Monday, Mnrcli 3, 1024, LOOK AT THIS Extraordinary Offer M Console ModcM II V l-rom JU5.01 up v. Cow Bav. UiHMMsaasi A Genuine Victor Vlctrola No. 210, Villi 10 doublc-sided r'rord 20 selections , 200 Hfst Hrjlifli steel needles, one record brush, one record alliuii. THE COMPLETE OUTFIT $159.50, delivered to your door. Only Kl.-,.oo ami 1 5.000 per mouth (ill paid Tor. Nothing gained liy delay. Only one life lo live SO ll'l II- tt'l II few Of (111! good thing Itcioic il iv loo lali; lo enjoy (hem. Telephone jour on Iff loilay. VACUUM Bottles Useful Every Day in the Year Price 75 cents ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggist. SMOKED FISU Uf AT ITS REST A M There are Jutt Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. Tlit'o Holes art' 1 - Buy ''Rupert'Brand." IIiimi t Hiand i always ne- liu'tod lo Ilic sloi"s in clean new boxes dearly Mainped "llupcrt llraml." 2 Wrap in rooking paper. k in moderate over for Jio lo ;ln in iiiuU". rcinow paper ami serve at once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod end Kippered Salmon. Al all I V h ami MarkfK and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT BONDS Are the Best Investment We reroiiiineinl llic following as being safe, saleable ami of fair return : City of Vernon 5 due I rail .liijie, lt:. l :.(.. Yield 5.70'f City of Duncan iff due I Slli May, UM, ol $10 ..31). Yiold G.70 City of Prlnco Rupert due IHW In lOaO. nl I0I.:M. Yield 5.00 .Orders may le wired nt our expense, inleresl accrued In dale Of payment must li" added. Vc pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING Wi! Iiave Hardwood, Kir mid Cedar "il Lumber. If yufvare lirl of Ivalsomiiic and Paper, try Fir Veneer Panelling. If you ure thinking or huildiiig ii'ie. we Imyo any lumber you require, iiImi Hash, Doors, Olass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Phono 3S3. THE DAILY NEWS PAOB TORE!. a-. Local and Personal U.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. . Hayuers. Undertakers. Pboii 351. tf Spring Millinery opening al Mis. k. Irizzell's, Friday ami Saturday, March 7 and 8. -- Tiouatid totu famous Nanai-mo Wellington Coal arrived. Try a toil. Albert and McCalfcry. tf Dick Jlndnsoii, Ineal agent for S. S. Magoflln & Co., lufl on Salniday night's train for F.dmun-Ion. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and. all useful articles Prlnco ifuport txchango. Phone G52. if iroi-e .McAfee, manager o tin1 llitr Hay sawmill, arrived n I In- my from GeurgVtown ycslcr day afliTlloou, l'.. McCarthy, chnrucd with in i"vii'iili'u In 1 Hie iity police 'iii-I litis uinming, was remand ed until tomorrow. ... I'lii' steamer Prince Albert I'iiicil frmii Vancouver lasi Wednesday Willi 12.000 rases Ol win "key for Mexico. - Waller (lull- nf I In rily has llni'ii elected a vice-president of I In- Prov incial Iti'il Cross Society f llrtlish' Columbia for tin- year l'J2. Miss II. Jiiinoiiii. wild liu-licen on a trip south for I In past two mouths, returned t Ilie cily otf llic Cardctta last niwht. r- W. 1'. Minim, manaycr of Hal moral cannery, arm i d rnun Vancouver on iln- ".ardena lai night "ii lit way up t,. (hp Skeena river. Union simmer f "a !) n a I '.apt. A. 11. Di. -knon, aiiilili.uii Tr"in Vjiiieover to Any...! and Mtcf Arm, vva- in pmi !i,.in 8.15 In I I o'clock I a-1 iukM . I. II. PilNiiory. muii.iKer oi 'in- I'minilian A.itiouul dry dork. iviiit-'ii'il from Varic ni i on Hip i l ii I i a hwl niirlii. Mr. Pills 'tt xpccl to inak.' another Imp lo Vancouver tins week. M. .1. McNeil, al Terrace fur MIHIltll.0 I'llgageil Sliocklcy's liriiljti who Ii.k ben the al few on llnn.'ii A contract, re turned l die city al Hie end of Hie wwk and is ri'KiftU'rt'd at Hie Hotel Central. I lie fire depart inonl , M'Mpond- td lo only Iwo alarui.o diirin tlir nmniii oi 1'i'ia-uary. line was a iitioki care and lli oilier an aiiioiuuiHji' ure. i here was no lox and $tMnni worth of proper. ly wa. invulved. Ihe l.anadiun Scottish will -ail tomorrow iiiyrnin? for Van couver. it i now pxpH'ttd. 'l'liore i !ill aliotit 20.0t)(l reel of hali a lumber to lie loaded. I'-api. Drown, Cii.M.M. pilot, ar-nviil iroin Viiiicoiiver last niglil i" lake 'the Srotlii south. ANNOUNCEMENTS i:tk' Annual Hall, Tuesday, Mm rh 1. Invitations only. ... Spend an eveniiiK in llic Tall Tiniliers al llic Melliodisl Church Thursday, March 0. - Hoyal I'tirplu llasler Itataar and Sale of lloiue. (Jookliig, Apcil 8. I Hill CO Chapter, I.O.D.K. Aina-leur Tliealrieals, April 1 1. KIks' Minslri'l Trouoo. First show May I. J I WINNERS fS HI Crortr J. Carpenter. II II Care S:t"r H (r ft 111 I I irS ff Co. VValirr.UCb' ' ' If U niMii.5.. Pi II 'i- Colt. Out. laid mvSNKi W inniprt, Man. 10.WI l'''jf?3 Arth.r Galrr. K-il&rjftr! 20.", t'harlloo Arr. V WUS i Jill v t ILuailton, Ont. 10.UI W&M W ' II. ILWarm. iJaL MTyT alar Alia. lu.() hMPCSTv u Jali McDoucall. t 'KeV I'. Ctmnd l'nlrl lloltl, St. Thomaa. Ont. 10.UI A fHUMVyJ. Kj.vjuoiicI. .Uta. 1H.HH H Tl .'cUaruafont, 10.OU JS.' v-vrzrz: playground night .0 UJS, ls BEING ARRANGED open at 7.30 p.m. .loe .lark relunnil lo Ihe city on Salurifay uiplit's train from TeriHce vvliGvo lie has lieen employ, -il rtn Ihe Imildin? of tlio new Terrace bridge. . Ilolfe Walker,' who has been Another STROLLERS THE CIGARETTE WITH THfe ORIGINAL. FLAVOR Special Features to be Offered With Basketball Games Fl- day In Connection With ' Gyro Campaign i In ronneoUon with Ihe tiyro; Quh's campaign for playground j fund-', some special features arej lo bo offered in connection wilhi enxMfred on work in connection jlhe regular league liaketball wlHi Ihe eonslrucllon of Ihe nevvcanies in the KIks' Home on Fri-Terraco brid?e, 'relumed lo Ihe day ntehl. They will include n city Nilurday night. 4ineilienie ball game belween Ihe -!- tiyros ami Itolariaus and several Mrs. A. V. Fisher of the Savoy oilier attractions now liein ar-llolel loft on Saturday niglif ranifed ami vvhich will be an-Iraln for Mlnnesapolis, where slm nounecd in a day or so. In view has bcun called on awoutil of of H'C merits of the cause, a good Ihe illness of relatives. M' crowd is being looked forward - to and Hie program, will be worth The ladies of the Catholic Uo'ir ntlemluuce. ..hurch will Imld a iire-I.enlen i'ii and Sale tf llmne tiookius: at Ihe lioine ot-Mrs. Henninrf. in Tuesday, Miitrh i, from a to (i p.m. " - The contract for llic subslrue- lure of Hie bridge across Ihe Skuena Itiver at'rerrari having been completed, I). II. Shoekley and his men reformed lo (lie city Sal iii-Hay afternoon. 11. II. McMillan of Vancouver. who has been largely responsible for Ihe inslluillou of lumber shippiuir from this district lo Japan through Prliiec Huperl. is ailing from -ancouer this mouth on a business trip (o the Orient. .'' I'n Ion freighter Chilliwaek, Capl. C. 11. JMiiflh, was in port from 0 o'clock Jast night till 3 o'clock this morning, The vessel discharged freight at (ho (irand Trunk and'Cold Slorago dorks and shilKironi hero for tin- north. The Anller ljel nrc making prepiiialions for" ail enjoyable evening al llipjr"' .Novelty Dance, Tuesday night;'4 The reading room will be pj-ovided with card tables 'for Ihefivguosla who do not dance. If you .have no in-viialuui. seo Art F.asson. ti- tie f. r the Daily Kewb. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. MKillV ISLAM). Cloudy, calm, harouiHcr, 30.05; temperature p.; Muoolh; II p.m. sleamer C.ardeiia out northbound. OILMl Til KM POINT. Cloudy, calm; baromelcr, 3SI.70; li-nipcr-alure, JI; sea siuoolh. 11UI.I. IIAHUOIt. Ovei-cast, calm; barometer, Slt.'Ki; Icmper- aiure. 10; sea smoolh: 7.13 p.m. spoke steamer Prince John abeam Slorm Island southbound. Noon lUlillV ISLAND. Clear, calm; baromelcr, 30.11; temperature, 15: sea smooth. HIT.!, UAH1IOH. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 2,2; temper-alure. 18; light swell. DtlAI) Tlll-'F. l'OINT. Clear, calm; barometer, 211.83; temperature 18; sea siuoolh. BILLIARD LINE.UPS Teams will line up as follows in Hit' liilliard tournament 'tonight belween Ihe Great War Veterans' Association and the Sons of England:' Sgl. Jebson vs. Q. 1. Tinker, 8 p.m. al the Prince llupcrt Pool Uooni. Col. Me.Mordio vs. II. 11. Shock, ley, 1 1 p.m. al die Prince llupcrt Poo) lloom. J. Wnlsh vs. H. llowo, 7 p.m. at the fl.W.V.A. Uooius. l. Jly .-. J. ll'. vve y y r al CONTEST IN CASH vVtf v - PRIZES Its easy to win If you watch or Me clues DIVISION OF PRIZE PRIZES MONEY 1100.00 Cash Pmc for the first correctly filled heet received. $00.00 Cah Prize for lioth the second and third correct theett received. J 10.00 Cash Prize for each of the succeeding ten correct sheets received. CONTEST OPENS TO-DAY TUNE in and listen to this real money program. Each STROLLERS Movie Insert has a.value it may be just the picture you need to win the $100.00. Get as many as you can. The "Clues" will suggest the ones you require to win your cleverness will do the rest. Be a , "receiving station" for a big prize. Get ready to solve the "Contest Sheet" which will appear in this paper April 21st "Clue Pictures" Point the Way Contest Starts Today Watch This Newspaper Clues Every Week in the Strollers Ads THE TOBACCO HODCCTS COirORATION Of Caxaoa, limited HAMILTON, ONT, m i i ' 1 1 1 i n SC-1T DAILY SALE BULLETIN, No. 1 When you get lo feeling lonesome And the days are kind of blue llrighteu up villi LLNO And with CONCiOLKl'M loo. During our Flirnitiire b'alc, March 1-15. wc will give FREE! FREE! With Every $25 Order for Linoleum. One 0 Cedar Mop and 4 ounce Bottle of Polish We will also lay your Linoleum Free of Charge BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS 3rd Avenue. Bath Room Fittings Towel liars, Soap Dishes, Tumblers and Tumbler' Holders. Soap and Sponge Holders, Tooth llrush Holders, Hooks for the Hall) Holie, Hot Wnlcr Uolllu and Shaving Sirup, Whisk and Hrush Holders, clc. Kvcry piece guaranteed, now un display in our window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3. P.O. Box 1646. Ihe G.W.V.A. rooms. F. Pyle vs. Dr. West, 'J p.m. at the G.W.V.A. rooms. BRIDGE PARTY Hill 60 Chapter I.O.D.E. Enter tains For Children's Ward Fund Hill Co Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the r.nipire, enter tained on Saturday afternoon at eight tables of bridge, the proceeds being for tins hospital children's ward fund. Mrs. A. F.. Acland, 113. Fifth Avenue West, kindly lent her home for Ihe occasion. I'rjxe winners wero Mrs. L Y U 'ifman and Mi Mm r COAL The Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON Lump and Egg Size. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Go. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central.