PAGE" FOUR' THE DAlLt NEW? Monday. .Ujru. . , BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMhn,,, Money " -ill VELLA. I GOT r( lui-rO Hi '-TmT OH' DEAR! OM-OSAR- C" ( DON'T ro SET-DEAR ErA ) Orders THOSE HOT CRO aOTH-. I'LL MA,V TELEPHONt On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Currant Rates of Exchange. ' Make your reservations fof that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Inauranoe and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.O. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day, WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B.'O. Office Hours, 9 t 8. Phone 686. Open Evenlnga Only Far Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Wear Suits ear neatly to ... $18.00 Laundry Office, 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 774. P.O. Box 958 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Tamous Kdson Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 08 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing'. Team or . Motor Service. Coal, Sand and O ravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.O. 1 Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning pe-livcry. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde 8treeL BASEBALL. BOXING LACROSSE REGIMENT WON Shoot Yesterday Was Between Police an.d Soldiers With Latter Victorious Yesterday the Corporation cbal- 'enge cup was won by a team re presenting the First Battalion North British Columbia Regiment at the McNicholi rifle ranges. The highest inuivi.iuai recmii a W4llll,.s,,..v .. Kp.:illw .;.,, l . 1 I K. The Corporation Cup a dial- enge cup put up ny tne city or rince Rupert in 1911, and open o rifle teams in northern B.C., was won in 1911 and 1912 by the Prince Rupert Civilian Rifle As sociation and in 1913 by the Earl Grey Rifles, which was Ihc . last earn to win the cup. Following are the names or me men wno comprised Ibis team and who all saw service at the front, with one exception: Lt. S. P. Mc-Mordie (now, Ll.- Col.), wounded. Scrgt. W. M. Brown (now R.S.M.), wounded. Corp., Averill, wounded. Pic. Holland, killed, Corp. Little, wounded.' Lieut. J. Russell, "'killed.. Corp. W. Matheson, wounded Sgl. J. Jack. HAMMOND CEDARS BALL TEAM BEATS I nlnn.ll " " " ny mspecmr t. '- 1 (ai ,einc. dpoendenl. of cours... of the Royal Canadian Mounted jhn ,,,. I'OIICC Willi me uiriiiiuiJic 51-uiu of 91. '1-1 X . 1 i lie tnuier:, iiucnci? had the highest aggregate score of lit against the team selected from the mounted and provincial police which made 327. The scores were: 1st Batt. N.B.C. RegL Yards 200 500 C00 Ttl. Pte. R. Wilson 29 28 2 4 81 Lieut. II. Floyd 28 27 2580 Regt.Sgt.-Maj. W. M. Brown 30 29 2079 Pie. W. Brass.. 26 29 217(1 Regl. Q-M.S. M...M. LanVh.. 20 27 ,1508 Capt. n. W. Cameron . ... 20. 25 1500 R.C.M. Police and Prov. Police ns. A. l.. Aciami oi an ju yi Con. J. G. Blaney 20 21 1401 Con.R. P. Ponder 18 23 1253 Slnff-Sergt. II. Jebson ... 15 Corp. O. Hall . Slaff-Sergt. 23 17 - 0- R. Warrior .19 9 1351 2239 432 YOUNG LIBERALS VANCOUVER, Aug. 25. Hammond Cedars took I he lead in the semi-final series of the' B.G, baseball championship, defeating the Young Liberals on Saturday by a score of 5 lo 0. Advertise in the Daily News.. Weather Man), .jlocal football! fans will have plenty offered to them this week. This, however,' is about all that is doing in the outside spor.t line. Baseball patrons are awaiting, with a good dcaj of interested anticipation' and speculation, the Fair Week sport program which should be announced very soon and, in the meantime, the Football Associa tion is trying to get its season's program finished up for it is expected that there will be some -soccer features at Fair Time as well. Hen Self, vice-president of the; Pair Board ami chairman of the sporl and attractions com. rniHee,. lias been devoting a lot of time recently lo the sport end of arrangements and it may be depended that he will have a good bill lo offer by the time he gels his plans finally settled .upon. ....... 1;asl Sepl ember Ty Cobb's Tigers won something like eighty per cent of their games and Cobb said early in the season t hat, if he could be near the top by Sep tember, his club would be good for another rush through the home stretch. Now the Tigers arti dangerously near the leading Yankees in the American League It will be interesting lo see if Cobb's prediction is brought to pass for, jf it is, the Tigers will probably wn the pennant givin them that'long lookedfor chance at world championship honors. It would indeed be a fitting close for'tbe eObrgia Peach's long and splendid baseball career. He al so readily announced that this will be- his last year at baseball as a regular. . The Yankees and Washington will eb away from BRIER Villi &f jizj imt-l rii tnvie. i"c. 3-30 SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY HERE AND- EVERYWHERE Sport Chat CHALLENGE CUPj WRESTLING Jlu Jltsu style, Monday, Aug. 25 at 8.30 p.m. Empress Theatre. Nets" Jepson vs. Prof. Takagakl, of Vancouver. 200 .Wilh the Gilhuly Cup semi- l filial', between the Son? of Eng- lanil and Great War Veterans scheduled lo take place this evening and second half games of (he Stuart shield to follow on home the most of September so that may be some advantage for Detroit, but the St. Louis Browns who are also still in the running for the American League pen nant, will be at home most of the month and there is a chance Hint they may enter into tbefinal argument. With Ihc American League teams continuing to run as closely as they have been al! season, it may take the last few games in October to settle things "Come wilh the crowd to Smith ers." Fall Fair Thursday and Friday. X lb. 80 TMf ECONOMY iuy FOOTBALL ENNIS rSWIMMINQ BURNS WAS BEATEN -8 The account of a boxing bout recently at Stewart given elsewhere on (his page will prove particularly interesting to local followers of the fistic art because Harold Blunton, one of the principals, is lo be seen in action in the cily next month in a six round bout with Brick Skinner. Though Blantnn was given the decision, it is apparent that our correspondent was inclined lol Yavor his opponent, Young Dando; Of course, I here may be another side to the story. The Sons of England will field the following team in the Gilhuly Cup semi-final football against the Great War Veterans tonight: Lambie, R Howe", Lambe, liodg-kinson, Klsey, Cameron, George Hill, jr., Munro, Tinker, Dickens and Unles. LEAGUE BASEBALL SATURDAY GAMES National League Brooklyn C, Chicago 5. Boston 2, Pittsburg- 3, New York,;. SI. Louis 8. Philadelphia 2, Cincinnati 3. American League Cleveland 8, Boston C. Detroit 1,. New York 8. St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 4. Chicago 1, Washington 2. SUNDAY GAMES American League-Cleveland 8, St. Louis 1. New York 2, Detroit 7. Washington i, Chicago 1. National League Chieago 2, New York 1. Cincinnati'U-8, Boston 0-2. S. Louis 7-17, Brooklyn 0-0. Tlhara, Jpanese, Won In Exhi bition of Jlu-Jltsu at Port Esslngton Saturday Night Jack Burns, the Spokane wrest ler, was defeated by Tihara, Jap anese, in an exhibition of jui Jitsu al Pori Esflngton on; Sat . 1 x. '1 : V ... i ?i I unlay night. The white man was knocked out. The match was witnessed by a large number of peclalors. CORINTHIANS BEAT CANADIAN ALL-STARS Visiting British Amateur Soccer Players Victors of Jlmmje Adams' Eleven VANCOUVER, Aug. 25 On Sat urday the Corinthians, the lour. ing British amateur football team defealed the all-star Can adians who returned Friday from a lour of Australia. Tbo final result was two goals lo one in favor of the Englishmen. uauy iNews uassinea Ads. j 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leaa tha 80e WANTEB TWO Lady Assistants wanted for Arcade work. Apply Professor Ulell, Empress Theatre between 12 and 2 p.m. WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone G52. LOST LOST. Pair of spectacles. Find-er please phone 1 1. LOST. Ford rim and tire. Finder relurir to (i. M. Arnott, Rupert Table Supply. 201 LOST. Black oyercoal, . silk faced and lined. Finder please return to K. A. Wakefield. Re-war'L 201 1 FOR RENT FOR RENT. Two large apartments down town near Pusl Otlice. Apply Stork's Hardware. If FURNISHED HOUSE for Rent for few months. Modern. Apply P.O. box C09, City. 1$7 FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home ' comforts. if FOR RKNT Four room, modern, heated apartments.. Apply Smith & Mallctt, Ltd. tf MODERN Four Roomed Flat for rent. Westenhaver Bros. AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 130 and Red 442. Keep It Quiet I Your car Is aa old as it sounds GOODYEAR TIRES for Fords from $8.75 to $17.00 Rooalrlng, Vulcanising, Gas and Oil -y Moocrn Wrecking Equipment. KAIEN GARAGE Our Work Speaks for Itself. BLANTON AWARDED DECISION IN BOUT WITH YOUNG DANDO STEWART. Aug. 25. -On August 10 in the Opera House here, an eight round bout was sinned between Young Dando and Harold Blantnn of llyder, Ihc falter typing given the Judges' decision by n narrow margin. The boH were evenly matched and the contest went the full distance. In the third round, Dando had his opponent in dislrees nml. hail he followed up he advntago lie had al thai lime, his opponent would likely have bit Ibe boards. From this round on both boxers mixed things wilh Dando going strong nnd lllarilnn apparently tiring. Dando scored severnl limes with clean, straight lefts lo Ihc f ace while Blantnn' was content lo swing wild wllh mjiny clinches resulting. Dando was pushed In the ropes nnd forced lo cover several limes. Blantnn was given tbo decisfon though thin was not approved by the majority of tho speclalors who would have favored a draw. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Ofllco, 830 Second Aven. Phono '137. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR SALE. Sixteen room rooming house and store; all fur-fished. Full sized basement with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue, tf FOR SALE. Five acres on Law- son Harbor, Lewis Island: wilh dwelling . house, chicken- house ami outhouse nnd large garden; prie very modorate. Apply Box 190 Daily News oOlce. 203 FOR SALIC Ford Runabout Delivery; in good running ordr; $200,00; cash, Also several other good buys in used enrs. S. E. Parker, Ltd. tf FOR SALE Two used Ford en-jgines;suitable for conversion: for marine use. $uft.00 "each. S. E. Parker, Ltd. FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition: $250.00 cash. S. E. Parker, Lid. PLEASURE BOAT FOR SALE 28 feet long, 5 font beam. C. I.. Hcindcl. Cold Storage. tf FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Boats and Engines. - Northern Exchange. tf FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Buy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhnnil Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of the National College - of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith- Block Room 15. Hours: 10 lo 12; 2 to 5; 7 IB 8. Saturday afternoons and' Sundays by appointment. Phone Blue 85. TAXI Taxi 87 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) .Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Empress Hotel. CLARK'S BEANS VWTHPORK,) WS&mfflHr crve them flffjUhmj to-morrow ifV"f wCKlYmlcal Wholesome 1 I am V. CLARK tIMITto, L Mn. avi. J MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesday Mjft jr, uiuses ai 3,45 pm From thb East Mondays, Thursdays and uruuys, i p.m. To Vancouver- Mondays, mail closes at l)i Tuesdays, Mail closes it n Thursdays Saturdays Saturdays C.P.R. Aug ?. From Vancouver Sundays . Mondays . Wednesdays Fridays Fridays C.P.R. Aug 8, C 13. IIP! 41 I0H 3 2? -P.I 3 PI JPl 11 m ti 11.8 a To Anyox, Alice Arm ednesdays J M From Anyox, Alice Arm- Tuesdays . it Thursdays . JJ To Stewart and Prem)! Sundays .. JJH; Fridays ill From Stewart and Pnm- Salurdays J.1 Tuesdays -PI To Port Simpson- Sundays . .1 M Thursdavs t H ft From Port SlmDaon Tuesdnys Sniorilnva To Alaska PoInU Aug. 8, II, 18. h and!!. From Alaska Point Aug 2. C, 13, IC, j trir To MassatL Port CM Bueklev Bav Monday mail closes From Maasatt. Port CIl" Wednesday mail due. i To Skldeaate.- 0. C. Clt Cnlh lalanrf Points Wednesdays, mail closciU .... . . n r II L South Island Points Cn(iiiilniia lllfl il line la. To Naas River Polnti w'"1 Simpson-Thursdays ....... From Naas River Points-Saturdays ..... BOX COLLECT10M p 5 Graham A Allin Aves, Mj 1st Avo.& EigliUi St f in a ' t iiniiii -ni,- will 111U. V 8th Avo. A Thompson st 1 1 Hi Ave. ASherbrnoke- Ave I Hit Ave. A Conrad St filh Ave, A Hays Cove Ave - Glh, Ave. A Hays Cove Circle .... on. A.,., f. fiillnn 9,1. .11! Bib Ave. A McHridcSL .W Pro. Gov. Bblgs. Prov. Gov. Wharf fl.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. A 2nd St 3rd Ave. A Fulton St. 3rd Avo. A Cth St ion . al IS I' 8.W l" l it NOTICE, Advertisers -,vtf. ed that copy ' tht f tisemcnls shoulJ W" Daily 1 rt ill Nows owe , i.. In tomorrow' nniorroff '., i sertion sue. If I 11 i