n. PAGE BIX. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 "Unseeing Eyes" A rugged, elemental melodrama of the Northwest. A stirring tale of adventure amidst the scenic grandeur and splendors of dhe Canadian Hookies. Unrivalled views of nature's wonderland. An aeroplane flight from Quebec to the show covered wilds. Desperate vidians, otil-lliroat half-breeds, a brave man and an equally brave girl. Thrilling fights and exciting climaxes. Lionel Barrymore. Louis Wolheim, Seena Owen, Helen Lindroth uud strong cast. FUN FROM THE PRESS. Admission 35c and 10c. We Pay Highest Market Prices for Live Chickens and Fowl Write Us For Prices. We can handle from 75 to 100 weekly. GREEN STUFF PRICES Ik-ad Lettuce 10c fireen Onions, 2 for ... 5c Spinach, per ll 10c llhuharb, C lbs. for .... 25c Now Carrol s, per bunch 5c New Heel ft. per bunch .. 5c New Turnip, per bunch 5c RupertTaWeSupply Three Phones; 1io,1, 212 7&r. Don't let the fly aviators volplane around your dining room during the daytime atyl make, a hangar out of the lop M your bead when infill comes. They are germ laden engines of destruction. If you want lo swat. ui jro lo it we'll sell you all the swatters you waul. Hut it's lime to think I of screens and this hardware ' .store. 8creens ...... 60c to $1.25 Screen Doors, black geJ-vanlzed . . $3.50 to $6.00 Kaien Hardware Co. Tim Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods (inn 3rd Ave. Phone 3 Sugar You can buy a SO lit, sack of fine Granulated .Sugar, lleg. Price -'.30 for $1.90 on Monday and Tuesday if .you purchase goods lo make up a delivery of 45.00. JS'o .order delivered under that amount. Laying Hens Leghorns Hi-own and While, $1,50 ea. WE SELL FOR LESS Our Store Is Full of. Bargains. Farmers Market LAND ACT. Notice of Ulentlon ta Apl U laaaf Len. lo f-kpena Land Wstrtrt. ftrrordlnr Dl-rlrl of tout, tiHl altuate on Campania aland. Take Nollr tbat Clarence C Balntrr and Jam Mc.Nulty. of I'rinre Ruirl. B.C.. ucmpatlon iiiiuranre aarnt and brokrr. Intend li apply for tsrtnumon lo lease tbe,rollolnr desrrltd lands: ConioieQ-rlnr at a pot plantrd al tbe brad or a bay al the ral rnd or Campania Island and about one. tulle from the smith end of im Inland; them a folio In the alnuosltle of tlie Miore line at hlfrh water line around th Island to Hie plare of commencement, and conialnlnr h.iioo acre, more or le. C. E. BAI.MEB 4 JAMF.S Nc.NULTY, Name of Applicant. Ter W. E. WILLIAMS, Arent. baled April tnd. WATER NOTICE. (Dliaralon and Uee) TAkE NOTICE that Hume It. Rabliirlnn. be address I Ma'setl. will apply for a licence to- take and use S.ooo aallmia of niter out of an unnamed pond. The water will be diverted from the pond al a point about no feet north or the north-eat corner of block 4fla D.L. 7. plan Hi. Oueen Charlotte llada. and will be ued for Industrial purpose upon the land de- cribed al block It D.L. 7. plan SIC, Oueen Charlotte Island. Tin notice wai posted nu the around on the 18th dar or Mar. !(. A ropy of tlm notice and an application pursuant thereto and to tbe "Water Act. in," will be filed In the orrice r.f the Water Recorder al Prince Bupert. Objection to the application may be filed with the aid Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water nirhta. Parliament .Rnildinr. Victoria. B.C.. within fifty daj-a iirr me urn appearance or mia notice In a local newspaper. The dale of the rirt publication of tnl notice Is Mar Jtti. I It. B. BABIKOTON. Applicant. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. the Matter of the AdiuluOlrallun Act: i and .III the Mailer of Hie Estate of Kolierl Wllki. liereaM-d. I TAkE .NOTICE that by order of III : Honor Y, Melt. Voiinr. local Judre. Supreme UMiri, made the ssih day of April. IdJI. iriiera oi aaintiiiM ration with will annesed of I lie entele of llolwrl Wllk. dcreaW. rrr kciiiii-u ioe iiiiin-rnriKd. and all parlies having- claims arainut Hie mid estate are iiereby required to forward the Mine. proterlr verified t tiu. mi.r. slaiied f rank Wllks at Ma-ueit. B.C.. on or before the join day of June. tut. and all ivnira iiioi-uirn lo ine estate are re quired lo pay tlie amount of their Indebt-edm-ss lo the said Frank Wllks forthwith. DATED this lh dar of Mav. Iil. riJZtBKTII WILkS. HIA.XK WILkS. Admlnistralors, Massrlt. B.C. THE SUN Does Not Shine Every Day but we hac 7 bargains every day. Follow the crowd lo Kconomy Market for specials on dry fruits. I'riiues, 2 lbs, 25c Sepille llui!iii, 2 lb, 25c While Fijfs, lbs 35o Apricots, 2 lbs 35c Currants, 2 lb 35c I'caches 2 lb , 35o Apple. '-' lbs 35c Special prices on 25 lh. box lols . All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. ECONOMY STORE Phone 84. 417 Fifth Ave. East. SUITS Fashionable Sleeveless Vests .wilh wrap around Skirts. Price $15.00 SILK JACKETS AND SWEATEES. .New styles, prices from $5.00. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. OVATION GIVEN MANSON BY LARGE AUDIENCE LAST NIGHT FOLLOWING A BRIL LIANT ADDRESS. (continued from page two. debt of Ihe province was $71. 000,000. That nielli be I rue bul Ihe Malcnieiil did not ro far enough. Afiai:ist the debt was the sinking fund of $l2,000.no0 and K,000.000 more of liquid securilies. The debt was fa creased through. Hie necessitate lo rehabilitate the soldiers after Ihe war, the housing scheme, the department of industries, assist anee to the water systems of outheru H.C. several of which items might Pe directly credited lo Ihe member for I'riuce Itupcrf. Ml U'c money so expended might not come back at once bul il was laid out in the finest of security Hie truth was (hat the province iclually owed 3H,ooot0OO. 1'he goveruiui'iit was r barged with increasing the civil services tut the increases had Ik-cii made in giving new services. I Ik old departmenls. Mr. Maiisou claim ed, were currying on more busi ness with reduced stalTs as com pared with liMti. There was iiioit elliciency. Heferring lo Mr. llowsers crincisms of Ihe liquor adiniiu slration, Mr. Maiisou gave fig ures lo show that the conduct of the business in 11.(3. was much more eflicient lhaii in Quebec where there was a similar liquoi outrol law. Needs of B.C. What Mritish Columbia wauled now was more consumers, morel ayrnll, more people. better transportation nml lower taxes, j There had been a large In-ereae of iudulries under the l.iheral regime. The limber business had greatly increased due largely lo Mt Paltullo's efforts. Agrirullural piodiirlimi hud in creased. There was an improved system of road and trails. With trunk liizhways and laterals, one would be able this fall to motor from llaielton lo Mex ico. Freight Rates Mr .Mansou then referred lo Premier Oliver's fight fur Ihe removal of discriminatory freight rales. An increase of rates a few years ago had killed Ihe mills between Prince Itupert and Yel-lowhead and had seriously affected agriculture in the same district. The trine had come when some consideration was due Iho government for Us work in Ibis respect. The province could not lie down unlil a complete victory had h'-en won. II was admitted in Vancouver by Conservatives (bal Premier Oliver's fight had already meant between four and four and a half million dollars for Ihe province. Audience Cheered Heferring to the statement of lloss Mackay thai ('rentier Oliver in his fight for equal rales was drawing a red herring across the trail. Mr. Mansou said simply "I'oor Itoy." This brought Ihe atidicucc lo ils feet wilh rheer while Mr. .Mackay vainly allempl- ed lo interpolate. Spcakiu;.' of itllempls lo re duce taxation, Mr. Mansou de clared Dial the province of 11.(3. was recovering more rapidly lhaii any oilier? Taxes had not been raised for fun and Ihe gov eminent knew Unit such action was unpopular. Al Ihe last ses sion soiiii: success had been a! tained in makinx rediiclious of farmery luxation, personal pro Sterling Furnace COAL Dalltarsd In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Tlila la a very mperlor furnara nml. It iflvrj a item hot fir aixl la entirely rrre from xt. cllnkrra, alack ami dirt, Sonw iif tlx lirarti hfatlnr planta In the cltr aro now ualnir It with entirely aatlifailorjr remilti. STERLING 8TOVE COAL, Delivered In Sack. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Ajenli for the. Famoiia LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Offlcat Motal Cantral. Phona IS St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. TM DAILT flrTtTB. Wftlnr-ilay, June I, io 5 Optician and Optometrist After one month of careful conscientious eye testing, our patrons are advising their friends to come to us for glasses. This is conclusive evidence that our glasses are giving en lire satisfaction. Mr. Ireland has made the eye u long and careful study, and has tho knowledge, skill and experience to fit any eye that glasses will help, uud in case you do not need glusses, can give jou valuable advice. We are gelling the optical business by deserving il by giving superior optical service. "A stitch in time saves nine" ha no more filling application than in Ihe case of the eye. REMEMBER, YOU RUN NO RISK HERE. Satisfaction Is positively assured Max Heifbroner Jeweller and Diamond Specialist Note-- We (an duplicate lens or repair any frame. perl) tax. automobile tax and the amusement tax. A ga-oine lax had been put on to gel the molorists wlio visited Ihe province anil the proceeds wen1 set aide for Ihe construction of new highways. No government in Ihe I'niplrf had given such advanced social egi-laliou as hud Ihe Liberal government in 11.(3. Labor Behind Him In Ski-ena mid Omiueca districts. Mr. Malison asserted, labor was behind the Liberal randidales. The Trades Union Journal, organ for,,lh Trades fc l.anor t.ongress Canada, paid Iribule lo the legislation in favor of Labor Hint had hern given by the H.(3. government. I'hal journal freely admitted, in u slalemeul read by Mr. Man -on, Ihal Ihe Liberal government in lt.(3. had heal all olhers in Can ada in legislation for the benefit of Ihe workers. 1U3. was Ihe first province Ihal had adopted llie eighl-hour day statute. livery man who U true to Ihe cail-e of l.alxir cauiiol huvc a moment's hesilaliou in supporting and sending back lo power n government wilh a record like Ibis one,' declared Mr. Mansou. Tribute to Pattullo t3oiicludiug Mr. Mansou paid Iribule lo Ihe work of Mr. Pattullo as minister of lauds al Vic toria. As ministers of Ihe crown I hey could not meet the people us often as they might wish bul I hey were giving their best and some appreciation; be fell wu due. , "Canada has no other states men Ihal stands up lo I'.-i-inier Oliver in ability," Mr. Mansou suid. "Having winked himself up from Ihe lowermost lo Ihe uppermost rung of Ihe ladder is il reasonable to believe that he is a disreputable 'lliief and a crook or a 'classy, idiot' as the Provincials describe him. II is not reasonable, I say, for you lo fairly face Ihe issue and show that you resent this llillin'gsgule and Hie insults upon yijnrselves ny sending lo the legislature mil a sinule supporter of (ieneral Mcltae?" NEWSPAPERS QUITE FREE (continued from page i since I was first circled to Ihe presidency of your organization. hach of these years has been marked by something in I In nature of a crisis in which ils conlinued existence as a national enlily seemed to be endangered "At last (his non-profit mak ing company of daily newspaper publishers Is freed from even Ihe suspicion of control hy outside inlluences; Hl last we have the true spirit of co-nperullon among our members Mast am West; at last we have such , re serves of power 'Hint even sug gestions of possible illslnli-gru lion uiiisl appear ttbstird. Annual Grants "As you ul know, at Hie WV, session-, ji -'lite Dominion Parlla mi-lit an attack wac iiunlo mi Hie jaumiiil grants (u Ihe Canadian j Press of $50,000 for the leased .win.- urrvas uiu inree sparsely settled gaps and J8.000 toward i the supplcjncniury cable service from llritain. Your mnuuju'iiicnt beard Unit an allurk was coming, but. having in mind the unsavory llavor this governmental assistance hud to many of our mem. ters, the only step taken lo meet it was lo ptovHlutlie Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance. wilh a uiciiiuruiiduiu explaining fully and clearly Ihe original rea sons for these grants mid the manner in which Ihe money had been spent from year lo jear. The attack was participated in by only two member of Parliament anil (he grants were defended on Ihe ground of national advunl-age by both Mr. Muckcuiie King and Mr. Fielding. , "l'he two items went through' Parliament, bul al Ihe cloe "f Ihe session we v. cm notified dial Ihe grants would not U renewed on the following ear. 13ven if we hail not been notified, I believe )our lb Kin of directors would have found it necessary lo re commend oti lo decline (lie grants in future so thai ihe Company would never again be in Ihe position wherrt il could he made the subject of siu-h nie-sMiusible uud slanderous nlale- iitents. Pay Own Way In coiuparisoii wilh oilier burdens thai Parlunienl had im posed upon Ihe daily newspaper" of Canada in recent eurs increased postal rates and sales' lax on newsprint involving many hundreds of thousands of dollars the s.'.H.Olio whirh Mills had lo absorbed is a small uuhmiiiI. Ihil it was an addition to an overload and Ihe leiuplallon to chuck ll was great. To drop the leased wirns between Ihe luisl and West wires ihal run for hundreds of miles through a 'No Man's Iriind' would have materially re. dueeil the opportunities for Hie interchange of n'w s. in formal ion. and opinion between the widely -prcad peoples, and Ihe national disabilities ami da usees growing from out thai uo one can estim ate. Ilul Hie newspapers, it whs recalled, existed before the Canadian Pre- and before there were leaed .news' wires, and if Partiumeuf though! so lightly of Ihe value of the lea el wires ami of the direct llrillsli cable connection, was there any particular reason wiy the newspapers hould retain them? Some ol us though! what a nice ifilug il would be to give an object lesou lo loitiaciiMis ineiuliers of Par liament mi Ihe fill till ' of wing-! cd words that wouldn't lly inln newspaper offices. There wu also Ihe seductive argument Ihal the abandonment of Ihe leased wires ami llrilish cabie service would nlfecl all the newspaper more or less' alike, and ilia-much as circulation could be secured on other accounts than lelcgrupli news what mattered if some of Ihe oiilside stun were left mil? there were a few who expressed Ihe opinion that Ihe Canadian Press had been a little loo sen- silive or stueauiish about the (Soverumeul grants and who said Ihal if we wenl aller a renewal of Ihesc grants I hey believed Ihe (iovi-iiiuieiil would accede to Ihe unanswerable iiriiiueuts in favor of tlifin ; bul there was always an overwhelming majority to itp-- plaud and support (he emphatic opision of your President uud Hoard of IHreclti'-s that never again should Ibis i oinpiiny of Ihe Canadian Press u u-epl (ioveru- uienl grants to defray the cost of news services. 4tihrltt ri- It, ),v Hpw Soil Roil Thrif-T-Service Ljei Mi Tlireo Services, one of which will exactly fill your wash day needs, Phono us for particulars, Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. Cash and Carry Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (No Telephone Order,) Until Further Nolle this 8toro will Open al 840 a.m and Close at 540 p.m. dally. Malkin s Best or Nabob Coffee per lb., 50c I. nnil 3? Hi. "1 eillier line lo u o-tomer Tlr p ) i-n sale in Men s llepl this week cod with no t s t.ichcd. $1975 SI5 $19JS Mere is Ihe greale-t value in ear- Tor men ,,i Mien. Stand, nl models in Fine Kngli-h Tweed-. U mill Serges. Sues :tll o . Meg. values i."i.0i mid KH5.0O. Those who rome Tliurtla will -in-rh g woinlerlnl Iwrgnm front a coinplele rnuge of -,x--clolhs. Sale price does not include alteration . b . which will be extra. Men's Fine Leather Belts Men's Handkerchief! Culms; lllurk. drey Mild Fine lil-li ,., Hrown. Itaj. l on. slllfhcd It. j, Special, 65c. Special, 2 for 25c. Men's Olulng and Sport Men's Heavy Duck Khaki Shirts Pants Irfdors: While, stripe ami Sues :i i,. , . Pongee. Meg. '. :. si at liml t,ne.-. . $ Special, 1.C5. Special $2.65. MMiBaaaaHaaaBiiHaBvaMHaeMaiHaMVHaBBaaHaHaeaHaBsaHaaiaaaaBawa P- Special Sf LADIES' HOSE J per pair per pair Regular Value, 35c Pair. I..idie- Men rued lop. kilil from i varus, douidc g..eer well., and generous length t. I. CJolors lllack. Ilmwii. uv. tlrcwti ol siiler Yon Imiv one mr til regular rice nn I second pair fur .V. liny as many a you like. I. pair we sell ul .V we must srll one wiir at XV SU Charles Milk 10c per tin I. unit t) I ins to rat h ST.CHARU5 custom-- On sate t t lry. irt rV g""s de part men I Ladles' Summer Vests, 65c I'nttcy Luce Insert mn. Sues JO and :im only. A New- HriHiui Sweeps tllean C String Brooms Special, 60c. Limit i lo each customer. 100 $3 45 Work Men's Shoes fine ii.ttt- iiifiitf,...,M linn (icorgn - is mil for business, and prices like the iL arc surely going lo draw Ihe Iratle. The first line ' '! sluitghleieil i Men's Work Shoes in lllack or Tun. utftdf Hie Army last, with solid oak tanned soles. This ? u ',: I'orliiuily to buy two pairs for Hie regular price of one clinllenge niiyone lo dispute (he statemetil. liel here r:'i WHITE CANVAS SHOES Ladles While i.aitvas Ox-fi'iil. or one and two slrap I'uiups Low nr high heels. Week End Special, $2.95. Boys' Dress Shoes In III own or lllack Calf, skin. I. title (!uls' mcs, h lo KV4 Special. $2.65 Ymilhe' si;.es, 1 1 to 2. Special $2.95 Hoys' si.es, 2 Vt U 5V4. Special $3.45 , . .... , Child's and Misses' Sandals One Slrap Patent l.calher N'atiiral Last, Prices from $1.85 to $2.65. Universal Watch for Change 5c Ladles' and Olrii' WhlU Middles Navy lllue. wi. 'llnr. miole i- . K'ltde Middy I'm i 'lis sizes, it i.. a ( Spxlal 5155 1-nU le.. it I Special iU I.iolie.' sizes, .it i.. - Special $2. Ladles' Summer Knit Bloomers, 45c III Cream onh ' only. This is u -price in a giMi Girls' Zlmmerknlt Bloomers Sues -.'it. . Ul I1 lllack and W hile v U- -' Ijc. Special, 2 for 75c 1 airs $3 .45 II. m wl..... Ii..,.l l fii-. PICNIC HAMS tn only. Avenu" w- , 5 lh. or over at 85c eh. r.n only. Averujie il lb, or over. $1.00. A word lo the w here early as we hir e l hlnns lo sell IhlK week Uil we sold nl the laI sale in Ihe Shoe lep' . 1,000 Tins Del Monte and Beans Individual fire Special for Weok End, 4 for 25c. worth ' tarh Limit l.(io cuslouier. Trading Co. of Advt. Saturday.