PAGE TWO The Daily News The Man in the Moon lMlLNCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. ?.YS.- WINTER COATS CANNOT BE SOLD IN THE 8UMHIER Piilili-licil EveryAflerfpion, except .Sunday, the. Prinre IT was jusl enough snow to j Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. give the children ft day's lobng H. rVPl'LLKN, Managing Editor. ganningJ BENT'S WHOLESALE PRICES ON LADIES' WINTER COATS, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. WITH all I lie political controversies settled, aliout tin only interesting SALE COMMENCES TOMORROW FRIDAY AT 9 A.M. AND CONTINUES UNTIL ALL COATS ARE lliinp Ml is puessinsr SOLD DAILY RDITION Friday. November H, I92i. on he price of Hie, Christina FEW SALE PRICES ON OUR COMPLETE WINTER COAT STOCK turkey and wondering where WE LIST BELOW A OF THESE COATS ARE TAILORED IN FRENCH MARVELLA, BOLIVIA, DUVETYN, would he the he.l place to jrel SOME credit. SWADEEN AND VELOUR, WITH FUR COLLARS AND CUFFS. E0W4RDSBURG cm OWN AND N SYRUP Its delicious taste and pure quality is only equalled by its high nutritive value. H rite for EDfVARDSBVRG Rtcife &wi THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED MONTREAL To Insurance Beneficiaries Hundreds of thousands of dollar are lost annually through the unwUe investment or careless spending of monies received for insurance death claims and matured endowments. A Union Bank Savings Account is the proper place for the deposit of such monies. If Beneficiaries seek investments, our branch managers are always willing to help them with sound and conservative advice. Ml UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H. H. Little, Manager m THIS will he a hard winter if the weather is cold and lilustery. Don't till anyone. j ORTTINO married is alioul as iiky as buying poods from a mail order catalogue. TIIK (inveriimenl al Victoria is going to gel through the session safely, lint it is only because no-Imdy wants another election. O.N'K of the chief issues liefore I the people of tin's city just now lis whether the Maple Leafs will again' carry off the rake in Hie Ladies' basketball series. THE Anchorage 'I'inies says that ptarmigan liave heen seen jlaiely within the city limits. Here I there are nothing hut fool liens. RIFLE MM Eleven Marksmen of North AC Regiment Rifle Association Turned Out Last Night Out of a possible of 35. the following scores were made at the North IJ.C. Ilegimenl's miniature rifle range on .Market Place last night: W. Hrass 30 M. M. Lamb 29 W. Horrobin 29 Col. NichnIN 2C C. MeKeown '23 S. Hazetl -Jones .. .. 16 A. Hunter ... r 15 L. Peacock 12 5. Houller 12 A. Palmer .'. .. 11 J. McAuley . , ... ... 9 FREE DELIVERY IN PRINCE RUPERT Drink "Cascade" the BETTER BEER Popularity Proves that "Cascade" is BETTER BEER! Lk fr I hit tfmn br yu bwy. It it th ol -CrsWc' 11 dheBeer without aPeer Sold at all Government Vendors VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Thin advertisement is not publUhed or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the (iovernment of HrltUli Columbia, f. MANY thousands of people are drinking "Cascade" because they like it better; they like the fresh, palatable hop and malt flavor, the rich, creamy deliciousness of this wonderful brew. "Cascade" has won the public choice through continuous years of-uniformly high quality the result of putting into it only the very best of hops and malt, and using the resources of the greatest brewhouse of the west Popularity has proved "Cascade" to be the BETTER BEER and it costs no more! Whenever' you ask for beer, insist on Reg. $65.00 SALE PRICE Reg. $59.50 SALE PRICE Reg. $67.50 SALE PRICE Reg. $45.00 SALE PRICE Reg. $59.50 SALE PRICE Reg. $79.00 SALE PRICE Splendid group In cheaper line with fur collars and cuffs and some withouL Sizes 16 to 44. Priced from $19.95 to $25.00 Advertise in the Daily News TIME For Sale Time is the measure of life . That's what our alemert offer you. They are selling a real service, giving yon lime for more important duties than washing. ., .. , Will You Buy? Phone 8 PHONE 8 ln 60X392 PRI N Ctr-rR,U PE RT NOW FOR A Wool Dress "DEMERS" HAVE THEM IN FLANNEL, SERGE and 8ILVER8HEEN. $8.50 $25. HOSIERY IN SILK AND WOOL PURE WOOL f ?52.00 BLACK LEATHER ETT RAINCOATS Sizes from 36 to 40. Reg. $12.50. SALE PRICE . . $9.50 Also few Girls' Coats from $12.50. Worth double ,.i AHratis sumn sTASvsjkA . . iu: ni nr isn -to I Ten Years Ago in Prince Kupert J if - November 14, 1914. -a. I The pruviiicial giiv-rnnii-iii ha-igreed In pay some SIH.non f . . r Alirk done III l-on lli-i-t inn wi ll local improvement oiiral tons fn trading .Market Plee. M ir -1. Terry. hngg ami iaytot) ot loleilo. tlhht, have remiiicil H.OOn for lHal iiMtrNeiiienl ifi'-tienluren recently uli lliein. Tin will enable the rily to pm-i-eeil with Hie new plaok roailwiiy U Itojilen Street. ' Tlie. memheriii nf Prince Itu-' fert flrl city UaBil, which i niasiiiK- quite mi imjirexHion with itu performaneerf. are: cnmluctil-. . HoeUelier; cornet , II. I'eyluii, A. l. Nachbar. William .Miller, William Ooiiilxon "iiml II. Aini'ia; axoilinnc.'. W. II. Sherman, imrnn, V.. Thomas, H. Lyne mnl I., fl. Ileynnlil; lromboni'. Lcn Baker ami II. . Hull; ilium. O. W. Vojre, llolierl Leigh I on ami loe Itulclifonl: tulia. Ileum, llelierl; harilone, W. Mai llravi v.j clarinet,. A. 8chofiei anil lat- irrini; i-Kiiiiierj, .orri rnu- e, Fred Slephenn ami Mr. I.aile. A. .1. Mnrri has two brother in the Navy One is an ofllcer on 1 1. M.S. Monmouth nml I lie other in nn a MUtuiiariue. Hotel arrivals Prtnce Rupert Mr. ami Mrs. II. N. Iielmonico anil chihlrcii. Khawallann: V llowanl. Vicluriii: Arthur HVel. hortie, SmilherH; tieorue M. Harvey, Vancouver; William A. Found, Ottawa; U. (i. Iinvi ami Mr. (I. Javl, Port rinfflon; f). I'nleron ami M. 1'nltaml, .eaHle; Peter .lelirh nml Willelle, Ketchikan. Central J. A. llollinjMicad, r..X,fl.; Mr. and Mrn. Oakley Pinker. Montreal; W. Oobthlonm, r,iy. p, j, Sinilh, Victoria, A. Ilonen, Reg. $69.00 9ALE PRICE Reg. $75.00 SALE PRICE Reg. $45.00 SALE PRICE Reg. $37.50 SALE PRICE Reg. $39.50 SALE PRICE $55.00 $39.00 $36.00 til in MAIL ORDERJ To those of our customers residing out of town this Wholesale Price Sale will be welcome. Our ptr-sonal attention will be given to order received by mall-Just the same as If you were able to attend the sale In person. "BENTS" - Third Avenue This" ndvcrllserncnt Is not published or displayed by W4 Liquor Control Board or by the Government Of Hrllfsh Columbia. TIME EXTENDED FOR AD. WRITINGCOMPETITION Ai ximie people wanted a little longer lime, Hulger ami n.nneroii have exlemleil tlifr llnie for their prize mlvrrtMeinent In Nnvemher 3L They will Kvo a nnVen Jewel walch for Iho hiul nd, The a.l. needs (o be M.ltnl.ler for prlnlliiK m Ihoir voiuaT itpaco. They do nut need drawlr. " arll.tlc effort hut -1r")" vvlitpli will .sell their '"' u'stralKht brtslneuM lulV l"aj' J'ry it! II ml you nci'd y Ji hand' it in Ut lliiler nml t on, (he JewelleM. II. fl. nunnlnghnm of l'"r' MinslDti, who hn been on fur! Irin fn VancnuvC'' wa ). Inwn nn the Venture I"3 enroulo mime,