Ladies' Shoe Specials For Saturday Selling I 1 THE VALUES OF THESE SHOES ARE UNSURPASSED FUH QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP. LeoEi OUE STRAP , u, iiii Mini1 mr evening wear. Il' g SPECIAL g QQ MTENT LEATHER, ONE STRAP Hi K SPECIAL (jjlj fjQ IROVVN OXFORDS lift? "w SPECIAL QQ IROWN, STRAP WALKING SHOES lleg " SPECIAL . J 5Q BIG REDUCTION ON LADIES' and CHILDREN'S FLANNEL DRESSES. A Spe .tl Line nl Hint Cum- mill Club Hairs arc mi .-.t. il -, ? imv price-. These arc uu excellent .ipinlily lr.-if I- .n iK imu "ii wuiiiu make ;,n u, i, (;hrilma Present. .k :i iff Miein, MRS. GRAHLMAN SECOND AVENUE. QnrlLmns Gift ,1 hi, v, Catalogue Send for it Ilou)l It contains hundred of uicfal oFlhclloim I kf. from UT.Mio , MS J 1 LKakBrr-2) tnd attract;, c fiiti tuitablc lor every member ol the firr.ily. at well at a complete range ol toys for kid4M of all ei Tae advaniate ol the prim. Send for it today! His M Hi' ? Site ! Local and Personal Hayner. Undertaker, Phone 351 A Concert nml minccllancoU!) hower in Salvation Army liall, triday at 8 p.m. Hefreshuicnt served. 208 Adair Car Chapter, I.O.D.K will liolil a bazaar on November IS in St. Andrew1 Hall. 208 Kll' Christina Clieei Cue inir Conical. How loiur will the candle burn? .k any Kill! Saws "SUPHCM H" Colfcc roll "TT" x n i; : III Mi on command) tho Gurtai)itorisc GmmanJ Galll-Curc! to sing for you, Elman to enchant you with his violin, Paul Whlteman and His Orchestra to play the dance musi: of the day. Command these and the other great artists of the world to appear before you and invisible-yet there-they will perform with all the charm and living reality that they do in the actual theatre. Such b the privilege "His Masters V Voice" Victrola "the theatre of the home" and "His Master's Voice"-Victor Records, "the performers of the home" bring to you-pcrformance without an cqual-a key to endless entertainment. Rett Seal Itccorth are now OouMe-jiicif. 7mi selections or pnielically the prist of one. Atkorjro cuiut. V1ot niMnf Huiiln Cnpuf w i i aster's Voice" ViC trola If pon ami secure free Knglish china. It Ili-yular shipments of famou Foothill love anil lump roal ar riving. You'll like ill Conumer Coal Co. I'hone 7. tf Opening of the ltakelliall Sea-nun, Friday. Nov. II, at 7. J 5 p.m. Three game., admission children IUc., Adult 25c. 208 A meelincr of the Canadian Halibut Fithin? Veel Owner' Association will be held in tli City Hall on Friday, .November I i at H it.m. H. X. Xewell, l'rei-dent. 208 The firl revolvr bullot firi'd by I,. Contoli at the robber ecap i up with fur from Coldhloonf fur hop yelenlay morning en lered a window in the room on the eeoml Hour of Hie homiiiion lllock formerly ued liy f tie wire le department ami lodged im 'he eeiluiy. Do You Know? ?Ji1ul,ty, ,Vk" " J-To now !Ti fUiT: JrTo '" "' rrtlf fr" U rorng of niomarh mlrr In two mlnulc Jo-To ,1J at ,u ijrg. rnrc daily nnws I live the rrupU nt diupvw. True eirnt, neauuiui c xiamnt odor, uwwiu ni ciear o oort entertained inee the formation vodlbtly (Un. color, toft, of a (II rtl UlltUiruTlll CK4M-t J.I III.) Wi lunMn D. D. P. Th Inl bonU r liT or n moMt bci. 11 CD bouI. TNT D. O. O. IOAPTOB ORMES LIMITED beef 5 ilm. for lie; roal ea I He lb. Hupert Table Supply. Don't iiiImm Mooffljeaii Hazaar t MetroMilt! IUH. XovciiiImt If and I J. Fort tourincr ear to be pi veil away. Hants t In o'clock .Vovemler lt. lttt(rhmeul -erved. Adiuifod SrQc. Kvery-iMjily welcome. 270 Harry llirupp of Hie C.X.ft divihron freiifht ofllee fia reached London in the ttftre of hi trip lo Ihe Did CoilirfV)' neei.nliiia to word reeeivml here. The (Jyro Club hit received"' poxlrard rrom Houyla Sloik' in Ciieellaliou of teae! Te lioii- builder ami tVa I builder iwinii 'to eancellatiou of leaM jwe have for sale al Jfwally re-dureil nrire. dillaraiuit and double drexneil lumber. Slock nml be itwld at oriee. Shockley I'lanmp Mill, Cow Hay. tf J. Allbuary Ulout, J1trnr of the International lrtwpondeiiee SeliooU and Hie Women' In-li- lule of lliMiieclie Art hiiiI 5cienee. of Seranton, hu a lent iforary oillee in tin- Wallare Htaek. He will be pleaded lo meet paf, pre went and ropti'-tlve ludi'nl either then' or al their home. Pliotn- lllaek 135. Ladle will ! 4iiei'JeC44 know Hiat In- ha a limilcd number of the Dili' H..UI- i'-.s lirmks for frei- ili-l i iliiil icm. FOR A FEW DOLLARS MANY ARE MADE HAPPY The most uin-iimfortable creature in Ihe world i Ihe one who mi Chriritmaw moi-niii? receive a number of greeling card from people who he- or hn formal to remember. Tliii Chritmc more than ever before, private Ifrreeliiiif card an- goin? In M in vo:ue. in order lo jiel exactly llie er-onal canl yiui whuL be sure and make your selection now; Scatter Miiihipe with Hose. Cowan and l.nlla's printed-in. Prince Hiipeil Chrilma CrfinN.. Four'.h Slr-jel. Phone 2.14. It ANNOUNCEMENTS TEACHERS ARE ROTARYGUESTS Entertained at Dinner Lait Night Along With Members of Schoolboard INTERESTING SPEECHES Eczema Tl"' i,,(,"-" r '" li7onrfeeorbo1rdlifrywfmui- i Cliy , mm , .. III ,l,plll,or llicmocrs in f nn. III.. t,t Are roa euflerinl tb itching torment rf rcxn) , , I schoolboard wen Ial evening tint ! irrmiiucin " . , K. .... guei oi me noiary uiiiii bi dinner ill I lie St. llegi Cafe ilin- I I line on which lliey nave neeu of the cluli. year the notarial! were t:uet of the teacher. V. T. Kerin preided and Georpe Munro had charge of tlie program. The peaker Included I. C. Hrady, principal of the High School. H. II. Hartne, princi pal of the lli.olli School and S. I' Parker. liairmau of the chool board, for the visitor and In Saturday Iiulkley Yalicy Meat uJ,iiion to Ihe chairman Tho. fpecial. Sirloin Itoi! Ic lb.: McClymont. Fred Stork and M. T-bone ltoai 1 He. Jh.; boiliiii: j jicCalfery for the club. Souk by Mr. Fraer and .Mr. Jarvi .Mcl.eod and a piano olo by Mr. Kenny were much enjoyed and there were a number of community Miiiy led by Consul Wake field. Welcomed by President In hi opening- remark Dr. Herein welcomed the guef and pok- of the important poilion (hey filled in the community, and of the wonderful influence they wielded. He told lliem Mtmelhiliz of what Hie club wa and what it flood for and particularly il in leret in youn? people. Hecaue of tlii they had much in common with Ihe teacher and he promt- rtl them co-operation in aiiylhiu: they et out to accomplish. Tlio. .MrClymont ;ae an in- lereliny addie howin? the value of education. In Prince Ituperl Ihe cost of education wae about 10 mill on the dollar, more than was -pent on any oilier department of city gov-eriitinMil. Vancouver peut 7 's milU and Mime eitie much more one oiiig a high at IU tnillx. Prince Ituperl wa below the average. Healthy Fiction il. (1. Hrady urged the value of healthy fiction in the education of boy and girl. AIo he mentioned the harm done by pernic ious book and magazine. read by many. In order lo provide good fiction .Mr. Hrady urged thai the children's eclion of tho pub-lie library be increased by the addition of more good fiction and that provision be made for mavainr reading there. The ordinary boy or girl loved litera ture. I. H. Harlncs aked the co operation of parent for the haokwaiil pupils. Some pupils look so long going through the public schools that they were too big to go on inlo the High School lie also spoke of the need of. a public gymnasium or some such institution rl(r u. UM, f nl( pupiU uf Ihe schools between school dismissal and tinner time when Hie weather was not! suitable for outdoor play. Fred Slork mentioned the valu- of Irtivel in connect ion with the reaching for history and told of visiiing lltimiymede where Magna Chnrta was signed, the place where dray' F.legy was written and the historic school nf Fat on. M. J. McCalferv spoke of the' value of education, especially in Adair Cars Chapter I.O.D.K. " ,c.Mlnl Vvl'T peuple f a" llaianr, .November 15. nHluinalilies gathered a they did liere. Ihe school were the .. . Ii'ii'lling pol where Canadians "adian Moose Huiaar. Xov. 18 and . ,,;,,.,,, Presbyterian Haiaar, Nov. 20, Lutheran llaianr, December 2 MetropoU Hall. Aderlisu in the Lally News Ailvcrlis,. n t tajV Ne. LADIES! SHOES IN ALL SIZES At Greatly Reduced Prices. FLANNEL AND HOUSE DRESSES FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. H S I-' 1',.,-L.... .........I i r.... --UI.VM IUI the Hoard in Ihe erection of play-! sheiN. They wanted one at Ilor-den Street and another at King 1-4 1 ward school . He thought it might be wise lo have a bylaw to provide for these and make them1 so good that they could be used Tor the city basketball game. The one al Honlen Street would be centrally located ami suitable. The F.Ik htill now used for Ihe purpose had too little accommodation for spectators. The .gathering dispersed after a vole of thanks had been passed'! to Ihe member of the club fori, their hospilality and interest in school work. Peter Jelich of Ketchikan arrived in Ihe city from Vancouver on the Venture this morning and I registered at the Prince Flu-perl Hotel. He will continue his Journey north on the Princess M;i"v op Moifdny. Sealed "Fellows, That's Great" PAOB TDRElJ in aluminum pacKets "S&LADA" lie could say no more when lliey presented him a tblu miidel w'atcli.' It was just I fie tiling he wnnle'il. Hi wntrh was out of date, but he hated to throw- it away.- We have a ''eautifiil new design white gold engrayed'15 jewel NValth am in the latest thin pattern iud a giiaran-lecd timekeeper for $45.00. For a moderate priced Watch iwe have n splendid litllewatch for 1 5.00 in gold filled. We have a big variety and can suit any pocket. BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. fiuess who wrote this ad? Can you write a heller one? The lime i extended lo November ilO. iftUEN WATCHES HSOO is always pure and fresh. So delicious! Try it today. "The Family Shoe Store" "LADIES" WE ARE CLEARING ODD LINES OF SUEDES, CALF, AND PATENT, in OXFORD AND STRAP. "ONYX," "SUPREME LADY" and "TRUEFIT." All going at Phone 357. THE ECKOFF STUDIO CALLS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE We are able lo gel any Fancy Goods, Dry Goods, and Sundries you wish to get from the Orient or Furopeau countries. We Buy Furs, Jewelery and Cameras Do you expect lo make belter friends? If so, give him or her u gift of yoiir Photograph. We do photography . in any slvle at reasonable price. ECKOFF STUDIO AND REGENT HOTEL Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th SU Phone Red 69. FALL SfTEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George SAHInos From Prince Runert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, und Intermediate Points, each WEDNESDAY 8.00 p.m., each SATURDAY 13.00 midnight. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. For nil purls QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 8 p.m., November 15th. PASSENQtP TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince nupcrt t.00 tun. for PRINCE GEORGE, EDMOJITOJt. WIV NIC to. ill point! Eastern Canada, I'niwi) states. aaiNcr all ocean TMMtHir unci. Oil, Tlckt Of. , BZS TMre -., frrnc RUMM. PtMM MO. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnn from Prince Rupert. . or VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, wnin By, tnd Alert ay, Tueedey, S P.M. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Br, tnt Swlneon Bey, Belurdey, 10 A.M. For ANVOX, ALICI ARM, BTtWART, ndtf, S P.M. for ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON end Nit Rlrer Cannerlet, Friday A.M. I2S 2nd 4. Berniley, Anl. Pnnee Rupert, B.o, i I, m i