VedneTfay, June 1, 1924. I It's a great food to keep kids whistlin and how they do put it away! Nourishing and delicious and doesn't tax digestion either. 4000 CORN FLAKES Ovtn-lttth utuHiyt corn r SUMMER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George W ill .nil 1 .11111 PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE Hid intermediate pomls each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX . . Wednesday. p.m. FOR STEWART Fndav. III. 00 p.m. E.S. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via Queen Cbarlnlte Island. June 7 PASSCNQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. iMt fm. huirc ,ia p.m. ttr i-hiv:k okoiiOi:. fkvioitoi. vvm-fir E0. til point! Enirrn Canada, I'oivsl Statu. AOINCT ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LIMES. CUT TIcIH Offk., S2 TMrtf Ait, Prince ftvpwt. rhe. IH. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. Per Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, May 2, 13, 23 For Kstchlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, May 9, 19, 30 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For utedale, Swan. on Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, 8.C UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. llion rrora Prince Rupert. M VANCOUVIN, VICTORIA, Oca falle, an I.iiiim ,,, S PJi. far VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Aim l, and Swanaoa Baf, Saturday NMD. Mr AN VOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. W.l.t LUad, luMi) S P-JS. Pr fORT SIMPSON end Kaee Rlt.f Cannarlaa, Frlv A-M. Ill liwt Artnu. i. UfMl, Att PrlDCf Hupert, B.C To hep your prints, a Kodak Album You'll enjoy all over apaiu the week-end trifl, the smniner vacation and the fun you have just around the house, as well when your prints are stored, safe, dean, and in order, in a Kodak album.. Precious now, your Kodak album wilt be priceless later. At our Kodak counter you're sure to find an album you will like. We have open ami closed hack styles-most of thctn loose-leaf mi additional panes can he in-Kerted in a variety of attractive cover designs. A complete Block. Kotfak Albums, 20c. up Ormes Ltd. PATTULLO, WRINCH TOT DAILY OWB, porai fivi. I HEROIN A N O lie returned again. He was DRIVE HOME again' on (ho winning side. WHOLESOME TRUTHS AT THEATRE MEETINQ LAST NIGHT. (continued from page one) rase that Dick Horde, member for Abend, wan out itf support of Hip governmpnl mi Hip plea Mial they liail Unw mi rmifli fur labor. In fare of Hi in wlial wprp the wurk-ingmen herp going lo do? Hp hail never enlered lo Ihe labor voir nr lint capitalist Mile. Hp. hint simply-stood his ground for what seemed proper. ' Ho hail l.ppn erilfciiPd because hn was nut it good liainl shakpr ami was loo stuck up. Hp could nol help that. Hp had promised In fi(ihl fur the north ami hp ilpfipil ariymip in Uhow any occasion whpn Iip lial not iIiwp thai. Hp had always pimp lo Ottawa when Iip hail been aked In ilo mi ami had fought a good a fiyhl as Iip could. .Mr. I'allullo Hipii pninlPd mil Hip efforts of Hip Conservative government lo kill I'rinep Itu. t Hp was proud lo hp allied wilh Hip Liberal party on this .occasion. Hp would still relain his independence. Kvp.ry Ilrilish 'subject had a right lo Ihfnk mid al a Iip thought fil. Hp prh popd In give allegiance in tin? parly a Ioiik a Ihpy carried on III fl rnririli.r llmf iiw.l ...Ijl. I.ln ...,. , ..., nu III- approval. MACKAY POURS HOT SHOT INTO RANKS OF BOTH OTHER PARTIES IN HUMOROUS VEIN AT MEETING. (eonllnupd from page one) TlMimpMiii to Iippoiiip a eandi-dalp. Mayor's Record - Hip nppakrr ald Mr. NVwImi was one of Hip nio pleasant. Rpfiial iiipii Ihpy eould pvpr iiippI al a eatil parly1 or uflpruoon pa. If llpy Ihouhl of elpclin him, howpvpr. I he jr. would havp lo "imsi.ler his iiHililip. as a hus-iiiPrinman, a polilician and an mayor, lie had Ih-pii mayor for pprl. Xow it wiih lipiup yrailu-P numlipr of year n ypar ami I ally rpiipitalpd. Hp urRpd Hip a half now ami ppvpral Iprmsi ppopp lo lakp hi advh-p ami ixd )pnvionly and Iip did not knowl jpoparilljp Dip fulurp. He would nuyMnns Hip mayor had done in aildrpss tliPin- af Krpilpr Vfifrlh Hint lime or atlnnmie.I lo ,(,. n a fiilnre ieaioii wIipii Hip Xewlon ju hi pappr had proinis- eampaiun was warmer than it was piI Iip would pivp a Mjuarr ilpal. thai iiikIiI. When I'allullo had rhallpiipdl Bsrl Kergtn Idni in reanl lo slarlint' Ihei II. I". Kerpin. nipntlipr for Al- r"i"1 '"' Ull,t 'f'",,'l one of Ihei tin. said four .war ago when Iip ri,"', "I'l-orlunilip. toil now! had heeri pIppIp.! Iip had Iippii '""I '"'al him lo II. Hp; liriud. hul Iip found that al Vic- Henlioii liowevrr In tlipj loria were Ifi sineere mrmjiprs, rapl ",al "'dher (ioprnniPiil all Iryins lo improvp eondilions. """ sn" ",u a '' J'' The an.up thai had lakpn opr "PU,r' eiernon ami had nol Ihe irovprnnipnj wen not weak w'"' " nipn or IIipv would nol I.PPfi' ,lviiijr into eily affairs Mr. ahlp lo rpsii.eilale Hip finaneps -Vaekay asked: "Who t Hip man wIipii Ihpy were al siirh a h- ",al 'nlrols Hip roiinril" phli. Al that linn- Hip I'.n.i:. wa A voire: "(laspy. islranllnr Hip pinprnmpnt hul' Mi,,'kay : "I llipp he dop. liNlay Hip eredil of Hip pnivinep N,l"n epr say , anylliin land Hip finar.vial romlilion roni- a,,"ul road for Hip WamH (pared favonihle wilh any nl hpr in Nw,,'nV Ia.lor., four !lhe Ih.minlon. years wa .ippOMl hy Ihe Al Virloria Hip policy or Hip !"''nl mayor hul now today poxenrniPiil had been oiip of ro- -wlon has swaflowed Ihe hail, 'oppralion. II was a rrp.lit to Hip ,r and all.' I'norlliprn II. niemjiers Ilia I IIipv. Enemy of Rupert ihail worked lojrplher. When Ihe) Mr. Markay sa,' they heard 'iruvpnlmenl rame into power criticisms from time lo limp, hul I Vaiicouxer was Hip poxprnmenl. if any one 111.11710111 heen a deadly Today Ihal condilion had cpaed. efTeclile' enPiny'TTf l'rlncS' flupprt ,Thpy were now jroinjr into Ihe H was W. J. lower. If Ihe fialit acninsl his inlerels and (-..N'.ll. had nol pimp In Vancoti-ere jroinir lo win. The mills er lrince Iluperl would hav had been compelled to e p.iier been Ihe real terminus of the fi. to I'iiitnliaiis at the same price T.I'. II was built lo lake Ihe they Mild lo Ihe Slates ami Ihey husine.s In Vancouver ami the were airainst them. The eijrhl !.!. K. was built for the same hour day had hrotijHit opposition purpo.e. tiwer is Ihe man who 'from other quarters. Whal sup. 'raises the deuce about Hie huild-!Mirt could lhey execl from Ihe'iuv of Ihe court house al Prince interests against wliirh hey had lluperl. No mailer who else was been fisliliup. They should be in Ihe field the dowser candid- siipporled by the people Ihey were fishlinp for. Mr. KerRin referred In tho Searchliahl rharites and Hip probo in Ihe public accounts romnrillee jlhose who say that Sam Xewlon ye! Ihey hail never ye proved Il.i.... . . - l t I I Illlllllll WIIMI);. .Ml Hill" ll.l'l .llk- el for a royal commission and Ihey all knew al Ihal lime Ihey would say il was fixed. Judpe 'allihcr, however, was nol responsible J.i parliament and did nol care wliPlher the povcrnmenl was re-elpcled or nol. The sppaker enmparpd Hip pre- IspiiI nipmbers with Hip rubber slump Ihal formerly represented Dip district anM who had lid rayed IIipiii over Dip railway ipiestion. (a.ey asked how lonfr lie was ffointr lo he silent and see the Holly Vanlen railway Idle. Kerviii replied Dial nnhody wiiild havp.lllp railway who wanted it. Dr. Wrlnch Dr. Horace ('.. Wrinch of liar.-ellon said il was an inspiration to face as happy an amlienen as Hip oiip before him. lie hopp Ihey would 'take Ihe mntler seriously ami think out Ihe ipies. lions Ihal were before litem, lie was new In politics and had never before attached himself In any parly or al tended a couven- lion. He was free lo admit he had voled Hoitservalive when U'-llride went in hul he had voled Liberal when he went out. Xow he was a candidate because he Ihiiuplil Ihe Oliver povernmenl had done pood work and slonild USE STMONDS SAWS Their teclh re of touihntu which mtk them hold their keen cutting ede under every uuge. ... IMOMS UlUSt UV CO. UMITIS .M0guvl. MONTKUl lt..snl. H ... ate should be defeated. -Mr. .Markay." then examined Mr. .Vewlon'.s aliunde Inward labor. He Maid he would nk is a friend of labor lo poinl to any lime when he foucht for Ihem. Sam '.Newton look ten days lo consent I ask for a hoard of I'oncjlialion when the labor (rouble willi Ihe city was on, although he had li-eil rnnliuually urued lo do so. When he had spoken to him about it he had replied: "Now, lloss. If yuu wen in my position ami had six aldermen in opposition to you, would you do anything In aulaponire them ?", Bayonet and Rifle "Howser is nol Ihe kind nf leader I want,"' declared Mr. Mackay. "Km know the llower method. Ihe method of Hie bayonet and the rifle. Docs Xew lon subscribe lo Ihal? Mr. Xewlon is a clean, moral, poo. I mhn. There was at one and the liquor administration and V.. l.... I I ...l.l . I.. 1 ... . III"-"f. Modem Dentistry would have a tupelins and show where economies might lie practiced. If beer had lo be sold the. province should manufacture il. Xear Ihe close. Ihe speaker made an unfortunate suggestion in regard lo ministers al Victoria which drought boos ami his.sp from t In audience ami spoiled the cITecl or a bright campaign speech. SUMMER SERVICE BY G.T.P. STEAMERS ' " ' " "' "'-"'IAiox W icsday I II f 11 1 rr It l i i i.m.nit lln.l 1 1 ....... I ... ....... , u sicwart. Fridav. iriniinai suame. 11 tney only elected a man, Ihe like'of him lie lold Ihem this would be remedied. "U the Attorney General is puilly, Sain Xewlon Is eipially Riiilly," he waiil, "and 1 do not think I should lend hiiii.any sup. port in Ibis fighf." Mr. Mackay then turned his attention again to Ihe member for Ihe district ami said lie had been a stranger here, lie JpJled at the member nol coming hero often enough and said Ihal when he did route he always brought his bunk wilh him. Mr. Maokay Ihen wettl on lo criticize the reclaiming of the Suma lake unilHirged Ihal morn industrial concerns like those at Anyox, Ocean Falls, and Swanson Hay be established. There never had been sui'lt-bpporlunjlies for development hul noihiiitf hud been done since ho (lovernmenl came Into power. He said rigid economy was required and he p.m., in.nn p.m. 132 SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afjenioons every half hour front 1 p.m. until tl.30 p.m. and on other weekdays at 2, t and C.13 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave Ihe Salt Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. : Sunday and holiday picnic parlies specially arranged for. Launches, row boa Is and canoes for sale and liiro. Prince Itupert lloalhouso. FCZEMA Ton are not eiperlmeuu tng when yuu uie j.r. 'hUM'l I Mill. I'll tutut tor Enema and gain Irrlta- UOUB. II r.lli.. at un. .iM J" all? hal lb tkln. SanMUe bo Dr. Chaae't OluUuiuf lr U you aieutton U.I. Kpcr and iruvt go. lump lor utage. eo a ti alld.alrn tir Kdoianuu.. H.(t A lx. liuutH.XOfon'i I The Iri-weekly service of the! Grand Trunk Pacific Coast' Steamships will be inaugurated with sailing of the S.S. "Prince Itnpet't". Southbound from Prince lluperl, Thursday, June 5th. Af ter that dale, bout will leave for Vancouver each Monday, Thursday ami Saturday at p.m.. it li 1 1 will ninii n fnAm t .... .. linie a In, f lalk ah,,,,. Manson' ap Wednesday od Friday, al p.m., .sailing for at LOWEST PRICES Twenty Years in High Class Dentistry You receive the bent-fit of my experience. I am the oldest Dent-ist established in your city. I'm no stranger. My patients are your friends ask them. My offices are equipped with all the latest improvements to sap-ply your dental needs Kind, Professional Treatment Skill, Care anft Judgment r BmmmmmmmT '"mVmmmmV Teeth like these can be had by availing yourself of modern dental methods Note This. For the next thirty days l will give a special reduced price on all PLATtWORK, using the best material and giving a guarantee of Ten years with all Dental Work. This reduced price will include the extraction of teeth. I have made a study of pain elimination and will demonstrate this to you. Telephone your appotirtment to 575 Today Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST Rooms 7, 8 and 9 Smith Block Lady Assistan- YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "Hupert nrand" Salmon. A revv fins in the pantry are always handy. Slock a supply on your loat that's n good idea, SOLD EVERYWHERE Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS Have Arrived. In" hard wearing materials, at moderate prices. EXTRA BLOOMERS OPTIONAL. STEVE KING Phontf Green 85. NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the (landy, World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight sis a llemitiftil llox. Sole Agents. PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES.