Wit mi Yen Want A TAXI is a hurry Phone :-i-f QQ Beet Cars and Beit lervfce In thi City. Rates Reasonable VOL. XIV., NO, 53. ABOLISH HEAD MOSLEM WORLD month the revenue totalled fsl!l, i.'i" as i'niir:iari'd with IIUI ".MHi r. l ebriiary 1 1 3 This repre. srnU an increase of sl3.lilll.3l. Mrs p. Ilokaskl of llruno. Alia., who was on her vvny lo the hospital when the slork arrived. She is doing well. FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL IS DEAD Charles Wilson or Vancouver Was Membor of Sir Richard Mc-Brlde's Cabinet YANCOI VKIL Mar. a. .Charles '4 ; .-.,... ""in,.. .If.. ' shows thai hi main hope if lu People's Party Behind Movement a,n ,. a ,ne f affairs In to Eipel Caliph From Turkey . BILL BEFORE ASSEMBLY CHNSTANTINOPLK. Marrn 3 Angora advices say it iiw'clingjot Was Collected Compared With $19,612,69 Same Month Last Year I, 'ifiil ''ulnm and excle re- nue durina Ihe monlh of Feb- Kurope ns lu induce (he United Slates In co-operate in Ihe re- i-onlrurlioo of I'.u rope. Repudiates Anneiatlon In hi reply Premier Poincalo repudialcn any design lo annex a particle of Herman territory and Ho- iM.hl-' parly on Sunday aMCoticcrntn llrmsh suspicions ol .r.,W nimi8nWi?7ilinflli1r1rneh mnlVrt.rvMnJr mllllary uvposiln.iv of the P-alipli ond the nistanee to the lillle ciitntr he abolition of the Caliphate. ijrlarcs llial Hie i rcr.cn uims are The hill before Hie National An- ab.olulry vraccful ami he only rnmlv omvides fur Mie abnli- desire that Kngland co-opcralo yum of Hie religious heail or the with Ihe came group ur countries M stem world and the external for Ihe purpoe or maintaining . .ol.ion i.r all members of Ihe Ihe peace or Kurope. UHph's. family willun leu days. I Mr. Maedonabl In hN letter , ays II is widely fell in Kngland nmncn IWfDC IQE "'u' l'r""co i" endeavoring lo UEUUlU lntrALrtOL lrrralc n situation which gains for PlIQTftMS RFVFNIIF 'l rl--I to venire hy Ibe1 ILLnULjn)im it.j(n, ,.,. . nii.u- ln'l.l i liuil 11,14 imlirv eali Durlnjj February 1924, $33,532 (y j,,,,,,,,),. lmr,.riainly and danger of war ami finally will de- si roy vhalcer lemporary sreur-ily France may gain. "Thin, it ban none that Ihe people of lhi roun-try regard with anxlcly what up. t.enrw In lliem-lii he I lie ilelermin. ary u decidedly hisber than r yruiin, rj (icrm'any Uiv aiiie monlh lal year ai-coni- nll 4(1,uit. . continent with-ik lo relurn NmioiI Ibii moriu't,U ronlieralUin or our renon-ln by Jnrvi II. MVLcimI. eolleelor Mr uPrt. nl n,e nil hit con-of riiitlnrnV Duimif Ibe pantj ,...,. .. i:ilr,.ean ellle- i menl. They feel apprebenslou of Ihe large military ami aerial establishment maintained in France cs shown by your govern ment in military orgnniialiou of I WlN WFRF RflRN (IN new slales in Central F.urope "O'U llUllli ......... II .1 ...I... Il.... ll ioaii lliey iiicsiioii n...-. ,,.., irniui tIPin NATIONAL TRAIN NEAR activities should he financed hy EDMONTON THIS MORNC; WhTtUVriilS taxpayer has lir find upward of I.ll.MONTON, Mar. 3. Twin 30.000,000 yearly as iulerest on vvero born on Numlier 2 train of.loans and also large sums lo pay Ihe Canadian National Con-Jim Iulerest on the debt or Franco linenlnl Limited this morning lo us lo meel which France ns yet shortly before Ihe arrival here lo.has neither made or propounded apparently any sacrifice eijuiva lent lo their own." Security Against War Mr. Maedonabl says that France is thinking only of security against (ermniiy. llrilain desires security against war, The in teresls of Ihe two countries are really Identical. Huth countries desire reparations hut Ihe ltrilish people ardently desire repnra thins of ruined markets, purchas log power, shipping, foreign trade, currency employment. If .France and Kngland can hut Wilson K.C.. barrister, died hi'i'cjumee, Ihe co-operation of other "it Miiunlay at the age or h.i. nV European countries is assured ume io iiriiisli Coitimiitn in mn- I'oni l.uglaiid and in ltnu was 'I'poiiiled allorney general In the fablncl or Sir lllchard Mnllrlde. WORLD RECORD SKATER CliniSTTANIA. Mar. .1. Oscar Malhleson, professional liUlliniHWIIHI rni' skaler, i BIRTH A sou was horn at Ihe Prince Hupcrt lleueral Hospital on March H, lo Mr. And Mrs. (Hen A. McMillan. W alJron Apart nients. s. Workman, resident engineer Hlahllshed n worlds record In i for H'O provlne al . government . on 1.000 melcrs of I tnlnule, 31 35 Ihe Terrace riu, v " u . n fit finds. . 1 'u 3 6 c ty ,asl PRINCE MATSUKATA RETURNED TO LIFE TOKIO. Mar. .'. Prinee Malxukala, wlio-c ilealli wiik nnniiiini-il Sal unlay. in ulive am) ba a chance or recovery. He wax pronounced de.ad nfler hi heart and respiration xluppeil. Sh'irlly llieic-afler he came slowly hack lo life. Meantime Hie Japanese newspapers carrie, Ihe nlory of hit dealli ami len(by obiluaries. PIUNCE HUPF.IIT, B.C., MONDAY, MAHUII a, 11)21. ee e e6ie'tt't'' LABOR SPEAKER SAYS j ANOTHER ELECTION IS ! . LIKELY BRITAIN SOON HI.ASnOW. Manli :i. Neili MrLenii. a Labor mi'iuher or par-; llaiiienl. speaking at a labor de- molislrnlioli. cotinselleil his audi ence lo esperl n general election lale in tin summer. He expressed a doiihl it Ibe present govern ment would lasl through Ihe until inn. ANNERY DEALS HAVE BEEN MADE Northern B.C. Fisheries Sells Namu Plantnd Loases Those at Bella Coo I a and Port Essington sieiei-nl ileitis tor I he leae or ale of canneries in Ibis ilislriel huvii been made during llie win- rtr ami others arn pending. l lie Namu cannery of llie Nor thern H.C. Fisheries has been purchased by Cosse-Millerd Lti. It Is a two-line plant and a uood- sied sawmill and box factory is included in Ibe deal. I he Talheo cannery of llie Nor thern H.C. Fisheries ' at Helta Coola has been leased hy C M. Draney Tor Ibe season. The Northern 1M1. Fisheries have leased Iheir cannery nl Port Ivssinglou lo Hie Aiiglo-Pril- h Columbia Packing Co. fur the season. GIBRALTAR BOAT TO BE OBTAINED Vancouver Report Says C.N.R. Has Found Boat ror Q.C.I. Run In Old Country Final negotiations for the pur chase or charier or a steamer nl OihrnUnr lo he used by the (Jan uiIIhii National Hallways in the Queen Charlotte Islands service are now under way according to Vancouver reports. The vessel was found hy Captrf I). Donald, muster or llie sieamer rrince llupert. who was senl lo llio Old fiounlry by llie company for this purpose. WALES DEFEATS ENGLAND III.ACKHUHN, Mar. 3. Wales defeated Kngland in Ihe International noccer game played hero at llio week end by two goals lo Ui'.C up the first suecesi-j FOLLOWING ful experiment in remote broadcast from Winnipeg made about ten days ago, Sir Henry W. Thornton, chairman and president of the Canadian National Railways, appears above talk inc. a few evenings eo, br lone distance telephone from hia room in the Fort Garry Hotel, NO ELECTION UNTIL AUGUST ; List of Voters Which Closed Re- ccntly ror Beer Plebiscite Only VICTOlllA, March it. Premier Oliver declared today thai Hie (tnverninenl . was not coiilein- plating-an appeal lo llie -elector- j ate in Ibe immediate fill me and, llial I here would be no election on Hie basis ,f Hie special April revision or the voters' fist. He explained I bat the idea ol (be April .revision wus lo have an up to dale list in case it should be derided to have a beer plcbis-eile in Hie early summer. The probability is that there will In no election until al least! August or early in September. ISAAC SWALWELL DIED IN GENERAL HOSPITAL Was Well Known as Cook on Flshlnq Boats and In Logging Camps Isaac Swalwell, aged ' and a native of Kngland, died last night in Hie Prince lluper! (ieneral Hospital atter a brief illness which caused his admit' lance to Ihe hospital last Friday Deceased had been a tishing lioal cook up (ill ten mouths ago. Since Hint lime lie hu! been cooking in logging enmps aljcargo Alice Ami and on Ihe Oueenionce Charlotte Islands. lie was a single man and is survived by a brother residing in Middlesboro, Kngland. He was on active service during the Ureal War and was a member of llie (5.W.V.A. as well as Ihe Moose Lodge. KING GEORGE HAS COLD AND CONFINED BUCKINGHAM PALACE LONDON, March 3. - King (leorge is confined to Hueklng-hani palace suffering from n cold. On llie adyico of his phy PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Saturday' Circulation 1811 ployees throughout Western Canada via Caleary radio station CFCN. It is Sir Henry's intention, as soon as the company, hasv conoleted its string of radio stations frorri coast to coast, to use this medium as often as possible to establish a personal rontact with those he terms his "fellow employees" of the'Cansdian National system., ' PRIZE IS OFFERED FOR BEST EDITORIAL HIGH SCHOOL PUPIL A teller has been received rrom Hon. T. I. Pat-l nl lo, minister of lauds, saying lie was much interested in llie High School edition or the Daily News, and would like lo follow it up hy offering a prize or ten dollars ror Ibe best editorial written by High School pupils mi any subject, the editorial to tie written by the pupil without aid rrom anyone. ANOTHER STEAMER i FOR ALASKAN TRADE Capt. Hofstead to Place 450 Ton Craft In Service and Is Being Loaded at Seattle lieorge ,C. Hurford brought word back, says life Juneau Kin- pire. Hut ("apt. Ilofslead. a former local navigation man, is about lo place a small boat in service helvvt'cit Juneau, Kelclii kan and Seattle, .Hofstead ,he said, has purchased a ISO ton Ion vessel, equiped with diesel motors, witli accommodation ror 21 cabin passengers ror the run. It is now being loaded at Seat He principally with Ketchikan :i ml will start north al The vessel will make he I ween t- and 13 kno.ls per hour If llie vessel proves to be a paying venture Hofstead Inbl Hurford he had a second and larger boat ii sight to add lo the sev-viee. 0 Ulcers of Ihe Seattle steam ship companies told Hurford that to Strt Stl our evidence in the second slagc of our inquiry. However, until we have been advised of what ac we have no comment to make. DECLARES INQUIRY. JJ4GEDY FOR B,G weekly paper: "What :a tragedy t hia -like a grub boring into a Tal cheese gathered al Ihe provincial eapilul lo ply Iheir kill. The hotel lobbies rilled with eminent K.C.'s, with red hags over their shoulders and bluo ruin in their, hearts; sifting buried garbage dumps in the vain ' quest tor some loken of , corruption; snatching al uniu- The Latest In Restaurant. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Deal of Food flood Service. Private Boxe4for Parly Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. MACDOMLD "HI,. TALKS PLAINLY TO POINCARE THIRD PARTY COMPLAINS CANNOT GET EVIDENCE BEFORE COMMISSION Open Diplomacy Policy Begins Between Britain and France Macdonali Speaks Mind Plainly LONDON, MhitIi a. Premier J. Ilnnisuy Mai-donald, in desire In crcnle H rtivorablc almoM'lierc for llic initiation uf tic- gotialioiis wliirh lit' hunvn may result from Ihe commltlce of w-j peril hi Pari ha, liuil a fnrlher exchange of Idlers with Premier1 Poineure, UK! lexl of which has been issued irom the lurcign offices Ixilli Item ami in Paris The correspondence i nolcworlhy on Premier .Macdonnld' side fur extreme rrnnkness in sluling the llrilih viewjioint 'ami tils own opinions on the French policy since Ihe war. Not before ha (lie MrilUh suspicion or iFretich aclion been so candidly plated. The fact that Pofncarc , takes iro umbrage at Hie frank-ne N considered a favorable Mgll. Premier Miirdnujld attain CANADIAN NATIONAL PRESIDENT TALKS TO WESTERN EMPLOYEES Provincial Party Preparing to Back Down from Inquiry by Charging Scope too Narrow VANCOUVKII, .March a. The Provincial Parly loday for-? mally reipieted thai the Licnt.-(!ovcrnor in Council instruct Mr. Justice (ialliher, the commissioner examining the P-O.K. railway charges, to go outside his eommissiou in order lo permit evidence lo b adduced, which lliey allege will support their rharges. The counsel of the Provincial Parly partially withdrew 'rotii the probe last week, contending that the instructions to (he conv-niisiouer were much too liarrow to coyer all the charges made. fieneral A, I). Mcllae subl the first s part or the in.uiry was airtight D A DI I A MC MT TC insofar as pennilting ns lo brin rMUAlllLPI I Ij out any evidence relative to the; cliarj-'es in our petition regarding! A"1 AIM AtTWIJt Hie conlribulion lo campaign riVlllil lvllYJu funds, and after careful perusal I of the wordinsr of the docinnnnl: laulhorizlnL' llie commission, it is Gets Down to Business This Af- "very iloubliul if we would liae I any more chance uf bringing in ternoon with Opening of Debate on Address OTTAWA, March 3. The liouse or Commons gels down lo tiou is taken on Hie memorial sent business today with the opening lo Ihe acting lieutenant-governor,; debate on Hie address. The length or the debate is-unsettled but it (s expectcd'lo run into the next week. Foreshadowing or tariff re,-ductloit contained in the speech from;, ibe. .M'SHi'P. arouse considerable discussion Money and Energy Being Spent am, ,icrc nre a number or other on Trying to Burrow Way questions Including banking and to Power When Work icredil ami labor conditions in Needed to be Done Cape 11 re I on that arc likely to 'he brought up in the course of Says "The Hook," Vancouver's 'the debate, to behold! The cream f, ",0THREE LOSE LIVES lUll'llslu lUlt.'lll IMIU?.II IIIUIII , formed street corner and poot- .,mj Wa!f on!a?Pj , ,nar. room goss,p; miming uie mi.i-iri(,f osl Cjr ,ives ,, ,.,cir night oil as they cudgel their ,,,,, was )lpjit,.liyp, by a Hro lilgh-priced legal brains to think' r (iirl)1Ix. :t3 ...ii-j, rrom ie,e. or some line or peurile queslion- WiIliiim Lllluli 1C young womaiiV nig. in me nope inai me puonc ra,lcr ,.srul,ri wU, l)Urns vMct confidence may be undermined Illuy yct resuU in j,is ,ioali,. ami uieir iiienis, imrir menu and llieinselvi's enabled lo bur row Iheir way to power. While all Hie lime the real) P.N.K. question is how lo fill! Halibut arrivals al the Kxchange this morning they will handle more tourists 8.5c and 8c, and Viola, (tils season than ever before. Alljpounds, at .l8.So.uml 8c, lo the Hie early season bookings huvo'Canudiau Fish & Cold Storage been .exhausted. It is indicated Co. that Hie season will extend well Muirneag, 8.000 pounds, at into September. llio deinnnd ,18.3c and 8c, lo llio Ainu rlslt- for round trip reservations with stopover priylleges was said to be unprecedented many of .those writing for accommodations ex- siclans ho has cancelled various pressed a desire lo slop on at Important engagements made for. various Alaskim points at joust the present 'V'ook. 'a -c !. ucl longer if possible eries. American Oeuevieve, 5,000 pounds, al 10.7c and 8c, to the Atlln ubsnnbe for Ibe Daily News. FIRE AT WINNIPEG Mrs. William Lund, Her Daughter and Girl's Fiancee Were Victims WI.NNIPF.fi, ' March 1 Mrs. William Luud, her twenty year old daughter Mary Jane and Donald McKeiule, lo whom Miss GETS 18 MONTHS TORGERY CHARGE up llie great aching plams or Hit? 1 - Cariboo and the Chilcotiu; how Ernest Sieverdln Pleaded Guilty to colonize our great inland Km- Before Before Judge Judge Young Young In pire, garner in the fruits of its limber and mineral wealth, create I radio and freight tor our railroad and bring confidence, peace, prosperity and content County Court This Morning Pleading guilty to a charge or rorgery hy raising a check, Kdwin ment to the people of this pro- 'lm.. Sieverdln ii was ...... sentenced i i i.. lo eight 4 vince. And we must pay lor the en qulry they have forced. HALIBUT ARRIVALS ecu months al Okalla by Judge F. Mcll. Young in the County Court tliis morning. Accused's only excuse was that he was under the influence of liquor". AW K. Fisher prosecuted ami L. W". Patmore Fish appeared jm behalf of Sieverdiu. were' very light, four boals marketing fQUR AIRMEN WERE OIIIJ ll.l'UU pOUIIUS, IIIITU U.1IUI-, dians with t'-'.OOO pounds one American with 5,000. Arrivals and sales: Canadian Klhel June,' 1,500 pounds, KILLED IN ENGLAND LONDON, MaiTh 3. Four airmen were killed and three. ul. others injured in two crashes at ,auuiiie airuromes at liuuoru anu Higgin Hill. In llio former, Iwo planes collided while (he other got oul of control and fell. OLD COUNTRY RUGBY Killing Universlly 23, College Hospital 0. l.ansbury 13, Twickenham 0. Cut ford llridge 0, Sidcup 0. Waspa 20, Strcalhum 0. Sale 30, llrougliton Park 0. Mclrosi 3, Hcrivliuxiij 6.