J"rseni. wmi rtas pwn alderman ror ear.. i an In- -urance uk-h!. Mayor lluywanl is 1 tueinlier of "e L.'i;ilaliiir f..r the city ir Mivtce of their country far. p 'tie World War. as com- r"" 'iT r .rl w( u,,;:former official in a 'tii ...ii. 1 im III9 01 ' iiuinia Mho huve come to, 'U 111 more rrreitl times j liown the name Murdy and repreteiil m coutribu- M Ht value lo the human "f our country'. future.' : n (lie oiilnlundiutr acl of ' ciilioii n Ihe nicrniiiK or II' ine Million aeuries for '1 erfiriency and economy. ' a Ihe bleu, Hum SOU cotiKre-i ! we're ndiled and III iiil.o- iii-riiuie Mll-iiinrtiii. LOG SCALING MOUNTING UP Over Twenty Million Feet ror October Brlnas Cut or Year Hlqh "''li Hie total Iojjs scab'd for inutiiii of October amouutiuK I'W-r Iwcnly million board feet " cut ror the year so far 0 'Ih- ilisliicl has mouuled lo 1 1 HI. 17 I feel. This is in ad- lSl n In poles, piles ami ties and innins a lol of business. The ":;'h cul Is made up as fol- '"iihis Fir "'it Cedar -'.i:irt.5r.5 s.mi spruce .... t.o7t.7M; ih'inhick 5,iS8.r:ii "'0tll 2.Dtio.un:i 'y.ifesn 7U5 '"" n.r Spruce 5;'.7U "it , 1:1 '"Konwood 21U.H5I 20,5157.773 "Ip; I .1 feeli,: 75,7H(5 (""'"fk Piles 1. '.Mi,(i35 t.cii,r pj,. 5H.71H 'I'llwiiod f li'Jti.5 " WihiKle ImiIIh 71.5 """way " Tic Flr..'..'..ir 0.UI5 11 spruce . n,in:i " Hemlock u,:itiN ,, I'ine 7U.50K c,,,r8 I'"'!, cords 158.08 'I'(.., cords 70.25 1 "1 VI I. . Detachment of Mounted Police Being Established at Bache Peninsula on Ellesmere Island 01 lAWlA, Nov. 11. With the establishment or a ilelacli iiii-nt of Itoyal CHiiadiHii .Mounted I'olice at llache Peninsula on F.l-Icsnicie Island, the long arm of the law will !, extended further In the direction of the polar region. According Ut in formation at the headnuarterit Vif the mounted police here. this intended step I part of a plan being carried out lo protect Canada's northern Island uh actual poatM'ssions of Ihe dominion and aio the mineral and H-hing right. , At Ihe present limn the fur- lhermol northern po-l of the' uoyai i.ana.iiau Mounted Police Oilier peroti were on Canadian I iit Crate Harbor on Ihe norlh National properly am the mailer end or r.llenmere Main) with tern- was lieijig taken up with Ihe pnrary provision r.r a deHlouipaiiy with a view to obtaining lightly rurlhi r norlh al Gape j a melioration of conditions. Pro- Habllie. A llclachllli'lll is leuvin? vinrial ami ntiv r.i.liiu ..111. ....... . , . rau Harbor early ne month ' pa'iI -eiMcp and it will co- ,, . , . THREE FOR MAYOR ANNOUNCED VICTORIA 1 Christie, Pendray and Sargent In The Running For Chief Magistracy VICTOIIIA. Nov. It. Aldermaiii i. II. Cbrllie lias nimotnii'ctl I hl ramlidalure lor llie mayoralty liirf. Hi nlliitr euiiiliilMlM- l,uin :rl Pes,., and A.darM., W.j J. NinrrHi. Mr. i;hh(if uro Z meiu irwi: ir. iTintrav i Imoi 1 or Ihe Hriti.h America I'alnV f'.o. I . , .. . . . "'! will rein.- at Hie i'imI .r Ihe I THE PENITENTIARY!.! - - Peter Smith Commences His Three Year Term at Kingston Yesterday - . KlXitS'l'OX. Xi.v It. - I'eler Smilh, rormer prnviucial Ireas-jwalk urer. enlereil I'ml -1111.11H1 neni- leu 1 111 1 y yesterday af(eriKiii to erve lliriN years for couspiriitK to ill-fraud Hie province in connection with Ihe -ale r bonds. MAN WAS DRUNK Must Have Been or He Would Not Have Brought Them llrowu was bun v tns honte tiom business when he met his friend. Sinilhers. also lioincwardi bound, carrying a large bo.pict. j "AnylhiiiK special i1" asked Hiiiwii. eyeing the flower. "No." was Ihe answer, "only lakiiiK Ihe wire home a few flowers: she like a little surprise sometimes. Ooesu't yours?" "Can't say I've tried her." "Well," nilviseil Sinilhers, "lake my lip and you'll Hud that she'll be ever so pleased." On arriving home Ihe next evenlny Hrowii presculcd his vvHe with a large hunch uT Ihe choicest blooms procurable. Instead id' being plcnsed, the lady promptly hurst into Icius, exclaiming between her sobs: "Oh. dear! Oh, dear! This has been my unlucky day. Cook's given notice, the eis(rrus lnirsl,Co. I've cul mv ft n iter badly, and imw, Oereiice, now you've enme home drunk!" LOST DAVIS HAFT The lug Cape Scolt lost an Kim, Oiio root Davis raft of logs in Queen Charlotte Sound off Cape Caution last Tuesday morning. The ship was sotilhlioutid from Swanson Hay lo Seatlle when Ihe side slicks of (lie raft parted (n a Icrririe gale and the! tow bcab ' liicak up. I'llINCK CLEANING UP OF COW BAY Police Officers Failed to FJnd Anything Wrong Not so Much Trouble Now Letter from T. V. S. I'arsnn-iiispeelor of provincial police wild regard to effort thai ha. been iiihiIi to clean no nllei'i'i undeitjrahle premise at Cow Hay were read al Ihe mouihly meeting of the poliee commission yesterday aflernoon. In lim letter, Inspector Parson luted dial this mailer logr'lhcr wild Dial of waterfront shack-off Seel inn 2 had been taken up ;wHh the public work engineer. Ihe srertiiit teller staled thai Ihe only occupant or provincial gov eriiineiil properly al Cow Hay had Bfeii 1.. . Mckeisnn who had already moved out of there. , . . ...... . . , , i'"iii v r tin i " haul made earehe but had failed lo find anything unlawful. Chif Yicker reported that one nf the persons who had been eaiioinc Irouble al fiw Hay had' moved away aiyl had apparently left the C,l, . There had l.ol bee,, iv uiii.,.....i. 11 '1 Ktniiiid on which to base u- pll'IIIIIH. Afl.i foine iHmmixmiii. it was decided lo lake the matter up furlber Willi tin- railway com- ,m" BISHOP STRINGER OF . . YUKON IN YANCOUYER Arrives After Ten Thousand Mile Journey Through Immense Territory VAX CO I V:il. Xi.. It. II.Im..i It. o. SI ringer of the Yukon and Mrs. SlriiiKcr arrived in Vancouver yelerlayt after a ten Ihou-aiul mile journey. Leaving in June I bey crossed Ihe HiH'kie on foot and visited Ihe millions al iShiniilr I'oinl and llcrschel Is-; laud. j AHer arrival at Kdmoiilou Iheyj went 011 lo London. Ontario, lo. .attend the session of the (ieiieralj Synoil. They will return lo While. llore shortly by boat ami Ihence Ihe remaining 33ll miles lo iiawson. MANY LOST LIVES IN EARTHQUAKE AT JAVA HAT AM A. Nov. 1 1. The Island or .lava has been severely shaken by an earthquake and three hundred people are reported killed while countless numbers are iiiissins:. FISH ARRIVALS r- Fares To'alllno 132,200 Pounds Wore Marketed at Exchange This Morning Halibut arrivals at Ihe Fish Kxcliatii:i' this morning totalled 1 32.200 pounds. Four American bonis sold 1 1 l.dno pounds and live Canadians, 21.2(1(1 pounds. Arrivals and sales were as follows: American llainfer, 50. 000 pounds, al U.lic and Oe. In Ihe Pacific Fisheries. Daly. 27,00(1 pounds, al l..5o and Or, and Valorous, 23,(10(1 pounds, al l(!..'lc and 7c, lo the .Canadian Fish A. Cold Storage 11,000 pounds, at 15.5c and tic, to Ihe Knoth Fisheries Canadian Co. Canadian Hippo. 12,000 pounds, at 1 5. Ho and lie, lirthe Allln Fisheries. Cayueou. 2,5((l pounds, at 1 1. Co and lie; Mab, 1,200 pounds, at I U5c and (1c and Toodie, 2,500 pounds, id It.iif and (5c, to the Canadian Fish v Cold Storage Co. Scrub. 3.000 pounds, at I l.7n o Hit Hoyal FU Co. HLI'KUT. UM. ITUDAY. VOVKMHKH li. HUM. STOLEN FURS DISCOVERED Indian Boy Found Two Capes Valued at $1,000 and $280 Under Sidewalk on Sixth Street The Iliief who liroke the mIiow vindow of W illiam Coldbloom . ii r "lore early Tliurdat moriiiiiK and removed valuable fur eans apparently look eobl feel bvforc . .. 1. .: 1 , " , , .. !, VA-lwfilv H I l,riiftjiii 1,1 :l 13 two or Ihe ,pe, (he I.O0il III III 1 .Ml,- HUM !...... I 1,1 -r. valued al i'HUw.'ie relumed Ui ....II 1 !..:.... alk ,,M ,r'"'1 l" u,e rear of Ihe Prince ItnpeH 1MH. The furi wero retored lo .Mr. tiolilblootn. A Ihird rr vi.t I al ?00. which Mr. (ioldbliMiiu report is nl.o misinK. has no) yel been located. Nor ha Hie IJiii-r yelii.ain.ni u.111. 11... ,.t.i.i ..r .1.. 1...... ..,.Mi.,..,.ii aii.iiiioii in 1 lie close sea-ou or CRYSTM. nPnF.N.S I'lace of il, i, et,led Tor Ihe ',"IM,'vli," "f He Industry and rnvrnirr ip f PT lUINIKAU J) .r4'jils re-eslablishmenl and main- llenance lo maxiiiinc productiv New muserrent Centre For Vlo , Com;)eted Tmc for Tourist Season VHTOMIA. Nov. 1 1 The C.I'.It aiiiiouuce.i yeser,iay that con-j j The Ihe commission commission consists ol tracts had been nwarded ror Ihe.'wn Cauadiau and Iwo American ereclion or llie new amusemetil members. Ilesides Mr. Found, 1 renlre here at a cost in Iheithe other lUimidian member is .1 tteisldHirhoo'l uf 55.0()n. The I', llabcock, assirlunl lo the H.C.I iiuildin? is to be flnilinl by May.! I 25 TAXI and She main BOSTON GRILL Ambulance with Large newly Upstair laid Dining dancing Hall, Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties. and 6th SL PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston MATT VIDECK, Prop. Grill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. Mil, XIV . NO, SOH, GRAIN RATES CONSIDERED Hearings Concluded and Written Arguments by Railways Will Yet be Received ,coi Vi:it. Nov. l. The j. rates hearing before the II irtl 'f Hallway Commissioners l iiled here yestenluy. The c:ii:!iii doners ruled thai no fur-viilrure would be taken. Tin ( I' ll. II lid C.X. It. Will llUU' -: December I to fill' writ tfii ei K.iinenl. 'an num MrKrowii and Oni-t: h w'm Oliver look Ihe view v. mlil iitl hi' fair lo H.C. lo !c io the request of the rail wr - resume the hearing' in I -'iiht Immediately written i i, ;im ''. were fileil the buanll v. 'ukp iiiId consideration all1 t ilriirx and argument and I ... a i "iicliKiun mi the ex , and domestic grain rale. LUTHERANS COMPLETE BIENNIAL CONVENTION M ...... , ... Address by President Coolldge Speaks of Sturdy Spirit of People l .i I ui'i-ij Lutheran Church A '! i li a rrrenlly i-oed Hi iiiriini.tl ruiivrnlion in 3-" There were over 5ooi jj'i-d ili'legale. represent-fuMM n the l ulled - unit Canada. I I I.e. in the larrfel l,n-j body tm the Continent, ai"'rdinK lo r. Stub of N vvsiaii Lutheran Church, ".-I AiiKTican, Mini lhi ae- K lo lii"l"i-y. ueronliNir Ut I' lil ConltdiU). ill his let- iixeniion. briefly re - 1 . . . . 1 'lie luctory of Lutlieron Amerlea. lie cm Id: "It lt" that will, michi to luoplre Hfelr nm t. :.Hdon. U iier cent of I .lieraii 111 America vvern iv.'j. 11 will l)riini a larsre hU ' Auiericaii memlufi's arc" Henry water swinimln? hn ami jjyni-'j'.MHllr,' l.uileil laks roiumis-nasliini and wHWe .wwltiHil :b ' of U-lirri--.und apU an adjunct I., the Knvpress' Miller Freeman of Seal tie. pub-llolel here. The slrnelure wjllilisher and brolher of Ihe late be lartrelv ir slass ami is to be known a the Crystal Harden. Princess Anna Pia Monica or Saxony, ami Archduke Juseph Franz or Hungary, have jnt been married. The bride is a daughter or the former Crown Princess or Saxony, whose cliiptiicul with the Belgian teacher of her leaclier canned u scandal HO years, ago. LIQUOR EXPORT IS LEGITIMATE ----- ! lads, who had each been sen- Ontario Courts Decide In Favor Whole Cltv Block at Niw York; H'nccst to two years at rerorma-or Ooerators on Bc-dce of i Becamn Ronrlnn Furnr. ! lry. H was believed that a mim- 11;... 1.1 1. I -.' iij i'lucK i.r...... i...ii.i5f1,i(Im. l0 Indians had been sue-1 There was a place ror such busi- rurnace. I Hly f.remeH were!Cc,srully nwde. and a penally of ness as was complained of and overcome by fumes and ..cores ofjsix months without fine he option of felt il should be kept there. persons were Irealed for cuts,,,,,,, ,.,. im,.0M.(,. The person The duties or I drivers it Is from ll.. fKim. ul.. i,i,.i r .' . . Pro;lnce viv kiu 1. ..1 v.. it Liquor t t . exporl . V " operalor, won a co nph'le viclory when al Ihe re- quest or Ihe special proseculor all t.ending cases were wilhdrnwnl ami confiscated liquor valued al;a iiiii.f.vliimliili. I r.n i tit A ....... ,''r". " dereil returned to the ow(ners. Ihe mag s rale declared Ihe bus- ness legiliinale and saM il inust nave llie nroleclioii nf r in i.mirts v.iV. v . ... loiiu.MU, ,miv. II I lie mag 1st rale's decision in llie Windsor liquor cases means dial liquor export warehouses may continue and may store large quantities of liquor at border points awniliug u favorable opportunity for shipment Into Ihe United Stales, without hindrance from the Ontario Oovernmenl. according to the Al- . . . .ruargcu, nowever. uau leu llie prot.oseil In place on such I.,,......, ij..i,..,..,r ...... I.... . .. ..r i....'.r 1.. ti .. ., .... . .w.y .,., 01 me kltiiiiliftti Vtattrtftr'i DIRECTOR OF FISHERIES IN RUPERT TODAY W. A. Found Here Irom Ottawa on Way to Seattle to Attend International Commission , On Inn way from Ottawa lo Seattle where he will all end nest week Ihe, first iiK-eim- of inler- national fisheries commission . uu.ier in,, iciu.ui clo.e eaon ! . ....... ....... i-eaijr, vviiuam .. round, direc- jllir )(f tMwl for Canada, i, in ,,,,, ejv ,,jay II, :., meet , .......i,,.,.- (lf ii. i,..lu.irv i., . ""- commisHiou i ' lo be he etl Tllttrwlw. I'hursilay. lj;plaiuiu tht-purpose or Ihe'allow the jirovincial jrovcrnmeii' comminsioii f It i morning'. Mr. lo jrel its heavy frradins equip-l ound -laled that it had been men! on lo the work. The sur-appoinlcd tp mule an iiive.llH-.rHciiiy will be done by Ihe citv lion inlo Hie ltr lililinn- ,.r n. 1..1. . icrminins wimi, u anyllun?. in ity. I. oiler Ihe treaty, the close season will remain in etTeH for al least three years ami il is hoped that Ihe invest ial ions ol . . ... i,i 1 : 1 "iniii's!on .u oe complete u 1 ! v mat lime, commissioner of fisheries. The Capl. Iloomcs K. Freeman ut this icily. 1 CHEMICALS GO UP IN BLAZE 50 Firemen Overcomo . .. .. ... ' 1' i "' re . , I ,. . J i w weights it i 1 1 1 4 ..T r iwml coal and mul ltri,:..l bread had city solicitor with power to incur starling u l ie saltpetre plant or,,,,,,, exuIU,,ml ,, ,,, rorrecl.Uuch expense as necessary, the IlichanNon Chemical tin ; ,:i. Soli,.i(. Jom.s repor.,, The work could not be done Tor spread lo the huge American:,,, all a,1ien, tlruilist a dc- nothing and ir Ihe cilizens were sugar rerinery plant nearby and1 (.isi(111 iiv m,1l.u, -, vipimv,.,,.,.! ! ,,..1 -niiri.,.1 n ......1,1 ....1.1.. soap works building. The tn the elTects of Hie fumes which rolled across this city and Jersev Cily. FIRE LOS ANGELES I.OS AM SULKS. Nov I. 1 ire lor incendiary origin enrlv Ibb! morning swept the garage and repair shops or Ihe Southern Cal- iiiirnia r.uisou i.oiupany causing .i..... ... ......... . ... 1.,.. ....- 1 """"s1 "' lK J' s.uu.uuo. circulation 1U1 Strtat ! 383 'CITY STARTS ISLAND ROAD ork to Connect up With Pro vincial Government's End was Commenced this Morning Willi about twenly men on the Job, work .Hlark'il IhU morning on vradini' Hie eilv'l iim-liiifi nf Hm Ivain i.Im.i 1,. ,..,ni uii wllh that now beiii" built bv . Ihe nroviiii-i.-il ''ovornmnni F. i-: W. l'ear-011, cily engineer nr""'. -laled 'luicii IhU inoruiiig thai he hoped to have a full crew or about 100 men on the job by Monday. It i expected thai Ihe gf .din;' work weather. Tin. Uradin'- ' is all thai i liiiiitr 1111. ll" Idertakcn 1 ; al , , this , ''.1 lime. Tl.U u-ilt 1 .... me ciiy portion or I lie 1- laud road extends aboul OHe mile and a ipiarler from Kteveuth Avenue, alon Frederick lo Ihe Prince lluiierl boulevanl ami I Ihenc'iolhecily limit, at Shaw-1 allans road. road. The The ri::hl ritfhl or uf way wavl will practically run parallel with! Ihe pipe line The work is provided for in t 27.000 bylaw pas.-eij by ' llie rate- payers at a recenl election, fills will lake care or surracin' as well as xrndinp. OBJECTION TAKEN TO ABSENTEE VOTING BY AN OPPOSITION MEMBER (John Oliver Defends Policy of Government In Three Hour Speech VICTOHIA, .Nov. It. John Calherwooil, Conservative of Dewdney, slated in the Legisla ture yelerday that Ihe absentee! ivole as now allowed was not in jthe interest of clean elections and should be struck out of the election act. Premier Oliver spoke for Hire" 'hours, defeniliuv the Oovernmenl 1 policy in respect to (lie absentee vole, rreijrhl rates, agriculture, land Umber. t .POLICE REPORT FOR MONTOF OCTOBER Thirty-five Cases In Court Re sulting In 27 Convictions Collections Totalled $460.55 There were 35 cases in the city police court during the mouth ot October rcsultiir in 27 con victions ami ' K dismissals and I colled ions totalled 100.55 ac ! cording to Ihe report of the chief , of police submitted at the regu lar monthly meelin? of the com- I mission yesterday' afternoon, j There were III cases of intoxlca- lion, three assault, lour vast - rancy. stx under the Came Aetl 'and two eases of breaking ami! entering. In llie urrest of two; her of thefls along llie water- I front recently had been account ed for. The 1 report slated ......... lll.ll'll.n - ! lMslllissillr .. rlal.u nf seltlT cily and had not yet been localctl.t special work will Include the lak-An uppeal against dismissal ol ajing of Ihe names of persons who Japanese gambling case was loisi such places as are combe heard on .Monday. plained nf. The payroll for the mouth oft October totalling $1)28.15 'andj Union strainer Venture. Caul. also accounls were nassed bv thoi.V. commission. I P It sll.i.l.l.tp ll,.i.,t.iiu Heut - , nee is due from Vancouver and way polls tomorrow monuity. PRICE FIVE CEN13. EDITORIAL WHY AMERICAN PORTS? The wriler or u letter to the Kdiuontoii iltulletiii ii that in 10211 there va shipped lo Cun-udiau porls 188,000,000 bushels of grain and to American port 177,000,000. Much ut the latter might have gone out by w.iy of u Canadian port and been carried in Canadian ships pru- vided Ihe rales lo the wesl had ',,en eIa', niile for mile, with lne rsiles to Ihe cast. Buffalo jgol fuiisl of Ihe grain whereas il shoiilu have come lo Vancouver and Prince Hupert. As il was Vancouver gol only 52,-000,000 bushels. The Saskatchewan Co-operu-tive Klevalor Company is building a new elevator al Iluffalo and the U.S. government js building an elevator al lloboken 'o handle Canadian grain ex-lusively. II is claimed thai in Ihe east American grain is shipped out duri'iig Ihe period when Ihe river is ujien and low rates prevail and llieu Canadian grain goes through the Stales and pays Ihe higher rate. 1 ue irceui auvau asc in M"I',,!i,g li way of Nanfonwr 'ver llie vonlo varied - irom Iwii to eight cents a bushel, accorilin? lo location. With equalization or llie rales Ihe advantage would be much grealer. As soon as prince lluperl'.s elevator is completed she will be a factor in transportation ol 3raiii."T!ial means she must use all her influence lo ' secure equalized rales. H a cheaper rale could be obtained or better srrvice by American purls, nothing could lie saicf. A j js Uie Canadian route is w more economical. PREPARING TO MAKE CLEAN-UP Police Commission Decides to Take Steps to Cope With Moral Situation Down Town Ihe subject being brouslit up by Mayor Newton, who expressed lie desire that some eirort be made to cope with a situation about which comvlaints were be- inir generally heard, the police commission at its regular monthly meeting yesterday atlcr-noun went inlo a discussion at some length nf alleged disorderly premises and uudesiiblde persons livins in the downtown section 11 f the city and ended up with Ihe tacit decision thai an ofNecr or officers be specially delegated to keep watch for suspicious circumstances with a view to instituliu prosecutions in Ihe city police court. Mayor Newton was quite em phatic in his opinions ,011 the matter. Many complaints had reached his cars and he fell that it was lime the commission w as Making some steps lo cope with Ihe situation. Police officers had been defied ami ho objected to that. True it was difficult to obtain convictions but the alleged illicit activities he fell could al east .be harassed. Commissioner Montgomery wai satisfied to leave the matter in 1. lo ..f II... ........... - II.- ..1 nit iiwjui ui mo ..!.. J ,,i ..1.1....1 i .Inlmslim.. m.rllii.min.i 1,. v. ox and wnv i.i.ils nn.l It... X..s and Skeena Ilivcrs. was In port lasl nighl from II o'clock until . 130 . The vessel had conshler- idih- rreigbl for here