ' If UUU KhhP I P WH I I'inia.lHphia 6, Chirairo I. P-W- Prinee Rupert fachange, ,,. ,,,.,.,, owrlookim lawn .... Cut nt . i.m. lllltll IT iiiiLi L Wrertling Nels Jepm of Bd. h. kiyi, :,. .: all 10. Auolioneern. Phone 662. alM, airy on the warm day. ?- length. any , . t Burn of 8pa- Boatoa 3, . Loui., . rOR Re'nt' Far,,, fare. Goi nlHino. Jrt--.Tj ,g Md Baseball Matches Well Contestd; kaii.- i! II,.-'w. ! ham- PillsburTi , Nen York i. . Teftltis. BftleBtfid ;ic In - Frorn th Eaat-1 ' ' l"" I.JaTUAM,faw at Smelter Town During pionship of Canada, Monday, American League FOR HIM I wo large, apart- Ikm tor children with playing '" ' nVflP I rnlPr Week Auuh-I IH. Ki.iir-.s 'fliwilw. If lMr.,t i. IMnladrl,,!,!., X ,,!. .(own lown n.-ar Post li-1,1. etc. Knlin- i-liar. of ' "y ,' "ur81 and S,t. lljuviiuiioill i Clnettro a. Boaton 7. Office. Apply Btork'i Bard- ebiWren whe lred. Unfeu- 1 139 Second Avenue. NYOX lug H Big and one- Pha baily ffewa during the ware. if French, Mill Farm. Terrace Phone 680. Night or Day. Lided ncore, held in the ll Mn paal week hhe onde. jed lo fm- UNITED STATES WON , , M', I ,7 Tim"., t ,",.., ,,r "' MooyTnu" cames la be played m 1 1 1 - Anyos press noon the local baseball i , , "",,- c. ' nises at din in pj "-i,ali l Unto. Th- player, the ta.- thai (here ,,. GAMES IN IRELAND lZ V AHD ad Room at the Inlander Tuesday Mai. 4.. WE WE buy buy BOTTLES BOTTLES. '"' k '"'x . ae t,'MI- , paHie between the 8 ir nndjbe a lot of hard work and steady L centrally located, one half "uradayn lo Pj ' Hi.- Mine went lo the "Gas prad within the next few DUBLIN id Canada r0R RENT. Palmer House for ,,lo,;k fr'"" fMDoa, 130 Saturdays y I ai i -. seven lo two, and thai weeks if Prince ftoperfs honors fini,hed siith place in the Tail H.eap rates and hon om- S"ennd Aven. Phone .37. tf ?ttaf' H ween the Elks and the Smeller ar, to he properly defended i , ,al whksh wpre won bj forts. if for SALE . w.nCu.. f P H T 1 IT resulted in an eight to one Vic- the games Hon will lake place United ' Stales with a senra of IU - From Vancouvae S AM f"- '"" ',BrOUlOT "' " 'l ,-o . Ha an 1 , "'f'' f' '"l""' ,mj;"";' POI1 BALE or U ..ova. Cafe. P I 11 a Ida iJe 1111 (he Smeller-Mine ga J. Far-Week. The sporting public of L,h x ,, Ul . tPrtmenls. Apply ; j Mond y guson and Land were the Battery Ihe city has I n unrina the .?ng,nd tV V-oi 8miU g"ett- LtJ" ,f Hot sk FOR BALE. - 8 ms. DENTIST. land for the Smelter Fitxpatrtcl same thing and it is lo he hopedan(j " . gc'oHand . FOR Ki'N l -Modern apartment 1 1 nonditkm. tpprj Box r rulays U Helgerson B.ook, and Wells. Playing fanly;thal. following Ihe decision of fur.o-h.-.l. MeOaffery (Mb- tOO, Daily Mews ofllee. r.uut, a ,, ,u ?. H PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. ball for the firsl two innings, the the league to bold regular prac- bona, Ltd. TT" ;" . 1". ' ' ' Office Hours 9 U ' Mine piteher. was bll freely In f ices, rhe players will nu n " ? 1 " BALE' " " N:"lll" To to nyos, Alice Arm-Phone SM the third frame, when the Smelter , force. Everybody is behind -I at at l MODERN Four Roomed Plat for Price $450. in arter cash. Wednesdays i nM Open Evenings Only Far fbatters weal on a hHting-fest the local boys and il is the gen- I LOCfll WCWS WOlCS i r.-ni W.-M.-nhaser lit- ... Balance easy, tpplj nr, Bundty .- . Soacial Appolntmanta. I"'"1 "ad nine men at the plat.- era desire ... I hem win. I ) AUCTION SALES Yi"'"' Wuk' F'T n'' "P I h.-r,, the third man wan retired. generally realiied, however, -VLVw?"J Tuesdays .cored off five 1 "H SM.K .... launch ' Van, v Thnr-.lay. beinu' "i run, ,ha, ,.;,,.(.,. n arv and Ui,u .,,. ,.., Hoods Bought. Sold or m hits. Each side made a double accordingly the agitation has .. . gboe reoairlM neaUy Kxebangad Price 1975. Half oaah. Hal To Stewart and Premier Ihe Smelter in the firsl ai tasy. Ipply caretaker. Sundays 111 play, been in that direction. lone Firth kveiiue and McBride M- M- MEWMINOS, Auotloneer. Oa M mning, D..w to McDougall t f Furniture and r.rockery. Vachl Club. ll M j cfins ' ':"ip: a'"' ""' m""' 1,1 "", "ixui' i'''11" " T"ird Ave- ' Frm 8tew,rt and prmi" Brown to Klrke to FeTgnetwi. The it.l. j( ,, ,,, n ssarHy Muior It M Taylor district Phones Blaek 136 and Red 442. FOR BALE. Sixteen room room- Saturdays 11 0 Smelter battery went Rood all the follpm lhat poor pitching should eMfnier for t he provincial ife in( r,on,e a"'1 l"T'' u" f,,r" UdJrl H I VkTfik way, had g I support and struck lose it .80 far this season, the partmenl of pshlie works is FURNITURE. nished. Full itzed baaei To Port Simpson K vUlv out seven, while the Mine battery most of the games that have 1 1 i... ,.,., , ' f r, ,. Z ' , .. with new hot air furngce Sundays s ts let down pretty badly, ten ,,v the Prince Rupert boys . X N,'w, X'"" ' ' Thin Una Thursdays iH PplnM Prince Rupert ..,, . LMdlna Leading 1 n , furs Store We Buy, SeN and El. ,.,, ,,.,,..,,.,, Bgal-a( , 1((, .,, ,.,. ,,,, m fron( r .e Dry From Port Simpson- !"" ri,M-", " ' '- Ambrose Aven.o, It In. ..Ia T rth' '-"" 1 S'" ft 1 J III Ml yT"'"' Band .Va.ter rv Sla.ter Is 1 d Mm.- Lays h'"T ' Aw g! '"" ' 1 r""ta M ': , .s respectively. a8 what i hould have k , Theg. fe,ween! K,k and :,";: 1:M;:1J,(,f,;:!"b::: ;;:,';:Imf,;;::r';;;;;": . I I Smelter wa- mnch the -ame ,,., ,lw;iW , o( ,he m ,, .'", . ,,,. .,. Keep It Quiet I boy- in tiaed car- ftog 2, . IS. IS, Z ' CHir Ule, Ihe Smelter emulaUng the eirper. A ,.(T,.,,1W. , . v' . g. E, Parker, Lid, if To Ma.sett. Port Csh MP Cleaning and Pressing. J - and' SK" Tase S Zrt .Jt!.,? GOODYEAR TIRES C rtrJa. 900 "T" k2t I ... , , ' ,'7,,aJ"'k: v;)h" nln-rted the 'present time, add it Is these eily on the Prince G ge yeater. 3 1 Parker Ltd Buckley May- I Special Vluits Ready to pHcbing for the SnfclteT, went on lh, sl0U,d , tieeirtrated y afternoon Be brouaht With Wednesday mail U":,r f18- SUW" ,,n,,iM ,,P ff"";iM' P"0. Irhti in. bride; the wedding hai fon Ford. FOR BALE Chev. I Tottrlnt To, h'dfl.aU for ihe Points- and Wells did the twirling South island Laundry offi.-e. , . teg take, plaee reeenlr, in Te Car; overhauled and In , I r' ' 820 Third Av , Prtnce ?liffi FOR COLIO AND CRAMPS 7-- r JNII -Pend a few ; W 1 anyeffec on .he final result. The pAN, THE STOMACH '"ul S8 75 to .17 00 om Sk.d.g.te. O. C. O, - I l'tl " L "" SH ' '-'.Ik.' battery consisted of F. THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL - PLEASURE BOAT FOR SALE South Island Points H """" Kiipatrirk and J. Cody. In lhi . , , .,....,. Saturday., mail due .in K ... 'k ' r.-et ' ion- ""'e, r, tan """ I beam oeam. c . Representatives of the Fair - u k Reia Vu r nq, can s ng mm the Elks roI nine hits and t Board and the Moose . l.ndxe . . had . a,r,"H' i ' i gtoraae ll " To Naas River Points "'"B the Smeller five, two of them be- VA.l S ,. , . Gas and Oil - S Imp.on K "m',-'v, il MN k Northern Kxrhange. If Saturday BWrf ' n j rBBB n f -1. .1 1 1 -1 - here ilnnii I' it 1 1' K . Heceixed few cars of our BtM Xi 1 1 1 JrV Week. Purl her a.lMce from K.-l K A I P. N OARAGE BOX COLLECTION PIT 1 AtDC CCDUirC I':" I'.Non f.oal. Prom jALl LAKrO-LKVltt WCIIKOU, ! LKrHTT4il '-hikan and .leamhoal aullioi-i Our W ork Speak, rorll.elf we supply lb" B3wB2l tie. is beiny ouphl before draft .. s is V in Call W V I Modern .,, room ,;,,,,,,,, & Atlin A.. . .ame any quantities. ,,, ,.,, 23" wi oave th- r,ram u :,H for ..uiek delivery.. WHfTTflf Phone .ted s( u A ,,,, s. .1 swa,....n Ploa. on Thursdays. Tax. 67 Phone T? T . rtnanal Ha Sa.urdav and Sunday afternoons TlAf.U ' jltfT "r 'rade Kxcucon. n 'a 1 1 T' !r., I'm I r iHmt ' "' ' ""o, 5,, U" 'V ' I PPinCB nUDBPl " rBBO CO "very half hour from I p.m. un- W - Prli RopeYI August, W. ,,rml,( service and Comfort . M,h v;" Thompson ( til 8.30 p.m. and on other week- Smilhers Fair, Friday, August l,Hy Higbl WANTED Hoo.e or garden I V dav at 2. 4 and 6.45 p.m. P gg Aulomohile tour through stand work. Phone nine 717. 07 1th Ave. A It has been in aw for the part 80 ,.,,, , U' .,,, in :t each - Th. last boat home day ng " BOO T! i Ter,i "ction i plfasant, repid, re- . FOR DRESSMAKING and plaht I flit Ave. A Conrad Si TiTr. n . 1Mn i" ...,.. l0'1'' ,,. 'be oii hall i Lakes -ikes IlOdl float jnhlo and tflfectua , and reief eomea onaay, sept, t, Teftwa teiKWS n.u Bar WIeeker Block, . .... r I INDSAY S "hB'P 7 ,m- promptly. ' ' nc-day, s.-p. ,. .ri ... tot, from SmpreH Motel. "wtng. phone 7. "'" e, nays 5 biMiUilt Kf Sunday and holiday picnic Be um and get "Dr. Fowler's" rTdson Baj M itaitl afacier N uaMTED " r.l HJ ClA.AfA parties npecially arranged for. when you ask for it Don't esperi- Arrivi Prinea Hll.,., i pM "aK',T 8th Ave. ft Hayn Cove lartage and Morage ,,,..,. w,. 8. . ,for tu iokrr. 25"; ;:S I Wrii ftn balesmem i E.m PhonaSS. for sale and hire. uialion and rMervattofM 1 IJlLi YYlLL liN Wh ,on 91 Milburn I Put The T. Ck, up only by lt VaX llUtili 111 13 ooo to o II 00 Dr per year sell hthAve.&MoBndeSI. , , s, 110 M r.artage, Warehousing, and Prince Rupert Limited, Toronto, Oat Ormes Drug Store. ,. SSJ Jer Distributing. Team or A I DCDT A fAA!- " " ' , ,p"- ' im B,dR" ,9'1 Motor Service. ALKK A (l(H) J "' V "" ' ' ,,r"v- 1,,v- W,,i"'r ' ' l I - alULIl 1 UVVU , rjfracl rrom r lo I B Coal, Sand and Gravel. manufacturer 0 Tp WU(rf We Specialize In and . M w""'"r i?!! "i'l""'"11" 2nd Ave. A 2nd St ' Furniture moving. V T Producing 500 Barrels a Day and -ii'd Ave. I'lillon g'sl i Krii ic n TaiicaIc .-. H,,m,y wm Take output i . i l- 1 Rfi vr EMM IthJI LI fl Bllfli f t I rresh IVilLN. wwawww i oro- i. , ! fH B dueini 50fl hand- of oil a day " " I a m ann ana I vredm ram r 2. - f o t mmr l,v s"i''- N- But- chiropractor notice i I g liriltTIC I A fCv 1 ..-!,,.i.-o,o. Adve,-, .;. From Quick, B.C. X t ? l E 7)A f ! Llil. at here1 R. E. EYOLFSON ,-d I Any quantity delivered w w w w Be announced lhaj sir Henry Oradltale of the National College llnemerrfn should w ' I dHy. two mov& m Thornton bad advised il on- If Chiropraollo, Chicago, Daily News offlo I Prompt Early Morning De- panythal Lite National hue Smith Block Room 15. p.m. today to nnnure t iwf. Package Ot Id tOT r IDT zy bamerrice V Ml The would he preparnd lo Lake Wain- Houf: to lo 1 2 ; .' lo r.; 7 lo B.U sertion in tonwrrow i ( I VALENTIN'S Dairy " " 0 " 2Sf per Smoke pack wrighl oil ror I wHIve fuel if Saturday afternoonn and Sundays sue. I Phone 657. McBride Street. . , i ""' ' nUtF and production weru by appointm.-ni HkHHHMHHM-H-H-l-BfB p - I N K ! MteMaV. t1IMBmBiMA liMgSd.' l V MfciiMMBMH r. fc- fc . -- .l