Is vour time worth 250 an hour? Sit If It It, tbt pries you rt paylof In dln your own Uundry U itrint For oar Wt Wh ttrrlct will ukt til Iblt worry nd oik oat o( tbt bout tr.J rttarn yotiJTtmily bandit y clttn, rttdy to tttrcb r.J Iron or btn on lb Un. Jatt pbon our rtpitttnttiKt will ctll Wet Wash gt; abound Minimum Charge, 75c. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. jPhone 8. njnf Geo.Papadopulis New and Secondhand Furniture Store We lniy toll and exchange mid of imw. nnd sccond-:d KnihU. ANo wc loan money on any lc A rr-periable place whifh (o (rniwail your alp IntH(iirjft 839 Third Avenue. Phone (46. P.O. Box 92 Spring Coats lu I.atr-,1 Styles and Material Juil arrived from Hie I nl Low Prices Call In and See Them. BENT'S MISSION BOAT ! DRIVEN ASHORE AND IS BURNED'? 'Deck of Oasboat Lois Lifted Explosion and Rev. Q. J. ! Beck Burned on the night of February 20 ! Illofep! -irale or know. I C.urnle "So Hm plale wen! lug Show. I noticed around." ft m by 1 Driven Ashore Tim l.o( had l'cn driven ;tlinre Jiy a large mid heavy ire floi Piirlier on I he same day. IjiIp in Mm evening. Mr. Ilerk look his liinlorn nnd went across lo e if Hip Pont wo in a safe position. II wa lying on il side io Hip Imarli. Hp entered Urn ccl through Hm pilot IliotiftP nnd went direct to Hm engine room. A ho wen I in. he aid. lie Imard a peculiar hissing sound, and in u single instant Hm whole plac-o wa in a ma of flames. He liirtmd to peu and found Hip lrp lo :11m pilol limine lo Im in splinter. '.'.Iduhing oxer Hip gas lank Im made hi way I wlmrp Hm pilot house had hern nnd lo Hm gunwale. On llm land side 'a wall of fire 50 feel ltit.nT hi escape. He finally made hi way ashore ner floating ice. He .wa everely horned about the farp eyebrows and U1ip luirnrd, and Mm rinu of hi eyeglasses partly limited. Xo permanent lajnry, Jm said, wan done (V lrt eye. ' Hi- head, ear ami liand were covered and not horned. The fire, Im said, probably re-tilted from an explosion of ga in llm hilpe. where it Imd drain ed from the broken feed iies. Tim hull cank, hut wn laler raied and Hm encino reenvered. Lots $15,000 The Iom. taid lr. Youny. I all or tiri.nnn. lie did not know, whether or not there wa any in. Miranoc .carried. Insurance, 'in the onl. had been looked afler h llif Hoard of Miion. illrerl-ly. The lo of I he lioal. he aid, i a erliu mailer In llm work of miiou in Hm territory. a the lmal ha been n vilnl factor in eurnini.' it on MirreMfully, It Im pential Hut I n vefiel lie avniialdo. he added, and he with plhers lnlereled will slarl at. once lo replace llm l.ols wllh a miiIiiMo rrafl. "I've nolliing bill llm new vicar, y - when Pnss- !Vlul destruction by fir of Ibo gnboat Loi, owned by Hip lll(-lti-ian Missionary i iliutnl operated In thi district, wa reported from lloouiib lo Hey. S. IIIjiII Young, superintendent of Presbylerian Milons in (he, Territory, ay Hie .luneaii Km-. pirc. Ilev. (ieorge J. Peek. 'fallmr of Cenrge Meek, of Kel-J rhlkan, who had charge of f he J vessel wn painfully nirnri In, ,1110 arc hh'iif. I .Mr. I leek, according lo reports' receded by )r. Young, wa' landing in Hi' engine room! when Hi" accident occurred, Tim force of. Im explosion lifted Urn leek from stem to .nirrii, Mm pllnl house, radio, mal ami steel rigging ami hurled llicin ashore. Tim arrMcril happened GRAIN HANDLING FACILITIES FOR PRINCE RUPERT T. M. Frnspr, xpncial enr-rexpondeiil of Hie Vun. eouvcr I'rovlncp, ul OHa wa, writing to tt I h paper lal week, nay; "A strong eff(rl will be exerted lliix cpskIou liy llm IroKie.irie.s, and by winy of llm Liberal lo exfend llm Kraliuhaudliiifr faeili-lien al I he Pacific ort of Prince llupert. They argue thai it i h Canadian Xa-lioilnl port and nearly 500 miles, nearer llm Orient than Vancomer. "(rain rale out of Prince tupert lo Liverpool are llm nnin a out of Yanronwr. Anolmr aru-inent in favor of thai imrl i. il i no alLCanadiaii iialional jiorl and I hat 4tll tuntiimi.i enl there wiuld iiMil the irovernmeni railwayn. Asain, there would he obviated Hm payment to the O.P.Il. n Vancouver of llm sum of IH n car for hauling Canadian .National car lo llm Vancouver elevnlor, llm government road' not' having aceeiio li tlie.elevalnr." The Man in the Moon SAYS LOCAL knockers will gel greal tat i fact ion from the. fact that the hammer wa in use lmg be fore the horn Wa invented. ' f)XK tiling wiire than u wet day i two wet day. J,KH ay- that ono Ihina wir than u dry town Ik a drier (own. -4 I'KIUIAI'S you have heard about llm perHoti who went in eareli oj a nernnd hand lorn and, on being- told thai it wa one, xniil lm wihed one for her wnlrh. Z XKVKH mind, girl. Jntm will toon l"X Imn and limit you ran cah in on your proponal, LII'M would nol he world liv ins wllhoiit enemies, Jtil as ron.l beef would be Inlcle wilhout xall. . IIHMKIUTY ! make you a fallier and a mother. i the Ihiog wlckeil a !weel a that your your I LIKH Joke and some of Idem walk on two leg. XKXT lo a dollar llm daplel tiling lo keep I a ten dollar bill, ll"n woman i Ured, never in. woman lo tempi nun. rnsui if lie had lived today he might linvo become Inoeulntcd wild Ihe vjrear. tor a Pocktail The GIN you Will ask for again 1 s . , ..! .1 It I .... I ... 11... Tine nAii,v news: YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING YOU LIKE AND NOT HAVE HEARTBURN In ill ! of lietrlbiirii tliere It a rntwlnr ttid turnlnr L,lt 'P Ow ibanfh lienlrr by t iJIM'irlxd tpfx-tll. it lten W much t(nA I liken Inlo Hie iinniirh It It llihl In ferriM-i.l iikI rMm n lniiily, Y'unltliif sir'iir, iml ulitl l Ihrumi up lit Mirly-our tiiil liltur. When you tr In lhl eynditlon you will ririrt Ihtl Mllhurn' jil.lvr I'lIU will live you relief rlfin iwty. Mr. JiHU-bh II. MnIiirfUlil. rhrlntiruM il.lind, write: - "Twu year aim I 4jiiutrerrit all lli Hum from iH-artbiirn. I 'lm. fme U i,t Mllliunr lit l.lvrr II'IIU inl have nevir liei troiililn !.' ft It very nice id Iw abl to ul any. . th!n you like and rot bare Iwarlbiirn any more." Mllburn't laia-Mrer nm are jse a vial at all dealer, nr maltl illwl on re ceipt of prke by T'" T. Mlll.iirp Co. Limited. Toronto, Ont. viniH and been Klrong enough lo willisland the xiijirenm 1et. WHKX ;i young man is thrown on hi own resource Im i aid lo (zol up. rub Ihe'pnrl and make iitiilenanl reniarks. I Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert March 3, 1914. Iliiilding permit fr llm month nf February lolalleU l3-',ri50 in value including llioe for Hm various hlruclure at Hm dry lock. Mayor Xewlon nnd Cily Poli- cilor Pel it are irt llm uulh on cily htitine apd .bl. I. W. Vorri.ev j acting mayor. S. S. Ola of UTe, verliiu? Agency. 'ila addreNis Ihe Hoard of Trade yelcrdny aflernoort on mailer. pertaining lo publicity. TERRACE SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY Officer Chosen al Organization Meetlns with Lester Taft President TKIUIACK. Marcd! 3. -1'he old er pupil of the kilMini?alluni rchool under Ihe guidance of .Mr 'Trillin, have organized a literary society. At Hie organization meeting' (Im oflicer for llm ea son wet'n elecleil and al Iheimxl meeting the ollirer will make speeclm thanking those who ele-tpd them. The' ollicers are: President, l.esler Tafl. Viee-preilcnl. Arthur Van- lerlii. See. Tiea. May ViIsnn, Convenor of entertainumut eoiiimilli'p. lil.iily Kenny. LEAP YEAR BALL AT TERRACE LAST WEEK ull hvr by nkng lo look at her, Ladles Tcok Initiative In Dances loilgtm. TIIK next tiling lo look forward lo I pauoako day. It In. morrow. AOAM fell, wild only cove While Men Served Supper TKMHACK. March 3. Kvery-Ihing wa reversed al Hm Leap year ball given here al the -week end by Hie Xalive Son of Canada. II wa one of llm jolliest dances, of llm season and credit die lo Ihe Indie into Ihe snirit of the occasion r and never let thing drag a moment. l lm men proved im)fU lavish hol when il came to rerresli-inenl. Jack Viper a floor, man-aver wa a elllciept a usual ami' the orchestra excelled itself. BUCKLEY IS MADE GENERAL MANAGER LUMBER CONCERN! Co., Which Controls Buckley Bay Mill, Elects Directors l-'red I.. Maker da !mer cleelM chairman of Hie board of illrec-1 lor of Ihe Lo, .n$ele, Utmlier Product s Co.. wliklt concern i nowdack of I ho operation of llm Miasselt Timhor Co. mill at lliickey May. by taking lis Output to i.o .vngeics inr reinanunii-lure, Karl M. Leaf ha lmen rlecl ed piride.i,il, Ian Murphy, firt eiienl, and J, A. . Jeyno and Frank L. Duckley, vice.pvc! ileitis. Mr. Hurkley will' 'he gen eral manager of ld Lumber Pro duels Co. and i I si subsidiaries. Prosperous advertising means regular aontlnuous advertising GRAHAM ISLAND MAY HAYE NEW CANNERY Recent Reports Have It That Capt. Bablngton May Establish Plant on North Beach According to recent reporl received from Ihe Queen Charlotte 1 Islands, Hie extensions ydauned by ('.apt. II. It. Habinglon in hi activities on lirahanV Island this (year may include the establishment of a new salmon cannery on the mirth beach. Capt. Hahington i al present on Ihe islands lyak- " h ' inir tdaiu for hi operation thi who eniereo - - ., ... ,. ,. Los Angeles. Lumber Products season. Already lie na riant, ami crab canning plant there. TERRACE NOTES L. S. McOill of Smither wa in town on business this Week. Mr. Armstrong of Salmon Ann, arrived in Terrace thi week, lie i thinking of starling a newspaper hero lo lm puhlilmd locally. The Ladies' Ciiilbl of llm Presbyterian. ChurHi met al the home of Mr. Morrison thi week. Mr. T. It, Valli of Horeen spent a week with her molher Mr. V. C. Spark. The Willing Workers have or-ganiied a basketball leant and expect to play every Saturday in the O.W.V.A. Hall. . Mr, fieo. Little .arrived homo on Wednesday from her trip lo Honolulu. Mr. McCubbin of Paclffo, is spemlipg H f'w l .1, Marslt, day wllh Mrs Tim Silver Tea given by the Ladies' Guild ul the home of t 11. jr Y7HY waste time in useless "shopping around" when the advertisements lay before you the choicest wares of every progressive merchant in town? WHY use needless effort in an end-less store-to-store quest when the advertisements enable you to make your choice of the finest merchandise without even leaving your home? WHY pay more, than you ought when you can stretch your dollar to the elastic limit by taking advantage of the bargains and good buys that are daily advertised in this paper? WHY risk dissatisfaction by buying unknown, unbrancled goods when you can assure yourself complete satisfaction by buying an advertised product, backed by the integrity of a man who spends real money to x establish his name and lo build up public good-wdl? Read the Advertisements. Buy Advertised Wares. It is a safe and sound policy Waste Time Shopping Around Phons 109. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist 4 X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to-fl p.m. Open Evenings by Special Appointment. Mr. Illeecker, wa very successful. The tables were, very laintily set and most delicious refreshment served. Mm. K. T. Kenney left for llti- perl on Wednesday. -t The Women' Auxiliary of Ida Anglican Chtn-ch met at the home of Mr. C. H. Oilberl a the guet of Mr, llamhlyn. 4, J. Farr who da been in charge of the cement work on Hie bridge left thi week. The cement work U finished and the sleel work it L understood will he begun soon. Mrs. Howard, publicity agent for the C.X.H. spent from Mon day lill Wednesday in town this week. She considers conditions in Terrace very prosperous a compared wild other small towns she has been visiting. 4 C. A. Mancor left for Prince fieorse Tuesday nighl. Mr. 11. S. Creelman and Mr., J. Haven went down lo Rupert on Tuesday. Mr. Haven returned Tuesday nlgdl accompanied by Mr. Cbas. Itavon. - T. II. McCubbin and C. O. Hell of Paclfio were in town last Sal urda. Subscribe for the Dally New The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Soft Drinks. We have a pleasant back rocm. Come in and make yourself at home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk ,and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. . Phone Black 216, P.O. Box sac. EPSON COAL We can now (Supply our FAMOUS DSONJ COAL lu iiny quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Ci Phone St.