PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 "The idnight Alarm" A sensational, thrilling ire picture containing a most appealing love story. A tale of life as it is lived in the alleys of a great cily. Stupendous, spectacular fire scenes. Breathtaking train and motor smash. Exciting! Exhilarating! Fire fighters versus crooks. The girl imprisoned in the steel vault. The rescue by a steel-eating acetylene torch. Crumbling floors! Crashing walls! Amazing spectacles! Dash! Daring! Courage! I'ep! A photo-play for all. Don't miss the locomotive on the brink of the river chasm. See the plotters outwitted. Superb cast. Percy Marmont, Alice Calhoun, Cullen Landis, Joseph Kilgour, George Pierce, Kittle Bradbury and host of others. Side-splitting Comedy: Larry Semon in "NO WEDDING BELLS" Fun From The Press. Admission 50c and 25c WANTED SALESMEN & MERCHANTS If you have the ability to reach prospects for made-to-measure men's clothing, you can easily make upward of $100 weekly, representing Canada's largest exclusive clothing organization, with a Dominion-wide reputation for value-giving. Merchants will find it very profitable to incorporate Ibis line with their own. Good Territories Open. Apply NOW! ROBINSON'S CLOTHES LIMITED 37 Mayor St., Montreal. Dept. D. Walk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. Sperry's Pastry Flour, 10 lb. saeks 45c 1. & K. Ilolled Oats, 7 lb. sacks 50c Small Wliile ltoans, 5 lbs 25o Cream Olive Toilet ,Soap, 7 for 50c Canned Fruit Special. 4 Tins for 95c. 1 tin Strawberries, 2's. 1 tin Sliced Peaches, l's, tails. 1 tin Sliced Pineapple, 2's I tin Table Pears, 2's. Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for 25o Limit 0 In each customer Grape Nuts, 2 fur .. 35c Telfer's Cream Sodas, hing ed lid tin, average weights KMi lbs. nelt, special per tin $1.85 McLaren's Cream Cheese spread like butler, pack age 10o KupertlaMeMipphr i Three Phones, qkvmi, 212 Advertise in the Daily News. LAND ACT. Notice of InUntlon to Apply to Purchase Land. In Oueen Charlotte island Land District. itecuraiiiK District ol prince nuperl.j Juslkatla Inlet. Take Kotlce that Edward .Shannon, or Port Clements. In the province of British Columbia, Uardewr, Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following de- scnuea lanus: Commencing; at a post planted at the northwest holut of this Island; thence southeast and on around ttie Island fellow Inr the shore line to the place of com mencement, and containing one and one half acres of land, more or less. ED. SHANWOX. Dated at Port Clements Ibis 6th dav of July, 1031. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Laaaa Land. In Oueen Charlotte. Islands Land District. P.ecordinjr IMstilct of Skrena. and slluato In front of Block IS. D.L. 7, Plan 4G, Oueen Charlotte Islands. rate notice mat Hume u. rantnirion or Massett. occupation cannery nunarer. In tends to apply for permission to lease the following described roreshnre- Commencing at a pist planted al the southwest corner of Block 19- thence west 33 deg. south, about 100 feet to low water mark; thenre northerly along low water mark lo a point west 33 deg. south of north west cornernf Block 19: theare easterly to the northwest corner or Block 19; thence southerly along high water mark to post and containing 3 ace. more or less, II, b. ihbititii.t, 'tame of Applicant, Dorothy says: There is just one safe manner of cleansing valua b 1 e textiles and that is by dry cleaning. H y our advanced methods the most delicate fabrics are returned to you thoroughly cleaned but un injured. PHONE 8 BOX392 P Rl N CE-rR.U PE RT MOONLIGHT Dances At the Auditorium Dance Friday Evening, Aug. 22. Kasson's Orchestra, llefresbmeuls scrvpd. Gentleman $1.00; Ladles 50c Phone Black 410. L. F. Marren, Proprietor. Advertise in the Daily News.. Optician and Optometrist ir troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE or Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think it over. IT not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment Just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. max Heiluroner Diamond Specialist prince Jorge mtti TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Bath EUROPEAN PLAN VWINNETT THOMPSON. MAN'O. DIR. Tea and Coffee PRICES ARE ADVANCINQ very rauiilly and we Iravo been fortunate lo secure a quantity of very high grade quality al a low price. We have installed a new -In. date Fleet ric Coffee mill and cm give you fresh ground coffee daily. Samples free. Our Highest Grade Coffee Ci5c value, per lb 50c 3 lbs. for $1.35 Our Highest Grade Tea Nmie belter. 75c value, per lb. .. 65c 2 lbs. for $1.25 Orders including Ten and Cr.ffee delivered. Order Preserving Peaches now from us. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Orders of $5.00 Delivered. Hi SI DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ANVOX SCHOOL. SKAI.KD TK.NHKII;., endorsed "Tender fur one Doom Addition to Anyoi School.' will be received bv the lloncurable the Minister or Public Works up to It o'clock n.Min or Tuesday, the IStli day of August, iuji roc the erection or a one room ad dition to the present four room school- nuuse at .miyux. in we .Mini ticciurai uis- trlrt, B.O. e lam. -nermrannns. t.oniran aim Forms of lender may be seen on and after the ith day of July, 10i4. and rurlher Information obtained at the department of Public Works, Parliament uulldings, anil at 1110 orriccs or me uovrnimeni Aireni, Vancouver: the Oovernuient Airent. Anyoj; and tlio Government Afcnt, Prince Hupert, u.i;. Cnnles of plans, specifications, etc., can lie obtained from the Department on payment or a deposit or Ten Dollars (110, U0), which wll be refunded on their return In ftoud condition. The lowest cr any temler not neces sarllv accented. i p. wimp. Public Works Knitlneer. ITIie Department of Public Works, i Victoria. li.C. July Uth. 1VX4. NOTICE. 1 Will 111. As nndor the provisions or the 'loyalty Act, Chapter 70, Statutes 0M, the rn ally on timlier to be collected lie -frinnlnif January 1st, UJ5, will, from Information now available, lie more than three times the royally now- being collected, AM) WIIKHKAS urR-ent representations :have been made Dial this Increase In royalty is much heavier than the Industry ran liear. AND WIIKIIKAS the representations made have (rone so far as to say that anv attempt to collect Oils royalty beglnulnir January isi next as uwm me nasis or me ipresent Hnyaltv Art would Immediately re sult m a miii mown or 1 ne enure inausiry In the province, NOTIilK Is hereby Riven that a public liearlnir upon this question will be held In ine r.xecimve ennmner. I'ariiatneiit mind-Inns. Victoria, tie fine the Kveculive Conn. jjrll or such Memliers tlierinf as may be I'e-ii iircni'iii, liririiillliig- mi 111 u chick eonesaay, September 3rd net. Anynne who has any evidence to tub nut or representations to make ' on the question or timber itoyaltles win tie triven opportunity heard and the public li requeued 10 take notice arcornintiy. T. 1), PATTIILLO, Mlatiter of Lands. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, August 16, 19 USE SiMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughness which makes them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. . .. MMOftDS CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED VsaCowvtK MONTREAL IT.MMN, M.. SCIENTISTS TO Leaving Tomorrow In Special Trains for Points of Interest When you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION and see that you get It. tf DRY SQUADS RAID WINNIPKtS, Aur. 10. Accord- inpr to advices received at Canadian -National oilices here todav IUHU.MO, Auir. 10. More fifty nieinbers of the Younc Aus- tlian four liundred delegates to tralian League who have been at the Hritish Association for the tcmlinir the exhibition nt Wemb-advancentenl of science and the Py, iled for Canada today on mathematical congress conveh- the S.S. Antonia. The party will lions wiiicit have just closed liere( leave Quebec by Canadian Na-leave Toronto tongbt for Yan-!tional llailway for Vancouver. COUVer lwo special trains Will if.miiinir at all Hie Inrirer elliiw he retpiired lb carry the party enroute, where arrantrement iv-lliftll f . f II. I n .. I j. , ... 1 misc.-i .-irr- nave neen mane Willi vnriou- ial passenger Iratlic moveinenls service cluls fur their enlertain-ever handled by the Canadian menl. Nalional railways. The trainj Anion? Hie points to be visited will follow each other thirty mill- are Montreal. Ottawa, Toronto, utes apart, the first train leav- Niagara Fulls, Sar-nia. Port infer the Union station al 7.25 o- Arthur. Winnipeg IleKina. Sas-clock standard time. Jkaloon. Calgary. Kdmontun. Jas- Tbe'lrip across Canada has per and Vancouver, been carefully prepared by Hie : Canadian committee of the Hrit-! ' isb Association working in close co-opcralion with passenpei-Iratlic ollicers. of the Nalional System and the itenerary derided-upon is of an instructive as wll as scenic nature. Visits will be paiil to mining and paper making industries in Ontario and foj agricultural colleges, universities j and lumbering industries in thej west. Three, full days will he occupied wixh the rail trip from Toronto lo Winnipeg, stops ranging from Ihree to twelve hours having been arranged en- route between these two points, the main places of interest bein Coabll, Swasjika, Timmins and Iroquois Fals. Visit to Mines Hon. C. H, McCrae. minister of mines in the Ontario government will accompany the party to Timuiius and will personally conduct the, scientists over the mining properties in Northern Ontario. The first train is scheduled lo leach Winnipeg it' 7.15 o'colck Wednesday even in.: and the travellers will nia'.e jlheir headquarters al the For' jflarry Hotel until the foil win night. On Thursday they will receive an ollicial welcome from j Premier llracken and will visit it he Manitoba Agricultural College, the plant ofthe Hydro- Hlectric System al Point Dit Hois and the University. At Saskatoon which will be reached Friday morning the visitors will take part In the for.. mal oocning of the new chemical laborators of the University of Saskatchewan. Several of the various sections will also hold meetings ami a number of papers will be read. Afternoon lea on the University grounds and a picnic supper at Hie Forestry Station have been arranged for. Deliver Addresses All day Saturday will be spent In Kdmontun. Scleral Hireling will be held at the University there and there will be an olli cial welcome form the Lieutenant Oovcrnor and the Premier of the Province . In Ihe evening following a banquet tendered I hem by the University they will con duct a public meeting at which addresses will be delivered by Sir David Hruce, Sir John llus-scll, Sir William Hcveringe and .1 .S. Flelt. Sunday they will spend in the Jlocky Mountains with a slop over at Jasper Park Lodge as the guests of the Canadian National llailways and then a brief one at. Mount lltihson, Vancouver will be reached early Monday morning. Tlie parly will divide at this point, some going lo Victoria, some to the mining and lumber ing districts while olhers remain in Vancouver. S. Osborne Scott and II. 1-Tilley of Ifie passenger trallle department of, the. Canadian Nn lional llailways will-be ill charge of the two trains. L JUNEAU RESORTS TAKE MUCH LIQUOR i i I JUNKAU, Aug. 1C There have been a number of raids here IwitbiiL the past few days by dry 'squad agents. In one case 40 jquarls of Scotch, two pinls of Hourhon, IG quarts of moon-' sbino whiskey, and u quarts of (tionlon gin was taken. Four ar! ! rests were made and ideas of: guilty entered. The places raid eil included the City Cafe, Al l.undgi en's slme repair shop ;iml the gabont T-623 owned by tins Andei'Miu wlin was arrested VISIT COAST FIFTY AUSTRALIANS SAILED FOR CANADA SAILINGS TO EUItOI'lj MAKK KI.SKKVATtONS NOW 1 j FROM MONTREAL TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP Sept. J. net. I Mellta Sept. 111 Marliurn Sept. 17. nit. I.". Minnecl..,! TO OELFAST-CLASQOW .n. h, Sept. Varloch Sept. II, Oct. 0 Montreal TO LIVERPOOL Auir. it. sepl. t Montcalm Sept. S. Oct. 3 Mi.ntrose Spt, 1. oct. 10 . Montclare FROM QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL Sept. I. O-l. 17 Mi.lltrnval TO CHERBOURfl'SOUTHAMPTON-HAMBURG. An. '.'J. Sept. ti Knipre." nT Si-otlaurl Sept. Ill, Oct. n . . Kaipre-. if Kraiu e TO BELFAST-OLASQOW Sept. i, 1 nt. 2 Montiaiiricr Apply to Agents everywhere or j, j. i-uksiik, ucn. Agu, C.P.R. Station, Vancouvtr, Telephone Seymour 2610, tan. fac Ky., Traffic Agents. TENDERS WANTED. "KAI.KIt ll.MiKH!- aiiiln-ird to Hie uiMler-iinieil and cmii.i -t -m the 'iiv-liiii- Tenders fur inliihliieil 1 w and Horn Stable fi r Frasei l.aki- liiitlan llesidetitial School, 11. 1: . will be ii-eeived un lo noon or 1 lie xstn nay or Auitiist, tii, rur tin erection of the above mentioned bulldinir Plans and specirtcallons may be seen al the post Office st Prince HhimtI and mice ueorire. at oie nrrices or tne Indian Airent at it. rraser, and the Principal o tne Indian nesidential Srlioni at Iran Lake and at the Department of Indian Aiiairs, uoawa. Karl) lender must lie aceomnanled bv an arcepted cheque 011 a chartered bank of canana. rur ten tier rent or the amount the) tender, payable to the order of the undersigned, iWir llutids of the Dominion or Canadian National Itallwav lionds will also be accepted as security, or lionds and oieoue ir required 10 make un an mM amount) whtru amount will be fur r lied If the lierson or persons lendenna- decline to enter Into a rontrarl when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work roniracien or. Ttie lowest or any tenner not neressar u acif-picd. ih .i;a c. si:ott. Deputy. Suierlntendenl General of inoian Arratrs. Deparlment or Indian Affairs. Ottawa, Aurusl , 1921. SI'ALKD TCVDEH8 addressed to the mioersiinieii, ana endorsed Tender for wharf repairs at Port Simpson, H.c will lie received al thl office until 12 o'clock noon (aayiigni sluing), Thursday, September 4, 1824, for III" construction of re pairs lo wharf at Port Simpson, Skeetin blstrlrt. II. C. Plans and forms of contract can lie eeu and sneetriesiii.ii and forms of tender 1.0 tainen at mis iicpartment. at the offlre of the District Kturtncer, Old Post Office Hiiiininir. viciona. 11. 1:., and at the post Offices. Vancouver, ll.r..: prince Itupert. n.C; Stewart, li.C. and Port Simpson. n.c. Tenders will not l,e considered unless made on printed forms supplied bv the lu-parlmeut and In accordanee will! condl Hon contained Iberein. I'ach lender must 'he accompanied by an accepted rlieipie on a chartered bank, pav able to the order of the Minister of Public Work", equal lo 10 per cent or the amount of Ih tender, lionds of the Dominion 'if Canada or bonds or 1 tie Canadian National Hallway Compiiuv will also be accepted a-seeiirtlv. or bond and a cheque If required to make up an odd amount. NOTE.- blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accented cheque for the -11111 .,r a m. on navshle Ihe order or Ihe Mlnnjer or p'nlillr Works, which will be returned If I lie In-tendinir bidder nilnnli a reiotlitr bid. l "ider. v V, O'nillKX. Secrelary, rii-o i'-iti i-nl , ..r PiiIiIh- W'.r)( Furniture SALJi SPECIAL WEEK,END VALUES, Aug. 14, 15, 1G. SIMMONS BED COUCHES With Cretonne Pad, Mattress and Pillow Xo, j Now liable Spring. Kxtciiion style. He.- 3S.3ii. Sale $2i.o0 No. S New, (Juhle Spring, drop settle style. H, ,-K " $:j.r,o. Kale ... 5105o No. a With Link Spring, drop ide -tyte. Heg :10.00. Sale $18i50 X0, , Willi Link Spring, drop Mde style. H'g 91.5i. Sale $105() Tlifso Coin-lies are all supported m ihe with extra coil springs. Special to Clear Walnut Piano L-unip. H- $ni.5(). Sale $26.50 special to Qlear Bridge Lamps. vg. !:!o.oo Sale $21.75. lleg. $117.00. Sale $24.75 Odd Heed Upholstered Chairs and Mockers al Sju . p, Sco Our Window for these Values 3rd Ave. Cash ft 9 TITE Complete Homo Furnisher. Phono 20. Carry 1 specials For Friday ami Saturday, August 15th and 16th Only. STXHARtfs ST. CHAS. MILK, 10c per tin. Limit lo tin- to each n- : Turkish Bath Towels, in JoxU. Heg. 50c. i Youths' and Boys' Boots, m n ' ' Hlticher. Size 1 1 I.. :.!!."). Special $2.95 Boys' Union Suits, Penman's No. 71. Flat kliil closed crutch Meg. $1.85. Spi ... S1.45 Universal Trading Co. I'll! ndvcfti sement is not published or displayed 1' l'lC l"'"or or by tho Government of Hrilish Column ;Conlrol Hoard Joard