Saturday, August 10, lazt. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Lakelse Lodge Lakelso Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now upon for service under management of Mrs. M. Haven, ideal plaee lo spend your summer holidays. Reasonable rales. (Jood liome cooking. Comfortable rooms. Fishing, Moating, Hatliing in Lakelso Lake and Streams. i BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI Motors Operating Taxi and Luinn h Service between Terrace and LOdge landing, assuring guests of quick, comfortable trip. Also operating taxi service lo all parts of the valley For reservations and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. i I August Q AI P Clearance OH-iJLr Consider the quality and the service outside appearance and inside construction do not always iwet on common groulid. Anybody can slick up a piece of wood hut nol everybody can create fine furniture. Choose your furniture not only hy how well it looks, bil by how well it wears. Hemcm-her, good looks are only as good as they wearl And you can get all the goodness there is in our furniture, at a price that i iks good at the time of purchase and belter still as the years roll on. ONLY 12 DAYS LEFT TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF OUR FURNITURE SALE. Battle's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123. Highland A most popular medium priced paper, and since it is now made in Canada no duly it is Iho biggest value on die market The makers set the price. Ours is the same as the dealer iu Toronto or Montreal. l'apelries 65c and $1.25 Correspondence Cards, Cold Kdge 51.00; Plain 75c One Pound Paper and bl) Knvelopes $1.75 Select Hie stationery dial reflects yourself, peoplu use Highland Linen. Particular McRAE BROS., LTD. University of Toronto Toronto Conservatory of Music with which milmmlfd The Canadian Academy of Music COLONEL A. E. GOODUKIIAM . Chlrmn, Hoard of Grn.rt A. S. VOCiT, Ma.. Dor., rrlnrlpil. 1IEAI.EY WILLAN, Mun. Dot., F.U.C.O, Vlce-rrlnc A NATIONAL INSTITUTION . Th nit comprrhrn.lvfljr rqulpprd Srlinol of Mimic In Ihe Dominion. " Facility of lntrrmt! al i'rtttife. RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 1st, 1D24 Wcll-tppulntcd I5f(dfnc for Youns Womrn Studrnta. I'lTril.S MV E.VEK AT ANV TIME, fha Canarrvatory Yaar IlnoV, Annuul Svllahui and '.Vomen'a Roaldenca Calndar aenl tu nny iiddrm:- mi roniwt. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS FOR 1S2J Uirouthovt Uit Dominion, accordmi lo lorallly, In May, Jont and July nfit. Aiiiii'.bs iirtiiirar, cor. Collf St. and UnWmlty Ar., Toronto. local and Personal U.C, Undertakers Phono 41. llayners, Undertakers. 351. CP, II. steamer Princess Heat-ice, Capt. T. Clilfe, arrived from Ihe south at 6.15 this morning ind, after unloading a shipment of cans at the prince Hupcrl caiuiery, sailed on her return south at noon. Union steamer Venture, Capt. A. Johnstone, was in port last nfclit on if hi I f in I hi' Naas Hive r I Sec Alex. 'Mcltae, secrelary of Ihe Yacht Club, perforin with a case of oranges at the Yacht Club picnic to Tugwell tomor row. This turn secured at cnor inous cost,, vt, . , " ' ' r - The power boat Spey, Skipper ed by Lorrie Lambley, left this morning for Lewis Island with Mrs. Myhill-Jones and two -sous, and Mrs, C. J. Stevens and son Hrucc aboard, a visit lo the Lambley ranch . Mrs.' II. Lamb-ley, who recently arrived from Victoria, also relumed home on the Spey. ITALIAN -IN ICELAND HOIt.N'AFJOItO, Iceland, Aug. 1(5. Lieut. Locatelli, the Italian flyer, arrived here from Thorns-haven, Faroe Islands, today al noon. Church Notices ? Lutheran Church SI. Paul's. English Lutheran llhuirh, Melropole Hall, Third venue. Hev. P. K. Haisler H.D., pastor. Service at 11 a.m. Sunday. Sermon topic: "Chris-lion Stewardship." Sunday School and evening service will be resumed first Sunday iu Sep. I ember Presbyterian Church .Morning worship al H o'clock Subject: "Christ encouraging hi disciples." Kvening service at 7.30. Subject: "Faith, a necessity of life." Sunday school will not meet. Preacher, Hev .11. H. 5 rani. D.I). Salvation Army Sunday services at the Citadel I I a.m. Holiness meeting. Subject: "The Puller." Sunday school al !L30. Kvening service al .30. Su.bjecl: "Hod's Pitying Power." Speaker, Captain I). Ilea. SPF.CIAL ANNOUNGKM F.NT Itevival meetings eomlueled by Colonel Mel.ean,-. of Winnipeg from Tuesday, August, ID lo Sun. day, August 21. A lecture entitled "Miracles, past and present" will he given on Thursday, August 21. H EMORRHOIDS Do not Buffer another day with it chine, UleeiUncr, or rrolrudlng Pllet or Hemorrhoids. Xo nurglcal operation required. Dr, Clmse'a Ointment will relieve you at once and afford luatlnc; benefit. 6O0 a box; nil dealers, or fidmtin'nn, Hates & Co Limited, Toronto.' Sample box free. Phone after bavins made her calls at Moose Whlst Drive and Dance, the Skeena Iliver. The vessel was Wednesday; ,Aup.ust 20, Metro- tinrk :.L'.-iiii lliiu iiflnrniiiin south- Dole Hall. 100 bound. Last call for the Yacht Club nanu oi .omi ii.ij, m-piim-iii in attendance., Hoals leave club floats, at 10.30 sharp lomorrow morning. The kiddies will have the time of their lives. All Orangemen and friend ... ....,...n..l...l I.. ollmwl H.n Ulir. HALF MILLION POUNDS Picnic tomorrow at Tugwell. HALIBUT IN TWO DAYS . ..I II... f .1M..11I i w I rliiiwl. nl ! half a Himw pounds wuui.un in iuk I Hi ii j.n Clllliliiir fil'it II ill T One people ' ' iti'm-n ni'iiiilninnit hi lain in unffn nt llio August lj. Most ors In p full , . . Hro. Dr. J. V. Edwards, Grand Master, will give the address hy Casson's orchestra and usual dainly refreshments were served. The new spot lighting elfecls were the feature of the evening. - It- f W V.I ...Ij ..f k' in. . slon, Out., most worshipful Brand master and sovereign of the Orange Lodge of Canada, ar- 13;50 rived in the city from Vancouver . ... r. I ...III Today's Sales Amounted to About 150,000) Lbs. at Average t Prices About 150,000 lbs. of halibut sold here today, making over milium in tl days, yesterday and Unlay. Prices a large supply. The following boats were sold this morning: American n tr. nAn I. . ..!. 1 CI.,- 11U1IIIK.I1 (INU fui;-mi- . . n . , r j ..ii ii .,! ibre ai i-.ou aim o. mi-iiui-ii niu pu.u. . ni i.-i..l. w..,.klv .Ihiic iii the Auditorium .. '. ''. v - ... .. !..... i. U. at is. iU and o. iasi nigiii. .uumi; .. turn..,... ... n . .. , , i in .n! j n cries ai u.u aim o. Wood row, 9,000, to Royal Fish Co. at 13.80 and 0. Canadian Cape Spencer, 14,000, to Atlin l.'il.nfio.. nl I '! Ull i,i,l 1 .( IM. J. " . I.I.IIU3 "1 l......i V t fllin l r-l.l OI age at 1 i and 8.30. Mab, 2.000, to Cold Storage at Gibson, 7,500, lo Cold Slorai yes.eruay aueimiun ....u P" at ,3 8Q and 7 50 r.asi ny uuiu .-iumiw, ;... ....(.. lii V 0(1110 tr. Aflin Vial. Tomorrow evening he will givej cries at 14.10 and 8.50. an aouress ui nit- ji-Su.a. B,. ingloa(j,.ri ,u,000, ,0 Royal in me .neinomsi i,.iu.c... Flsll Co al ,uo anJ 7i50 GENERAL MCRAE STILL IN RING Leader of Provincial Party Makes Statement Regarding His Reported Retirement "The fact that I have cancelled my proposed trip lo Stewart and am leaving here tonight for kelson to assist in the by-election campaign against Premier Oliver should be enough lo offset any 1 ii.., rr 1 , reports mat may nave arisen nero that I am retiring from politics," slated fien. A. I). Mcltae, president of the Provincial Party today. "I am always interested in obtaining better government for Hritish Columbia and it is with that end in view that I expect to meet Premier Oliver on the platform al Nelson this time without the barbequc." (ieneral Mcllae went on lo explain that his retirement from politics would involve a inciter of organization and the calling logelher of the executive. He had 110 idea of such retirement. Ren. Mcllae. who has been visiting the Walim Hivcr and Clax-lon canneries, will sail for Vancouver on Ihe Prfncc (leorge tonight accompanied by A. K. James and H. 11. Jagor who have been with him on his trip. Dr. Inglis, who also came norlh with Ihe parly, left last night for Stewart. Hen. Mcllae yeslerdiy received n telegram inviting him lo assist in Ihe campaign at Nelson. A, dash of Clark's Tomato Ketchup on fish, chops, or omelets brings added Canada1! National Condime nt Sold emywhere. aypaf ayayj SQUADRON LEADER MACLAREN HERE FROM BIO ADVENTURE IN NORTH WHERE NEARLY LOST HIS LIFE BEHRINQ (Continued from Page 1) inacliine was a wreck and their undertaking ended, the people of Niko)ski, which is a small fishing village consisting- of' Russians and Aleuts under the Soviet flag, gave the flyers a wonderful welcome. As soon as their presence was known, the church bell started to peal. Dur ing Ihe slay of Hie flyers there availing Ihe arrival of the I'hicpval, all possible hospitality and assistance was tendered them. The welcome at Petropavlovsk during the stay of the Thiepval and the flyers there, was no less enthusiastic, a banquet being one of the events of the program When the Thiepval first called at clropavlovsk, Hed guards were placed aboard bul this was not the case on the second call. As one of the officers of the Tliiep al said "We stayed there so long that we became acquainted with every person1 in the town. elrapovlovsk has a population of about 50 1 people, half of them being Hed guards who watch the oilier half. At Dutch Harbor in Unalaska fine treatment was also afforded die flyers and the crew of Ihe l'liiepval.- It .is a singular co-incidence that Ihe accident befalling the British plane should have oc curred at Hehring Island on which are Jiuricil the remains of Vitus Hehring, the Danish ex plorer who discovered the Norlh Pacific Ocean and who perished there from scurvy in December The Thiepval, which left Van couver on March I, lo lay out the route for the Hritish flight, went as far as Hakodate, Northern lapan, from which point Col. Hroome, Ihe advance officer, pro ceeded lo Tokio, where he board ed the plane. On the departure of Ihe flight from Tokio. the vessel proceeded north in ad vance along the Kuriles and Squadron Leader MacLaren came up with it at Pelropaylovsk . The fog, winch .was the .ultimate un doing of -the undertaking, pre vailed uluioiU consjanlly in the North Pacific arill ''it' was neces sary lo take chances from then on. The United Stales coastguard culler Algonquin at Allu kept the flyers advised of weather conditions and day afler day it was a report of "thick fog prevailing." The ret urn of Ihe Thiepval was a pleasant contrast to the going oul. All the way lo Japan from Prince Hupeert, it was a continuation of dirty weather. Informal Welcome On t he arrival of the Thiepval. lasl night, Ihe vessel was mel hy Mayor Newton, members of Hie civic commit lee, SI. Andrew's Society and, (treat War Veterans' Association. The informal welcome that followed look place aboard the vessel and lasled (ill Ihe small hours of the morning. If the ship had arrived in the day time, there would have been a demonstration hut as it was Ihe flyers ami officers of I lie Thiepval were deeply appreciative of the welcome that was accorded them. All the accommodation aboard the Thiepval is taxed to capacity on account of the number of the. passengers and several officers as they say are "roughing it." Squadron Leader MacLaren shares the cabin of Capt. Heech. Two Bears Aboard The Thiepval did not return from her long cruise without mementoes thereof. Aboard are a Soviet black bear "Holshio" which was acquired at Petropavlovsk and a Japanese brown bear "llokadate, from Hakodate. Hoth are cubs and are the pro. perty of Lieut. Pressy. Hakodate is a very friendly though nervous little fellow. He has become chummy with members of (lie crew and submits with pleasure lo their alTeclion. When strangers arrive on the scene, however, he scampers olT down the deck. "Holshie" is nol so amiable and sits glumly In a corner ready to take a snap al anyone coming near, lie perhaps has sood j reason for his disposition, however, because he is just recovering from a scorching he sustained when he found his way under a boiler shortly afler being taken aboard. 1 Mr. Valiquette, the moving picture operator, Is quite-pleased ' wit ii thu results df the voyageY This Sign Signifies ervice Mak Film Fill your Photographic needs at the sign of the yellow box Kodaks, Brownies, accessories, film, finishing you'll find the complete Eastman line at our Kodak counter. Make your photographic headquarters at our Kodak counter Ormes Limited The Rexall Store Phones 200 and 82 Third Avenue Canadian National Railways aMHHMHBMawMaaBWVHiMaaaMaaaHMaHaiaaiaiaBaaaaaHaaaMaaMaa Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD ' Operating Q. T. P.. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. YOUR DAILY BREAD IS IT WHAT IT SHOULD BE? ELECTRIC BREAD IS KEPT UP TO THE HIGHEST Quality Standard He was successful iu getting good "shots" of the flyers while iu action and his pictures of the Norlh Pacific, which has never as yet figured very prominently on Ihe silver sheet, will bo of much Value. Interesting Stowaway The stowaway aboard is an interesting character. His name is II. Hamacholf and he is a Russian by birth but an American by naturalization, A seafaring man, he went lo Nome and made some money in a mining venture. Subsequently he crossed lo Vladivos.-tock and fell into the hands of the llolsheviks who relieved him of his worldly goods and made him practically a prisoner. Always awaiting a chance lo gel out of Russia, he joined , a ship and got to l'elropavlovsk. There he slowed away iu tile bunkers of .the Thiepval ami fifteen days later was found al Dutch Harbor when the vessel was taking coal. Ho will be turned over to the authorities here. The Thieiival Is taking on coal here and moved (his morning lo Albert & McCalTery's dock. Some engine repairs, have lo be made before proceeding to Vancouver. She. is nol such an orderly looking ship as she was when she was here last in March but, when her, experiences are taken into consideration, it might be wondered that aim got through at all. The success of her vqyagc lestifies to the navigating abilities and seamanship of her olll-cers. and Capt. Freeman of Vancouver, tier pilot. Girl In Waiting One of the principal oflicers of the vessel, at least; is not VeiV. auxious about prolonging the stay or the ship, in Prince KuS perl. Planning to bo back fhi way long before this, a wedding had been arranged for June. Th Victoria girl, who is the othej interested party, js still walling, anxiously and it is. now arrangei that two lives shall be madif! happy late this month. v Captain Heech commands tlnj; Thiepval; Lieut. Pressy is first" ollicer and Lieut. Shipley, secomt ollicer. The chief engineer isf. S. McMasters; chief petty ollicer' F. II. Parker; wireless operator A. Peters; second engineer! Percy Scoble; third engineer. 11$ Arnold, and chief steward, Gj Hucklngham. J . The Japanese liaison olllcersi are Major S. Tanaka, army man,, and Lieut. S.; Tokunaga, navy. The United Slates revenue cut.- ler Uygan arrived in pyrl fromi Ketchikan this morning bring- ing a parly of tourists, from Ket-j chikan under Dr. A. O. Weese of Oklahoma. They will leave lo- night for the, east and will slopj oil at Janper.Paik, Is