PAQB POM. TH1 DAILY lim M.tnday, Mar.-f. Xw Shipment of the welU BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu? known "CHUMS" Shoes N"W arrived. All size f'ir Children anil Misses. QUALITY RIGHT PRICES RIGHT. "Small Profits ami Quick Returns." Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to'the Old Land early. For Ticket.?, Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE, Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone S30. Night or Day.. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Mutor Service. Coal, Hand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. I Urcad is your best food, f liat more of it. Kept hy the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Healed Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 669.. Willi evera al j In the Letter Box EXPORT OF LOGS Kill! or. Iaily News. Those of us. who ilil not at urpeil lo atlend. The views!f.ed wnill.l in.lip.iln Ihn! IniW U nnK-f thai fhev do if.Mv. Thr ' mills. on Iugt' .oumjfe used Ihe same scale Sorilners .. Il.('. I.o??ers claimed I hat they got a more salUfAflory cale in I'usel rWunJ than they diil al home. They also receiVe. Ihejr check more promptly in Itellinf- liam or Taroma than in Vancou ver. Ihese two considerations had' much lo do wilh developing (he lo? Export trade at that lime. Rate of Wages in Vancouver I8UZ. Ihe pr- vailins rale of wases for mill help was twenty-five dollars per li and a room in Ihe hunk house. The following year the Iloss Marlareu miU al Sapperton, Ihe North Pacific mill al.Harnel. I ho I'orl MotHly milt, Ihe .Moody- ville mill, the Jluse mill of Vancouver, I.eamy and - Kyle, lhe (Morse and the, Hoyal Gily mills ;all of Vancouver, were closed. some of tliPin for five and eitfliU year. While they were closed some of the Helliiutham - and Tacoma mills wpre operating steadily night and day, using lareg quantities of B.C. logs, and selling a large nmount of 1 11 111-her. moulding, sash and doors in Ihe (Tanadian prairies provinces. Our mills with thof except foa of Hastings and Che- jinanius, whose Irade were large-: ly export, were idle. Not Good Business Tli is plan of supplying ll.C; logs for American mills was not T THE CROW OF CROUP u A WARNING that I he rrrrt locally ,'riito. allowing the -exoort of loss, we tTtaf W ihi tM pc- l.ave the a.lvanlae of pa.l ex-j"-,, A LanrhHrn. tmUlnn. tmu perienoe- to guide us in deciding who: -vy hiii boy a trj U4 for Hie future. All through the ' ni 1 p"w i m anr- tiineties the tnot vexed iM-ohlem !I,.'n w i,,rir' Wm 1 lrt1 ..... , . .wT Siray Ptn Syrup. I rannnt 01 ine lossiiis in-JUHry was Hie pn,w 11 too NrMy r tu eaimg 01 lops. rraelirally Mm." every mill had its own ,calo"t rrWf ,5e bft1: "" w rnir up and failed lo conform with that tjZZZ nV" T" ",",r" of oilier mills either fn "" ' or its aiiliealion In ineasarini. , a siven Ihmhii. The mill surr.i,h w,,r Him-flammed." They mlen.lent usiiallv .li.l II.p .Puling ,r" J"u " various for Ihe mill, and U' is a fact worthy of note that many sueln ; -diameter and lencths years of ofaelimll11 km,w " & a J" were measured on Ihe lo;c decks of a nl rom- .experience lo. Ihejr credit (ri ' "-rt "" ,ur" dieredilj as scalers have farted 'nPn !'awn ,n unr Psence repeatedly to pas Ihe jrovern-1 merit examination as oveniment scalers. Many of Ihe H.C. mills were not then enjoying the same ralinsr in luan ami Itradlreels and Ihe lumber then measured. 'that measure elahlilied the standard scale for that sie. rtie results however were dis appointing lo the loggers and many M hem clajin that a cc- ai. aw wa uei maKing a tkerr' Ihree-eighlhs of an inch ffni wf-lf. This. like olhor nn- hlems where1 an honest and sin cere atienrnl is made by both parlies to reach an agr-'nenl, is no longer a subject of conten tion. We have in II.C today I and iave had for year a , staff of aj.solulely competent and edicient scaler. . Today it is very seldom (hat either a logger kr a null question the return of government scalers. At the Irf'guining of Ihe pre sent century theorganizalion of Ihe Forestry. Department on the lower mainland was not so efa-borate as. it is today. It. J. Skinner was I lie ollice staff and liig Jack Murray was Ihe outside force. Some, of Ihe 1 1.(1. luggers itail dcveloited a goml line of cusl oiners on I'ugel Sound and when the emhargo first came inlo elfect the (the loggers'1 were loath lo loose good cus tomers. Timber from Crown granted land was exportable and according-to 'returns lo Ihe gov eminent at that time some re markahle "nils" were made. Kven as late al l!05, Ihe writer held a crown grant of five hun dred acres on .larvl Inlets. which according lo reports must have produced about one hun dred thousand per acre after Ihe first logging. Now the Govern inenl have Ihe men and Ihe launches lo see where Ihe- logs regarded as good business for come from. Our mills are. oper : -. ..1 1 . . 1 . . ... ... our province, .vn classes, hot- anng ami lei Us nm atlopt any chants, manufacturers and labor, policy that worked lo Ihe de all joined in the elfort, lo slop trimenl . of Ihe province before in the export of our logs. Their Ihe vain hope Dial Ihe result first effort was to remove the would lie different now. grievance of Ihe loggers, the, de- Forest Losses feclive sysleiu of scaling. Reference was made al the In l.hi,s connection the "Old- session of Ihe Commission here Miner loggers" will Ml you thai lo Ihe over-mature Irees in wlinl we preier ik rail western nol northern B.C. No doubt we differ an annual toss from this L... . - ... Tfl AH MfYTUTDC ' cannni cu .111 our 1U ALL MUllltKu: hillside at Once. Our forest - (OMM In. Lit I infifiilkltf vmiI mm croup un uh a drr couth anu through careless aad criminallv nu( In 11 ttir.t; am-r mutrh tlx wakeful logging methods. Of"- lend the session of the roreMry T6, m. .n,r iMn, ru..y .b.;:,l "ia ten. irly young Commission held hero recently ' na tun m ua a riuhj rj. ..healthy saplings are destroye.l have no legitimate romplainl. yan. and niirtu ksk .ln bringing one tree to the water. The meeting were- well adver- "TL e,7tiMan -n,nn- '"S ar" " iise.i aid ail wen ibviKnI. even beraiie too m!r h m dfriirti 1.. rM rvi 4f.una they are ttiriMtL-irge to w luindleil readily hy jlhe donkey iu u. Surh los t ,l,m1,1 w P" ar' um tn. one Mdc lo this auesUon. .Kjll-eful Iilirroe. In a few week 111 iDii.iui-riiiii nit- Ui-Mlltll oj iwnni'i nn irnuiwoi rron, am'wi' will IM? M'nillJip lle rillDiren out to our garden for a head of leilur or a few younsr rarrol. In pellins this they are not al lowed to lelroy Ihe rel of Ihe. tfardeit. ItOSS MACKAY. Sport Chat r As a result f Ihe decisive victory of Hie (irolto over Ihe Son. f I!uglnnd in Friday night's biltiant tournament, lie lead of the in 'I lie. contest ; ... lireat eat Wf Ve(eran for the- ilulxer A iimeroif ;up has; y j.een considerably reduced. The tobacconist once again, hate fair chance of eelljiig. Ip Ihe lop The Veteran wlH 'Xe, jilaying again tnnighl with a meeting set down flween them ami the Sons of Kngland. They hae a high reconl Ut. sustain and canuol afford lo lose many points. If they rio not make more than. 03 in i.e aggregate their average w(U ,ie rvdtice.i. Scoring records to date. in the Senior liaskclball League: W. Mitchell (Co) 211. D. Balfour (Sun. of Canada; 235. A. A. Koon (Colts) 11. II. Menzies (Sons of Canada) 177. li. Mitchell (Colls) 117. I. Mitchell (Teacher.) 112. W. Lamliie (Teachers) 100. Smith (Collsy 95. . . I-llie. (Teachers) .Hi). ic Menr.ies (Son of, Canada) 51. Harry Aslori ' Sons of Canada) 51 iiontiraham vSousof CanaiLi; 13 i. Sheulojt Tv.Kliers) 30. trie Mackintosh. (Sons of Can ada) Ul. It. S. Hurn ('ahersJi 28. Ilazell-.lone (Teacher and Colts) 10. W. Wralhali 'Te.ichers) 12. Kelly (Colls) 10. R. Harllell (Colts),. 'J. f. (iurvich (l'.olts) 7. D. II. Hartness (Teachers) 5. R. It. Skinner fSons of Canada) 5. A. Mitchell and C. Woodworlh, (Teachers) nml 0. Illylhe (Son of Canada) I. V. Frizell (Colls) 2. Ladies' League Mix Caroline MiU-ljotl (Teacher ) 110. Miss Leona Parker (Adanacs) 107 Miss. Myra Harvpy (Maple Leafs) 83. Miss M. Casey (Kaieh) 19. Mls. V. Shockley (Adanacs) 12 Mis A. Kelly 'Adanaes) 39. Miss Sundae Calderone (Maple Leafs) 30. BRIER TRADC MARK RlQUURGBt Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrtlanMnt Taken for La than SO 3 1 - . . - .. 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 - 11 11 1, WAHTKB MOI.EIt UAflUKIt wants men and COI.LF.OK FOH SAI.K Uuii. h " Tnion ." ' women to' IOxH; fi-in nuffalo Will1 learn the Barber Trade. Paid while learning. This is ynuri opportunity (o learn a trade f and gel into steady employ-1 ment. Graduates earn from I 1 10.00 lo 1 50.00 per week A Write for free catalogue. 50 Hasting- K. Vancouver. j WANTEH. Man familiar wUk generAI country store business. fit. Oood wages. Mul be able invest $1,500. SUmey i. secure. Thl I an exceptional opMirl unity. Addre in instance to llox 163 Daily New ollice. WANTF.D. Hy giwd 11ee.ll. woman, plain sewing, making or mending. Onler lakeiv fori knitted socks ami loeking. Write W.J Daily Xew ofllce Princo Huiri. U.O. 1 W..TKI. Hoirev.ork of ,1 general nature. Will lake rare of children ami can eixik. Write P.O. llox Kon. 51 WANTKD. Woman or girl lo lake care of children, evenings. No work. l'lmnt l5 If WANTKD. Young lady a as sistant in dental ofllce. ril. llox I ft I. Daily New. If FOR RENT Modern four room flat for rcnL Also ' ofllce, with modern living quarters. Westernhaver Hro. tf FOR RI-LVr. Furnished house keeping room, tin Sixth Ave. Kail. Phone lilue 217. tf Fl'RMSIIF.D shack for rent. Also (nrncy'Oxford rango, for sale. Phone ltd 023. tf STKAM Heated Flat for renl llesner apartmcuU. M. M filephens. BOARD. BOARD. The Second Avenue. LOST Inlander, 830 Phone 137. tf .OST. One gold drop earring belween 618 Fifth Avenue Kast and hospital, l liuler pica routrn lo Daily News Office Reward. tf .Miss A. Morrison (Kaiens . 35. Mis Margaret Graham (Maple Leafs) 33. Mis Nora Pryce. (Teachcr 32 .Mis Laura Frizxell (Maple Leaf) 25. Mis C. Harvey (Teuehcr) 23, Miss Margaret Lindsay (Teach ers) 16. Miss II. ,und(uit (Kaiens) 15. Mis Pel Treniayne(Ajanacsj I . Mis L. Lowe Manlo Leafs) 13 Mis M. Lancaster. ( Ifacln-rs 9. Miss Wllln Dyer (Adnnno.-, 6. Mis II. Ilihbard (Teachers' 0. Mis II. Ilrochu. (Kniens; , Mis Lotiiu Fisher (Maple Leafs) 4. Miss II. Uyrni.' (Kaiens) "3. Miss, M. Long (Kaiciiftj 3. Ml A. Stephen (MailoLeafs 2 RATHER TALL Hairdresser "You comdain of our charge for shaving, sir, but )ou iiiusl lliink of (ho 'extra,! labor." . Customer "Wbal exlra la hor?" Hafrdreser--"Well, sir, with I ho general lrad- iUprssioaand Ihe. universnt lightness of modnv gsnls faces urv longer lluui. they were Answers. If FOR SALE ii.monlrate. $".0.00 30 li.p. HU igiiilHin. fonc fee.1 oilers, etiiiiplpte lo and FOR S.M.fsixleen room board-lug houc,and More, furnish ed. Apply l2l Ambrose FOR SAI.K. - New ami ue. machinery. Iloaf ami engine. Northern Kvrhnnire. MR. TRAPPER STOPl Vcu can make niorr money here lhan elsewhere wild your furs. See me first and lasl. II will pay you. H. W. GOLDBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend, Second Avenue. I AUCTION SALES. OOtslg IloughP. Sold TAXI or Exchanged H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture nml Crockery. Third Ave. Phones (Hack 130 and Red 1(2. Tail 87 Phone. (Call Oeorg or Gust) Ross Brother. Prompt Service and Comfort iNy or Night Stand: Boston Grill Th!rd Avtnu MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl. days, closes at 5.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursday and Saturdays, 4.3o. p.m. - From Vancouver- Sundays .. p. m Wednesdays P.M. Fridays .. a.m. February II nnd 25. To Vancouver- Tuesdays, Mall closes at 4 P.M. Fridays 8.15 A.M. Saturdays . A.M. C.P.R. February 15 and 29. To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier- Wednesdays .... jn P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier , Fridays .. .m To Port Simpson, Alios Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 p,M. From Port Simpson, Alio Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Tuesdays a.m. To Alaska Points-February II and 25. From Alaska Polnta February 15 and 29. To Queen Charlotte Island Points February 13 and 27. Closes 0.30 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Points , February I and 23. To Naas River Points arid Port Simpson Thursdays AQ pM Prom Naas W.r Points Saturdays am r lruidlHg coupling. 750 each.! 38 fiH.l prolser, JO h.p. oterr haiilel. I. OOO.flO. I Arfams marine BJJgL Jhj SCHEDUli m. m. stkphkns.' . HAS BEEN REVISED to manage ami share in pro-: FOR SAI.K. Power boats of' every deMHiliH including pleasure, trolling mut work ImmiI. at reasonable price. Apply X. M. McLean, Cow lUy. IFOR SAI.K. Very hardy Iwo year old Cuthhcrt Ilailterry caH. l.5o pw rfoien. WW ear this year. Phone (Hark !ll. 53 WHIST LEAGUE I'wm Sterling engines. 26 and .March fl K. of l rs Us 'it ruins or Kngland St. Sons of Canada v K of 1 March 13 Son of I'ng!, 1 O.W.V.A. Changes Made Owing to Ifittr. mediate Team Dropping Out of Competition Owing to the F.Ik Itifv ale leaia droppirig r league the Prince Rut- li" ball Aotlfcori 1 en revle a f..:i. i Mareb 3.--Junior a Lfs v? Kaistk. ! . .. ' SJMJ. er. High .tUooi S.O.C. v. (ftfl. .Marrh 0-rlls SliMt. TeaiHrs ( ' j IHU. Co VS. ! March 1 1. Jm Kaieos MdaiMe. if-' league slomllMg ' i'-t u tin'; Rlk ,.. High School Cull a Star Itlue llinls Senior Lesous Nn of Canada ' llf.s Two' pornts de.ln. ) t A-MlalloB for fhbliog d jdnjer In Iaue iia Intermediate Letgut lidls . ... High Seh.rtl Orollo Ladies' League ft t Maple lints' ... . daiiae ' " Teacher l' Kalnii ... .... ' Junior League SECOND HALF OF " I.uwr H 8 5 i 11 ' BILLIARD SERIES .Tr-frm of Kiigl.i'"! ,JVV V.v. 5 SI. Andrew's vs. 7i;iks vs. .Prince Rhixt 1,1 Ibipl Parlor. IfWAih of Knglan.l Rupert lllllinrd Pni 12 St. Andrew's vs. I-1 1 -U "rtroUo vs. (irenl W o VT crnn's. St." "" f 1 f 17 Andrew's vs. "!ahd. tO Klks v Groltrt. 2lOreat War Velrrans ' 'f Prince Rupert Hilllar.1 PRINCE RUPERT TIDC IIIUI, High Monday, March 3. 0:11 11.111. ,0 ft 12:02 p.m, Low 0:03 a.m. 18:33 p.m. Mnu March 4. ? 5 t ii . . 1, . 0:53 n.m. ' " I9-I7 11 111. I Low 6:51 a.m. 19:11 P.m. r.r M Wednesday, March, SfJV IIIdIi 1 :30 nMU F'i V .11. .'I 13:29 tm, 7:33 a.m. t'f 1 n r. 1 n. in. Thursday, March. & ,y llfHli 2:05 n.n-. .Wf' 11:10 p.m.'-" Low 8:12 n.m, jJJ ' 20 7 P"1' 5