reoe mm t Soles arrived F.figllih Ilrown OXFORDS n'h llm new Crepe Sole a 14 a a mlia uadh English Brogue Oxfords nl 1 1 1 Kit Shoe in llluck ami rnwll. .Hill The Shoeman Nel HI. llcgiH Cafe April louse Values M )! in llroadrlotli, a (I new Silk urea." - r; iim.T han ever Iire ;cw style. IRIS BRASSIERES. VENUS HOSIERY. "DEMERS" n Rni 327. Phnn 57. Wheat a. ! Hread. t:akes. l.1'ne baked w.Mi iveKoses Flour The World's Best. Soil Finish 1 Thrif-T-Service Wet Wash, Three Semlces, one of men win exncity nil your ah day needs. I'hone us for particulars. i & . nnnninn L1 nam 1 1 n II I a 1 1 .iir.niii Laundry Phone 8. lerling Furnace COAL Dllr4 In Bulk, At $10.00 per ton. '' u a rry tupprlor ruroa- " H litre a clean hot fir iw iillrHy trrt from imi. rlinki'm. Blt.1 all.. tl...... ... ..... "'ni plants in iiw city r ww lflfreil III 9rk. At 912.50 per ton. re i Mo ArrnH for llw ranwiu ADYSMITH.WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. lice lluperl Coal Co. nii netti cntrl. hn IS GYRO DINNER DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION TO ROTARIANS rivcc ninrir dei iec roniw Members of Older Club Quests of Younger Men at St. Regis Last Evening INTERESTING TIME 'Value of Closer Co-operation Is Emphasized by Speakers and Work Outlined Prince. ltuM'H'n w service Hub liai the first get together lai nielli when I lie (iyni i:iu( bad llu; Holariaus a their gue! hi llifir regular . iiMiulhly open meeting, ' Tin-re wan a large at. tendance from olli organization ami Jlie affair wax n inot rnthii. hialic one, many expreions if the neceily for clner eo-opera- "itio liclwcen the Iwo roiiiHimiily M-rvit'ti,jtiil befog voiced. I Milton ininzale, president nf Hlii f!yro Chili, wan In Ihe chair jam! beside him were scaled he pn'i.eiil of I li Miliary Club. Ilev. Ir Hugh It. C.ratil. ami the pres-i ilMit ff-. r. W. T. Kergtn. Afier llu- banquet Inhle had been lone full jtilire In, there was a propriirn of. spceche. (nii ami 'iinntiiiily inglng. ' Visitors Welcomed President (ioiialee i. vn. mlalii i- put to icooil ue in Mrinee lluperl. U1TJUJ yUlllV iUililLil inum INDIGESTION OR NO COST In Mm Spring your liver become sluggish ami your bowels Hogged. Tlif result I intestinal poisoning! When warmer wenlher strikes, many suffer frequently with attack of indigestion, heartburn, heart palplla-lion, gas and sour stomach, headaches, roaleil tongue, hail taste, bilinusnesii am such symptom. Cleanse ami lone, your liver anl bowel with Dr. Tharher's IHreHor JoeUreer of Ihe flyro A hill for Ihe i-realion or a skins Cloli eiilarjin) on Ihe oipe nf en- spirial fund in Ihe Feileral IDIand iiiiniiripal Rtivernmenl which hejll provide., also, after all 'lfliiir-il as llii "ue tte nbue nl.iif ni' have lieen liaid and Iii-anlifyinit the elly and nrpetl H'jnjiress asembled. Mial Itolary, and rtyro inlm well 'heroine leader in a movement to till at end. Piy.idrnt Dr. II. It. Oraftl of Hie linlary Club referred lo Hie ex the ir..nimuiity funtl by political! vflrioiis olher Hiinps ihwe a lanmleurs." He predieled I ha I :auihorinl by the bill.: if any the commission yslem , would nwiey remain., it shall be cover. siHin rejdare the prent plan offed Into Ih Alaka fwnd for the mutiiripal jniverntnenl. jbenefil of the Terrilory, ; Beautify City The text of Mm measure fl- i !jro A. It, llollhy spoke briefly Jw: jam! Dire-'.nr J. V. Xlfholls of the j Itolary Club was raited upon. He mdiniied Ihe necessity for Me N enarled by Hie Senate and Hnu f Hepresenlallves of Ihe t'niled States of Atnern in Pribllof Island Fund "That Ihe proceed received from Hie sale of ami f'x skins am) olher product from Ihe I'rilHlof Islands, Alaska, be main objeHs nf notary' endeavor reserved and sel nide a a sperial bovs work, bii.ltie ellilrs and fund in Ihe Treasury lo be known niifi-.uitioiml mioilwill - dealinit;as the 'iTibilof Island Fund' In, imore iiartlcularl.v wilh Hie ll te apirMiriaieii inim time ume lo m menflnne.rtnpie. 'lime by Congress for the ex- (iyro (i. II .Harton f VinniMir!pn,es of the imparuneni ni told of the work Hie Hyro Cliih.lUimmerre in pndecliuir and de-was doiiijr In Hip-Wlnnipec Met- velopinir the fnr-.eal fisheries iropolU ami Ihe sucses llfal had and the ralsimr rtf foxe. includ- 'altendeil the Join! efforts of Ihe.inp Ihe. furnishiiiR of food, fuel. ifour sinice clubs there Ihrouph Water, rlulhin?. and other neces-ibe social service eounril. Tae -rie, of life lo the natives of the day, he said, bad become a nui- I'rlhilof Islands nf Alaska: Iran, aure in Winnipeg and had finally ,porati" of supplies lo and dieen abolished, Ihe soelal service Twin Ihe ilantl: expense ir l oiincil havintr Inken over the rc- tmvel or aitenls and olher enu pnnsiliilily for raisiiifc fund for ployee. and subsislence while nivdy inljliillons. n hj, i-damls: the purchase, . fJyro Viee-reidenl S. K hire, and mainleiiance of ves- iCamtibell conlrlbnled lo the pro- sols: eonslruelioiv of liuildinp: Sctnt w'BRASS" cfVtrntr Brei.Preducttox? SIiowiiKf Toniglit at lliu AVosthoIme 'i ticalro. Nature put stomach ,in condition, tone your lired nerves, brace up your entire syslem ami send purer anil healthier hlooil rnurs. irig through your ve)ns. Notice lite quick difference,. in tin way you look, cat, sleep ami feel. You, loo, will be satisfied,- a other have, or no cost. Dr. Tharbcr's Liver anil Wood Syrup I sold ami recommended hy Orme Ltd., jo Prince llu pert arm ny leaning iruxsMi in every l.ivr and Wood Syrup. Help cily anil town ifrain wilh a voral solo, "If construction ami repair of roads; Winter Comes." Oyro W.:lhe expansion of by-products Vaughan Davie was accompanist plants; construction anil main-of the evening. lenance of cohl storage planls; Vote of Thanks the development, construction A vole of thanks was proposed anil maintenance of adequate ly Past ('resident of Itolary T. II. waterworks plant; and for all Jnliuiiii and wa Mvonded hy etciise necessry lo carry out Thomas MrClymont. It was rar- the provisions of Hie Act entitled riei 'Hlliuiatlfally wilh the n Act In protect the seal fish, slnirintr of "For They Are Jolly cries of Alaska, and for olher (iiMi.i Fellow." and the pivinK of purposes," approvail April 21, iiirei eiieer ror tiie iyro. I lie tain; anil any Palance. or any! welcomed siiunnjt l Hie National Anlhem pari Ihereof, remaininK in that lh- Notary visitors ami outlined, bo'iuzlii Hm' hanquet lo a close. 'briefly the lil.tiiry of the (iyro jiUub showioK how its ideal am jiihjiTts werr largely similar t ,iii of linlary- ividenl-elei V. T. Kerttin "f Ihe Itolary Club replied and 'xpamliNl on (he idea of comtiHi- lllly fenfire. He SllIKe(et Dial STATES MAKES SEALING PLANS fund. not needed for atmve pur-jpoei, shall be covered annually jinlo the Alaska fund crealed by jlhe Act approvail January 2", 11905, Ointtress ' may diret. "Sec. 2. That nothing in this Act hall be rnrwlrued lo prevent Ihe payments to fJreat Itrilain and Julian from the nrni-CpiU nf a1 i.mblnM efforts of rtolary andjt Aside Money Accruing FronVnf seaNkins of any anxmnl due Slaughter at Pribllof Islands ;lhoe pineriimenls from sales of ilheir respective shares of seal- laken al Ihe I'ribilof r for payment from the leavor lliat was offered such ur-jTpeasirry out of lite ret.Hiue ar-froceeds of sale of fur-seal and uatiiiatinn a !vro and Itolary ieruina bi the United Stales fromjfor fox fkins of expense for and iMriiiled to Mie iitvaliMble a- Ihe sealing lndiilo- ,n I" il-ed taking, handling, chrlns. Irans ei llu I they had beme lo nil. by Hi leprlfiieiil of lUimnieree jiorlins. dressing, dyeint: and nw- ominunilies iu which Uiy were lo defray its xiwiis in.handling chininsr ami i.ellinu of such !e-iaililiTCl. ;tle seal herd and raisiri? foxes.!kins. Treasurer Swrt:e Itnrie of Ihejele.. was pafet by Ihe Senate; "See. 3. Thai this VI Itolary 'Hub. after prefacing hi jseveral days aim and i nowjlake effect and bein fopc remarks ill a very InimoriHi vein. iti-all briefly with Hie topi: of awnftinir arlkm, in Ihe House, ac cord ins lo advices received here. ami arier July I. l'J2t. OBJECTS TO MENTION BIG INTERESTS IN shall from ALASKAN TERRITORY Juneau Paper Says There Are Not Any Worth Mention In Country Today The radii-als who are In win eleetions in Alaska by enlerinp Ihe Hepuhtican primary and sweepjn? Ihe Itepublicans off their feet by aulizin? the Indian vote en bloc roiilcm! that they represent Hie people and that un-ainl tliem are the "Hi? In-lcrct" capital lctlers are al-w&ys ueit. Mr. Sulherland ha aid thai Hie movement fur the iliviion of (he Territory was spoiiMired by the "His Inlercsls," and that Mayor (iobllein and the City Council nf Juneau represent Hie "llisr Interests." The fact is that Hie "Hip Interests" in Alaska are nlnm! a scarce a lien's teeth. A well known Ala.kan said not many year asro that he bad never been In a country where then' were so few rich people a then are iu Alaska or so few that are poor. There nre some capilnlisls on Hie Outside wlo are 'interested in ,M.ikii in her mining and fishlnp. Mud of those entriiRCil in the fishinp industry nre broke, however, and doinir business at the mercy of their creditors. They have taken very little part in Alaska politic since Jhe Orr-W'ickershnm conl'csl nf 1910 unles putting up liberally for Ihe maintenance of newspapers which have supported Delegate Sulherland and his political as-siicialen may be called pnrllcipa-liou in politics. The nire conservative element in Aaka is not a "lliu Interest" element nt all. It is composed moly of wave and salary worker, buiness men "small huU nes men," Ihey would call Ihem iu Ihe States and those en-irntu'd in smnll Industries of one sort ami another and Ihe profes. sions . They are, for Hie most pari, the families of the country lhMt who live in II, raise their families here and send them to Ihe local schools and support Ihe churches and olher iiiNtllulion. of civilliution. There linve been five Territorial political campaign since Ihe establishment of Tho Kmpire In litis city, ami In nil of. Ihem the funds for Ilia campaigns agaiiut (be clement icWcsented PROCLAMATION HYNfi OF VI MY L.H. CANADA OKfinC.i: Till: FIFTH, by the firace of Cod, of the IJniled Kinscdom of fireal Hriiain and Ireland, and of the Hritish Dominions Ix-yond the Seas, KINO, Defender of the Failh, Kmperor of India. To all lo whom Jhese, Presents shall oome, or whom Ihe same may in anywise concern. C.riF.KTlNO: A PROCLAMATION V.. L. NFWCOMHK, Deputy Minister of Justice, Canada XVJIKItKAS Ihe protection and perpetuation " of our forests are vital for the continued industrial welfare and national strength ol Canada and to its individual health, comfort and prosperity; And Whereas it is shown by the statistics of Ihe several forest aulhnriiie of the Dominion that the forest resources have suffered enormous-Josses through Ihe occurrence nf forest fires and that the loss through such fires has far exceeded in amount Ihe depletion in timber wealth through legitimate cutting operations; And Whereas Our Dominion is recognized as the main source pf supply of coniferous limber wjlhin Our Kmpire and It is essential thai, if Canada is to retain and develop her position, as an exporter of forest products, the unnecessary losses through forest fires mud be curtailed: And Whereas in many case forest fires have resulted in disastrous loss of life; nd of valuable properly other, than timber weal lb; And Whereas apart from direct loss through the agency of fire, the vitality of Ihe forest is thereby seriously impaired, thus rendering it unduly susceptible lo attack by insect and fungus pests; And Whereas foret fires disturb Ihe equilibrium of stream flow, lower Hie water table, and frequently give rise lo serious erosive effects; And Whereas the great majority of forest fire. are entirely attributable In inexcusable neglect or ignorance, and arc therefore preventable, and the exercise of reaonahle Prudence and proper carefulness on the part of re-ponihle individuals would reduce the timber loe by fire in Canada lo small proportions; Ami Wberea it I desirable that the attention of ihe public tie directed to the extent and underlying causes of the preventable loss of life and properly by fire and to the best and most practicable means for its control and lliat a specific period of the year be set apart and proerly designated for the dissemination of such information; Now Know Ye that We, by and with Ihe advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, have thought fit to appoint and "do appoint the week commencing Sunday, Ihe twenly-sevenlh by Delegate Sulherland. for in stance, were raised through small personal contributions from numerous- residents most of them pioneers of the lerrilnry and practically all of Ihem if. indeed, not all in no wise asso ciated with "Dig Interests." CONTEMPORANEOUS ARTISTS STUDIED Ladles' Musical Club Dealt Yes-terday With Lives of Mendelssohn and Tennyson The Ladies' Musical Club, meeting yesterday nflernoon at Ihe home of Miss, M. A. Way, Fiflli Avenue West, studied Ihe careers of Felix Mendelssohn and Alfred Tennyson, contemporaneous composer and poet, Mr. P. S. Honney read a paper on the life of Mendelssohn and Miss Way one on the life of Tennyson. Mrs. F. P. Kenny played Iwtt piano solos from MemlelssiMin "Variation Opus 82" and "Hondo Caprircisio." Mrs. Honney sang Tennyson's "Crossing the liar" and Mrs. Donald lloss and Mrs. C, Woodworlh, a vocal duel. "Sweel and Low." HEART WAS SO BAD HAD TO SIT UP IN BED Mr. O. E. flllirrriM, IOC Ro SI, St. Thunm. Onu wrlle) "Iu Ui fill or 1991. I wat Ukea III with my heart, but did not pay imirh attenlKsi to II, I kept oil lth my twusehultl duties, but seeiiwtl Iu benuiM! wor im worse, and Dually linl tu call In ilm-tor. lie M 1 wa all ruit duwn and a tiervuii wreck. hd evere pain my rliel wlik-b wuultl mhiv over bi luy. Iiearl and. It be-ram mi bad I muld tint II duwn, a wlH'ii I did I had nidi i unsillierlm leeltiit I would have to ill up In led till II pirwd away. I tried reveral remedies, but with ly lund renult. finally, I wan Induced t try Mllburn' Heart mt .Nerve rills. I took 1 bote, and I am now as well n I wit 30 year ato, and I am now tl year old." Nllburn'a Heart soil Mm rilU sre &0c a box at all drntriM or dedern. or milled dlreet on receipt of rlc by Tb T. Mil. burn Co, tuntled. Toronto, Oat. day of April and ending on Saturday, the third day of My in thi? present year as "Save the Forest Week," during which period the citizen of Our Dominion shall be entreated earnestly to consider Ihe facts hereinbefore set out, to give careful heed to information disseminated by the various forest protective agencies, and In particular lo aet upon the following suggestions;, 1 That settlers and others engaged in the clearing of land should fully observe the fire laws of the Dominion and of the province, which laws have been enacted for their protection, as well as for the preservation of Our timber resources: 2 That at this time of Ihe year, when thous ands are looking forward lo spending their summer vacations in the-woods, all should take cognizance of the fact that Ihe camp-fire, which is one of the mod pleasant. and valuable adjuncts to camp life, may, if neglected, easily result in disaster; and that to prevent repetition of u?h losses as lavj been annually sus-. , laincd from Ibis cause, all persons should familiarize themselves with (he proper , methods of building, using and extinguishing such fires;' 3 That logger, saw-mill operators ami others interested in timlier operations should see that all equipment and appliances designed to prevent Ihe origin or spread of fires shall bt overhauled and placed in a state of thorough repair;' that such persons should review willi cace the fire protection requirements of the legislation under which they operate; and that they should see that all employees working under their direclion are properly instructed as lo the danger of fire. . Of all which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are hereby required lo take nnliee and lo govern themselves accordingly. In Testimony Whereof, We have eaued these Our Letters lo be made Patent and the Oreat Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed Witness Our Right Trusty and Well-belov'ed Julian Hedwortli Oeorge, Baron Hyng of Vimy, General on Ihe Retired List and in the Reserve of Officers of Our Army, Knight Orand Cross of Our Most 'H6n0urable Order of Ihe Bath. Knight Orand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order. of Saint Michael and Saint Oeore, Member of Our Royal. Victorian Order, Opverhnr Oeneral and Commander-in-Chief of; f)fir Dominion of Canada. ' At Our Overnment House, In Our City of Ottawa. Hji twenty-eighth day of February, in Ihe year of Our Lord one thousand miie hundred and twenty-four, and in Ihe fnurT leenlh year of Our fleign. Ry Command, THOMAS MCLVKY, Under-Secretary of Sdale,- PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST PLAN Radio Outfit and Other ValuabU Prizes for Children Under Sixteen Following is the complete plans for Ihe essay competition, announcement of which was made yesterday: 1 The subject of the essay is to be the proclamation designating Ihe week April 27 to May 3 to work off dry battery. (3j One pair telephones? and 'plug. it) A and H batteries. (5) Complete antenna., equipment. , V (6j Necessary iwire . for-connecting up set. i (2 Twentyrfive dollar's in ' cash. i (3) Ten' dollars In cash. Honorable mention Five prizes of five dollars cash apiece. It The essay winning first prize shall be forwarded by the' jnewspaper lo the Acting Diredor m ,i ,v . T r , o . r as "Save Ihe Fnrpst Week," or of the Dominion Forest Service, any point relating to forest fire Department of Hie Interior, Ot-prevrntion, dealt with in surh tawa, who will judge it in com-proclamatinn. (petition wilh other first prize es- 2 The essay not lo exceed snys to be received by him from fivn hundred wonts in length 3 The essay may be written j either in Knglish or French. j I The essay is lo lie in the contestant's own handwriting, and to be written on one side of the paper only. 5 The .contest Is restricted to children under sixteen years of age. C Each essay must be accompanied by a certificate of a 7 Neither the name nor ( any other mark of identification of the contestant shall appear on Hie essay, but each essay must be accompanied by a separate sheet on which is legibly written Ihe conleslant,sa name and address in full, and school, if any, 8 No person shall be eligible to receive more than one prize. nor to enter moro tiiait oue newspaper competition. tf Tlie competition will closi al twelve midnight "u May 3, 192. The Prist 10 The prizes for the com. petition are as follows: (I Radio Sel A receiving outfit to consist of (I ) Regenerative Inner wilh detector and two stage audio frequency amplifier; (2) Complete, set of lubes similar contests all over Canada. Central Competition 12 The Weling Director of Forestry will award the grand prize for the best essay received from all Canada. 13 The grand prize will also be a radio set, as follows: Receiving outfit to consist ofr-r; ll) One tuner, detector and amplifier unit comprising not less, than two stages radio frequency amplification detector, and two stages audio frequency amplification. (2) One pair telephones and Plug. (3) One loud speaker. (1) Necessary A and B bal leries.' (5) Complete antenna equip-, menu (8) Necessary wire for connecting " up set, - 1 1 - The contestant winning the grand prize must return his local first prize in good condition to the newspaper which awardet it. The newspaper will thereupon deliver lo him Ihe grand prize. 15 The local first prize r re turned will be delivered by the newspaper lo Hie contestant winning the seennd prize In lh'Moc,al' ' ' compelillon, . , 1