TAY I and Ia.-.,,,l)( lllliuiiuf($ Party Was Well Treated By Russians At Petropavlovsk: Misfortune Was Due To Fog. p'&nlimo but he was inclined lo pink that he would not try 6?ain If llin American flyers are ccssful Ibis year, 'there will lie the sjime Incentive for any nation lo inbark on the project IliPXt y,.ar Crowded Ship The Thicnval is a crowded III- lle nliip having on board beside. I her crew, of L'0. thirteen passen gers including four members of i'be flight party, two Japanese liaison officers who were unable MOND ELECTED IN CARMARTHEN I former, Member of Lloyd George "oumioi ucis Dig majority in Welsh Constituency LONDON, Aug. 10. Sir AUred M,,"d. minister of health In the Lloyd .George cabinet, was elected member of the House of Conu miuiH in llifl'conslllucncy of West Uiniarlhen, Wales, yesterday, "iilingfoolli Labor ami Conserva 'lv CHiididulcs. The vole was: AUred Mond .. .. .. 12,700 vnii3) uuuur . . vtooi b'r Alfred Stephens, Con. 7,8U6 sage all the way to Prince Hu the fog which was well nigh im 1 1 M.'iintK-V (!iiii:nli:iii Hliin Thienval. rnrrvincr Romidroti ! ?ader A. S. C. Sluarl MacLaren iiikJ his officers t.f the ill-fated ,vonl of a ""! of members of jjntbh round-the-world flight, arrived in port from. Dutch liirlMjr this morning at 2 o clock mid will remain here until UKMigh, naltirully, keen disappointment Is voiced by them at their .dure through no fault of Iheiri wi, Sergeant II. Andrew, lo return to B'mTihii Jci jii, Is still a sick man Holering irotn miliaria louowmg slight sun lrokc in Asia. It til bo necessary for hint to en- rr hospital al Vancouver before inibarklng on I he overland trip oine from Vancouver. Plane on Deck llallened down tin the port side Sf (he afler deck of the Thirp- al is. the wreck of lite Nicker lr..n I. tl. I I.. .1,.... .....I IllltUrU UllipilllMit'.l ill! I'm, n; beside it the 10(1 Lyon engine ll, p. Napier pert front Dutch Harbor, I he I'hus Is given evl-j voyage of 1370 miles beiiig made penetrable. Had Ihe flyers arrived at Ihe scene half an hour later, they would probably have got through successfully as llio air cleared. On hilling the water, the pontoons were broken and later the right wing was smashed on the choppy surface Ihe only thing lo do, however, was to carry . " I""'1 l)ei"K in sight and no tine knowing definitely where (hey were. Willi realiie .wlial a close call lhey had from certain dealh. Squadron Lender MacLaren emphasizes Ihe ril Unit the eiuiinc had been Arrangomonts Being Made by Board of Trade For Week's Outing to Interior Tin' hoard of trade has arranged for a big excursion to the BulkUy Valley, the whole tour to occupy a week, the parly lo go and come on special cars provided by the railway company. All this is subject t a sufficient number deciding lo make the trip. In any I lie board of trade will go. The excursion is a pretentious .unlay evening. The flyers will proceed soulh on the vessel t,one incluifing vImIh lo Ihe lelkwa fciiiiwner and will return to England over the Canadian Pacific barbecue and the Smithers fair. .Smini I.i-iii Mael.aren. intr '" r,,u " "'i' .muvu mil er .oiiimaiti er: v Mtctr William Plenderleith, pilot: and Col. L. K. Hroome, ad-!"'""" IJi" Placier ami . . a . ... Id I II........ Ik II... 1 I ' M I M. ire officer of Ihn flight, are in good health and spirits al- "ve m? rj,wuu ! The arrangements arc in the hands of a bpard of trade Com. I'okio from the mittee which s now m;tklng re'-- servnlions for the trip and com Knriles and nime throii&h on I he Thiepval lo return across the P'etfng plans for the big event. Pacific via Vancouver; G. Vali-ipietle, of Ottawa, moving picture operator; II. I.aing of Gomox, Dominion government orontliologist; Capl. A. Freeman tif Vancouver, pilot, and a stow-away who boarded the vessel al Petropavlovsk. ( CONSUL GOES i JAIL MONTREAL I be Ihiepval had a- fine pas- Found Guilty of Smuggling Alco hoi and Narcotics and Given Six Months nee nf the crash in the fog In six days and ten hours. There MON l'IiHAL, Aug. 16. Iiich brought lo an end the although west of there It pre- Haymand De lorrents, local opes of the llritish airmen lojvallcd consistently. Spanish merchant, found guilty the first round-the-world ers. The machine and engine ull be left at Jericho Reach pending further instructions. Asked whether he expected to Snake another attempt lo fly Due to Foq of smuggling alcohol through When Squadron Leader Mac- Canad tan custom? and importing "u " "e 'c ' I.aren's machine crashed at Nikolskl, the commander him-fenced to six monlhs in jail, lhey "'t for clemency, self. Flying Ollicer Plen.lerleilh and Col. Hroome were aboard. i round the world next year, c,,..,,,....,! Andrews was lying ill ...... luadron Leader MacLaren slaledallH.iri, the Thiciival to which he 1 1? 1 1 K MAI A I H lial lie was not prepared to give definite answer at. this, time. Bids would depend entirely upon hrcuiuslatices arising In the was removed at Petropavlovsk. ,1AAlllll 1 lLUkJKi I'he accident was entirely due to OFF NEW YORK Soventeon Thousand Ton Liner .Anchored Flftoon Miles off Fire Island CHANGES POSITION Speed Boats and Yachts Ply Bo- tweon Liner and Shore and Parties Aboard Ihe ponloons piereced and the NKW YOIIK, Aug. lO.-Anchor vvinir broken, there was imminent.'..,! flftren miles off Fire Island danger of everybody being lostsv, an article in Ihe Tribune, is If Ihe machine capsized as 11 was a seventeen thousand ton liner threatening lo .do. At las land fyng the British flap converted was seen about .two miles. olT, in0 a palatial floating cabaret. anil, by taxiing, the damaged'Any kind of drink is obtainable inac)iine was beached under I lie on her. clilTs of Behring Island. The The silverware and linen flyers scrambled ashore near aboard the steamer is stamped Nikolskl ami later salvaged the wilh the name of the former machine. Only lhey lliemseivs iierman liner rreuericn tier (irosse lnu the name or uie vessel is painted out. The liner is Ibeiscene of nightly parlies given by weallhy patrons runcl ioning er'feclly and regrelsSpeed lioals ami yachts piy ne-intleed Ihat misunderstanding,! ween the liner and shore. The caused l to have been tinder-vessel frequently shirts her posi-slood otherwise. If Ihe engine lioq and only those known to the ha, not kept on, Ihe lives of the captain know where she wlll.be ......i.. ... .it, I purl n I ii I v have lieen louiui ui. an uiiius. lost. Wonderful Welcome Dospilo ihe fact that Mieir (cuntiuuod on page 3) All classes of exhibitors are A DIRECT CABLE TO GREAT BRITAIN Now' Service Inaugurated Yostor-day In Message to King George MONTREAL. Aug. 16 two niinules elapsed between the linn' that Mayor Charles Duquet 25 shim BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, AmDuiant wilh newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. I q$& dances, banquets and wedding ci.nH Roval Hotel. 3rd Ave. I Q parlies. and 6th St.. It f AU8&0 JQ 0 1024 1 PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. watt viukuk, prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's. Newspaper Phona 457. rVYjS VOL. XIV., NO. 193. 1MUNCF. RUPERT, H.G., HATLRDAY, AUGUST 10, IU24. Vitrdy'i Circulation, 1,850. Street 8l, Hi PRICE FIVE CENTS. BRITISH AIRMAN ARRIVES DURING NIGHT IAJ0R MARTIN'S PLANE IS RECOVERED AND CONTROVERSY ARISES OVER IT 'quadron Leader MacLaren Here From Big Adventure in North Where Nearly Lost His Life Behring Isd. Splendid Work of Engine Made It Possible For EXCURSION TO Ihem lo Reach Shore After Plane Wrecked HOT LIKELY MAKE ANOTHER ATTEMPT BULKLEY FAIRS I aaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSi 3aaB (OBr ILiaaaaaaLiSaaaianaal A recent photograph of the sons of the former Crown Prince of Germany. On the left is William Frederick and on the right Mollis Ferdinand. MacLaren Thinks Zanni Will Have Hard Time Making Round ur Nikolskl, Hehring Island,' was no fog afler Dulch Harbor Maulquer. consul for Spain, and lunlimited financial resources." BRITISH FLYERS ARE GIVEN MEMBERSHIP IN II... nnl.tn eninimn p n 1 en nn "l,m" oi.na., ,uu aV the Atlantic Coast in Canada or, urged to make their entries for Montreal at exactly the same the Exhibition now. U t'e. preciation oT himself and his at New York. Formerly it was . a mailer of several 'hours to ,t,,n. a tl,e frew onf ,,f local club room during I ; ..visit here. a ..... i ... i.-..i i ii ! WRKSTLING Martin's Plane Struck Low Foothills When It Was Wrecked in Alaska PORT MOLLER, Alaska, Aug. 10 William' Sullivan, a fire man at the fish hatchery, reported at the Pacific American lisheries cannery station here that he found the airplane wre-eked on April 30 by Major Fred Martin, then commander of the American round the world flight. Sullivan said the plane struck on gradually sloping ground and that there was no mountain within a milev'uf. the spot. He expressed the opinion that Martin was flying very low when he- hit. If he had been 150 feet from the ground he would have OLIVER OPENS HIS CAMPAIGN "bribe" to prevent him giving. jusl rtema,lds ful1 consid- Regarding the attempt of Major Zanni, the Argentinean air- U'nfe man to fly around the world, Squadron Leader MacLaren said this morning that whether or not he would be successful would ' " depend largely on the type of machine he was using. Stating PUPATTA TAHinRRflW Ihat Zanni had picked the worst lime of Hie year to fly from Gal- "HUftllM lUlllUniXUn cutla eastwards, Squadron Leader MacLaren predicted hard; fights against weather conditions for the Argentinean. There tYenl Rl Tugweii isiana in von- would be the monsoons to contend with before reaching Tokio, "From what 1 know afler Tokio, I think the crossing of the North Pacific at this time of the year is impracticable. Such a Miguel flight ispractically impossible withoiit .government assistance or nectlon With Yacht Club Plcnlo A printed irtigram of events in passed over any elevations in the ; vicinity, which he called foothills, f The plane was; 30 miles from the cannery at which. Martin and his companion arrived after ten lays' wandering, .f The machine was hopelessly shattered. I Martin Donles Declares Will Not Bribe Electors BKLLINGHAM, Aug. 16 "V1U But Will Grant Any Just liam Sullivan of Port Moller may Dues jcall the sloping ground where my 'plane crashed a foothill, but I NELSON, Aug. 16 Speaking to consider it a mountain." declared lone of the largest audiences ever Major Frederick Martin, when seen in the Opera House hereshown the Port Moller de- '. Premier. Oliver last night opened spatches. He asserted that Sulli- 'tlte by-election campaign. The van was wrong when he said the premiep,ihiclaeii that he would plane., could ihavc. avoided vthe neither pminise rior permit any foothills by- flying 150' feet of his colleague's to:promie pub- higher. Martin stated at . the lie works to Nelson, but If Nelson time of the cranh be was flying T17 IJ r i Tl f t V had anv Just demands lie would 1.500 feet from the lop of the rr Ul IU 1 llglll 1 llld l IIHC Ul I CUI not perinit the opposition cry of mountain where he landed. U.S. FLYERS ARE DELAYED Supply Boats Fall to Get Thruogt Ice t oNew Landing Site REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Aug. 16v- connection with Ihe Prince Uu Boats from the United States; pert Rowing and Yacht Club pic- world flyers supply ship failed tc nic lo be held tomwrrow has been get through the ice to the news issued. II shows a number of landing place in Greenland. ' The? regatta events commencing with only hope of the aviators starts a 'grand parade of boats from the ing their bop to" Greenland to- TDCAT WAD UCTCDAWC 'ac"1 '-'no ai io.jo .snu inciuu- morrow ties in ice couuiuuiis (muni YYAK YLlCKnPlj ing a five mile race of launches becoming belter immediately anil 'and rowing, paddling and swim- Ihe boats succeeding in another In Hie course of the welcome ming races. A number of com'- attempt which is lo bo made- to staged early this morning aboard mitlees have Ihe various features night. This is regarded as not ll.M.C.S. Thiepval to the . Urltish in hand. The general committee likely. 'Only , round the world flybrs, Fred consists of R. E. Benson, J. i I'yie, luesiiieni or llie ureal warneeie, Alex, Jicuonani, w . vv . me .uayor auu niucnneu are Veterans' Association, jirescnted Wralhall, Sidney Hunter, L. meeting Squadron Leader M no te of Montreal cabled the Prince Squadron Leader MacLareh, Col. Styles, Alex. Finnic, J. Lindsay, Laren informally on ll.M.C.S. or Wales yesterday and received,,r''1,lue- ''ylng Officer Plender-Alex. McRae, and Ileid. Thiepval Ibis afternoon, 'ellli. and Sergeant Andrews withl his answer by means of Ihe direcl cable service inaiifruraled ve memi.ersuips in me organi- - - . hy ihe Canadian National Tele-Squailroii Leadef Mac-j P J A graphs, and Ihe Anglo- American Laren received a handsome mtm-,f YCMCe CLCL KjftYTlUlliy H2Y2 o Telegraph Uo. "v "r,"K, " The inauguration or this new pal of tliM city and his corn-service dispenses with the delays P"'' will bo given simi ar ...liiili Imvn luinn OTiiiirionpOil in (ones taiei. All four were also 1 . r . t.,-.,..,l...l n.:ii. ..,.lw,.,..I.I.. I ... i the past through the transmis- 7" "i' sious of cables over land lines to lonf; ";ron deader MacLaren on i.lin.l n(l nliltf mn nrt I lin .HiMiut'iii .hi r.nj,""1". ii if ,, 'i question of but a few seconds. The new service was ollicially opened by Mayor Cliarbis Duquette of Montreal who at ten o'clock closed the switch linking Ihe new olllce in Montreal with the cable olllce at 22 Great Winchester Slreel London. The first message transmitted was from Lord Ryng lo His Majesty King George, V. Send Both Ways It is possible on the new cablo to send fifty words a ininule duplex, which means Ihat a cablegram can be on its' way to London and Jinolher on Its wny have Nels Jeoson of Edmonton vs. Jack Burns of Spokane for the middleweight championship of Canada, Monday. August 18, Empress Theatre. ZANNI AT BANGKOK Ihe! t Ireir BANGKOK, Siam, Aug. 16. Major Zanni. the Argentine globe flyer, arrived here from' Burma.. to Evacuation Terms: Troops Commence to Withdraw Soon LONDON. Aug. 10. August 15, 1025. is the date finally agreed on for the Ruhr evacuation in return for -Rie acceptance by Germany of the French proposals that the Ruhr occupation continue for one year, r ranee agreed to desist from her pre vious demand for a commercial agreement and other economic benefits which were lu be linked with the question of occupa lion. The French and Relgians also agreed upon the evacuation of all towns and points outside the Ruhr not in the district oc- cupied under, the Versailles 1 " ' treaty. As an example of Rood- will, .he French troops will be '.BRITISH TROOPS FOR ..;n. I f l I... I n.t.t I Wllliorawii iruiu ihiiiiiiuihi auu CtllWll IPIIir TAMU surrounding territory on August) OUuAN lXME 1U1MI 13, one day after the French j Parliament is expected lo ratify the agreement. II is agreed Ihat the French lo Sudan and Germans begin negotiations! in Paris for commercial treaties. The French and Belgians shall not insist upon their nationals remaining on Ihe German rnil- Taveri, ways. Thus the long controversy is settled. Battalion of British Troops Go CAIRO, Aug. 16. No British iroop have yet been despatched to Ihe Sudan but a battalion of Argyle and Sutherland Highland, ers stationed at Ismalia Is lenvi. iivs for there today. iH i j. i, in 41. iwwmdpmi