Swp wj'li a hroom then i,fit" ; carpfl sweeper. Tlic floor look luelty clean. Now use uptHi i' a Hoover Sweeper ami il will fSut'lion l,o nuickly leiiiontra(eil to lyinir limispkeepinR intelli- -t-iifc Iliac UinrntiKli elean. Iliness imil' saniiiiiion can only be- secHireil liy modern linils. Such a labor saver, Ime loo, I.pi us ilelnoTislrale one in lynur home. Sold as low as l.t,vi in .month. IKaien Hardware Co. The Hand; Andy Store, 008 Mrd Ave. Phono 3 Hardware and Sporting Goods - j ! ffoIcpixDf Jjosizry Pure Silk. L heller Hose at the old Ince, S1.E5 per pair. lAsrpnls H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd Third Ave. A Fulton Street. NOTtCC OF SALE. rileo TriKlrr fur tli tiirrliae of roilmalely tft.Ouo fpil hoard measure h fiic Ion cut rn.ni Timber Sale Xasifl I now lyliir lu Canoona Lake and Indian fr will be received by District ('uresis! I'rlnre Ilnpert no lo uoon of Sfn- t.r siii, un. Kite llluft iri''r. WUIrll l Ihe lowest Bit acrtUble. i.- r.iM)8, belnir ac-hiilated. slurnpaire and royally arrears. niii:i i arnmanieu uy run, turners iriwl rhrmie nr 'Mortal money order. lo H.C Korent llranrh, roverlnR-il tn.lf prlre bid. Tlii hlirlirst or any lender or furlher particulars arifly to District! HanaCO, e-ler I'rlnre nliirl. B.C. Tiv...lln Foodie, Eilverlse,4nthe Daily News. I J-'-tlrilaM lioiilT'T properlty Pftil IF IT'S ON OR UNDER THE WATER WE DO IT. Diving, Dredtfinp. LIkIiI-ering. Coaling Ships, Heavy Lifting, General Salvage Work. Pumping a Sjieeialily. VANCOUVER DREDGINQ AND SALVAGE CO. LTD. COW BAY. Phones: Green 259. Green 487. 4- 4 "Gall again, I'm loo busy lo talk litis morning" was a water-fronl expression oh Thursday which is typical of die times in naulieal circles. While Ihe halibut arrivals were lighter on Thursday morning than for some considerable time pail, thus giving Ihe fish buyers and Iheir olli jigues a breathing spell, the mechanical and electrical shops were on the jump and (he res-pcclivp managers no not provide any Morris chairs or cold drinks fur loafers. Considerable repair work is being carried on both Jo l rolling and halibut boats of the home fled while Ihe waler front shipyards have enough work .on hand lo keep them fully occupied. While the halibut landings have not been as heavy, this week as last, prices have remained very firm and consequently fishermen have had' no kick coming. Incoming skippers have reporled heavy westerly winds on the outside walers and in some cases, small boats have been forced to seek sheltered anchorage. No untoward hap-penings have been reported. Fish Business . From Monday to Friday 8 iO,-3on pounds of halibut has been marketed on the Fish Kxchange, Canadians were high at 14.5c ami. 8c, low at 12c and 7c. American were high at 15.9c and 8c, low at II.Jp and 5c. Arrivals were: Canadian .... Kthel June, Hippo, Xaulilus, Dolphin; Swing. Daisy, AMI, W . A Fj Inez IL, Fisher, P. Dorepm fttne Snpar, Ingreil IL, Alliance; iMjirgalipp, Nuba. Hose Spit. I BACK AGAIN! ' , AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire. Smith Block. Phone 575. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toolhsomo Delight in a Beautiful Hox. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. la PtrCOTTOlWOCVEUEZFi PANELSJ For panelling your rooms it rivajs the most costly Iwnlwuods, .i ' ' hejtivenale your Home Quickly and Permanently. Solo Agents Albert & McCaffer y, Ltd. ' Phones 116 and 564. Johanna, Kobe, Volunteer anil Caygeon, American Hainier, President, Foremost, Sunset, Western, Neptune, Tahorna, Columbia, Eastern Point, Wabash Sitka, Volunteer, Omaney, Jinnnnza, Forward, Vesta, Yellowstone, Pelican, Eureka and Imperial. Clanol Clang I Clangl Hats oil to the amateur fire brigade which so heroically! strove to save Sid Thomson's summer home at the Salt Lake " THE DAILT'HEWa seere! servipo. by none other tban fiapl. Art Oswald so that Ihere is no shadow of a diiubt (hat a wolf! floe reside, in that vicinity. The first rvnorl of lb wolf jhavc rpachcd the city sometiir.i l ago from Ihe lips of skipper! Handsome Jiri) who slated that ' lia 'I. ...I' (,..... .....!.... . i- nun jm-.-ii Mui-iy jnierrupieii by a large limber wolf while in Dial spot on a little hunting bent. At. (hat lime the wolf was so anxious In make his acjuainU ance that it became necessary for Jim lo put on a little speed and make for the protection of the schooner oil! on Ihe bay. It is on the cards that .Jim, in com. pany with a battery of amateur artillery, will make a buhl bid this fall to rid Jhe world of this dangerous specimen of deer des Iroyer. If Ihe wolf in question grows much larger it will be neppssary In send out an armed expeditionary force to do the slaying. Canadian schooner Alliance No, t, Capl. Chris llenricksen. bad Ihe misfortune lo break her tailshafl while out on the fish- on Thursday last and which did, Hik grounds and had lobe lowed such commendable work in pre- inlo port on Wednesday. The venting the spreading of the schooner is now on t tie Ward flames to the surrounding bush, ways undergoing Ihe necessary While not wishing to detract repairs. The hull is also heinsr from (he seriousness of Ihe fire, copper painted, however, there was a defl touch of humor abroad at Ihe time of Successful Cruise Ihe untoward occurrence. There The appearance of the Maevp, is no finer fal reducer in the Cap). Alex McDonald, skimming world than Ihe cry of "fire." To across the harbor on Wednesday Island. have witnessed Hie Marathon and heading for Cow Hay caused race from Ihe Salt Lakes belwepn(a great deal of excitement in two well known local ladies when admiralty circles. Skipner Mex, they heard the cry, and who j aboard the Maeve, has been on a must have cAvered the dislancp .holiday cruise as far as Dundas from the Lake to Sid's shack In (Island and some wonderful stor-rnore than record lime, was a(les of his water experiences are sight that doubtless many movie .aboard. It appears that a large men would have given tlieirfscliool of halibut chased the studios to have secured. Women ,boat on Ihe return Irip and had and youngsters from every angle U not bavo been for Ihe wonder-were soon swarminir around llieiful behavior of the box of tricks lurning building each one tryins. something serious might have lo "save Ihe surface." A popular .happened Ihe famous craft. The young lady distinguished herself by rushing for a bucket of water, Maeve is shorlly.Jo be commissioned in 'the fall mil winter at the crucial moment tripping;crab hunting -aclKMies and a over her mosl useful srarmenlithorough overhaul oTMne gun ' and swallowing most of Ihe turrets on the boat, is to. be made water. Another amateur fireman 'shortly. was sent hurrying for an axel - v and in the excitement relumed! Skipper Ch.rlie SI reel horse with a toothbrush. One or two was. a visitor .to port this week of the ladies on Ihe scene work-i from Dundas Island on his ed hard hi getting In everybody's power boat Hed. way and rendere'd yeoman servieel I- by dropping Iheir hairpins audi The power boat Earn, owned requesling Ihe fire fighters iojaiul skippered by L. fioodwin, help them recover same from Ihe arrived in port on Tuesday from long grass. One bright young- North Island with a good calch ster suggested putting some of fish. 'I he landing comprised more wood. 011 Ihe fire to keep it 700 eohoes and about 700 pounds going while someone went acrossiof springs. Ihe harbor for Ihe city fire de partment. If there had rwpn a fire helmet handy one .shudders to think of the-slaughter Lleut. Sandford Leaves stallation in his own power plant The power boat Spey, skippered by Lorrie Lambley, arrived from Lewis Island on Wednesday night and cleared again on Thursday morning for Dundas Many local young ladies will (wards and obliged the assembly that regret Ihe departure of LieulJhy participating in an exhibition may have attended in fighting Sandford, of Ihe. Canadian Sig- for possession of it. The strange nailing corps, who recently rc-Ihlnsr about the fire was that turned to Vancouver after a . Surprise on Nautlcals ' A most enjoyable lime was bad by all on Wednesday night when a mixed gang made a surprise, party raid upon (he up-town residence of ePIe Solem and Pete Laurenzen situated on Third Avenue East. The attack wa$ organized as a frontal one but upon the members of the parly taking up their respective posU lions it was ntoiced thai no signs of life were in evidence. It therefore became necessary to send out spouts, the scouting work was ably carried out by Andy McDonald, who gained ac cess to the premises from Ihe rear in a manner best known to himself. Upon gaining their ob jective Ihe gang started in to clean out the furniture, and if medals were offered fdr furniture removing we have an idea who would win the first one. A pro nii'nenl local musician was told oft" to conduct Ihe tramophone and soon the fun was in full swing Pele Solem was Ihe first member of the household to arrive on the scene and he soon got busy lighting Ihe fire with half a pound of butler. Pete Laurenzen followed soon afler- waltz to the tune of "The Death of Nelson." Delectable refreshments were served al midnight while all present worked like short and exciting visit to this and delightful dancing was en- I'rojans and sulTercd consider r purl. Mr. Sandford had bcen;'joyed until t lie early hours. i or able torment from (he flames in carrying out some wireless ex-Iheir colossal elTorls to save the'periments jn connection with the structure, the shack proved veryifishery patrol hydroplanes. , As unappreclallve of ilieir aneniionsia signaner ne was uui as a and much lo Ihe disgust of the jiady-killer he look Ihe double onlookers insisted upon .burning; holed doughnut. However, like down. 4 j Jap Sampan Built i A launch hull, 28 feet long by; ft ft. 6 in. beam, Is being built on Ihe Sugn ways. In nddmon a Japanese sampan slyln boat has. recently been constructed meas uring 20 fpet by a 5 foot beam, and filled with a 3'j h.p. hgal engine. This is a new type of hull for these waters. The sam pan is a boat shaped much like the ordinary skllT and Is used on Ihe coasts of Japan and China. The sampan is usually propelled by a scull but somet lines has a sail and a mat covered cabin. The Canadian schooner Nautilus, Capl. What, Is on the McLean ways undergoing deck re-caulking and copper painting. The power boat Iluby Mae, Capt. Chas. Currie, is on Ihe McLean ways undergoing an nrlislio daubing with lipstick red paint at the hands of her skipper. The Iluby Mao is leaving port on Tuesday morning for Alice, Ann where Messrs. J, and 0. Curric are to erect a wharf for Iho Provincial government. When view ed from an aeroplane in flight Ihe newly painted craft will much resemble the early singes of a volcanic eruption. Big Bad Wolf A limber wolf as big as a horse and wearing un expression of acute annoyance was again seen at Olllen's harbor, situated some 133 miles, south of here. Tho fact was reported to th most men he had his faults, one. of Ihe most serious, being bis lack of knowledge of Ihe geo graphy of the town. Tho engine of the (roller Nord- cap has recently been filled with an Alwater-Kenl .ignition system. Flay Love did the necessary installation work. . Charlie Nelson, mayor of Sourdough Hay, was a visitor lo Cow Hay on Thursday morning. Judg ing from the serious look on Charlie's face there was import ant municipal business ou hand. Another on Jim There is a good story going Iho waterfront rounds Ibis week on Jim Lee. It spems Ilia! Jim had very important business lo do up-lown nnd lime was Ihe essence of the conlrnct. Telephoning for a laxi Jim hit for the end of tho dock. Imagine Jim's, surprise upon meeting Frank Morris who asked him if he had phoned for a car. In Ihe hurry Jim evidently got hold of the wrong number. Skipper Davo Stuart, is doing great work on his launch Tsee-kewa, Which he is remodelling. The second storey Is now well advanced and Ihere ls some lalk that Iav is going to imitd a brick chimney flue lo save firo hazard . II, will cerlalnly give the craft a solid looking appearance. It is said that llie skipper will borrow a few hundred revolutions from Iho fishery patrol hydoplauo engines for in- n swell rende7.vous for a surprise party take tho lip, dear reader. Paddy Sullivan is under he doctor's care as a result of an accident nl the firand Trunk Pacific wharf when he injured his knee-cap in an accident with a large truck. Paddy came to grief on August I and it will probably bo n fortnight before he can resume work. In the. meantime, he is preyentPil from making a "nice piece of change" purse seining which he had expected to do. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to LM Land. In oueen Charlotte Island Land District, Rfcordlntr District of. rrlnce Hupert. B.C, and situate near Tow Hill, Granam Island. TAKE .NOTICE that I, Geor&e W. Dow-ling-, or 3C8S Cambridge Street, Vancouver, H.C, occupation manufacturer, Intends lo apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a Pst planted near the root of Tow II til. cast side, thence northerly to low water mark: thence westerly following low water mark 80 chains; thence southerly three chains: thence easterly 80 chain to point or commencement and containing !& acres, more or less, ... ui.uuut w. DUWLI.1U, Applicant. DAVE IIUTTEN, Agent. Tl.lte. June . 1084. Sterling Furnace COAL Dllrd In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This l a very superior furnace coal. It gives t clean hot fire ami Is entirely Tree from soot, clinkers, lark and dirt. Some of the largest healing plants In the city art now using It with entirely satisfactory results. 8TERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered in Sacks. At $12.50 per ton, We are also Agents for the Famous LADYSIY1ITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Offlooi Hotel Central. Phono IS PAGE FIV3 laProfofoncia (BULL DOG SIZE) Best Value in Canada FOR Monuf edured bv Central Ciar 7 IMPERIAL T05ACC0 COMPANY Of (ANADA UMITTO Sole DUh-lturert STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX ...... Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART .. . Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clemnts and Buckley Bay, every Mondayv 8.00 p.m. For Skldegate and all ports south every Wednesday al 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Ilupert 5.00 pjn. ror pni.NCE 0EOP.GE, EDMONTON, WIN-NIPEO, all points Eastern Canada, United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Oltr Tlckat Offlcs, 62S Third At Prlncs Rupart. Phono ISO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle August 2, 6, 13, 16, 23, 27 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-' couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. Advertise in "The Daily News" THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS