WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9, and Saturday Matinee at 3. "THE ENEMY SEX." A biilliaiil lovc-rntnedy produced by James Covered Wafc'oii Cruse and made to enlertuin. The adventures of a beautiful "gold-digger." "mid the gold fields of Broadway, who loved Hie Urighl Lights because they were danger signals and danger only made her snrile. The charge of the White Light Brigade on the stage doors of Broadway. Four millionaires versus a girl and she wins every skirmish. She called herself a "salamander" because salamanders can go through flames without being scorched. They, all fell for her silken charms. Luring lip- but unkNsable; inviting eves but imlathoniable: you'll jusl love Betty in ''The Kncmy Sex." The loveliest of screen heroines in the jazii-et of butterfly pictures. COMEDY Ben Turpin in "Where is My Wandering Boy This Evening." TOPICS OF THE DAY. BATH Admission 50c and 25c LOCAL KILLED BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF N,.; ir.- Never before in ,!,,. inl.n-y nf prince llupert j,a local killed Hulkley Valley Hri'f been sftld or such !'v prices. lti'l"v are a few of them: Choice T-bone lloast, per Ih 20c Sirloin lloast, er lb. .. 18c Itninii lloast. er lb. . . 15c Uih lloast. per Ih. . . 12'jC Pot lloast. per II) 8c lloilniK' Beef, per II). ... 5c Beer Hern-Is. per lb. . . 12c Beef Liver, per lb 12c Look in our window for Beef ln-pju) ami compare our prices. We lead ill hers follow. 'try" to Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 Orders of $3.00 delivered E MEAT MARKET AT CONOMY STORE Special Notice to Consumers In Sections S, 7 and 8. We ronlially jnxilc you to visit our Meat Dept. and see lor yoinseir our stock of Fresh Meats. Why walk a Ioiik distance this wintry weather? Our prices arc jusl as reasonable as elsewhere and our slock is selected from the best on the market. Give Us a Trial LYoiiomy Butler, Xo. 1, per Ih c Per It lb. box 55.25 Sweel :ior Lard; 3 lb. tin 60c Xo. I Bacon, per lb. . . 45c 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84 '"ince Rupert, B.C. FORTUNES ARE FOUNDED ON SMALL CASH SAYINGS Us noi what you make it's whal you save that counts. B is a recognized fad that a business conducted on a cash basis can be operated much more economically (ban one conducted on a credit basis. However, when there is no inducement to pay cash, why do so? More and more the world omit Hie cash system is coming into use. As a result of our advl. of Hie past week we found thai given the proper inducement the people of Prince Itupcrt, loo, arc willing to pay cash. Have you Investigated our proposition., if not why nol 1 The proof of the pudding is in the caling thereof. F, W. MOKHSCII, Oroccr. Phone 13. ( was a summer hotel, exnetly modern. "Can I gel a private bath?" asked a new arrival. "If vou are an early riser," OVERWHELMING MAJORIT ! IN SILENT ELECTIOI Prince Rupert Women Reglste Interesting Vote to Save Money and Lessen Work It is a si;:n of the times Ilia women should demand more au Ihorily in (heir homes. Not tha 'hey want all their own way be (hat when comfort and econom are at stake they arc usually bel ler judges than (heir husband They are at home all day an know mure about the things tlu go to make for (he comfort t ; lie home than the: husbands wb 'ome home at nixht cxpectin everything lo be jusl so. Thi is why so many Prince Hupe adie insist on having Xanainu Wellington coal. They have mail a study of coal and have disco red (hat X'anaimn-Wellingto is far superior lo lis compel ilors. Very little lasts a Ion lUme. If drafts are shut off .-iuiglil the fire will be there in lt morning. Xo rock, very lilt! iash and no slack are othe I points in favor of Nanaimo-Wel lington. This famous coal is sold onl by Albert & McGaffery. The have their- own team and truck and assure prompt service. Orde direct from them and be sur you get the only coal Xanaimo Wellington. Their phone num bers are I IG and 501. nol SPECIAL FOR Wednesday Thursday, Friday LADIES' RUBBERS AND LEQQINQS 81.25 Ladies" med. heel Itubbers, all sizes, special 75c 1.C0 Ladies' mod. .heel Itubbers, all sizes, cloth lops. Special .. .. 65o Ladies Leggings. Special $1.65 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 645. Cor. 3rd A 7th. YETS MADE CLEAN .... j... 11,1, ;.,,i-L- "V101 won't 1111111. 150 SWEEP AT BILLIARDS After geltfir.' off lo a good start last week by making a clean sweep over the Callics in the opening tournament of the second division billiard league, the Ureal War Veterans turned Ibe tables mi Ibe men from the fish plant last night and defeated them by an aggregate score of 750 to 520, hie individual scores were as follows: .lolin May (Canadian Fish Si Cold. Storage), 122; (J. I. Tin ker (Vein) 1 50. Il.'l'arr, 1 12; Dr. J. A. West, 150, A. Bales, 105; S. I, Warrior, 150. ... .IhIiii Bulgr, 70; K, Fenclon, 150. 8. Darlon, 105; C. L. Young 11 II l.'l f. O HI'.1 ,v.n. . . . . , find anybody in the ocean before The high break last nigbl was seven. jiuado liy v.. rrneion, u was i 1st. Andrew's and Great War Vel NO HALF HOLIDAY THIS WEEK OPEN ALL DAY THURSDAY WEEK-END SPECIALS 50 BOXES JONATHAN APPLES Jumble Pack $1.75 Limit I box to each customer. Phone your order early, as Ibis special is possibly Ibe lowe-t price we will have on apples tin year. The market has advanced sharply al shipping points, and we look for no decline. 9r r ocimrs Lcw otsnou. 2 ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR "Canada's Best Flour" Kxtra special Ibis week only 98 lb. Sacks $4.65 Liinl 2 sacks lo each customer eam Olive Soap. 3 for 25c 7 Tor 50c; 15 for . . $1.03 perry's Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sacks. Special . . . . 50 rench (ilace Cherries, spe cial. per lb 65c Malkiu s Best Shelled Walnuts. No. 1 while meal halves. The highest grade obtainable on (his market. lies. 05c lb. Special, per lb 55c Mancburian Walnuts, light amber color in (he shell Special, 2 lbs for . . 35c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP New Season's Pack Fxlra Special, 2 for . . 25c XMAS LINES OF CANDY Have jusl arrived. Hock Ribbon, mixed 11. 35c i.arnalion Bon Hons, Ih. 40s Thoe who are mailing parcels overseas will funt here a splendid line of Xmas iandy at reasonable prices 50 only. 5 Siring Brooms Kxtra special, each 45c -lark s Beef Suet, per i 45c lark s Plum 1'udding. per tin 45c SQUIRREL BRAND PEANUT BUTTER In the new Toy Pails Lxtra special, 1 for .. 45c Maid of ('lover Creamery lluller. In bulk, 3 lbs. for $1.20 Alberta Kkks, Fresh l'irsls. per do-. . . . . . "c 3 do. $L5 llreakfasl Itac.ou, Lean and Streaky, sliced, lb.. . 35o Finest Canadian Cheese, lb. FRESH FRUIT8 AND VEGETABLES 25o McLaren's Cream Cheese. spreads like butler, pk. 10o W'c carry a complete line of Fruits and Vegetables in season. FRESH MEATS AND POULTRY We are handling more than one thousand live chickens per month. Phone us any time. RupertTableSujly Three Phones, 710,711,212 ....... r ' ... llnlH .1 act Advertise in iho uany news icnm i u u ...miim HE WHO GOES THE WRONG WAY MUST MAKE HIS JOURNEY TWICE. THIS YOU CAN EASILY AVOID BY A VISIT TO OUR STORE WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF THE FOLLOWING GIFTS LADIES' HAND-BAGS MANICURE SETS UMBRELLAS SUITCASES CLUB BAGS BRASS WARE NOVELTIES IVORY WANT MEDAL RESTORED BEHLIN. Nov It The 1.111-rodurlion uf In- tire sang medal has been recommended !y ibe Prussian government. The ne.lal and all orders and decora tion or former Imperial (iermaiiy were abolished by (be Weimar Constitution. GET IT AT! RMIST1CE DANCE AT SMITHERS PROVED SPLENDID SUCCESS ar Won In Drawing Donated by Winner to Former Owner S.MITIII.MS, Nov U (he rmislicc dance Riven li we . AV.V.A. in the Town Hall on Monday ntRltl was a liii-e success mil was thoroughly enjoyed ly lip larae crowd who turned out o eclebrale Ibe siRiiiiifr' of Ibe f. rmislice. (ireat pains liad been aken bv Ibe members of the as- Miciallon to make (his event' a cpeat of the pood time had last ear. The hall was most ueaun- iM, ully decorated with ropes of lij e.lar bousbs, flag's and other ,! Iccoraliolis. the floor hail re- JJV elied earefnl alleulion and the tuncli and supper had been pre- IJj-oared by experts in that line; A Miese, coiipled wilh the brand iif ,( niislc rendered by the (ray )r-l!Vj dieslra, kept the dancers KoinK'jj mill four o'clock in the morn- 2 in?. m During the evening n final Irivc of selliiiR lickels in con-; j& leelion with Hie raffle of .lutill I.W 'letlieriiiKlon's car was conduct-Hkfl! "ed and the drnwiii(? look plare j2J vbicli resulte.l in the ,iip car cur belnfi(, ih'ioh njjpj won by . S. Henry, y, Ibe itie local Kord dealer. Mr alleil 1111011 for a spec locally Henry, when Jj3 pech, mounted i ??' Ibe platform and in a few well chosen words look advantage of 'be occasion lo exloll Ibe advan-1' lasres of (he I'ord car stalins? bey bail made Jn.uon.000 in the, 'nst to years and he considered; II was soiiielliinK thai should be 'n every bousehobl and it wa his business lo try and brink' Hits nboiil. He then called on tliosci iresenl lo bear witness thai be 1 here mid then did donate lo John HelheriiiBlon Ibe Ford Car which lutil dial won. llillie was I vounilly cheered b Ibe crowd who afreatly appreciated hi generous SILVER PLATE CARVINQ SETS CUT GLASS FINE CHINA DIAMONDS WATCHES CUTLERY CLOCKS AND OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION PRICED AS LOW AS ANY STORE IN CANADA. OUR MR. IRELAND EXPERIENCED OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST, WILL GIVE YOU THE SAME SATISFACTION AS YOU WOULD RECEIVE IN ANY OF THE LARGE CITIES. CONSULTATION FREE. Max Heilbroner JEWELER. DIAMOND SPECIALIST. CONFIRMS SUSPICION I SAN PLDHil. Nov II. Nov It.- San Pedro fisherman selling: stale io(isli. a species of shark; not especially laly. at 5 cadi, aroused the curiosity of Ueorge iContreras, country dry agent. Pureliasitiy one, (ioiilrcus split it open and pulled out a ipiarl of: 'alleged Scotch whikey. PHONE 586 HIGH CLASS -GROCERS OUR' FRESH GROUND COFFEE AT 40c and 50c LB. BLUE RIBBON TEA There are enough worries in the world without having to drink poor tea may as well have the best. Try BLUE RIBBON Cash & Carry Specials There is good iiiine lo Iw done by i. prepared to sell good quality mercliandi-e .r !ile prices. THESE ARE OUR SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday Only MEN'S ROMEO HOUSE SLIPPERS In best ipialilv iMngola Kid and Soft I Kaily slipped on and off. lUg. L7.i Price. CHILDREN'S ALL WOOL COAT SWEATERS Sues 22, 21. 20. Ilrown and Navy miiv ,.; :.(!."). Special LADIES' FLEECE LINED BLOOMERS New lock ill a 11 ml llream. Su- i lleg. 1.75. Special . MEN'S COMBINATIONS tt( t cent pure VmiI. Ilvy weib' I -brand and llewsim rndener. Sites .;, Iteg-. :i.:t. Se. ial m mm - r $3.75 JJiJ universal lrading lo, ECONOMY REIGNS AT The West of England Store FUGI SPUN SILKS This silk needs no recommendation, Its washing and'wearlng qualities are so well known for blouses, lingerie garments for intimate wear, or men's shirts. Colors Include white, natural, sand, flesh, sky mauve, salmon, peach, fawn, and Copen.j 29 In. Reg. $1.50. ECONOMY EXTRA, $1.19 PER YARD. ENGLISH DRESS FLANNELS Every thread pure wool. Made in England flannels unsurpassed for children's school dresses. 54 Inches. Colors: Navy, Black, Paddy, Crimson, and Sand. Values up to $2.50. ECONOMY EXTRA, $1.98 PER YARD. SATIN DUCHESSE Duchesse Satins are always stylish and serviceable. A rich lustrous finish to these Swiss satins. ECONOMY EXTRA, $1.08 PEf" YARD. CHIFFON TAFFETA Lovely Swiss Silks or. good wearing quality. 36 inches. In Navy, Nig-ger, Black, Qrey, Lemon, etc. Reg. to $2.50 per yard. ECONOMY SPECIAL $1.75 PER YARD MLLUifMnLb -r UilLI M run iiwr-ww. . TUU sHVb munti vv n en 1 ju 011 r s v.w..-- MARYELLA Today's most popular material capes and coats with rich deep l pile 50 Inches. Black and nlflBr Worth $6.00. ECONOMY EXTRA, $4.95 PER YARD. PRINTED FRENCH FLANNELS i. ..,.i.ti. ..:nn. This ii 0" 4 of the very latest materials combining l , beauty with usefulness, and can b 1 made up Into blouses, Jacquette, w J nlcs, combing Jackets or klmonas. incnes wtoe. Meg. i.ua. SATURDAY SPECIAL, $1.. BROCADE TUSSAH SILK To see these silks Is to daslre soJ j for the daintiest underwear. 38 men ECONOMY EXTRA, $1.50 PER YAR& NAVY BOTANY SERGE a ,..titu fn. vAhlrh we are (mu V (fuan ivi all Canada. Every $2.50. nwer ver Westci Wfiktern ECONOMY SPECIAL $2.00 PER thread . I pure wool, wool, fast fast dye. 54 Inches, in 9 shade of Navy -for for dresses, dresses, etc 1 i