paw? two. In 1892 we first offer.ed the public our ALADA" B440 Millions now use it witK great satisfaction. Have yoU tried it? The Daily News PHINOR IU.TPEHT - IMITISII COLUMBIA. Published Every Aflemoon, except Sunday, Ihe Prince , Hupcrl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ' . II. V. PUIXKN, Managing E.litor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, Ity mail -nr carrier, per mould . , $1.00 Ity mail to all parts of the Hritih Empire ami the United State?, in advance, per y:r . .$0.00 To all nlher countries, in ailvanre, per year 7.r0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION iSK Monday. March 3. 1921.' Register Now If Not On Voters' List. Everyone .should vote at the provincial election- hut in order to vote it is necessary to he on the official liL If not already on Ihe vol er' lid no' time should he lo-t in railing nt the llourt Hoiim- and gelling registered. Often i-ue arise during an election jvhich would make, a' perMm wj-h to vole when otherwise he would not Ik' interested. The only safe thing lo do is to register. It costs nothing and the vole may he needed. Leader Of Reds Gloats Over Revolution. v The chairman .of the executive of the Thinl Internationale. the central red organization, gloats over the pro-peel of n revolu-i timi in Japan and suggests that "revolution will march' through Europe by way of Cierniauy." Whether the prophecies are to come true or not, none of us ran say, but what we do know is that they are aided and abetted by the organization of reds with heudipiarlers in Moscow. They would delight to see one class against another and citizens of the same cnunfry killing each olhei in a struggle over methods of government. The members of the organization have nothing to lose and everything to pain from a change. Most of them are the disapimiuled ones of the world. Ihe failures, and they look to violence as a remedy where ineir natural aiuiny in make good failed, . , . , Are Now Working . . A J . ' On P.G.E. Accounts. If there is anything wrung vilh, the financing of Ihe. P.O. E we want lu kuow iL Jul now the ajidilfir- and lawyers of the - Provincial Party are combing .the books anij accounts and nlher I'm iiiuciiis oi uic railway ior ine purpose, u po-.iiiie, of sub--tanlialiug their charges against Ihe goernntent and of pnivid-ing iir Ihem-elves camiMign nialerial wilh which to fight the mxt election. They have two weeks in which hi do Ihe work and (hey will then have an opportunity of examining witnesses and airing in public their view- on the work done by the railway company. It is their lasl chance. They have failed to make good on their charge- against Hon. William Sloan and W. J. Dowser and if they fail in the oilier charges they may well re-lire into obscurity. It is on the ground of such charges as he-e lhal they have got their jarly organized. The next ses-ion or the commission of impiiry will be walrheil wilh great intere-t. Asking Bids For American Ships. It may be possible lhal one or Iwo of the American ships which are lo be sold may suit the Canadian National Hailwavs , for their coast traffic on this ocean. Out of j:i:i. offering there l ongni io lie iome .-tillable for the ma-tiug hii-ine., but if there! : .ire iney ore. likely to be picked up .piirkly for lhal js the cla-s s of sleamer in demand today. i The ale or the American ship is an indication that gov i ernmenl ownership of mercantile marine has not been a siu-css mi thai country, but neither has private ownership. The t'niled ; Slales laws do not make for succe-s in the sleamship busjnes-. : lu Canada condition are somewhat ilifferenl and today the Merchant Marine operated by the government is doing excellent work in developing commerce between Canada and other coun- f Ines. II should at leal be given a fair Mid. Clark's beans A delicious health- giving, truly econo- cgTsrS mical food ready to SjShSSB heat and serve. Choice oi Tomato, Chill gw "rf-wJ or Plain Sauces. uTTTmi m W'tU $!ocktd ttortt carry an vIA1 ancrtir.tnt of manu txctlUnt . t Clark prepoud foodu fuaranttt cf quality, n ."tm-VV.:-. CLARK KITCHENS i ::. ' vJM J HELP YOU" WEEK AT THEATRE Monday "A Moiierp Ananias" a play in ail f .Ladies' Auxiliary fit Hospital. Tuesday. Tnin M i-j in ' Mil. M mult? Homeo," ' Siui-hino floiiietly TtnHjrli Sailing." International .Nv" Wednesday and Thursday liiali and Perluiuller. lUtmeo dmedv "Moving." Fun from the Prss. Friday and Saturday. . Harold l.loyil in "Why Worry." Comedy. Fox Xcws ftaiello. , I lolly Coum-on in "Woman ! TOM MIX i"MiLE-A-MINUTE ROMfO " A WILLIAM FOX PROOUCT10N T round motion pictures of ihf early 1921 sca-on. "The Extra Hirl." foalurinp Mahol N'urinan, oMnoil in l.o Ansreto for a four week run but wn extended to Hghl weeks and was -till going sitting then. It i- a Maek Senrietl proiluctioii and like all the Sennett pictures has a .lrtng eornorty role. tells too niuchv The Van -Life Piio, hy features a wlbl society party a its jazziest-and also liow the unaerwjirld , $fDs worsi. Of ir.eirV.rrnWr Togo Yamamoto j- eilitor of Hie largest million picture magazine in Japan and also i. an aclor playing llio pari of Hio proprii-ior "f an oinuui ilen in Pagan Passion." TOM MIX METHOD OF MAKING LOYE SEEN IN found love tremens can be conveyed lo an audience without the THE DAfl.Y NKVB. Monday, Urpft 3f ,V: Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. -- lyounger brother, under complete I ....... -., i,,i-.i,. ' Til a man nl liv. ..ilil.i-u lvi.. i i a "Fas."' something created for no other urHs.' llian in's nmuemenl. trjil U how ho man ages Hie unruly, sometime rot"l- liun-i follow; in .Mile-A-.llntile! Uumeo." lir iiaiiio I Lucky Hill ami lie h a fli , as hi target more men tlinn .hearts. Falls In Love - Inalilinjr a -friend elope with a beautiful girl, he falfs in loVe jwtlh Hie lallerV vhniro." Later he rimN lhal ihe parlirular girl lb the "choice' of another fellow, jmiikiiig the, aggregate number three. How inrh nvui contrives jlo eliminate his rival itives lii-I'wliir l.aithcrt llillyer opportunity for staging hoiiip .if Ihe niol mimical. thrilling and rending -rones the screen iia ever pro. iluced. iuuv unDDv muwr mu nuntu tuininu HERE AT WEEK END Woman" is -aid lo have made - one of Hio most salisfarlnry all Harold Lloyd In Different Rola This Week From Any Seen Before In "Why Worry?" Harold Lloyd's lale-i pailiecomedy wilry ii the rare for papular plainlM. ami Ihe feature aJlraclion at Ihe Weslholme Theatre at llio week end. Lloyd again iuriic his own theory that lo mix 'tiem up is to serve Ihe puhlrr ies. Defau-e . lone likes roal ieo is no reason1 A play by a Canadian author iwhy it should he served him fori . "Poisoned Paradise." a story of Monte Carlo and Pari? by lloherl W. Service, was banned by Ihe police in' some of Ihe con tinental countries liec-ium- tf i i "r.J,it-r-frr?fjp lie iiaiipeiieil to achieve a great jsuceexs in one of them. "Why Worry?" I as unlike any picture Harold l.loyd has niade before, as any Iwo things could be. It is n South Airicriciin .aft ever pre, nil vein of tliat slinitlil prove delightful lo jlhe amlieiire which does not like Ms enteriainm.Mil too serious. II is the biggest picture in figiire is John Aasen. Hight feel.J jAason staiul out on Hie screen. I iln is the world's hlifgest nun HUMOROUS SITUATIONS IN MID WEEK PICTURE use of lumiilloux igf, heaving Ptash and Perlmutter Coming to bosoms lachrymal blandishments and hysterical gesticulation. Tom Mix an a lover in typical of his nge. He is fast and furious, practical ami electrical, a Weslholme Wednesday U Laugh Producer 'Polnfdi ami Perlmiiller." a First Nalionol picture which is hum of action finding his love coming lo the Weslholme The ami marrying tier without too aire on Wednesday, 4 filled wilh nun ii inio anoui noiiitug. New Method H 1 1 1 1 n I Iflfl Hfl linmnMii. III . .. . . - - ....... ... . ... - i Baby's Bedding TITTLE woolly blankets how soft and -L' fluffy they must be kept for the Haby. And linen, and fine raiment the must not chafe or irritate his lender skin;- Baby's bedding must be washed ai carefully as vou would bathe his tender little self. No strong soap must be allow ed to shrink or coarsen his dainty blanket, or make them stiff. There must he no harsh nibbing of his tiny garments and linen until they arc fuzzed up, and rough. Wash Baby's bedding in Lux. Tim delicate flakes dissolve instantly into n rich, generous suds that can be squeezed through and through each fabric until it is clean, and as sweet and fresh as when you first bought it. Don't let beddinp get harsh and scratchy. Keep it soft and fluffy with Lux. HOTEL ARRIVALS Sol J only i itaird patkrlf Just proof.' LUX LEVER BKOTHKHS LIMITED i rig, sloixl lioslile the nioild. ! (oiutiiig mil Hie goH lotnls of. Hie carmenl. So oldivious was' he lo eterylhing else llial Hie' loutstreleliotl arm of Ihe iiiimIoI. jwould swat Iiliu on the bead with every turn until AbV stibcon- scioii-ly diiekeil at eery revolu- 1 lion, fiirnishliig ln aiitlitor' wilh further ainu'cnionl. Itaniey llernanl playi the part ... a t t rt MIIC A MIMIITC DAUCft t... w "'t' ' ,ne l"cuire. ami .tex- miLC n lIlillUlL nUiIILUi' " " " ' ' andor lrr has the role or Mor- ".''"i .7" 'S r!,M,", " rU Tl.nuller . A third member A. fascinating Ib.mon i Tom s,fa , ,' ""f a '.rlV 'f j" Ver, Oonlon. who Mix wlio u to lie seen tomorrow ', ' " " "-"" Is seen as llosie Polah. night at Hie V"siholme Tlmatre I in "Mile a Miuuie ttonieo.' SJiakesiieare wot til mloulilciy be siirpriseii to. ; o Iliiil pro- Prince Rupert J. F. ricutham, W. J. Curio, (I. II. n. A I' U-.....I.I l.- Il..... -I ;.. r 1... . ... ' "iaiu, .Ml" y .'r n,i w. f. .IIIM. ItlllMM Vllll.lll.l... I kM ..II Prince (ieorge: S. Workman and A. I-.gnn. Terrace; . .. n,.. moiiico, Sliawatbuis; It. W, ' Sinclair. liilTiies; v '? Mr. r and Mrs. U..y,r category, from Ihe. point "j. ,,","'7 ' " f ProdiH- ,. Pig s. huge ?'CtZ vrv ,V "' lks much fighting add In T ','f H proiliirlion values. Yet above all these -f anils out the character (if Lloyd, an the boy who has naught to worry him bill imaginary ills Annlliiin imlalnnHInn McAfee. fleorgelown: A. II l.aird, Vicloria; Mr. and Mr. 0. (iormaii and family. I'jlmotilon. Central J. J. Thompson, Vancouver: Curl llaiiplman, Seattle: II, nine and a ,p,aHer' ic.,V of ""T U ' "-li, i-ii-r i.iim'. r. iiiiinoii S. S. Shonskv. Shonsky. C.X.II ami M. J. McNeil. Terraee; 0. Hrouimo. land and M. Ilroinnieliini, Prince ieorge; M. Jarvin, Vicloria. TOO NOISY Mrs. Hon'l forget the needle pillow for baby. pine. Mr.- I in won't lhal make, it balsam at night? .lodge. N O T I C (. Lnoos I r . Hiy rlVi-D lll.l tIHlr Will iiiirtm iii siiuhk linn n rnrnnr lauiriiipp rroin winri h rinU h Y' ?mrs9 iw oiri r v In hewail Ihe cruelly of Fate audi One of tho nu.laughnblc .i'artiUS ffl-OTW Hie vettalily of man, and offerlnglnuences te,ov,. about Abe Pol- Sl-i!:r H&kT siV PjiSS. 'iTir-rt MippllcalimiH to conclliale Ihe nsh' earnest endeavor to Inter- ?:Vr !ni.l!L,"wV '. deities ,u their disciple. n his est a group of el'Sing buyers fn K,S?"?rJnfi5!" ,,M,"rU' lb favor. Torn Mix roam, "Hunkl"-, his latest suit HIyoa. Poor Abe. nS r,SS2,,IS TtZ'VA. ani tiops nboard hi horse-flesh unable to eiiKaae a comnetent ,,hT '""y""?''"' j.iconuilive Tony. Wilh a bound designer, evoke?! Lr ly Salic VT " """""" N playing wilh Mmet. n f they suit. Hojng loo poor, alo, lo qf. ftR "uJZu'L il'Jn "in .Jut,"r """i were tils consanguine lirolhers. ford Itin (P-aMng, lempting ihe.n. yet a. a mechanicnl nyidel, which, when t.,'." WTr ' WrM'li ffM. (way Keeping ihom, a, if, o keep wound up. trno, slowly, ,"rll' H. flpure. they bad been his' Abe. sweating and, Bestlculal- rmiJKf".';. Princ Ituperi, B.C iS9L COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sail from Prlnca Kupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermedin Points Friday, 10.00 jn. For STEWART and AN VOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.8. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER vi QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, March 12,H PASSKRQkR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, lt rrior RupM c.11 pm. fc-f innrf. nr.- nor. inm - "' .i mo, o pgint uiwrq rni. i iii4 mw. aaiMor all ociam tiimip linh. Cll TltlH Offlc. in yutr4 f, niK Nvrl TMM tC CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert 8.S. PRINCE83 MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, , March 11, 21, April 1t H 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7,18, 28 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swaneon Bay, East Bella Bella, 0ce Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vn-couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. a ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupsrt, B UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. StlUni Tmm ftne Ituprrt. -r.r vANcouvsa, vioroaia, ocn r.iii, n sr.non im. rt r r.r vANcouvm, victohia, airt ,, m n,.n ari ' ? r.f ANTOI, LIO ARM, ITIWART, W,ll ItUnd, tvntH e.M. 9r POUT SIMPSON HtM Rlw C4imrl.i, rrMij M. . its nrt Anu. t. ivm,,, nt. Mom Rufrt..-c Electric-Bake Whole Wheat Bread Is n llcnllliful Lnxnhvr. I ht bread Is being coiislnntly recotntnended hi l'r" li'iiicnt lor,1 ilocl(ir!, where, n well clinseii diet M e.s"iilii-We Bake It, Your Grocer Sells It, Electric Window Bakeries